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Taizo Kaga (加賀 泰造, Kaga Taizō) is the owner of the Million Colosseo casino. He transforms into the Money Dopant (マネー・ドーパント, Manē Dōpanto) with the Money Gaia Memory.
How to Get to Heaven[]
Kaga is the owner of the secret Million Colosseo (ミリオンコロッセオ, Mirion Korosseo) casino, using his powers as the Money Dopant to enforce payment of debts, and if they have no means to pay off their debts, Kaga drains them of their life force as collateral using his Life Coins. One such debtor was Yuko Izumi, the daughter of the Narumi Detective Office's latest clients. She had come to the spider's parlor seeking extra money to help with her parent's confectionary shop but had fell into the vice of gambling.
Kaga first appeared to collect the life force of one of his latest debtors, Goro Murasame, who had lost everything trying to pay off his debts to the Million Colosseo three days prior, sneaking into the Murasame house without Shotaro and Akiko being aware of his presence until the collateral was collected, running off when they came in. Due to Philip going comatose at the mention of "family" earlier during a phone call, Shotaro had to briefly fight by himself until Philip regained consciousness. During this encounter, Double had swapped to HeatJoker, though was ambushed by the Nazca Dopant, allowing Kaga the chance to escape as part of an unofficial after purchase bonus from Kirihiko for Kaga purchasing an expensive Memory from him.
Kaga appeared again on the roof of the Million Colosseo bus that Shotaro had tailed but ended up dislodged from the Hardboilder after its driver tried crushing Shotaro against a guard rail. Before Kaga could try and dislodge Shotaro, the detective activated the Spider Watch and attacked Kaga, allowing him to get on the roof and engaged as Double. Eventually the fight on the roof took Rider and Dopant onto the street, but when CycloneMetal allowed Double a chance to get close in for the kill, Kaga revealed how if his Memory breaks, all his victims will die with it. During his diatribe of how his victims willingly fall so deep into gambling, he mentions "home" and "family," disabling Philip and allowing Kaga a chance to retaliate and escape. [Don't Touch the M/How to Get to Heaven]
Play with a Joker[]
Kaga then returned to the Million Colosseo, participating against Yuko in a game of roulette and took her life energy as collateral for losing to him twice. His callous attitude irritated Akiko into revealing herself by smacking him with her signature slipper, though the Dopant was quick to grab her by the throat. Philip quickly acted before Kaga could do anything to Akiko and challenged Kaga to his crooked roulette wheel, with a stack of Life Coins to match Double's 6 Gaia Memories once the detectives arrived. However, just when Kaga was close to defeat, he started mentioning "family," throwing Philip's concentration into a freefall, allowing Kaga to regain his losses and the Gaia Memories until Shotaro came in to tag Philip out, challenging Kaga in a winner takes all game of old maid from a playing card deck provided by Santachan the hour before. With both at their last cards, with Kaga using his honed ability to read a person's tells, Shotaro, with a slight of hand help with Philip, won over Kaga, causing the gambler to transform into the Money Dopant out of embarrassed rage and fled when Shotaro transformed.
Kaga, however didn't get very far, and was quickly slammed by Double's HardBoiler, sending him flying. Dopant and Rider threw fists, and in the stressed state, Kaga tried to throw off Philip once more with mentions of family, only for Double LunaMetal to remain unfazed, and switched to HeatMetal. With that change, Kaga was then defeated by a Metal Branding, the Money Memory was destroyed after he tried reaching for it and was shortly arrested.
Other Appearances[]
Movie War Ultimatum[]

The Monster Army.
The Money Dopant was one of the many Dopants that were revived as part of the Akumaizer's Monster Army.[Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie War Ultimatum]
Money Dopant[]

Money Dopant
- "Money!"
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Height: 212 cm
- Weight: 320 kg
- Life Coins (ライフコイン, Raifu Koin): Kaga, as the Money Dopant, can create Life Coins, which are pseudo-USB memory-like devices that allow him to steal the life force of his victims. Once stolen, these coins are embossed with the name of their victim.
- Life Coin Storage - The Money Dopant can store the Life Coins they have amassed in a special pocket that acted like the Dopant's potbelly akin to a piggy bank, which are accessed via opened holes that the Money Dopant wills into appearing.
- Life-Force Connection: Anyone he uses his Life Coin Creation ability on will become connected to the Money Dopant and if he is destroyed, all the people he has affected will die, which he can use to make opponents more reluctant to fight him.
- Coin Shooting: The Money Dopant is able to shoot coins at enemies for more direct combat.
Behind the Scenes[]
Taizo Kaga was portrayed by Tatsuya Gashuin (我修院 達也, Gashūin Tatsuya).
Concept Art[]
Money Dopant was designed by Katsuya Terada (寺田 克也, Terada Katsuya).
Kamen Rider W
- Episode 3: Don't Touch the M/How to Get to Heaven
- Episode 4: Don't Touch the M/Play with a Joker
- ↑ "TV Asahi's page on the Money Dopant". http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/double/dopant/03.html. Retrieved 2009-09-20.