Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-gotchardThis article is about an ally in Kamen Rider Gotchard.

"Steam! (スチーム!, Suchīmu!)"
―Steamliner's Cry[src]

Steamliner (スチームライナー, Suchīmurainā) is a Vehicle Chemy based on a steam train and one of Houtaro Ichinose's main allies.

It can also transmute itself into Tenliner (テンライナー, Tenrainā).[1]


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Powers and Abilities[]



  • Attribute: Vehicle
  • Level Number: 9
  • Gotchanko Chemy: Hopper1


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  • Ouroboros Realm Travel: Steamliner can travel back and forth from Earth to the Ouroboros Realm freely by creating its own railroad. Additionally, it can bring a person with it by taking the person in question from its underside.
  • Size Reduction: Steamliner is unknowingly able to shrink down to the size of a handheld toy smaller than Hopper 1.
  • Re-Transmutation: Steamliner is able to re-transmute itself into an evolved form known as Tenliner at will. It first performed this when Houtaro used his temporarily upgraded Alchemist Ring and the Gotcharigniter to perform forbidden Alchemy to re-transmute it, and was shown to be able to switch back and forth between its original and its re-transmutated forms at will afterwards.


  • Furnace Blockage: If Steamliner's chimney is clogged by another object(s), it'll hinder Steamliner's ability to operate.


Repli Steamliner

  • Attribute: Repli Vehicle
  • Level Number: 9
  • Gotchanko Chemy: N/A


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Gotcharbrothers Steamhopper

Gotcharbrothers Steamhopper

"Gotchanko! Steamhopper! Here we go!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics[2]
  • Rider Height: 205.0 cm
  • Rider Weight: 90.3 kg
Ability Parameters[2]
  • Punching Power: 8.2 t
  • Kicking Power: 10.0 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 17.2 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 7.3 sec.

Hopper1 and Steamliner are transmuted into Gotcharbrothers Steamhopper (ガッチャーブラザーズ スチームホッパー, Gatchāburazāzu Suchīmuhoppā) by Rainbow Gotchard using the Rainbow Hopper1 and Rainbow Steamliner Ride Chemy Cards in the Gotchardriver.

Gotcharbrothers Steamhopper consists of the following parts:

  • Brother Steamhopper Mask (ブラザースチームホッパーマスク, Burazā Suchīmuhoppā Masuku): Gotcharbrothers Steamhoppers head.
  • Brother Muffler (ブラザーマフラー, Burazā Mafurā): The muffler. It flutters brilliantly as proof of the Gotcharbrothers.
  • Brother Chemy Doll (ブラザーケミドール, Burazā Kemi Dōru): The body.
  • Brother Boiler (ブラザーボイラー, Burazā Boirā): The boiler. It acts as a pressure regulating valve for steam compression, which strengthens the entire body with high-pressure steam.
  • Brother Athanor (ブラザーアタノール, Burazā Atanōru): The conversion furnace. It converts various alchemical materials such as air and water into tremendous energy by burning them. It also synchronizes with Kamen Rider Rainbow Gotchard's conversion furnace to generate power equivalent to that of Rainbow Gotchard.
  • Brother Gotchardriver (ブラザーガッチャードライバー, Burazā Gatchādoraibā): The Driver.
  • Brother Draw Holder (ブラザードローホルダー, Burazā Dorō Horudā): The cardholder. It can store up to 10 Ride Chemy Cards.
  • Brother Hopperling Rusher (ブラザーホッパリングラッシャー, Burazā Hopparingu Rasshā): The arms. By adding steam compression to the muscles that boast excellent agility, it unleashes an ultra-high-speed rush of high-pressure punches.
  • Brother Hopperling Pressure (ブラザーホッパリングプレッシャー, Burazā Hopparingu Puresshā): The legs. They boast extremely nimble footwork and excellent jumps. The kicks delivered are weight-changed and steam-compression pressurized with each hop, and by the third hop it becomes a heavyweight attack reminiscent of Steamliner's charge.

This form has the following finishers:

Appearances: Gotchard Episodes 41, Kamen Rider Gotchard: The Future Daybreak, 45



  • Houtaro Ichinose/Kamen Rider Gotchard: Houtarou is chosen by Steamliner as Kamen Rider alongside with Hopper1
  • Fuga Kudo: Fuga is Steamliner (and by extension, all Chemies) protector in Ouroboros Realm, with it and Hopper1 is trusted enough by the man in question to search for a suitable person to wield the Gotchardriver.
  • Hopper1: A fellow Chemy that matches (Gotchanko) with Steamliner
  • Rinne Kudo/Kamen Rider Majade: Rinne briefly fight with Steamliner since its appearance disrupt the civilians nearby.


Ride Chemy Card[]

Card Image Card Number Rarity Found in
KRGo-RCTC-CD1-016 CD1-016 C Ride Chemy Trading Card Wafer 01
KRGo-RCTC-CDA-004 CDA-004 PR Kamen Rider Choco
KRGo-RCTC-FB1-002 FB1-002 PR Gotchard Pajamas and Socks
KRGo-RCTC-PRC-007 PRC-007 PR Ride Chemy Trading Card Promotion Pack
KRGo-RCTC-PRC-009 PRC-009 PR Saisoku Taiken Special Set
KRGo-RCTC-PRC-018 PRC-018 PR Amazon Japan Holiday Campaign
KRGo-RCTC-PRM-002 PRM-002 PR TV Magazine (October/November/December 2023 Issue)
KRGo-RCTC-PRM-004 PRM-004 PR Televi-Kun (October 2023 Issue)
KRGo-RCTC-RT0-005 RT0-005 C Phase:00
KRGo-RCTC-RT1-052 RT1-052 UR
KRGo-RCTC-RT1-053 RT1-053 SR
KRGo-RCTC-RT1-054 RT1-054 R
KRGo-RCTC-RT1-078 RT1-078 P
KRGo-RCTC-TCS-005 TCS-005 SR DX Gotchardriver
KRGo-Steamliner Ride Chemy Card (Action Chemy Series) N/A N/A DX Action Chemy Steamliner

Card Image Card Number Rarity Found in
KRGo-RCTC-RT4-009 RT4-009 RR Phase:04

Card Image Card Number Rarity Found in
KRGo-RCTC-TCS-172 TCS-172 UR DX Gotchardriver (Daybreak Ver.)

Card Image Card Number Rarity Found in
KRGo-RCTC-RT3-066 RT3-066 C Phase:03
KRGo-RCTC-RT4-062 RT4-062 GR Phase:04
KRGo-RCTC-RTX-231 RTX-231 GR Phase:EX02
KRGo-RCTC-TCS-041 TCS-041 SR DX Dreadriver


Behind the Scenes[]


Steamliner is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama (檜山 修之, Hiyama Nobuyuki).[3]


  • The name comes from Steam locomotive, trains powered by burning combustible material, and "Liner" a common name given to passenger trains.
  • Based on it’s design, the name also may be a derivative of Streamliner a name mainly given to high-speed railway trainsets from 1930’s to 1950’s which were known for incorporating streamlines on their designs to reduce air resistance.


  • Steamliner's voice actor, Nobuyuki Hiyama, previously voiced the main human protagonists of two Brave Series entries, The Brave Express Might Gaine and The King of Braves GaoGaiGar. The titular mecha of both series have trains as major components in their designs, with the former being a steam train.
  • The prop for the shrunken Steamliner is an Action Chemy Steamliner.


See also[]


External Links[]


Icon-gotchard Kamen Rider Gotchard
Kamen Riders: Houtaro Ichinose (Future) - Rinne Kudo - Supana Kurogane - Ho-Oh Kaguya Quartz - Kamen Rider Dread: (Clotho - Sabimaru Tsuruhara - Lachesis - Minato - Atropos) - Fuga Kudo - Glion
Hundred Riders: Gengetsu - Saigetsu - Tasogare - Mimei
Movie/Special-exclusive Riders: Renge Icho - Clotho - Lachesis - Future Rinne - Future Glion
Debatable: Supana Kurogane - Lachesis - Saigetsu
Transformation Gear
Transformation Items: Gotchardriver (Daybreak Ver.) - Alchemisdriver - Valvarusher - Valvaradriver (Kurogane) - Legendriver - Dreadriver - Majestydriver - Eldoradriver
Driver-Compatible Transformation Devices: High Alchemist Ring - Promise Alchemist Ring
Upgrade Items: Exgotchalibur - Gotcharigniter - Tenliner - Crosshopper - Legend Kamen Riser - Nijigon
Ride Chemy Card-related
Ride Chemy Cards - Gotchardraw Holder - Valvaradraw Buckle - Draw Holder
Gotchard (Daybreak): Gotcharge Gun - Gotchartornado - Exgotchalibur - Heavy Expressure
Valvarad: Valvarusher
Legend: Legend Ride Magnum - Legend Kamen Riser
Dread: Bloody BB - Bloody AB - Bloody UC - Bloody DO
Rider Machines
Golddash - Daybreak Golddash
Alchemist Rings - Chemy Riser - Alchemis Charger - Dooms Clock - Philosopher's Stone
World of Gotchard: Erikusa - Kokonotsu - Ouroboros Realm - Door of Darkness - New Earth
World of Legend: Ho-Oh Tower
Furasu High School: Ryo Kajiki - Seina Tsukumo - Tsukuru Mikuriya
Kitchen ICHINOSE: Tamami Ichinose
Gotchard High School: Houtaro Ichinose - Rinne Kudo - Sabimaru Tsuruhara - Lachesis - Minato - Glion - Ryo Kajiki - Atropos - Shiori Harima
IRISE+GIRLS: Mai - Hina - Koyomi
Kongo Laboratory: Mami Kongo - Kenichi Tsuruhara
Future Timeline Allies: Future Atropos - Future Clotho - Tetsuo Tajima - Ichika Sakaki
Civilians: Koichiro Asahi - Riku Sunayama - Hijiri Himeno - Yuzuru Manabe - Sawa Manabe - Kyoka Edami - Yua Yamashita - Tatchan - Tamiko Misono - Starshine Hoshino - Butler - Kusao Frida
Legend Riders: Tsukasa Kadoya - Ace Ukiyo - Keiwa Sakurai - Neon Kurama - Michinaga Azuma - Ittetsu Tanba - Zein - Yuto Sakurai - Shoma
Others: Tsumuri
Insect Chemies: Hopper1Crosshopper - Pikahotaru - Gengenchoucho - Bakuonzemi - Antrooper - Greatonbo - Stagvine - Kaiserbee - Kamantis - BeetlX
Job Chemies: Odorippa - Dokkirimajin - Doctorkozo - Pilets - Wrestler G - Sasukemaru - Bulletbaang - Apparebushido - Karyudos - X Wizard
Vehicle Chemies: Spicle - Skebows - Hiikescue - Gekiocopter - Deepmariner - MadwheelMachwheel - Golddash - Gutsshovel - SteamlinerTenliner - Exceedfighter
Animal Chemies: Yamibat - Catchula - Mechanichani - Bussasorry - Bountybunny - Hawkstar - Tsupparihebi - Gorillasensei - Ganvhale - Lixion
Artifact Chemies: Raidenji - Kesuzo - Mitemirror - Energyl - Panpakaparka - Televi - Timelord - Smaphone - Renkingrobo - X Fortress
Plant Chemies: Happyclover - Burningnero - Bambamboo - Saboneedle - Venomdake - Utsubocchama - Flayrose - Buglesia - Junglejan - Xeggdrasil
Occult Chemies: Carery - Berosol - Sayzombie - Angelead - Zukyumpire - Daiohni - Mackraken - Jyamatanoorochi - Ninetail - UFO-X
Ancient Chemies: Nammonite - Akumanocaris - Pakuraptor - Ojilacanth - Sabeliger - Warptera - Gigalodon - Tricera - Blizzammoth - X-Rex
Cosmic Chemies: Mercurin - Kinkiravina - Gokigenmeteon - Neminemoon - Firemars - Grandsaturn - The Sun - Jupitta - Kuroana - Gaiard
Fantastic Chemies: Gigabaham - Macentaurus - Unicon - Vanfenrir - Inphoenix - Yoacerberus - Haodin - Gingriffon - Donposeidon - Dragonalos
Rainbow Chemy: Nijigon
Daybreak Chemy: Daybreak Hopper1 - Daybreak Steamliner - Daybreak Golddash - Daybreak Timelord - Daybreak The Sun - Daybreak Smaphone
Legend Rider Chemy: Geats Chemy - Tycoon Chemy - Na-Go Chemy - Buffa Chemy
Dark Ether Chemy: El Dragon
Other Chemy: Kamedoon
Alchemys Union
Executives: Unnamed Leader
Inspectors: Licht Kugimiya - Shiori Harima
Alchemists: Minato - Fuga Kudo - Kyoka Edami - Renchi Kurogane - Suzu Kurogane - Daiki Suzuya
Agents: Supana Kurogane
Alchemist Academy:
Staff: Minato
Graduated Students: Supana Kurogane - Boruto Namarizaki
Senior Students: Renge Icho - Sabimaru Tsuruhara (Isaac)
Junior Students: Houtaro Ichinose - Rinne Kudo - Three Dark Sisters (Atropos - Clotho - Lachesis)
Dark Kings: Gigist - Germain - Gaelijah - Dark King - Ouroboros (Gotchard)
Generals: Glion - Three Dark Sisters (Atropos - Clotho - Lachesis)
Other Members: Shiori Harima - Malice Doll - Golem - Dreatroopers
Malgam Monsters
Silver: Mantis Malgam - Skateboard Malgam - Poisonous Mushroom Malgam - Submarine Malgam - Ants Malgam - Gorilla Malgam - Hawk Malgam - Dragonfly Malgam - Clover Malgam - Jungle Malgam - Battery Malgam - Spider Malgam - Wizard Malgam - Orochi Malgam - Kyubi Malgam - Anomalocaris Malgam - Unidentified Malgam #1 & #2 - Doctor Malgam
Golden: Moon Malgam - Cerberus Malgam - Angel Malgam - Wheel Malgam - Saber Tiger Malgam - Pteranodon Malgam - Dragon Malgam - Karakasaobake Malgam - Fairy Malgam - Mammoth Malgam - Kraken Malgam
Dark: Skebows Malgam (Dark) - Antrooper Malgam (Dark) - Hopper1 Malgam (Dark) - Fantastic Malgam (Dark) - Kamedoon Malgam (Dark) - Poisonous Mushroom Malgam (Dark)
Chemy Factor: Submarine Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Jungle Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Battery Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Gorilla Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Anomalocaris Malgam (Chemy Factor)
Other Malgam: Ark-One Malgam
Leader: Hundred Superiors
Executives: Saigetsu - Mimei - Tasogare - Gengetsu
Captain: Alpha
Footsoldiers: Kasshine - Dai Mazine
Future Glion Army
Leader: Future Glion
Generals: Dark Death Masks (Hellcrate - Lakineiles - Alzard)
Footsoldiers: Dreatrooper Type Army
Other Villains
Geats Killer - Mahou Tsukai Jyamato - Jyamato Rider