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Vernage (ベルナージュ, Berunāju) was the Queen of Mars that resides within Misora Isurugi, occasionally possessing her through the latter's golden bangle. After Misora became a Smash, she became resilient to the safety of Build's Genius Form's powers. However, Sento is able to do so and transfers Vernage over to Ryuga instead. During the team's final battle with Evolto, Vernage retransfers back to Misora.

Vernage fought Evolto in past
Vernage was the Queen of Mars prior to its destruction by Evolto. After life had been wiped away, Vernage faced Evolto on her own. While she managed to damage the Evol-Driver and separate his body from his soul, her physical form was destroyed, and trapped inside a golden bangle.
The bangle was later brought to Earth with the return of the manned Mars mission. While searching for her father, Misora Isurugi stumbled upon the display for the bangle and Pandora Box, the latter of which had already been filled with sixty FullBottles. In a last-ditch effort to protect Earth from Mars's fate, Vernage took over Misora's body and causing the Bangle to attach to the girl's wrist, wiping away the essence of every Fullbottle in Pandora's Box. The energy expended while doing so left Vernage drained of energy, and put Misora into a 7-year coma. Vernage's actions were able to delay Evolto's plans: rather than raising the Pandora Tower, a structure called the Sky Wall rose, splitting Japan into three.
Vernage made her first presence to the Kamen Riders during the beginning of the Seito invasion, as he took possession of Misora's body. She arrived during the battlefield where Build, Cross-Z Charge, Grease were fighting Rogue and the Hell Bro's. Using her abilities, she forced Seito's forces out and even manipulating Sky Wall. Before she let go of her hold of Misora, she muttered Evolto's name. When Misora regained consciousness, she admitted not recalling to the events prior. Upon further study on the bangle, Sento discovered Vernage's memories of the destruction of Mars.
She made her second presence some during the Pandora Tower started to raise. After Misora was captured by Rai Washio at the border between Touto and Hokuto, this awakened Vernage. This irritated Blood Stalk and he tried to attack her, but Vernage appeared to be at full strength. Vernage succeeds and transporting the Kamen Riders elsewhere and they regroup back to Nascita where she revealed to everyone about Blood Stalk's true nature as Evolto and had clued everyone about Ryuga Banjo's true nature as being part alien.
Sometime after Evolto succeeded to regain his Evol-Driver and completely restore the Pandora Tower, Vernage appears and teleports the team and the Box back to Nascita. She revealed to the rest of the Kamen Riders how she originally erased the essence of the Fullbottles right before Evolto raised Sky Wall after taking hold of Misora. While Evolto's essence shows no signs of damage, Vernage's essence is fading.
After Evolto kidnapped Misora and using her connection with Vernage, had her administered with Nebula Gas. The Vernage-possessed Misora transformed into the CD Lost Smash and fought Sento, who struggled to risk the life of both Misora and Vernage. With the arrival of Cross-Z, Build manages to transfer Vernage's consciousness to Ryuga in order to save their lives, restoring Misora back to normal. Vernage's essence in Ryuga allowed him to neutralize the memory episodes he had of Evolto's past.
During the Rider's battle with Evolto at the top of Pandora's Tower, Misora attempted to call for Vernage's help, but she did not respond.

Vernage removed from Misora's arm before she disappears.
After Evolto was defeated for good, Vernage possesses Misora one last time to announce to Sawa, that Evolto had been destroyed. She then finally releases the golden bracelet and disappears.
Other Events[]
Kamen Rider Build: Be The One[]

During the Build Annihilation Plan, Vernage's influence was felt when Misora and Sawa were freed of Kengo Ino's mental compulsion to eliminate Sento. With her bracelet, Misora combined the Gold Rabbit and Silver Dragon with the Genius Fullbottle, allowing Sento and Ryuga to become Kamen Rider Cross-ZBuild and defeat Kamen Rider Blood.
As Vernage was the Queen of Mars, her speech gives out a sense of royalty, but also ambiguous as shown when she asks Banjo about who he really was and that he'll become Hope. However, she's rather sarcastic and sharp-mouthed, much to the surprise of everyone.
Vernage was aware that her power was weakening and that she doesn't have much time left, so she only resurfaces if the situation was dire or absolutely necessary.

CD Lost Smash
- Height: 199.6 cm
- Weight: 96.0 kg
- Abilities
- The CD Lost Smash is armed with multiple disk-like protrusions, which can rotate up to 120 000 rpm, scraping enemy armor.
- Additionally, the CD Lost Smash can generate CD projectiles, called Glare Slicers (グレアスライサー, Gurea Suraisā) to attack enemies.
- The CD Lost Smash is extremely agile, specializing in good rhythmic avoidance patterns and close combat manoeuvres.
Behind the Scenes[]
Vernage is voiced by Sora Amamiya (雨宮 天, Amamiya Sora). When possessing Misora Isurugi, the character is portrayed by Kaho Takada (高田 夏帆, Takada Kaho).
Concept Art[]

CD Lost Smash concept art
CD Lost Smash was designed by Tamotsu Shinohara (篠原 保, Shinohara Tamotsu).
Kamen Rider Build
- Episode 25: The Idol Awakens
- Episode 29: The Opening Bell Rings
- Episode 30: The Truth of the Pandora Box
- Episode 34: The Severing Best Match
- Episode 36: Evolto Hunts the Stars
- Episode 37: The Ultimate Phase
- Episode 43: The Other Build
- Episode 49: The Tomorrow Build Will Create (Deceased)