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- For a character of the same name, see Rook (Geats).
Rook (ルーク, Rūku), otherwise known as the Lion Fangire (ライオンファンガイア, Raion Fangaia) was a member of the Checkmate Four (1986), being in charge of guarding the King[1]. His true name as a Fangire is Creation of Heaven and Earth, listening to the Baby's Cry and the Angry Roar (天地開闢, 産声と怒号を聞きながら, Tenchikaibyaku, ubugoe to Dogō o Kiki Nagara).
An exceptionally dangerous Fangire that inherited the position of Rook for the Checkmate Four, he became known among the other Demon Races for his vicious actions, having caused the near-extinction of the Wolfen race.
Around this era, Rook had spent his free time slaughtering others via his own personal game: the "Time Play". In a Time Play, he feeds on a selected type of people within a certain time limit, either rewarding or punishing himself afterwards, depending whether he devoured the right amount of victims within his game. Having murdered Yuri Aso's mother through such means, Rook earned Yuri's wrath, being targeted by her, to his indifference.
Though Otoya, Yuri, and the Arm Monsters have each attempted to fight Rook on several occasions, the latter proved too powerful in battle, casually swatting them aside as an afterthought. At one point, Rook nearly murdered Otoya in one of their battles, only being stopped per Maya's commands.
Eventually, making use of Rook's arrogance, Yuri tricks him into using the prototype Ixa System, with Otoya Kurenai and the Arms Monsters as his foes. Severely weakened from the battle, Rook becomes vulnerable to his foes' attacks, recieving a severe wound on his right shoulder by Yuri. Declaring that he will return someday, Rook retreated away, entering a deep rest to recuperate from his injuries.

Rook as "Dai-chan".
By 2008, though sufficiently recovered, the Rook lost his memories while resting, gaining a kinder and child-like mentality. Founded by Wataru Kurenai/Kamen Rider Kiva and Shizuka Nomura, Rook recieves the nickname "Dai-chan" (大ちゃん ) as a placeholder for his name, being noticed for his immense size. Placed under the care of a family that cooks soba, Rook became one of their employees, welcomed for his strength and character.
Unfortunately, soon after, "Dai-Chan" regains all of his memories as the Rook upon seeing one of his old battlefields, coldly murdering his former employers and customers. Though Wataru faced him in battle, Rook easily gained the upper hand, having no problems against Kiva Garuru Form. Luckily, Rook decided to retreat mid-way in their fight, much to Wataru's confusion.
Afterwards, Rook would face the Kamen Riders on several other occasions, establishing himself as one of their strongest enemies. However, upon gaining Emperor form, Wataru as Kiva gradually proved himself the stronger combatant, being able to overpower Rook on two occasions. Similarly, Keisuke gained an upgrade as Ixa Rising, allowing him to contend with the Checkmate Four as well.
Eventually, growing bored with his Time Plays, Rook overhears a mother and daughter talk about Heaven, much to his interest. Convinced that he would spend an eternity in joy at Heaven, Rook decided to do good deeds to gain its entrance, randomly helping anyone he sees.
After witnessing the new Fangire king in person, Rook deemed himself as ready for Heaven. Rook then appears before Megumi, asking that she kill him. When Megumi's weapons prove ineffective, Rook decides to kill her. However, Wataru arrives to save Megumi, causing Rook to fight him. Soon afterwards, Wataru and Keisuke switch foes, the latter becoming Rook's opponent.
Postponing his plans, Rook decides to defeat Keisuke as Ixa Rising, only to be heavily damaged in their battle. Allowing Megumi to land the finishing blow, Keisuke gives her the Ixa system. Transforming into Ixa Burst mode, Megumi slashes the Rook's damaged shoulder with Ixa Judgement, causing him to die.
Later, a zombified Lion Fangire appears among the resurrected Fangire group by Bishop, attacking the Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Decade[]
World of Kiva[]

The Lion Fangire in the World of Kiva.
In the World of Kiva, Rook is chasing after a renegade Fangire when Tsukasa Kadoya interferes and destroys him with the Ride Booker's Decade Slash. [Second Movement ♬ Prince Kiva]
World of the Rider War[]
The Lion Fangire was among four Fangires who were part of a gathering of monsters which were revived by Super Apollogeist in the World of the Rider War through a surplus of Life Energy which he had gained during his wedding to the Fangire Queen. These four Fangires were combined to create a copy of the strongest Fangire from the World of Kiva, Beetle Fangire. This Beetle Fangire is later destroyed by Kuuga's Mighty Kick. [Destroyer of Worlds]
OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders[]

The Lion Fangire fights Kiva as the Riders appear to fight Shocker.
Due to a change in history caused by Ankh leaving a O Medal behind in 1971, Shocker achieved its goal of world dominion with the Shocker Greeed which defeated the Double Riders, and new members from the various groups that would had manifested in the normal timeline after Shocker's destruction. The Lion Fangire was among the many monsters who were part of the this alliance. As more and more of the Kamen Riders started appearing and fighting Shocker's forces, the Lion Fangire fought Kiva alongside the Crab Fangire only to be defeated. [OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders]
Kamen Rider Wizard[]
The Lion Fangire's fight with Kiva was shown in a recollection by Amadum as he explained the nature of his world as a paradise for monsters destroyed by the Kamen Riders. [The Kamen Rider Rings]
Video Game appearances[]
Kamen Rider Break Joker[]

Lion Fangire Break Joker card
Lion Fangire appears as a playable character with other Riders and monsters in Kamen Rider Break Joker.
Much like most of his cohorts, Rook was a cruel individual in general, being sadistic and uncaring toward other life-forms. Highly proud of the power and status he held, Rook usually did things on pure whim, hence his brutal actions toward the innocent. This made him an unpredictable foe in general, being subserviant only to the King and Queen themselves.
During his temporary amnesia, Rook became a completely different being in personality, showing kindness toward others without any ulterior motives. Upon regaining his memories though, Rook quickly reverted back into his old ways, murdering his newfound friends in an instant.
Driven by his boredom, Rook often conducted his twisted "Time Plays" as a hobby, something others regularly deemed as pure nonsense. Notably, Rook himself eventually lost interest in his games, shifting to an interest in Heaven. Thus, he did good deeds out of superficial reasons before ultimately dying at Megumi's hands.

Lion Fangire
- Statistics

Kamen Rider Ixa
- "Fist On!"
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Rider Height: 218 cm
- Rider Weight: 160 kg
- Ability Parameters
- Punching Power: 4.2 t
- Kicking Power: 1.8 t
- Maximum Jump Height: 18 m
- Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 9.6 seconds
The IXA system, an acronym for Intercept X Attacker, is a Rider System developed for fighting Fangire. Otoya uses the Prototype Version of the Ixa System, which only has access to Save Mode (セーブモード, Sēbu Mōdo).
In 1986, the Ixa System was still in development. There were several technical problems such as the armor shooting out steam, a constant beeping, and the Ixa Knuckle producing sparks when activating a Fuestle. In addition, Ixa only has access to the Knuckle Fuestle. In contrast to the 2008 versions, the Ixa Knuckle had a deeper tone of voice and uses a bronze projection for the Ixa System's transformation. The Ixa Prototype Version exhausts a qualified person's body considerably even if they are not human, as the System still managed to harm both Jiro and Rook. Prolonged usage of the IXA system caused Otoya to develop temporary amnesia.
By inserting the Knuckle Fuestle into the Ixa Belt and pressing the Ixa Knuckle, Ixa can perform the Broken Fang (ブロウクン・ファング, Burōkun Fangu) finisher.
Kamen Rider Ixa consists of the following parts:
- Ixa Met (イクサメット, Ikusa Metto): The helmet. It is composed of Ixa Platinum (イクサプラチナ, Ikusa Purachina), a diamond-hard material made exclusively for Kamen Rider Ixa. Ixa Platinum was developed from 8AL-7V Titanium (8AL‐7Vチタニウム, 8AL‐7V Chitaniumu), one of the strongest current alloys on Earth, and is considered as the material that next-generation weapons and armor would be made out of. The metal was obtained via special routes. All information is transferred to the user within via internal pads that mount through electrical contact.
- Hunting Glass (ハンティング・グラス, Hantingu Gurasu): The eyes. They are ultra-wide lens that possess a 180° field of view in front, and video information captured is transmitted to the wearer inside via an in-helmet terminal. It also contains a type of night vision scope function that can even see in darkness with zero visibility, and a Super X-Ray (スーパーXレイ, Sūpā X Rei) function that allows Ixa to see through a 5 meter thick iron plate. The Hunting Glass can record images via a digital camera lens and save it onto a built-in disk.
- Access Signal (アクセスシグナル, Akusesu Shigunaru): A blue light on the forehead. It blinks when a computer within the Ixa System accesses internal disks.
- Cross Shield (クロスシールド, Kurosu Shīrudo): The golden cross-like visor. In Save Mode, it closes down to cover the Hunting Glass. Immediately after transformation, the Cross Shield closes to prevent the suit from self-destructing and to protect the face where high precision instruments are located. In Burst Mode, all energy is concentrated in one point (the weapons) to enable devastating special moves. Since Burst Mode not only consumes considerable energy but also puts a high load on the suit and the built-in computer, continuous operation in Burst Mode for more than 30 minutes is highly dangerous.
- GPS Bit (GPSビット, GPS Bitto): The blue tips on top of the Cross Shield. They are antennae that lets Ixa know the location of an optical beacon as if they were using a satellite.
- Poisona Filter (ポワゾナフィルター, Powazona Firutā): The white section between the eyes. It is a device that decomposes and purifies all toxins to supply safe air to the wearer.
- Masker Regulator (マスカーレギュレーター, Masukā Regyurētā): The mouthplate. An ultra-small oxygen cylinder in installed, enabling approximately 360 minutes (6 hours) of underwater activity and in low oxygen conditions.
- Sol Mirror (ソルミラー, Soru Mirā): Chest-mounted power unit. It is a next-generation power engine that increases stored power by hundreds of times. This energy converted by the Ixa Engine (イクサエンジン, Ikusa Enjin), a black boxed device, transcends human intelligence. In order to efficiently cool down the heat, which is produced as a by-product of the tremendous energy, an opening around the central mirror is used as a heat dissipation block. Small indicator lights arranged around the centre in a cross-like pattern indicate the flow of energy. The indicator placed in the middle top is red, and the indicators to the left and right are green, and are said to be the ideal indicators of energy.
- Delta Earth (デルタアース, Deruta Āsu): Aerial discharge-type grounding systems provided on the shoulders, hips and back. Discharges high voltage that flows excessively through the suit into the air, reducing the burden on the body.
- Sol Flasher (ソルフラッシャー, Soru Furasshā): The light bars on the shoulders. Energy can be concentrated here to be used as a flash grenade. The amount of light is 3 million candela. The intensity of the flash can lead to blindness in ordinary people with a single shot, making it even more effective against Fangires, who dislike light. Therefore, it can be said that this is specifically anti-Fangire equipment. Additionally, during normal operation, it plays the role of a condition signal that flashes red when a yelow light pops up, a malfunction occurs, or when battery level is significantly reduced.
- Black Armor Suit (ブラックアーマースーツ, Burakku Āmā Sūtsu): The bodysuit. It is an inner suit that wraps around the wearer and protcts them from external impact. It is made from Carbotech Linen (カーボテックリネン, Kābotekku Rinen), one of the strongest synthetic fibres ever made. Theoretically, it can withstand temperatures of 2000°C, and boasts an intense tear strength of 200t.
- USM (Ultimate Servo Motor System) (USM(ウルティメットサーボモーターシステム), USM (Urutimetto Sābo Mōtā Shisutemu)): The servomechanisms. It is an ultra-compact high-power motor that produces power equivalent to a 5000cc-class industrial combustion engine. By connecting both upper and lower arms with a strong ultra-thin inner frame, and assisting the arm with artificial muscle fibre (マッスルファイバー, massuru faibā) which operates via electrical signals, the user is given tremendous extraordinary strength. A similar system is installed within the legs.
- Ixa Armor (イクサアーマー, Ikusa Āmā): The arm armor. Has a hardness of 8.522. It is made of Ixa Platinum. It also contains sterling silver (スターリングシルバー, sutāringu shirubā), a material that dislikes Fangires, and 87 Titanium (87チタン, 87 chitan).
- Hunting Grabs (ハンティング・グラブ, Hantingu Gurabu): The hands. An ultra-thin inner frame is built into the USMand the fingertips, providing 20 times the grip strength of ordinary people. Electrical contacts are built into the palm to connect to the Ixa Knuckle.
- Emergency Battery (エマージェンシーバッテリー, Emājenshī Batterī): Spare power packs contained in the legs for when Ixa runs out of power. The power transition is automatic and can always be carried as a backup power source. The main power unit can operate up to 12 hours while an Emergency Battery can operate up to 6 hours.
- Power Knee Unit (パワーニーユニット, Pawā Nī Yunitto): The knees. It incorporates an assisted artificial knee joint with USM, creating superhuman leg strength. Since a large amount of electricity flows through it, a bunch of Delta Earths are provided to efficiently discharge excess voltage to reduce burden.
- Super Absorber (スーパーアブソーバ, Sūpā Abusōba): The ankles. The ankles are wrapped in multiple layers of muscle fibre, providing tremendous leg strength. In order to reduce burden to the legs, air shock absorbers (エアショックアブソーバ, ea shokku abusōba) are incorporated on both sides of the ankles and on the soles of the feet.
Behind the Scenes[]
Concept Art[]

Lion Fangire concept art
Lion Fangire was designed by Tamotsu Shinohara (篠原 保, Shinohara Tamotsu).
- The Lion Fangire's hidden bird motif is the dodo. Both sides of the shoulders show the bird's beaks.
- In Kamen Rider Kiva: Final Stage, there is a Lion Fangire that become the Neo Rook. This is a different Fangire that shares the same powers as its spiritual predecessor.
- Among members of the Checkmate Four, Rook is the only one shown with no particular responsibilities to burden, having no need to protect the near-almighty King or his son in any form. Thus, his disappearance and later death is never seriously touched upon by his allies, essentially being forgotten without a trace.
- The Rook's "Time Plays" heavily resemble the rituals conducted by the Gurongi, given how both require the participant to slaughter innocent people within a certain time frame.
Kamen Rider Kiva
- Episode 11: Rolling Stone: Door of Dreams
- Episode 15: Resurrection: Checkmate Four
- Episode 16: Player: The Rules of Cruelty
- Episode 19: Fusion: Aura Storm
- Episode 20: Nocturne: The Lovely Messiah
- Episode 25: Fanfare: The Queen's Awakening
- Episode 26: Metronome: Miraculous Memory
- Episode 29: When the Saints Go Marching In: I Am King
- Episode 30: Curtain Raising: Kiva's Identity
- Episode 31: Applause: Motherly Dedicated Transformation
Kamen Rider Decade
- Episode 4: Second Movement ♬ Prince Kiva
- Episode 5: The Biting King's Qualifications
- Episode 31/Finale: The Destroyer of Worlds
OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Wizard
- Episode 52: The Kamen Rider Rings