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Icon-kuugaThis article is about a group of Gurongi in Kamen Rider Kuuga.

The Xu Group (ズ集団, Zu Shūdan) contains lower tier Gurongi. The creatures of Xu group which is not in the list are considered to have been murdered by Daguva, without acquiring the right of the game. The one that are qualified are brought into the game by writing their names on a portable black board and using the beads of their bracelets to mark the number of people they have killed. Their leader is Xu·Zain·Da.


Main article: Xu·Gmun·Ba

Xu·Gmun·Ba (ズ・グムン・バ, Zu Gumun Ba)

  • Statistics:
    • Code name: "Unidentified Lifeform #1" (未確認生命体1号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Ichigō)
    • Tattoo: Spider
  • Voice: Tetsuo Sakaguchi (坂口 哲夫, Sakaguchi Tetsuo)
  • Episodes: 1 & 2
  • Destroyed by: Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick

The first of the Gurongi to appear, Gmun first appeared in south Nagano weaving a web on the 1532 MK Building, overwhelming law enforcement as he attacks them without mercy with his power to spray webbing and create claw extensions on his hands. Crashing into the police station, Gmun slaughters the police officers until Yuusuke puts on the Arcle, being targeted by the Gurongi as he becomes Kuuga in "Growing Form" in a fight that ends with Gmun being knocked out of a helicopter several feet in the air. Surviving the fatal fall, Gmun reappeared to settle the score while aiding Goma. But in the end, Xu was mortally wounded by Kuuga' Mighty Kick, screaming his intent to kill Kuuga as he explodes.


Main article: Xu·Goma·Gu

Xu·Goma·Gu (ズ・ゴオマ・グ, Zu Gooma Gu)

  • Statistics:
    • Code name: "Unidentified Lifeform #3" (未確認生命体第3号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Sangō) and "B2" (B群2号, Bīgun Nigō)
    • Tattoo: Vampire bat
  • Actor: Mitsuru Fujio (藤生 みつる, Fujiō Mitsuru). Fujio later appears in the New Year Special as one of five customers at the Pole Pole with similar mannerisms to their Gurongi lookalikes. Yuusuke notes his familiarity with the Goma lookalike in particular.
  • Episodes: 2-39

Among the first Gurongi in Nagano, the photophobic Goma commits vampirism on five humans in a single night until sunrise where he murders the preacher Father Jose and dons his attire to use the Church as a base of operations. He managed to overpower Kuuga until being driven away by the headlights of a police car. When Ichijo uncovered the truth, he battles Goma as the church is set on fire and Yuusuke assumes Mighty Form for the first time. However, though he had the advantage with Gmun's aid, Goma retreats when dawn occurs. Later donning a black trench coat and fedora to protect himself from direct sunlight, Goma was temporary removed from the game as a result and becomes La·Balva·De's underling when the Xu lose the right to play. His flying from Tokyo to the site of Gurongi burial grounds in Nagano, finding a discarded piece of Daguva's body item and having it refined before using it on himself to evolve to a state where he can now resist sunlight and assume a dark-skinned and brown,long haired Strengthened Form (強化体, Kyōkatai). But the evolution increased Goma blood-lust as he actually attacks Balva to force Daguva's location out of her with the intent to kill Daguva and get all his power. But when Gadol overwhelms him to cover Balva's escape, Goma is forced to retreat as the final stages of his evolution take effect, his hair grayed in the process with the ability to assume a white-haired and armored Ultimate Form (究極体, Kyūkyokutai). Going on a killing spree in Chiba, killing as many people as he could before Daguva comes for him. But Kuuga arrives to fight him in Titan Form as Ichijo uses a device specially made to disrupt Goma's via sound waves. But Goma manages to destroys the device and was about to kill Kuuga when Daguva finally arrives. He runs off to fight Daguva, only to be slaughtered by him with his corpse found by Yuusuke and Ichijo as it is taken for medical analysis, leading to the development of the Nerve-Breaking Bullets. Goma's name in Japanese comes from the readings for "fiend" (強魔, Gōma).


Main article: Xu·Mevio·Da
  • Xu·Mevio·Da (ズ・メビオ・ダ, Zu Mebio Da)
  • Statistics:
    • Code name: "Unidentified Lifeform #5" (未確認生命体第5号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Gogō)
    • Tattoo: Leopard
  • Actor: Chikako Shiratori (白鳥 智香子, Shiratori Chikako)
  • Episodes: 3 & 4
  • Destroyed by: Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick

Mevio, assuming the form of a woman dressed in black, was one of the first Gurongi that appeared in Tokyo. She was able to run up to 270 km/h, she fought Kuuga and ended up losing her eye to gunshots by the police, killing Enokida's husband in the process. She was eventually destroyed by Kuuga after recovering from her wound.


Main article: Xu·Vazuu·Ba
  • Xu·Vazuu·Ba (ズ・バヅー・バ, Zu Badzū Ba)
  • Statistics:
    • Code name: "Unidentified Lifeform #6" (未確認生命体第6号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Rokugō) and "B5" (B群5号, Bīgun Gogō)
    • Tattoo: Grasshopper
  • Actor: Nobuyuki Ogawa (小川 信行, Ogawa Nobuyuki)
  • Episodes: 3-6
  • Destroyed by: Kuuga Dragon Form's Splash Dragon

The arrogant Vazuu assumes the form of a young man with a scarf. When he begins his part in the game in Suginami, Vazuu grabs unsuspecting people where the smoke from a factory doesn't point, leaping high enough so his victims can fall to their death. Kuuga arrives before Vazuu kills a police officer, with Vazuu overpowering Kuuga's Mighty Form with his jumping abilities, though he retreats when the smoke comes their way. Vazuu later resumes the game, almost killing Ichijo and attacking the Police before Yuusuke arrives to finish the fight. Though losing at first, Kuuga manages to master Dragon Form's power thanks to Sakurako and kills Vazuu.


Main article: Xu·Zain·Da
  • Xu·Zain·Da (ズ・ザイン・ダ, Zu Zain Da)
  • Statistics:
    • Code name: "Unidentified Lifeform #22" (未確認生命体二十二号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Nijūnigō) and "B3" (B群3号, Bīgun Sangō)
    • Tattoo: Rhinoceros
  • Episodes: 3-12
  • Actor: Akira Nogami (野上 彰, Nogami Akira). Nogami later appears in the New Year Special as one of five customers at the Pole Pole with similar mannerisms to their Gurongi lookalikes.
  • Destroyed by: Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick

The leader of the Xu, Zain is able to assume the form of a hulking strongman with a temper. Soon after the Me group's turn begins with the Xu no longer worthy to play, and when their first hideout got compromised by the police's smoke bombs, Zain starts acting on his own by attacking trucks and jabbing the drivers to death with his horn. He overpowered Kuuga in both human and Gurongi forms when Byran intervened as Zain stole his turn. While Zain resumes his attack on large motor vehicles, Yuusuke manages to perfect his Mighty Kick to finally kill the Gurongi.


Main article: Me·Galme·Re
  • Xu·Galme·Re (ズ・ガルメ・レ, Zu Garume Re)
  • Statistics:
    • Code name: Unknown
    • Tattoo: Chameleon
  • Episodes: 3-22
  • Actor: Masaharu Mori (森 雅晴, Mori Masaharu). Mori later appears in the New Year Special as one of five customers at the Pole Pole with similar mannerisms to their Gurongi lookalikes.

Galme upgraded into Me Group after completed his own Gegel.

Other Xu Gurongi[]

While these Xu Gurongi had survive Daguva's purge, they were killed off-screen by Kuuga.

  • Xu·Gjil·Gi (ズ・グジル・ギ, Zu Gujiru Gi): A whale Gurongi labeled "Unidentified Lifeform #7" (未確認生命体第7号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Nanagō). Destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
  • Xu·Galga·Da (ズ・ガルガ・ダ, Zu Garuga Da): A kangaroo Gurongi abeled "Unidentified Lifeform #8" (未確認生命体第8号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Hachigō). Destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
  • Xu·Miuji·Gi (ズ・ミウジ・ギ, Zu Miuji Gi): A Sea slug Gurongi labeled "Unidentified Lifeform #9" (未確認生命体第9号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Kyūgō). Destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
  • Xu·Gazubo·De (ズ・ガズボ・デ, Zu Gazubo De): A Nepenthes Gurongi labeled "Unidentified Lifeform #10" (未確認生命体第10号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Jūgō). Destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
  • Xu·Daago·Gi (ズ・ダーゴ・ギ, Zu Dāgo Gi): An octopus Gurongi labeled "Unidentified Lifeform #11" (未確認生命体第11号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Jūichigō). Destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
  • Xu·Nezuma·Da (ズ・ネズマ・ダ, Zu Nezuma Da) and Xu·Nezumo·Da (ズ・ネズモ・ダ, Zu Nezumo Da): Rat Gurongi labeled "Unidentified Lifeform #12A" (未確認生命体第12号A, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Jūnigō Ē) and "#12B" (第12号B, Dai Jūnigō Bī). Nezuma died a mysterious death in an explosion by a police force's gunfire and Nezumo was destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
  • Xu·Jamol·Re (ズ・ジャモル・レ, Zu Jamoru Re): A gecko Gurongi labeled "Unidentified Lifeform #13" (未確認生命体第13号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Jūsangō). Destroyed by Kuuga Mighty Form's Mighty Kick.
Icon-kuuga Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Riku - Yusuke Godai - Mika Natsume (Novel Only)
Transformation Gear: Arcle (Prototype)
Rider Machines: Gouram - Trychaser 2000 - Beatchaser 2000
Weapons: Dragon Rod - Pegasus Bowgun - Titan Sword - Mighty Anklet
Terminology: Amadam - Rinto - Rinto hieroglyphics - Gegel
Tokyo Police Department
Kaoru Ichijo - Hikari Enokida - Sadao Matsukura - Morimichi Sugita - Tsuyoshi Sakurai - Nozomi Sasayama
Other Allies and Characters
Sakurako Sawatari - Minori Godai - Shuichi Tsubaki - Tamasaburo Kazari - Nana Asahina - Jean Michel Sorrel - Mika Natsume - Shoji Kanzaki - Junichi Chono
La Group: La·Balva·De - La·Doldo·Gu
Go Group
Gevagel: Go·Gadol·Ba (Leader) - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Go·Babel·Da
Higher Tier: Go·Buuro·Gu - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Go·Gamego·Re - Go·Badaa·Ba - Go·Jalaji·Da - Go·Zazalu·Ba - Go·Jiino·Da
Lower Tier: Go·Raio·Da - Horseshoe Crab Gurongi
Xu Group: Xu·Gmun·Ba - Xu·Goma·Gu - Xu·Mevio·Da - Xu·Vazuu·Ba - Xu·Zain·Da - Xu·Gjil·Gi - Xu·Galga·Da - Xu·Miuji·Gi - Xu·Gazubo·De - Xu·Daago·Gi - Xu·Nezuma·Da - Xu·Nezumo·Da - Xu·Jamol·Re
Me Group: Me·Vagis·Ba - Me·Geega·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Me·Garido·Gi - Me·Gadra·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Me·Galme·Re - Me·Garima·Ba - Me·Gaberi·Gu - Me·Agon·Gi - Me·Aguri·Da - Me·Ivae·Ba - Me·Gaage·Re - Me·Mugado·Ba - Me·Gorigi·Ba - Me·Gaera·Re - Me·Zoebi·Gi - Me·Uzaa·Da - Me·Demudo·Ba - Me·Ginee·Da - Me·Gegura·Gi - Me·Juuma·Da
Nu Group: Nu·Zajio·Re
Be Group: Be·Jimin·Ba
Misc: Gerage - Zalbo - Moth Gurongi - Doom - Wolf Gurongi - Poison Moth Gurongi - Crocodile Gurongi - Moray Eel Gurongi - Pufferfish Gurongi - Sarracenia Gurongi - Swallowtail Gurongi - Water Bug Gurongi