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Icon-bladeThis article is about an Undead in Kamen Rider Blade.

"The power of the Category King...is in my hands! (手に入れた…カテゴリーキングの力を!, Te ni ireta...Kategorī Kingu no chikara wo!)"
―The Spider Undead, while possessing Mutsuki, finally obtaining the Tarantula Undead's power.[src]

The Spider Undead (スパイダーアンデッド, Supaidā Andeddo) is a Category Ace of Clubs Undead who possessed Mutsuki Kamijo and transformed into Kamen Rider Leangle (仮面ライダーレンゲル, Kamen Raidā Rengeru).


The Spider Undead is an accomplice of the Peacock Undead, appearing for Garren to seal while he spewed out golden spiders to latch on ideal hosts. Once finding an ideal host in Mutsuki Kamijo, the Spider Undead intentionally had himself sealed into the Change Spider card to complete the Leangle. Though sealed, the Spider usually takes over Mutsuki's body, using him to become more powerful for the Battle Fight until he no longer needs a human host.

Affected by Titan's venom in episode 42, Spider starts to completely take over Mutsuki to the point of turning into the Undead himself. The Spider was forced out from Leangle during episode 42 when attempting to assume his King Form, with Mutsuki free of the Undead's influence thanks to Hikaru Jo giving Noboru Shima a stronger influence. The Spider was properly resealed by Mutsuki with the King Rouser.

Though unsealed in Missing Ace by the Albino Joker, the Spider Undead was resealed by Garren Jack.

Video Game appearances[]

Kamen Rider Blade (video game)[]

The Spider Undead is one of many Undead who appear in the Kamen Rider Blade video game.



The Leangle system was developed through tricks and manipulation by Isaka, the Peacock Undead, who needed the sealed Spider Undead to complete it. However, as later revealed, the Undead was not sealed properly and thus manipulated his users for his own agenda making him also the user of the Rider.

Spider Undead
KRBl-Spider Undead

Spider Undead

  • Height: 219 cm.[1]
  • Weight: 118 kg.[1]

Powers & Abilities[]


  • Lifeforce Absorption: The Spider Undead can drain the lifeforce of others.
  • Human Control: While in the form of an improperly sealed Rouse Card, The Spider Undead is able to control it's wielder.


  • Web Shooting: The Spider Undead is able to shoot webs from it's mouth to immobilize it's victims.


  • Claws: The Spider Undead possesses no weapons, instead using it's claws for combat.
  • Golden Spiders: The Spider Undead can spawn golden spiders which it uses to seek out and latch onto ideal hosts.

Kamen Rider Leangle

Kamen Rider Leangle

"Open Up!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm.[2]
  • Rider Weight: 111 kg.[2]
Rider Senses
  • Hearing: 10 km.[3]
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 300 AP[2] (3 t.)
  • Kicking Power: 490 AP[2] (4.9 t.)
  • Maximum Jump Height: 30 m.[2]
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 5 sec.[2]
Special Attacks
  • Tapir Remote: 2200 MP[4] (22 t.)
  • Polar Blizzard: 1200 MP[4] (12 t.)
  • Bee Stab: 400 FP[4] (4 t.)
  • Squid Smog: 2000 MP[4] (20 t.)
  • Rhinoceros Rush: 800 FP[4] (8 t.)
  • Dragonfly Float: 1000 FP[4] (10 t.)
  • Blizzard Clash: 2400 AP[3] (24 t.)
  • Blizzard Gale: 1800 AP[3] (18 t.)
  • Spinning Dance: 3600 AP[3] (36 t.)
  • Screw Rush: 1400 AP[3] (14 t.)
  • Blizzard Venom: 3800 AP[3] (38 t.)

Leangle's default for assumed by using the Leangle Buckle and Change Spider Rouse Card. The transformation fuses the user with the DNA of the Spider Undead. Leangle has higher ability parameters than Blade and Garren, allowing him to compensate for the fact that he cannot assume other forms like them.

Appearances: Blade Episode 16


Rouse Card[]

KRBl-Change Spider Rouse Card

Spider Undead Rouse Card incorrect sealing

KRBl-Change Spider Rouse Card V2

Spider Undead Rouse Card correct sealing

  • Suit: Club (♣)
  • Category: Ace (A)
  • Effect name: CHANGE
  • Card name: Change Spider (チェンジ・スパイダー, Chenji Supaidā)
  • Consumption points: +3


The Spider Undead's growls are provided by Katsumi Shiono (塩野 勝美, Shiono Katsumi), while his talking voice is provided by Kiyoyuki Yanada (梁田 清之, Yanada Kiyoyuki). As Kamen Rider Leangle, his suit actors were Jiro Okamoto (岡元 次郎, Okamoto Jirō) and Jun Watanabe (渡辺 淳, Watanabe Jun).

When possessing Mutsuki Kamijo, he is portrayed by Takahiro Hojo (北条 隆博, Hōjō Takahiro) and voiced by Kiyoyuki Yanada.

Concept Art[]

Spider Undead concept art

Spider Undead concept art


  • In Missing Ace, Spider Undead would be properly sealed by Garren, but its Category Ace of Clubs card would have its improper seal form as opposed to the gold proper seal form it had when Spider Undead was exorcised from Mutsuki prior to the events of the movie.
    • However, Spider Undead in this case was unwillingly sealed, so it could not exert any influence over Mutsuki at all. This means that it could now be used as a proper seal much like the other Category Ace Cards without its gold appearance nor the need for any help from Shima & Hikaru.
  • Spider Undead is the second Undead to become a Kamen Rider, following Black Joker/Kamen Rider Chalice and followed by Albino Joker/Kamen Rider Glaive and Paradoxa Undead/Kamen Rider Abyss.


See also[]



Rider's Crest-Blade (Gold) Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Kazuma Kenzaki - Sakuya Tachibana - Hajime Aikawa - Kamen Rider Leangle: (Mutsuki Kamijo - Go Kiryu - Spider Undead)
New Generation Riders (Movie exclusive): Junichi Shimura - Natsumi Miwa - Shin Magaki
Transformation Devices
Blay Buckle - Garren Buckle - Leangle Buckle - Glaive Buckle - Lance Buckle - Larc Buckle
Transformation Gear
Rouse Cards - Rouse Absorber
Normal: Blay Rouzer - Garren Rouzer - Chalice Rouzer - Leangle Rouzer - Glaive Rouzer - Larc Rouzer - Lance Rouzer
Upgraded: King Rouzer
Other Weapons
Chalice Arrow - Wild Slasher
Item Carriers
Card Decks - Rouse Bank
Rider Machines
Blue Spader - Red Rhombus - Green Clover - Shadow Chaser - Black Fang
Event: Battle Fight
Forms: Jack Form - King Form
Hiroshi Tennoji - Kei Karasuma - Shiori Hirose - Yoshito Hirose
Jacaranda Cafe: Kotaro Shirai - Haruka Kurihara - Amane Kurihara
Others: Nozomi Yamanaka - Sayoko Fukasawa - Ryo Mikami - Jin Ichinose - Rei Kamioka - Tatsuya Yamaguchi - Michi - Umi Ikuhara - Shin Kurihara
The Undead
Creator: Master
Joker: Hajime Aikawa - Junichi Shimura - Kazuma Kenzaki (post-series)
The Royal Club
♠️ Spade: King - Takahara - Yazawa
♦️ Diamond: Kanai - Azumi - Isaka
♥️ Heart: Kamata - Miyuki Yoshinaga - Shinmei
♣️ Club: Noboru Shima - Hikaru Jo - Daichi
Category Ace
Beetle Undead - Stag Beetle Undead - Spider Undead - Mantis Undead - Kerberos
Category 2-10
Spade: Lizard Undead - Lion Undead - Boar Undead - Locust Undead - Deer Undead - Trilobite Undead - Buffalo Undead - Jaguar Undead - Scarab Undead
Diamond: Armadillo Undead - Frog Undead - Pecker Undead - Whale Undead - Firefly Undead -Tortoise Undead -Bat Undead - Zebra Undead - Chameleon Undead
Heart: Human Undead - Hammerhead Undead - Dragonfly Undead - Shell Undead - Hawk Undead - Plant Undead - Moth Undead - Camel Undead - Centipede Undead
Club: Bee Undead - Mole Undead - Rhinoceros Undead - Cobra Undead - Polarbear Undead - Jellyfish Undead - Scorpion Undead - Squid Undead - Tapir Undead
Trial Series: Trial B - Trial D - Trial E - Trial F - Trial G
Other: Darkroachi - Albiroachi - Titan - Mold Undead - Jashin 14