Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kuugaThis article is about a language in Kamen Rider Kuuga.

The Rinto Hieroglyphics (リント文字, Rinto-Moji, "Rinto Writings") is the fictional writing system used to record the language of the Rinto tribe in Kamen Rider Kuuga.


They usually look square-like in shape. These glyphs can be seen carved on the monument at Kurogatake, Riku's sarcophagus, on Kuuga's body and the Gouram's armor, and in opening and closing screens of the series.

The Rinto script consists of phonograms and ideographic characters, pretty much like kanji in the Japanese language (which come from Ancient China).

The phonograms resemble katakana and their mirror characters are arranged side by side, and are pronounced the same way as the katakana part. They are used exclusively for proper nouns such as "Kuuga" and "Gurongi".

The ideographs are mainly hieroglyphs with radicals, like kanji. Nouns are basically drawn with linear or point symmetry. Verbs representing human action are represented by placing another character inside the hieroglyphic character for "person", which is altered like the radical of a Chinese character. Characters for numerals also exist.

The decryption of the letters was carried out by archeologist Sakurako Sawatari, by comparing the Rinto hieroglyphics with other scripts from different cultures, as ancient as they could be.

There is no evidence as to how Rinto hieroglyphics are pronounced in the series, with the exception of the Gouram "uttering" in incomprehensible vowel-intensive noises, which is confirmed to be the Rinto language.


Behind the scenes[]

The hieroglyphics were designed by Takuya Abe.

Icon-kuuga Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Riku - Yusuke Godai - Mika Natsume (Novel Only)
Transformation Gear: Arcle (Prototype)
Rider Machines: Gouram - Trychaser 2000 - Beatchaser 2000
Weapons: Dragon Rod - Pegasus Bowgun - Titan Sword - Mighty Anklet
Terminology: Amadam - Rinto - Rinto hieroglyphics - Gegel
Tokyo Police Department
Kaoru Ichijo - Hikari Enokida - Sadao Matsukura - Morimichi Sugita - Tsuyoshi Sakurai - Nozomi Sasayama
Other Allies and Characters
Sakurako Sawatari - Minori Godai - Shuichi Tsubaki - Tamasaburo Kazari - Nana Asahina - Jean Michel Sorrel - Mika Natsume - Shoji Kanzaki - Junichi Chono
La Group: La·Balva·De - La·Doldo·Gu
Go Group
Gevagel: Go·Gadol·Ba (Leader) - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Go·Babel·Da
Higher Tier: Go·Buuro·Gu - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Go·Gamego·Re - Go·Badaa·Ba - Go·Jalaji·Da - Go·Zazalu·Ba - Go·Jiino·Da
Lower Tier: Go·Raio·Da - Horseshoe Crab Gurongi
Xu Group: Xu·Gmun·Ba - Xu·Goma·Gu - Xu·Mevio·Da - Xu·Vazuu·Ba - Xu·Zain·Da - Xu·Gjil·Gi - Xu·Galga·Da - Xu·Miuji·Gi - Xu·Gazubo·De - Xu·Daago·Gi - Xu·Nezuma·Da - Xu·Nezumo·Da - Xu·Jamol·Re
Me Group: Me·Vagis·Ba - Me·Geega·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Me·Garido·Gi - Me·Gadra·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Me·Galme·Re - Me·Garima·Ba - Me·Gaberi·Gu - Me·Agon·Gi - Me·Aguri·Da - Me·Ivae·Ba - Me·Gaage·Re - Me·Mugado·Ba - Me·Gorigi·Ba - Me·Gaera·Re - Me·Zoebi·Gi - Me·Uzaa·Da - Me·Demudo·Ba - Me·Ginee·Da - Me·Gegura·Gi - Me·Juuma·Da
Nu Group: Nu·Zajio·Re
Be Group: Be·Jimin·Ba
Misc: Gerage - Zalbo - Moth Gurongi - Doom - Wolf Gurongi - Poison Moth Gurongi - Crocodile Gurongi - Moray Eel Gurongi - Pufferfish Gurongi - Sarracenia Gurongi - Swallowtail Gurongi - Water Bug Gurongi