Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-hibikiThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Hibiki.

Starving Shuki (飢える朱鬼, Ueru Shuki) is the thirty-sixth episode of Kamen Rider Hibiki. It features the debut of Kamen Rider Shuki.


A mysterious Armor of the Ogre, that gives the wearer the power of an Oni, has been stolen from a shrine. The thief uses it to attack Oni and Makamou alike; leaving the Oni wander what is the thief's motives for using the armor.

Akira starts wondering if the hatred she has for Makamou is really a bad thing and if she should throw away her school life and dedicate her time to becoming a full-fledged Oni.


to be added


Guest cast[]

  • Abbot (神主, Kannushi): Ken Sasaki (佐々木 研, Sasaki Ken)
  • Miko (巫女): Momiji Sato (佐藤 もみじ, Satō Momiji)
  • Student of Flower Arrangement Class (生花教室の生徒, Ikebana kyōshitsu no Seito): Kanae Oki (沖 佳苗, Oki Kanae)
  • Zanki's Attending Physician (ザンキの主治医, Zanki no Shujii): Takeshi Yamazaki (山崎 猛, Yamazaki Takeshi)
  • Thief: Yasuhiro Roppongi (六本木 康弘, Roppongi Yasuhiro)
  • Angler: Shinya Ono (小野 慎也, Ono Shinya)


Hibiki EP 36 CS

Closing Screen

DVD Releases[]
