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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-driveThis article is about an allied device which accesses a form in Kamen Rider Drive.

"Type Speed!"
―Transformation announcement via Drive Driver[src]

Based on a sports car, Shift Speed (シフトスピード, Shifuto Supīdo) is a sentient Shift Car which enabled Kamen Rider Drive to transform the default Type Speed (タイプスピード, Taipu Supīdo). Matching the default form of his Rider Machine Tridoron, Type Speed grants Drive acceleration capabilities that enable him to move and attack at high velocities. Because Type Speed is Drive's main form, it does not need any special requirements or emotional frames of mind for Shinnosuke Tomari to access. In the toyline, there is also a golden version of the Shift Speed Car, but it works like a normal Shift Speed Car.

Type Speed[]

  • Kamen Rider Drive (Drive Episodes 1-4, Secret Mission Type TV-KUN, Drive 5, 7-9, Movie War Full Throttle, Drive 10-13, Type HIGH SPEED, Drive 14-16, 18-22, Ninninger Vs. Drive, Super Hero Taisen GP, Kamen Rider 4: Episodes 1-3, Drive 23, Secret Mission Type TOKUJO, Drive 25, 27-35, 38, 40, Surprise Future, Drive Saga: Chaser, Drive 42, Type LUPIN, Drive 45, 48, Super Movie Wars Genesis, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider)
  • Tridoron

Tire Exchange Cars[]

The following Tire Exchange Shift Cars are derived from Shift Speed's model: a basic car with four wheels. As such, their Shift Tires are most suited for Kamen Rider Drive Type Speed.

Character History[]


Main article: Shift Speed Prototype

By 2005, Krim Steinbelt had housed his consciousness within the Drive Driver, which would be used in conjunction with Shift Cars applied to the Shift Brace to assume the form of Kamen Rider Drive. While Krim had yet to create a functioning Shift Car to work with the Drive System, the first transformation into Drive, at the time designated "Zero Drive", was achieved by Shinnosuke Tomari using the Shift Speed Prototype, both of whom had arrived from ten years into the future. [Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Ghost & Drive: Super Movie Wars Genesis]

Protodrive Profile


Following this encounter, Krim eventually constructed the Shift Speed Prototype, which would be used by his benevolent Roidmude assistant, Protozero, to become Kamen Rider Protodrive. [Type ZERO Episode 0: Countdown to Global Freeze] Despite lacking the power to destroy Roidmude's Cores, Protodrive proved sufficient to fight the malevolent Plain Roidmudes with the new Tire Exchange Shift Cars during the Global Freeze revolution of April 2014. Protodrive, however, was ultimately defeated by Roidmude 002, who had become the Advanced Roidmude Heart. With both Protozero and the Shift Speed Prototype lost to the Roidmudes, "Mr. Belt" only just escaped with his life.



Kiriko temporarily assuming the tire-less Type Speed body of Kamen Rider Drive.

Following the loss of Protodrive, Krim completed construction of the finalized Shift Speed, which enabled transformation into the perfected Kamen Rider Drive System.

To initiate the test transformation of the complete Drive, Kiriko Shijima wore the Drive Driver and utilized Shift Speed within the Shift Brace in an attempt to transform into Type Speed, Drive's default sports car-based form. Through this, Kiriko was able to momentarily achieve a transformation into the tire-less Kamen Rider Drive. However, when the Speed Shift Tire attempted to combine with the Type Speed body, the transformation was immediately rejected, prompting Kiriko and "Mr. Belt" to find a candidate who could successfully handle Drive's power and maintain the transformation. [How Were the Special Investigation Unit Selected?]


Six months following the Global Freeze, detective Shinnosuke Tomari was recruited to the Special Investigation Unit, formed to investigate and combat the Roidmudes. Guided by "Mr. Belt" and Kiriko Shijima, Shinnosuke used the Shift Speed with the Shift Brace and Drive Driver to achieve a successful transformation into Kamen Rider Drive Type Speed. Wielding the finalized Drive System, Shinnosuke proved more than efficient in fighting the Roidmudes; now possessing the ability to Tire Exchange with other Shift Cars as well as the power to terminate Roidmude's Cores, Drive successively used the Tires of Max Flare, Funky Spike and Midnight Shadow to eliminate Roidmudes 042 and 088 while forcing 029's Core into retreat after destroying his body. [Why Did My Time Stop?]

By replicating Shift Speed within the Shift Brace and Drive Driver, Roidmude 027 was able to assume the form of Fake Drive Type Speed. This Fake Drive possessed the ability to strip the original of his Shift Tires, which he demonstrated by briefly seizing Max Flare. Back at the Drive Pit, Shinnosuke saw Tridoron modified in to a luxurious sports car, the data of which was transferred to Shift Speed, granting it the form of Shift High Speed. Confronting the Fake Drive in his new form, Drive was complimented by Shift Mega Max Flare, which overwhelmed 027 to the point that his Fake Drive form was negated before he himself was destroyed by Drive's Rider Kick. As later revealed by Krim Steinbelt and Rinna Sawagami, however, the modifications that Shift Speed and Max Flare received were purely cosmetic, with Shinnosuke's greater prowess being due to his peak state of "Top Gear" mind. [Type HIGH SPEED! The True Power! Type High Speed is Born!]

In Shocker's History Modifying Machine timeline, Shift Speed was one of several Shift Cars which came to Drive's aid against the brainwashed Shocker Riders. [Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3]

Shift High Speed[]

Based on a luxurious sports car, Shift High Speed (シフトハイスピード, Shifuto Hai Supīdo, Based on a luxurious sports car) enabled Drive and Tridoron to transform into Type High Speed (タイプハイスピード, Taipu Hai Supīdo). Shinnosuke must be a gentleman in order to use Type High Speed. Along with the Shift Mega Max Flare, it was later revealed that this Shift Car was just a redecoration of the original Shift Speed Car and nothing more. [Type HIGH SPEED! The True Power! Type High Speed is Born!]

Full Throttles[]

After turning the Advanced Ignition on the Drive Driver, pressing the Igniter on the Shift Brace, and lifting the Shift Car currently placed within the Shift Brace once, Drive can execute a myriad of finishers unique to each Shift Car.

  • Type Speed's Full Throttle finisher is the Speedrop (スピードロップ, Supīdoroppu). This finisher has two variations:

  • Tridoron forming a whirlwind around the enemy while Drive is boosted forward by energy-projected spinning tires, allowing him to rebound off his car so that he can unleash a rapid barrage of kicks to finish off the enemy.
  • Drive focuses power into his right leg, making it glow red as he slams into the enemy with a flying kick while said opponent is trapped in Tridoron Type Technic's claws.
  • Drive unleash a rapid barrage of kicks, without energy-projected spinning tires, to separate a Fusion Evolution State Roidmude with it's human host.

  • The second finisher of Type Speed Shadow is a powerful version of the Speedrop with Tridoron, only Drive uses Midnight Shadow's cloning powers to bombard it from every direction. This finisher is exclusive to Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3.

  • Type Speed Flare's Full Throttle finisher is the Flare Stream (フレアストリーム, Furea Sutorīmu), where Drive launches a barrage of fireballs from the Max Flare Tire towards the enemy.

  • Type Speed Hunter's Full Throttle finisher is the JustiSmash (ジャスティスマッシュ, Jasutisumasshu), where after trapping the enemy in the Justice Cage's Energy Prison, Drive uses projections of Tridoron's tires to launch himself at the cage, then upwards and back, making a loop before sliding at the cage with a punch, the cage lifting seconds before Drive can smash into it, destroying the enemy.

  • Type Speed Vegas' Full Throttle finisher is the Million Attack (ミリオンアタック, Mirion Atakku), where the Drum Shields combine with the Dream Vegas Tire, causing the three wheels to spin around like a slot machine. Whatever the three icons land on determines the action.
    • Tire: Drive shoots one gold coin pathetically at the enemy, which doesn't even reach it.
    • Seven: Drive shoots a barrage of gold coins at the enemy. They can also explode for a smokescreen effect.

  • Type Speed Mixer's Full Throttle finisher is the Cannoncrete (キャノンクリート, Kyanonkurīto), where Drive fires a salvo of quick-drying cement from the Spin Mixer Tire at the enemy, binding them in place.

  • Type Speed Monster's Full Throttle finisher is the Monscrunch (モンスクランチ, Monsukuranchi), where a tongue shoots out of the Massive Monster Tire and binds the enemy in place before Drive drags them in to be crushed in-between energy constructs of the Monster.
    • Type Speed Cab's Full Throttle finisher is the Dimension Branch (ディメンションブランチ, Dimenshon Buranchi).

  • Type Speed Doctor's Full Throttle "finisher" makes Drive hover in the air as medical equipment from the Cure Quicker appears around him, which is then used to remove whatever ailment is affecting him, such as poison. The downside is that, true to its name, Mad Doctor's healing is excruciatingly painful.

  • Type High Speed's Full Throttle finisher is the High Speedrop (ハイスピードロップ, Hai Supīdoroppu), which appears to be a replica of Type Speed's Speedrop where Drive charges himself in a glittering light-like energy before destroying the target with a flying kick.

    After turning the Advanced Ignition on the Drive Driver, pressing the Igniter on the Shift Brace, and lifting the Shift Car currently placed within the Shift Brace once, Protodrive can execute his finisher. Unlike the Riders which would follow him, Protodrive cannot permanently destroy Roidmudes as he is incapable of destroying their Cores.

    • Speedrop (スピードロップ, Supīdoroppu): Protodrive opens his arms and floats into the sky, before his entire body surrounded by aqua blue and pink energy, and then deliver a flying kick towards the enemy in the air.

    • Turn Slash (ターンスラッシュ, Tān Surasshu): To activate this attack, Drive must load a Shift Car into the Handle-Ken's Shift Landing Panel (シフトランディングパネル, Shifuto Randingu Paneru) behind its blade.
      • Shift Speed: When Drive slashes an enemy, a blue automobile light trail appears and reflects a red then blue image of either a speedometer, a rev counter, or a fuel gauge on the target.

    • Trailer Impact (トレーラーインパクト, Torērā Inpakuto): While assuming Type Formula, or its Tire Exchanges, Drive inserts Shift Formula into the Shift Landing Slot before loading two other Shift Cars into the Shutter Gate Panel so that he may fire an enhanced projectile shot at the enemy.
      • Speed & Wild: Fires a blue energy blast.
      • Speed & Midnight Shadow: Fires rapid energy bullets.

    • Trailer Big Impact (トレーラービッグインパクト, Torērā Biggu Inpakuto): While assuming Type Tridoron, Drive inserts a Type Change Shift Car (excluding Shift Formula) into the Shift Landing Slot before loading Shift Tridoron into the Shutter Gate Panel so that he may fire the actual Tridoron at the enemy. Initiating this attack causes Drive to revert to one of his weaker Types depending on which Type Change Shift Car he uses.
      • Speed: This version is strong enough to destroy even a Over Evolved Roidmude while immediately reverting Drive to Type Speed.

    Behind the scenes[]

    Closing Screens[]

    Shift Speed features on the Closing Screens of the following relevant Kamen Rider Drive productions.


    See also[]

    Icon-drive Kamen Rider Drive
    Kamen Riders
    TV Series: Shinnosuke Tomari - Go Shijima - Chase - Tenjuro Banno - Kamen Rider Mach Production Model (Jun Honganji, Genpachiro Otta)
    Movie/Special/Stageshow-exclusive: Zoruku Tojo - Kyoichiro Kuroi - Kamen Rider 4 - Paradox Roidmude - Heart - Brain
    Transformation Devices
    Drive Driver - Mach Driver Honoh (Production Model) - Lupin Gunner - Break Gunner - Kamen Rider 3's Typhoon - Kamen Rider 4's Typhoon - Banno Driver - Brain Driver
    Transformation Gear
    Shift Brace - Shift Cars - Signal Bikes - Viral Cores - Tridoron Key - Tokujo-ka Key
    Handle-Ken - Door-Ju - Trailer-Hou - Zenrin Shooter - Shingou-Ax - E-Circular - Blade Gunner - Brain Megane Blade
    Tire Specific Items
    Justice Cage - Cure Quicker - Ladder Expander - Rumble Smasher - 10-ton Weight - Drum Shields - Frostreamer - Monster - Capture Hook - Jacky Riser - Grasper Claw
    Tridoron - Ride Booster Set (Red/Blue) - Proto Tridoron - NEXTridoron - Ride Macher - Ride Chaser - Ride Crosser - TriCyclone - Sky Cyclone - Ride Braiser
    Core Driviars - Heavy Acceleration Particle Measuring Device - Heavy Acceleration Reducing Machine - Anti-Roidmude Bullets - Rear Cowl Boots -
    Special Investigation Unit
    Kiriko Shijima - Krim Steinbelt - Jun Honganji - Genpachiro Otta - Rinna Sawagami - Kyu Saijo
    Unofficial Members: Roidmude 072 - Go Shijima - Chase - Mitsuhide Nira (defected)
    Other allies
    Akira Hayase - Harley Hendrickson - Kyoichiro Kuroi - Eisuke Tomari - Eiji Tomari - Ninningers - Ryu Terui - Takumi Inui - Yuto Sakurai - Sakuya Tachibana - Kamen Rider Blade - Kamen Rider Chalice - Kamen Rider Leangle
    Creator: Tenjuro Banno
    Generals: Heart - Brain - Chase (defected) - Medic - Freeze - Krim Steinbelt (copy) - Roidmude 005 - Roidmude 006 - Tornado - Paradox
    Minor Advanced Roidmudes: Reaper Legion - Iron Roidmude - Paint Roidmude - Crush Roidmude - Scooper Roidmude - Volt Roidmude - Gunman Roidmude - Voice Roidmude - Judge Roidmude - Shoot Roidmude - Shocker Buruburu - Angel Roidmude
    Fusion Evolved State: Sword Roidmude - Seeker Roidmude - Open Roidmude - Cook Roidmude - Thief Roidmude
    Unofficial: Mitsuhide Nira - Sigma Circular
    Other villains
    Zoruku Tojo - Imitation Drive - Kibaoni Army Corps - Shocker - Neo Shade - Gamma (Da Vinci Gamma)
    Mu: Leader of Mu
    Executive: Shocker Leader III
    Kamen Riders: Kamen Rider Dark Kiva - Kamen Rider Poseidon - Kamen Rider Wiseman - Kamen Rider Duke - Kamen Rider Dark Ghost - Kamen Rider Another Para-DX
    Monsters: Cancer Zodiarts - Gremlin - Demushu - Gamma Superior - Graphite