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Sudden Turn! Forbidden Steel Rider! (急転直下!禁断の鋼鉄ライダー!, Kyūten Chokka! Kindan no Kōtetsu Raidā!) is the twenty-fourth episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard. The first half of the episode serves as a recap of major events in the series so far. It features the debut of Kamen Rider Dread Type One, and Kamen Rider Iron Gotchard also makes a brief appearance towards the end of the episode.
Houtaro and the others are overjoyed to receive a letter from Minato saying that he will take down Glion. They immediately rush to the location Minato has designated, but suddenly a new Malgam appears. Houtaro is deprived of all his cards except for Steamliner.
He is unable to transform into Gotchard. Houtaro still wants his cards back, so he consults with Kyoka and learns that there is only one way to transform, though it is a forbidden technique...
to be added
- Houtaro Ichinose (一ノ瀬 宝太郎, Ichinose Hōtarō): Junsei Motojima (本島 純政, Motojima Junsei)
- Rinne Kudo (九堂 りんね, Kudō Rin'ne): Reiyo Matsumoto (松本 麗世, Matsumoto Reiyo)
- Supana Kurogane (黒鋼 スパナ, Kurogane Supana): Yasunari Fujibayashi (藤林 泰也, Fujibayashi Yasunari)
- Renge Icho (銀杏 蓮華, Ichō Renge): Oto Abe (安倍 乙, Abe Oto)
- Sabimaru Tsuruhara (鶴原 錆丸, Tsuruhara Sabimaru): Rikiya Tomizono (富園 力也, Tomizono Rikiya)
- Minato (ミナト ): Rikuto Kumaki (熊木 陸斗, Kumaki Rikuto)
- Lachesis (ラケシス, Rakeshisu): Alisa Sakamaki (坂巻 有紗, Sakamaki Arisa)
- Tamami Ichinose (一ノ瀬 珠美, Ichinose Tamami): Yoko Minamino (南野 陽子, Minamino Yōko)
- Glion (グリオン, Gurion): Kenta Kamakari (鎌苅 健太, Kamakari Kenta)
- Kyoka Edami (枝見 鏡花, Edami Kyōka): Saki Fukuda (福田 沙紀, Fukuda Saki)
- Hopper1 (ホッパー1, Hoppā Wan, Voice): Misato Fukuen (福圓 美里, Fukuen Misato)
- Steamliner (スチームライナー, Suchīmu Rainā, Voice), Tenliner (テンライナー, Tenrainā, Voice): Nobuyuki Hiyama (檜山 修之, Hiyama Nobuyuki)
- Repli-Unicon (レプリユニコン, Repuriyunikon, Voice): Ayasa Ito (伊藤 彩沙, Itō Ayasa)
- Kesuzo (ケスゾー, Kesuzō, Voice), Warptera (ワープテラ, Wāputera, Voice), Pteranodon Malgam (プテラマルガム, Puteramarugamu, Voice): Reio Tsuchida (土田 玲央, Tsuchida Reiō)
- Gotchardriver (ガッチャードライバー, Gatchā Doraibā, Voice), Valvaradriver (ヴァルバラドライバー, Varubaradoraibā, Voice), Narration: Katsuyuki Konishi (小西 克幸, Konishi Katsuyuki)
- Alchemisdriver (アルケミスドライバー, Arukemisudoraibā, Voice): Haru Shinonome (東雲 はる, Shinonome Haru)
- Dreadriver (ドレッドライバー, Doreddoraibā, Voice): Ryotaro Okiayu (置鮎 龍太郎, Okiayu Ryōtarō)
Suit Actors[]
- Kamen Rider Iron Gotchard: Eitoku (永徳 )
- Kamen Rider Majade: Ayumi Shimozono (下園 愛弓, Shimozono Ayumi)
- Kamen Rider Valvarad: Yuji Nakata (中田 裕士, Nakata Yūji)
- Kamen Rider Dread: Yuya Nawata (縄田 雄哉, Nawata Yūya)
- Pteranodon Malgam: Danki Sakae (榮 男樹, Sakae Danki)
Forms and Collectibles Used[]
Ride Chemy Cards[]
- Card Used:
- Gotchard
- Gotchardriver w/ Tenliner
- Majade
- Alchemisdriver
- Valvarad
- Valvaradriver
- Dread
- Dreadriver
- Transformation
- Repli-Steamliner, Repli-Unicon
- Transformation
- Dreadriver
- Gotchard
- Form Used:
- Gotchard
- Iron Gotchard
- Majade
- Sununicorn, Mooncerberus
- Valvarad
- Orochishovel Custom
- Dread
- Type One
- Gotchard

The large X is misaligned.
- The large X shape that combines with the Tenliner card is misaligned, resulting in it being skewed further.
- During Ichinose's transformation, there's a CGI of train station complete with Tenliner and the knucles, but during the closeup, those are missing.
- As part of Super Hero Time, this episode aired alongside Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
episode 50, Final Ep.: We Will Rule the World
. Starting on March 3, 2024, Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
would join Gotchard in the Super Hero Time block.

- Sponsor Spot Ride Chemy Cards: Repli-Unicon, Kesuzo

- Closing Screen Ride Chemy Cards: Tenliner, Kesuzo, Warptera
- Count at episode end
- Ride Chemy Cards in Gotchard's possession: Steamliner/Tenliner
- Ride Chemy Cards in Majade's possession: Unicon, The Sun
- Ride Chemy Cards in Valvarad's possession: Madwheel/Machwheel, Daiohni
- Ride Chemy Cards in the Three Dark Sisters and Minato's possession: Kaiserbee, Karyudos, Hopper1, Skebows, Apparebushido, Odorippa, Kamantis, Antrooper, Wrestler G, Pikahotaru, Smaphone, Spicle, Ganvhale, Mechanichani, Golddash, Saboneedle, Hawkstar, Raidenji, Junglejan, Catchula, Tricera, Mitemirror, Stagvine, Bussasorry, Greatonbo, Bountybunny, Panpakaparka, Deepmariner, Venomdake, Burningnero, Gorillasensei, Doctorkozo, Tsupparihebi, Bakuonzemi, Televi, Sabeliger, Zukyumpire, Energyl, Sasukemaru, Gengenchoucho, Bulletbaang, Hiikescue, Flayrose, Dokkirimajin, Gutsshovel, Neminemoon, Yoacerberus, Yamibat, Renkingrobo, Kesuzo, Jyamatanoorochi, Pilets, Gekiocopter, Happyclover, Bambamboo, Utsubocchama, Buglesia, Angelead, UFO-X, X-Rex, X Wizard, Beetlx, Exceedfighter, Lixion, X Fortress, Xeggdrasil
- Replichemy Cards in the Three Dark Sisters and Minato's possession: Repli-Steamliner, Repli-Pikahotaru, Repli-Bulletbaang, Repli-Odorippa, Repli-Skebows, Repli-Apparebushido, Repli-Wrestler G, Repli-Venomdake, Repli-Gorillasensei, Repli-Gekiocopter, Repli-Flayrose, Repli-Greatonbo, Repli-Kamantis, Repli-Catchula, Repli-Antrooper, Repli-Unicon, Repli-Madwheel
- The episode title includes part of the name of Tenliner in the form of kyūten (急転 ).
- Majade Mooncerberus and Valvarad Angecopter has been added to the opening theme.
- Outside of the flashback, this is the first episode that Kamen Rider Gotchard doesn't use the SteamHopper form.
- The paper origami that flies into Kitchen Ichinose was originally scripted to be a crane, though it was ultimately changed during filming to match 2024's Lunar New Year's zodiac animal, which is the dragon.[1]