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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kivaThis article is about an ally/transformation device in Kamen Rider Kiva.

"Pyunpyuun! Tension fortissimo!"
―Tatsulot's favourite phrase[src]

Demon Imperial Dragon Tatsulot (魔皇竜タツロット, Maōryū Tatsurotto) is a small golden dragon known as the Goldy Wyvern (ゴルディ・ワイバーン, Gorudi Waibān), serving as the transformation device for Kamen Rider Kiva to assume Emperor Form and DoGaBaKi Emperor Form.


Tatsulot rested inside the ceiling of Castle Doran until Wataru's strong rage awakened him from his slumber, giving the means to assume Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor Form. Since then, Tatsulot would go on to live in Wataru's house, acting as his second bodyguard. Later, Tatsulot joins Kivat in telling the viewer random historical facts while scenes from the previous episode play in the background, although his historical knowledge is somewhat limited.


Playful and excitable.


  • Length: 250 mm
  • Width: 110 mm
  • Weight: 650 g
  • Maximum Flight Speed: 280 km/h

Powers and Abilities[]

"Henshin! (変身!)"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Wake Up Fever! (ウエイクアップフィーバー!, Ueiku Appu Fībā!)"
―Finisher announcement[src]

"Garulu Fever! (ガルルフィーバー!, Garuru Fībā!)"
―Garulu Saber finisher announcement[src]

"Basshaa Fever! (バッシャーフィーバー!, Basshā Fībā!)"
―Basshaa Magnum finisher announcement[src]

"Dogga Fever! (ドッガフィーバー!, Dogga Fībā!)"
―Dogga Hammer finisher announcement[src]

Tatsulot is also called the Transformation Rotation Brace Tatsulot (変身回転ブレス タツロット, Henshin Kaiten Buresu Tatsurotto) and helps unleashes Kiva's Final Wake Up (ファイナルウエイクアップ, Fainaru Ueiku Appu), evoking his transformation to Emperor Form. While Kiva is in Emperor Form, Tatsulot's Imperial Slot (インペリアルスロット, Inperiaru Surotto) utilizes a roulette system to use one of four Fever themed attacks, with Tatsulot able to attach to each of the Arms Monster weapons for more power.[1]



  • Wake Up Fever (ウエイクアップフィーバー, Ueiku Appu Fībā) activates Emperor Form's Emperor Moon Break (エンペラームーンブレイク, Enperā Mūn Bureiku) or DoGaBaKi Emperor Form's DoGaBaKi Emperor Break (ドガバキエンペラーブレイク, Dogabaki Enperā Bureiku). Kiva's legs are surrounded by energy blades similar in shape to the "wings" of Kiva's insignia. With these blades, Kiva can hit with a variety of kicks, including a bicycle kick with the blades stabbing through the target multiple times, an attack sometimes preceded by a front dropkick, and a jumping roundhouse kick. As DoGaBaKi Emperor Form, Kiva uses the Emperor Moon Break Rider Kick, only more enhanced along with fire, water, and lightning.
  • Garulu Fever (ガルルフィーバー, Garuru Fībā) summons the Garulu Saber as Tatsulot connects to the hilt, allowing Kiva to be shot into the air for the Emperor Howling Slash (エンペラーハウリングスラッシュ, Enperā Hauringu Surasshu) overhead slash attack. Tatsulot can also be attached to the Garulu Saber's pommel to ignite the blade, as well as making Tatsulot emit a blade of fire, making it into a double bladed-edged sword before using repeated slashes.
  • Basshaa Fever (バッシャーフィーバー, Basshā Fībā) summons the Basshaa Magnum as it connects its muzzle to Tatsulot, allowing Kiva to execute the Emperor Aqua Tornado (エンペラーアクアトルネード, Enperā Akua Torunēdo) attack with the powered-up version of Kiva Basshaa Form's finisher to blast the Fangires. This finishing move was not featured in the series' run, but made a counted appearance in the video game Kamen Rider: Battride War II, where Kiva propels himself into the air using the Aqua Tornado and firing several rapid shots at the enemy.
  • Dogga Fever (ドッガフィーバー, Dogga Fībā) summons the Dogga Hammer as it connects to Tatsulot, allowing Kiva to execute the Emperor Thunder Slap (エンペラーサンダースラップ, Enperā Sandā Surappu) attack, with Tatsulot creating an orb of electricity that Kiva bashes with the hammer to put a Fangire in its fragile state before executing a smashing deathblow.

Imperial Slots[]

Video Game[]

Kamen Rider Battride War[]

Tatsulot appears as a navigator in the video game Kamen Rider Battride War.


KRKi-Tatsulot Fuestle

Tatsulot Fuestle

The Tatsulot Fuestle (タツロットフエッスル, Tatsurotto Fuessuru) summons Tatsulot from Castle Doran. It is different from Kiva's other fuestles in that it is red instead of transparent and does not appear to be stored on Kiva's belt.

Behind the scenes[]


Tatsulot is voiced by Akira Ishida (石田 彰, Ishida Akira).


  • Tatsulot is a portmanteau of "Tatsu" ( lit. "Dragon") and "Slot" (ロット, Surotto), referencing his Dragon motif and the Imperial Slot.


  • While the Fuestle is not seen stored on the belt, the toy version has been shown to be stored as part of Tatsulot's lower jaw.
    • The toy version of both Tatsulot and its Fuestle has been shown to also combine with the Ixa Calibur and be inserted into the Ixa Belt, respectively.
      • The Fuestle has the same code as the one stored in Ixariser, resulting in the same sound when activated in the Ixa Belt.



External Links[]


Icon-kiva Kamen Rider Kiva
Kamen Riders
TV Series: Wataru Kurenai - Kamen Rider Ixa: (Otoya Kurenai - Keisuke Nago - Yuri Aso - Megumi Aso - Kengo Eritate) - Taiga Nobori - King - Masao Kurenai
Movie/Special-exclusive: Takato Shiramine - Takashi Sugimura/Lord - Unnamed boy
Kivat-Bat the 3rd - Kivat-Bat the 2nd - Kivat-Bat the 4th - Rey Kivat - Arc Kivat
Sentient Allies
Demon Imperial Dragon Tatsulot - Castle Doran - Shoodoran - Zanvat Sword - Machine Kivaa - Sagarc
The Arms Monsters: Jiro - Ramon - Riki
Transformation Items: Kivat Belt - Tatsulot - Ixa Belt - Sagarc Belt - Dark Kivat Belt - Rey Kivat Belt - Arc/Mecha Kivat Belt
Driver-Compatible Transformation Devices: Fuestles - Ixa Knuckle - Jacorder
Weapons: Garulu Saber - Basshaa Magnum - Dogga Hammer - Zanvat Sword - Ixa Calibur - Ixariser - Jacorder - Gigantic Claw - Arc Trident - Anti-Fangire Rifle
Rider Machines: Machine Kivaa - Demon Statue Buroon - Ixalion - Powerd Ixer
The Wonderful Blue Sky Organization
2008: Mamoru Shima - Keisuke Nago - Kengo Eritate - Megumi Aso
1986: Otoya Kurenai - Yuri Aso
The Fangires
The Checkmate Four
1986: Bishop - Rook - Queen I - King I
2008: Bishop - Rook - King II - Queen II
Pawns: Horse Fangire - Octopus Fangire - Moth Fangire - Sheep Fangire - Ryo Itoya - Prawn Fangire - Frog Fangire - Earwig Fangire - Rhinoceros Fangire - Seastar Fangire - Ladybug Fangire - Chameleon Fangire - Grizzly Fangire - Shark Fangire - Crab Fangire - Cicada Fangire - Warthog Fangire - Tortoise Fangire - Moose Fangire - Horsefly Fangire - Rat Fangire - Mantis Fangire - Seamoon Fangire - Sungazer Fangire - Silkmoth Fangire - Polar Bear Fangire
Takato Shiramine - Takashi Sugimura
Mummy Legendorga - Medusa Legendorga - Mandrake Legendorga - Gargoyle Legendorga - Antlion Legendorga