Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-hibikiThis article is about a villain in Kamen Rider Hibiki.

The Real Man and Woman are the true villains of Kamen Rider Hibiki, and the creators of The Man and Woman, introduced in the final episode. They are also called the "Western-style Man and Woman" (洋装の男女, Yōsō no Danjo), the "More well-dressed Man and Woman" (さらに身なりのいい男女, Sara-ni Minari no ii Danjo)", and the "Mysterious Man and Woman" (謎の男女, Nazo no Danjo)".


Not much is known The Real Man and Woman other than that they created The Man and Woman to create the Makamou, Douji, and Hime for them. The reason they did this is currently unknown.


The Real Man is dressed in a black suit with a black top hat and cane while The Real Woman is in a gold colored dress with long sleeves and matching hat.


They are unseen for most of the series except for the final episode, where they give The Man an "Armor Orb" to keep him alive. Afterwards, they tell The Man and Woman that they have work to do. They are never seen again after this.

Rider's Crest-Hibiki (Red) Kamen Rider Hibiki
Primary: Hitoshi Hidaka - Iori Izumi - Tomizo Todayama - Zaomaru Zaitsuhara
Modern Day Oni: Daisuke Danda - Sakae Saeki - Eiki - Shiori Shinagawa - Akira Amami - Kyosuke Kiriya
Ancient Sengoku Era Oni: Hibiki (past) - Ibuki (past) -Todoroki (past) - Kabuki - Touki - Kirameki - Nishiki - Habataki
Stageshow-Exclusive: Jacky Zhang - Mutsuko Murashima - Konko Kageyukouji - Yuki
Ancient Edo Era Oni: Hibiki (Edo Period) - Ibuki (Edo Period) - Saki - Kido - Kiryu - Hattori Masanari
Other Oni: Fubuki - Previous Zanki - Gouki - Shouki - Touki - Banki - Tsutomu Tsumura - Michibiki - Kachidoki - Genki - Yamabuki
Ichiro Tachibana- Asumu Adachi - Kasumi Tachibana - Hinaka Tachibana - Midori Takizawa - Kounosuke Kogure
Allies: Hitomi Mochida - Ikuko Adachi
Transformation Items
Henshin Onsa - Henshin Onibue - Henshin Kigen
Ongeki Weapons
Ongekibou - Ongekiko - Ongekizofukuken Armed Saber - Ongekikan - Ongekimei - Ongekigen - Ongekishin - Meito Onsaken - Ongekikanabou - Ongekicymbal - Ongekitriangle - Ongekiflute
Gaika - Tatsumaki - Shiranui - Raijin
Disk Animals - Equipment Belt - Armor of the Ogre
Leaders: The Real Man and Woman - The Man and Woman - Black Puppet - White Puppet - Super Douji and Hime
Giant Type Makamou: Tsuchigumo - Yamabiko - Bakegani - Ittanmomen - Ooari - Okubi - Otoroshi - Ubume - Yamaarashi - Oonamazu - Amikiri - Kamaitachi - Notsugo
Summer Type Makamou: Dorotabou - Kappa - Bakeneko - Uwan - Tengu - Hitotsumi
Special Makamou: Nanashi - Kasha - Yobuko - Midaredouji - Kodama - Satori - Rokurokubi - Orochi