Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-decadeThis article is about a Rider in Kamen Rider Decade.

For the original or past version, see Tomizo Todayama and Todoroki (Past).

Todoroki (トドロキ) is the original Todoroki's incarnation from Kamen Rider Decade.


He is Zanki's head apprentice who has the ability to transform into Kamen Rider Todoroki (仮面ライダー轟鬼, Kamen Raidā Todoroki). Though a member of Zanki's school, he has feelings for Akira, and sides with her and Asumu (Decade) when discussing how important allying the three schools is to the future of Ongekidō. Zanki is not pleased by such an idea, but with the help of Tsukasa and Akira, he manages to convince his master, and he is allowed to move from an apprentice role to teaching.

Todoroki later appears in the World of the Rider War after his reality is absorbed into it, killed off while attacked by Fangires under Saga. But once Decade is killed, Todoroki and Akira are restored along with their world.



Kamen Rider Todoroki

  • Rider Height: 7 shaku[1] (approx. 212.1 cm, one say 212 cm[1])
  • Rider Weight: 42 kan[1] (157.5 kg, one say 157 kg[1])
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 8000 kan[1] (30 t)
  • Lifting Power: 650 man-power[2] (6.5 t)
  • Kicking Power: 10666 kan[1] (approx. 40.0 t)
  • Maximum Jump Height: 38 ken[1] (approx. 69.1 m., one say 69 m[1])
  • Maximum Running Speed: 1 chō per 5 sec.[1] (approx. 100 m per 4.6 sec, one say 5 sec[1])

In this Oni form, Todoroki is a green demon. This is his basic form and the easiest form for him to reach. To become this form, Todoroki simply needs to pluck his brace strings, the vibrations from the strings cause his body to be hit by massive lightning bolts, changing him into his Oni form. Todokori also gains a second "oni face" which is a crest that forms on his forehead. Unlike most Kamen Riders, Todoroki does not wear a suit, rather his demon form is his true form.





  • Kitoujutsu Raigekiken (鬼闘術・雷撃拳): Charging himself with power, Todoroki is able to directly attack any Makamou with electricity.
  • Kitoujutsu Onizume (鬼闘術・鬼爪): Forms claws from his hands to stab and slash at Makamou. These claws are nearly unbreakable, thus making them one of Todoroki's most useful weapons.

OnGeki Finishers[]

Ongekizan Raidengekishin (音撃斬・雷電激震) Todoroki stabs his weapon into the body of a large Makamou and changes it into its guitar form. He plays the guitar in a wild and fast manner. By doing this, the vibrations of his weapon are directly transmitted to all the organs of the Makamou, causing it to explode.


  • As with most of the characters in the World of Hibiki arc of Kamen Rider Decade, Todoroki is portrayed by his original actor, Shingo Kawaguchi.




Icon-decade Kamen Rider Decade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Natsumi Hikari
A.R. Kamen Riders: Wataru Kurenai - Yusuke Onodera - Wataru - Shinji Tatsumi - Kazuma Kendate - Takumi Ogami - Shouichi Ashikawa - Momotaros - Ryotaro Nogami - Sohji - Asumu - Kohtaro Minami (Black RX) - Kohtaro Minami (Black) - Kamen Rider X (A.R. World) - Daisuke Yamamoto - Kazuma Kenzaki - Joji Yuki - Yuriko Misaki
A.R. Evil Kamen Riders: Chinomanako - Mimihiko - Kuchihiko - Kamata - Otoya Kurenai - Hirohiko Sato - Kenji Sakata - Kazuyoshi Aoyagi - Tanaka
Other A.R. World Riders: Ren Haguro - Scissors - Zolda - Femme - Verde - Tiger - Imperer - Odin - Raia - Gai - Sakuya Hishigata - Mutsuki Kuroba - Takahiro Furuya - Kotaro Nogami - Arata - Ibuki - Zanki - Todoroki - Akira - Junichi Kaito - Haruka Miwa - Shin Magaki - X - Ixa - Saga
Prime Universe Kamen Riders: Shoichi Tsugami - Kotaro Nogami - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Sieg - Philip - Shotaro Hidari
Drivers: (Neo) Decadriver - (Neo) Diendriver - Kiva-la
Transformation Gear: Rider Cards - K-Touch - Card Holder - Diend Belt
Weapons: Ride Booker - Final Form Rides - Decade Bazooka - Kiva-la Saber
Vehicles: Machine Decader - Machine Diender - Big MachineIcon-crosswiki
Hikari Studio
Natsumi Hikari - Kiva-la - Eijiro Hikari
Other Allies
Ai Yashiro - Kivat-bat the 3rd - Garulu - Basshaa - Dogga - Reiko Momoi - Ai - Mai - Mi - Yuri Tomoda - Toko Yashiro - Deneb - Teddy - Kohana - Naomi - Owner - Toki - Yu - Grandma - Mayu - Natsumi Hikari - Chinatsu - Hikoma KusakabeIcon-crosswiki - KurokoIcon-crosswiki - Kurando TaniIcon-crosswiki - ShinkengersIcon-crosswiki - Masahiko Okamura (A.R. World) - Ritsuko Okamura (A.R. World)
Dr. Shinigami - Jigoku Taishi - Apollogeist - Jyumenki Yum Cimil - Shadow Moon - Kingdark - General Jark - Bishum - Yuki - Shvarian - Televi Bae-Kun
Worlds of Black & Black RX: Scorpion Imagin - Seamoon Fangire - Mantis Fangire - Rhinoceros Mutant - Ox Orphnoch - Worm Orphnoch - Frilled Lizard Orphnoch - Brachypelma Worm Aurantium - Brachypelma Worm Viridis - Tarantes Worm Purpura
World of Decade: Siomaneking - Ganikoumoru - Doras - Garai - Me·Vagis·Ba - Xu·Mevio·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Go·Gadol·Ba - Leiurus Acutia - Formica Regia - Formica Pedes - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons - Psycorogue - Butterfly Orphnoch - Giraffe Orphnoch - Longhorn Orphnoch - Slug Orphnoch - Wild Boar Orphnoch - Pelican Orphnoch - Stinkbug Orphnoch - Arch Orphnoch - Elephant Undead - Giraffa Undead - Darkroachi - Kappa - Bakeneko - Hitotsumi - Coleoptera Worm Aeneus - Coleoptera Worm Croceus - Coleoptera Worm Argentum - Geophilid Worm - Subst Worm - Cassis Worm Gladius - Albinoleo Imagin - Mole Imagin - Rat Fangire - Sungazer Fangire - Bat Fangire
World of Amazon: Go·Jalaji·Da - Propheta Cruentus - Camponotus Worm Maxilla - Bakeneko - Yobuko
Dai-Shocker Combatmen - Dai-Shocker Scientists - Destron Combatmen
Super Shocker
Narutaki - Wasp Woman - Neo Organism
Zanjioh - Jaguarman - Beaded Lizard Man - Hilchameleon - Xu·Goma·Gu - Go·Jalaji·Da - Volucris Falco - Solospider - Scorpion Orphnoch - Titan Undead - Kodama - Sectio Worm Acuere - Cobra Imagin - Gecko Imagin - Sungazer Fangire
Super Shocker Combatmen
World of Kuuga: Me·Garido·Gi - La·Doldo·Gu - Go·Babel·Da - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Me·Garima·Ba
World of Agito: Me·Vagis·Ba - Xu·Mevio·Da - Me·Ginoga·De
The Lords
Taurus Ballista
Formica Regia - Formica Pedes
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters
World of Ryuki: Darkwing - Volcancer - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Abyssodon (Abysshammer - Abysslasher)
World of Negatives: Dragblacker
Wild Mirror Monsters
World of Ryuki: GuldThunder - Zebraskull Bronze - Megazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Magazelle
World of Den-O: Gelnewt
World of Negatives: Raydragoons
Orphnochs / Lucky Clover
Momose - Shukawa - Genda - Shirogane
Butterfly Orphnoch
The Undead
World of Blade: Kamata - Hajime Shijo
Buffalo Undead - Elephant Undead - Capricorn Undead
World of Diend: Fourteen - Bossroach - Darkroachi
World of the Rider War: Deer Undead - Scarab Undead - Lizard Undead
魔化魍 Makamou
Gyuki - Bakegani
Kappa - Bakeneko - Ooari - Tengu - Ubume
Soh Otogiri
Coleoptera Worm Argentum - Geophilid Worm - Subst Worm
The Imagin
Alligator Imagin - New Mole Imagin
The Fangires
Beetle Fangire - Yuki
World of Kiva: Ryo Itoya - Swallowtail Fangire - Lion Fangire
World of the Rider War: Shark Fangire - Silkmoth Fangire - Horsefly Fangire - Warthog Fangire