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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-555This article is about a transformation device in Kamen Rider 555.

"Standing by!"
―Transformation standby announcement[src]

―Transformation announcement[src]

―Unsuccessful transformation announcement[src]

"Single Mode!"
―Phone Blaster Single Mode activation announcement[src]

"Burst Mode!"
―Phone Blaster Burst Mode activation announcement[src]

―Phone Blaster recharging announcement[src]

"Jetsliger, come closer!"
―Jetsliger summoning announcement[src]

"Exceed Charge!"
―Finisher announcement[src]

The Mobile Phone-type Multi-device SB-555P Faiz Phone (携帯電話型マルチデバイス SB-555P ファイズフォン, Keitaidenwa-gata Maruchidebaisu SB-555P Faizu Fon) is a cellphone-like device that is in reality the control unit of the Faiz Gear, the primary storage place for a Mission Memory as transgenerator that powers the Faiz Gear or the Faiz Axel Form by dialing the activation code.

When the phone is transformed into Phone Blaster Mode (フォンブラスターモード, Fon Burasutā Mōdo), forming the Variable Light Bullet Gun Phone Blaster (可変式光弾銃 フォンブラスター, Kahen-shiki Hikaridama Jū Fon Burasutā), it can be used for long-range attacks. It can be combined with the Faiz Pointer to boost its abilities. It is also capable of functioning as a normal cell phone, though it's primary user, Takumi Inui, only uses it twice. It had a longer on screen usage in Episode 48 compared to its first phone use appearance in Episode 41.


The Faiz Phone is composed of the following parts: [1]

  • Muzzle Antenna (マズルアンテナ, Mazuru Antena) - The phone's ultra-sensitive antenna. It uses Smart Brain's terminal for communication purposes. Any communications can be encrypted and scrambled to prevent interception. In Phone Blaster Mode, it serves as the muzzle, and can shoot out energy bullets and photon bullets thanks to the Electromagnetic Rifling (電磁ライフリング, Denji Raifuringu) engraved inside.
  • Micro Speaker (マイクロスピーカー, Maikuro Supīkā) - A microphone located between the screen and the Monitoring Window. Allows for uninterrupted conversations even if the user is underground.
  • Monitoring Window (モニタリングウインドウ, Monitaringu Uindou) - The screen. In addition to displaying the currently activated function, the user can visually check other status such as battery level, text messages and emails.
  • Metal Case (メタルケース, Metaru Kēsu) - The gray metal casing. It is made out of Sol Metal 228 (ソルメタル228, Soru Metaru 228), a supermetal developed by Smart Brain that has hardness close to diamond, and has a higher hardness than normal Sol Metal (the metal that Faiz's armor is made of). It boasts high rigidity.
  • Second Case (セカンドケース, Sekando Kēsu) - The black parts. It is made out of Silver Rubber (シルヴェールラバー, Shiruvu~ēru Rabā), making it extremely easy to hold. It does not deteriorate.
  • Trigger (トリガー, Torigā) - The trigger. In Phone Mode, it is locked. In Phone Blaster Mode, it is pressed to fire photon bullets.
  • Trans Bridge (トランスブリッジ, Toransu Burijji) - The circular axis that allows the Faiz Phone to change between Phone and Phone Blaster Modes.
  • Site Attach Rail (サイトアタッチレール, Saito Atatchi Rēru) - A special attachment rail that is revealed when the Faiz Phone is switched to Phone Blaster Mode. It has a cable and a connection harness for exchanging data inside. When the Phone blaster Mode is equipped with the Faiz Pointer, it can use the Faiz Pointer's laser pointer lock on to targets up to 2000m away.
  • Numeric Keypad (テンキー, Tenkī) - The keypad. It serves to input codes and phone numbers, and can also be sued as a simple keyboard for text messaging. (Note: 'tenkī' (テンキー) is a common Japanese abbreviation for 'ten keypad' (テンキーパッド), a term used in Japan for 'numeric keyboard'.)
  • ENTER Key (ENTERキー, Entā Kī) - The 'ENTER' button. Used to determine a command code.
  • Microphone (マイクロフォン, Maikurofon) - A highly sensitive microphone located below the Numeric Keypad. Used within Call Mode to speak.
  • Mission Memories (ミッションメモリ, Misshon Memori) - A metallic card key attached to the Faiz Phone's exterior. It can be taken off and slotted onto other equipment that belongs to Faiz.
  • Condition Signal (コンディションシグナル, Kondishon Shigunaru) - A flashing light attached to the Mission Memory. It flashes red when the Faiz Phone is low on battery, blinks slowly during a call and flashes green irregularly when downloading data.
  • Smart Battery (スマートバッテリー, Sumāto Batterī) - A small, large-capacity storage battery created by Smart Brain. It is a few centimeters large, and can store energy for 480 hours in Standby mode and 240 hours in normal use. Additionally, it can be recharged simply by placing it in the Faiz Driver.


  • 5-5-5 Enter This code switches the Faiz Phone and Faiz Driver into transformation standby mode. From here, inserting the Faiz Phone into the Driver will complete the transformation, allowing for the user to become Faiz unless they are a normal human. If a normal human attempts to transform, the phone will register an error, announce "ERROR", and violently eject from the user along with the belt.
  • 1-0-3 Enter (Single Mode): This code allows for Faiz to convert the Faiz Phone into the Phone Blaster and fire a continuous beam of Photon Energy for about 3 seconds. It has 12 shots until it must be recharged.
  • 1-0-6 Enter (Burst Mode): This code allows for Faiz to convert the Faiz Phone into the Phone Blaster and fire 3 round bursts of Photon Energy. It has 4 bursts until it must be recharged.
  • 2-7-9 Enter (Charge): This code allows for Faiz to give the Phone Blaster a five-second recharge, reloading the photon magazine.
  • 5-8-2-1 Enter (Auto Vajin, come closer): This code allows for Faiz to summon the Auto Vajin. Unused.
  • 5-8-2-6 Enter (Auto Vajin Battle Mode): This code allows for the Auto Vajin to transform into its humanoid robot form. Unused.
  • 5-8-8-6 Enter (Auto Vajin Vehicle Mode): This code allows for the Auto Vajin to transform into its motorcycle form. Unused
  • 5-8-1-4 Enter (Auto Vajin, get into the action): This code allows for the Auto Vajin to attack one or more targets autonomously while in Battle Mode. Unused.
  • 5-8-4-6 Enter (Auto vajin take off): This code allows for the Auto Vajin to fly while in Battle Mode. Unused.
  • 3-8-2-1 Enter (Jetsliger, come closer): This code allows for Faiz to summon the Jetsliger.
  • 3-8-1-4 Enter (Jetsliger, get into the action): This code allows for the Jetsliger to attack one or more targets autonomously. Unused.
  • 3-8-4-6 Enter (Jetsliger, take off): This code allows for the Jetsliger to hover above the ground in order to clear a large obstacle, traverse uneven terrain, or maneuver more nimbly during battle. Unused.
  • Enter: Pressing the "Enter" button without entering a code allows for Faiz to execute an "Exceed Charge depending on the item he inserted the Mission Memory into, sending a burst of power from the Faiz Driver along the Photon Streams to the weapon in question, giving it a tremendous power boost, and in some cases extra abilities.
  • End Call: Pressing the "End Call" button will switch off the Faiz Driver and cause the Sol Foam and Sol Metal to disappear.

Any other code will register an error, although one could presumably call another Rider's phone by entering their serial code (913 for Kaixa, for example) and then pressing the "Call" button.



The Phone Blaster is also among the various Rider Weapons used by Ganbarider in Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing.

Behind the scenes[]


As a device of Smart Brain, the Faiz Phone's voice is provided by Takehiko Kano (假野 剛彦, Kano Takehiko), who also served as the narrator of Kamen Rider 555.

See also[]


External Links[]


Icon-555 Kamen Rider 555
Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Faiz: Takumi Inui - Yuji Kiba - Akai - Naoya Kaido - Itsuro Takuma - Masato Kusaka
Kamen Rider Kaixa: Masato Kusaka (Android) - Kouta Takamiya - Kiyotaka Nishida - Takahisa Shindo - Saeko Kageyama - Yuji Kiba - Keitaro Kikuchi (Paradise Lost) - Higashino (Manga) - Nishijima (manga) - Mayu (manga) - Kaixa Corps (manga) - Nozomi Munemiya (manga)
Kamen Rider Delta: Syuji Mihara - Saya Kimura - Kitazaki - Masato Kusaka - Takumi Inui - Rina Abe - Kyouji Murakami - Kyosuke Tokumoto - Ken Arai - Yuki Kawachi - Kikyou Nonomura (manga) - Smart Queen (Outsiders) - Hisao
Kamen Rider Muez: Rena Kurumi - Nozomi Kitazaki
Riotrooper - Leo - Yuji Kiba
Stageshow-exclusive: Kamen Rider Alpha - Kamen Rider Beta - Kamen Rider Gamma - Dark Rider - Dark Slasher
Rider Gear
Mission Memories - Smart Pad
Faiz (Φ): Faiz Driver - Faiz Phone - Faiz Pointer- Faiz Shot - Faiz Edge - Faiz Axel - Faiz Blaster - Faiz Sounder - Faiz Driver NEXT - Faiz Phone 20 Plus
Kaixa (Χ): Kaixa Driver - Kaixa Phone - Kaixa Pointer - Kaixa Blaygun - Kaixa Shot - Kaixa Phone XX - Kaixa Crosslasher
Delta (Δ): Delta Driver - Delta Phone - Delta Mover
Riotroopers (O): Smart Buckle - Axelaygun - Flying Attacker (Decade)
Psyga (Ψ): Psyga Driver - Psyga Phone - Psyga Tonfa Edge - Flying Attacker
Orga (Ω): Orga Driver - Orga Phone - Orga Stlanzer
Muez (Μ): Muez Driver - Muez Phone - Muez Edge
Concept Systems
Kamen Rider Neo-Alpa (α) - Kamen Rider Seeda (ϑ) - Kamen Rider Pyron (π)
Auto Vajin - Side Basshar - Jetsliger - Gyro Attacker
Mari Sonoda - Keitaro Kikuchi - Yuka Osada - Naoya Kaido - Jotaro Kikuchi
Ryusei School
Hanagata - Masuda - Saya Kimura - Rina Abe - Kyosuke Tokumoto - Syoji Inukai - Kiyotaka Nishida - Takahisa Shindo - Haruko Kamijyo - Kouta Takamiya - Asami Ito - Ken Arai - Yuki Kawachi - Shingo Ota
Smart Brain
Wirepullers of Smart Brain
Kyouji Murakami - Smart Lady - Eiichi Toda
Orphnoch King: Arch
Lucky Clover: Saeko Kageyama - Itsuro Takuma - Kitazaki - Mr. J - Aki Sawada
Main: Goat - Wolf - Wildcat - Horse - Crane - Snake - Rose
Minor: Stingfish - Elephant - Ox - Mantis - Cactus - Squid - Owl - Scarab - Snail - Equisetum - Flyingfish - Armadillo - Toadstool - Scorpion - Dolphin - Worm - Seacucumber - Rabbit - Frog - Stinkbug - Swordfish - Rhinocerosbeetle - Stagbeetle - Octopus - Pigeon - Barnacle - Okra - Sloth - Frilledlizard - Crab - Bat - Coral - Butterfly - Giraffe - Longhorn - Pelican - Wild Boar - Slug - Mole - Moose - Lion - Lion (II) - Elasmotherium - Mosquito - Gecko - Kuina
Decade-exclusive: Tiger