Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-agitoThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Agito.

The Enemy Who Appeared (現れた敵, Arawareta Teki) is the thirty-third episode of Kamen Rider Agito.


The El of Water has possessed Masumi Sekiya and it's reviled that it killed the two Akatsuki-go members from Gills' Resurrection in her body without her knowing. The El of Water has now turned its sights on Agito.

Shouichi comes face to face with the El of Water and believes no matter what he can't defeat it, becoming scared. He starts to question why he became Agito.


to be added


Guest Cast[]

Forms Used[]

  • Agito
    • Ground Form
  • Gills
  • G3-X


  • This episode aired alongside Hyakuju Sentai GaorangerIcon-crosswiki episode 30, Quest 30: The Full Moon Kills the Wolf!Icon-crosswiki.
  • Viewership: 11.8%
  • This episode features Makoto/G3-X discovering Ryo's identity as Gills, and Ryo/Gills and Shoichi/Agito discovering each others' identities.
  • This was the first Kamen rider episode to air after 9/11

Digital Releases[]

  • Kamen Rider Agito DVD Volume 9 features episodes 33-36.
  • Kamen Rider Agito Blu-ray Volume 2 features episodes 18-35.[1]

