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Rinne's Dawn! Transform Majade! (りんねの夜明け! 変身・マジェード!, Rin'ne no Yoake! Henshin Majēdo!) is the ninteenth episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard. It features the televised debut of Kamen Rider Majade after her initial debut in Kamen Rider The Winter Movie: Gotchard & Geats Strongest Chemy★Great Gotcha Operation, and the debut of Fire Gotchard Appareskebow.
Houtaro and his friends are in high spirits once they formed the Kitchen Ichinose Alliance. However, Rinne is still dispirited as she wonder if this is the 'rules' she had to follow as an alchemist.
While Rinne is elated to know that Fuga is in fact not a traitor at all, Minato suddenly comes to her and invited her back into the academy! While this might be the right thing to do as an alchemist, Rinne is shaken by her former teacher's invitation. Meanwhile, Atropos arrives with a new Malgam and ordered the Malgam to exclusively attack Rinne. With Gotchard struggling, Rinne is cornered!
What did she see in Atropos? Now, the sleeping power inside of Rinne will be awakened! Now transform into Majade, Rinne Kudo!
to be added
- Houtaro Ichinose (一ノ瀬 宝太郎, Ichinose Hōtarō): Junsei Motojima (本島 純政, Motojima Junsei)
- Rinne Kudo (九堂 りんね, Kudō Rin'ne): Reiyo Matsumoto (松本 麗世, Matsumoto Reiyo)
- Rinne as a child is portrayed by Liliana Oono (大野 りりあな, Ōno Ririana)
- Supana Kurogane (黒鋼 スパナ, Kurogane Supana): Yasunari Fujibayashi (藤林 泰也, Fujibayashi Yasunari)
- Renge Icho (銀杏 蓮華, Ichō Renge): Oto Abe (安倍 乙, Abe Oto)
- Sabimaru Tsuruhara (鶴原 錆丸, Tsuruhara Sabimaru): Rikiya Tomizono (富園 力也, Tomizono Rikiya)
- Minato (ミナト ): Rikuto Kumaki (熊木 陸斗, Kumaki Rikuto)
- Atropos (アトロポス, Atoroposu): Itono Okita (沖田 絃乃, Okita Itono)
- Clotho (クロトー, Kurotō): Kanon Miyahara (宮原 華音, Miyahara Kanon)
- Lachesis (ラケシス, Rakeshisu): Alisa Sakamaki (坂巻 有紗, Sakamaki Arisa)
- Ryo Kajiki (加治木 涼, Kajiki Ryō): Amon Kabe (加部 亜門, Kabe Amon)
- Tamami Ichinose (一ノ瀬 珠美, Ichinose Tamami): Yoko Minamino (南野 陽子, Minamino Yōko)
- Glion (グリオン, Gurion): Kenta Kamakari (鎌苅 健太, Kamakari Kenta)
- Kyoka Edami (枝見 鏡花, Edami Kyōka): Saki Fukuda (福田 沙紀, Fukuda Saki)
- Hopper1 (ホッパー1, Hoppā Wan, Voice): Misato Fukuen (福圓 美里, Fukuen Misato)
- Steamliner (スチームライナー, Suchīmu Rainā, Voice): Nobuyuki Hiyama (檜山 修之, Hiyama Nobuyuki)
- Cerberus Malgam (ケルベロスマルガム, Keruberosu Marugamu, Voice), Yoacerberus (ヨアケルベロス, Yoakeruberosu, Voice): Kazuya Ichijo (一条 和矢, Ichijō Kazuya)
- Gotchardriver (ガッチャードライバー, Gatchā Doraibā, Voice), Narration: Katsuyuki Konishi (小西 克幸, Konishi Katsuyuki)
- Alchemisdriver (アルケミスドライバー, Arukemisudoraibā, Voice): Haru Shinonome (東雲 はる, Shinonome Haru)
- Dreadriver (ドレッドライバー, Doreddoraibā, Voice): Ryotaro Okiayu (置鮎 龍太郎, Okiayu Ryōtarō)
Guest Cast[]
- Malice Doll (悪意人形, Akui Ningyō): Yohei Fujita (藤田 洋平, Fujita Yōhei)
Suit Actors[]
- Kamen Rider (Super/Fire) Gotchard: Eitoku (永徳 )
- Kamen Rider Majade: Ayumi Shimozono (下園 愛弓, Shimozono Ayumi)
- Kamen Rider Dread: Yuya Nawata (縄田 雄哉, Nawata Yūya)
- Cerberus Malgam: Yuji Nakata (中田 裕士, Nakata Yūji), Danki Sakae (榮 男樹, Sakae Danki)
Forms and Collectibles Used[]
Ride Chemy Cards[]
- Card Used:
- Gotchard
- Gotchardriver
- Hopper1, Steamliner, X-Rex (in Exgotchalibur)
- Gotchardriver w/ Exgotchalibur
- Hopper1, Steamliner, X-Rex
- Gotchardriver w/ Gotcharigniter
- Hopper1, Steamliner, Skebows, Apparebushido
- Gotchardriver
- Majade
- Alchemisdriver
- Chemy Riser
- Dread
- Dreadriver
- Transformation
- Repli-Steamliner
- Transformation
- Dreadriver
- Sabimaru
- Chemy Riser
- Renge
- Chemy Riser
- Gotchard
- Form Used:
- Gotchard
- Steamhopper
- Super Gotchard
- Cross XRex
- Fire Gotchard
- Steamhopper, Appareskebow
- Majade
- Sununicorn
- Dread
- Type Zero
- Gotchard
- Sabimaru is seen pushing down the Ignite Chuckers, but Super Gotchard Cross XRex repeats this step in the following scene.
- When Houtaro accessed Fire Gotchard Appareskebow, the backside of the card still uses that of Steamhopper.
- As part of Super Hero Time, this episode aired alongside Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
episode 45, Ep. 45: Heirs to the King

- Sponsor Spot Ride Chemy Cards: Unicon, The Sun

- Closing Screen Ride Chemy Cards: Unicon, The Sun, Yoacerberus
- Count at episode end
- Ride Chemy Cards in Gotchard's possession: Hopper1, Steamliner, Skebows, Apparebushido, Odorippa, Kamantis, Antrooper, Wrestler G, Pikahotaru, Smaphone, Spicle, Ganvhale, Mechanichani, Golddash, Saboneedle, Hawkstar, Raidenji, Junglejan, Venomdake, Gorillasensei, Mitemirror, Stagvine, Bussasorry, Greatonbo, Bountybunny, Panpakaparka, Tsupparihebi, Televi, Catchula, Happyclover, Bambamboo, Utsubocchama, Buglesia, Jyamatanoorochi, Neminemoon, UFO-X, X-Rex, X Wizard, Beetlx, Exceedfighter, Lixion, X Fortress, Xeggdrasil
- Ride Chemy Cards in Majade's possession: Unicon, The Sun, Pilets, Deepmariner, Burningnero, Yamibat, Renkingrobo, Yoacerberus
- Ride Chemy Cards in Renge and Sabimaru's possession: Dokkirimajin, Energyl, Sasukemaru, Gengenchoucho, Bulletbaang, Hiikescue, Bakuonzemi, Doctorkozo, Flayrose
- Ride Chemy Cards in the Three Dark Sisters and Minato's possession: Madwheel, Gutsshovel, Gekiocopter, Kaiserbee, Karyudos
- Replichemy Cards in the Three Dark Sisters and Minato's possession: Repli-Steamliner, Repli-Pikahotaru, Repli-Bulletbaang, Repli-Odorippa, Repli-Skebows, Repli-Apparebushido, Repli-Wrestler G, Repli-Venomdake, Repli-Gorillasensei, Repli-Gekiocopter, Repli-Flayrose, Repli-Greatonbo, Repli-Kamantis, Repli-Catchula, Repli-Antrooper
- This episode marks Akiko Inoue's screenwriting debut for the franchise, having previously penned a novel for Kamen Rider Decade and several scripts for anime under a pseudonym.
- Fire Gotchard Appareskebow has been added to the opening theme, along with new scenes of Fire Gotchard Steamhopper.
- The "Dawn" (夜明け, Yoake) on this episode's title is a clear play on Yoacerberus (ヨアケルベロス, Yoakeruberosu).