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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-wThis article is about a villain in Kamen Rider W.

"Hi! Double's left half."
―Reika greeting to Shotaro[src]

Reika Hanehara (羽原 レイカ, Hanehara Reika) was a member of NEVER who transformed into the Heat Dopant (ヒート・ドーパント, Hīto Dōpanto).


Reika Hanehara death

Mortally wounded, Reika Hanehara dies for the first time.

She was formerly a serial criminal who was gunned down while attempting to escape from Alcatraz Prison to avoid the death penalty. She is turned into the newest of the Necro-Overs in the group. Coming to grips with her new existence, Reika hates the cold feeling of her undead body. Captured by Doctor Prospect's men, she helps Katsumi Daido in saving the Quarks before she is horrified to see the change in his personality after their deaths. However, regardless of the complete change, Reika believed there was some good left in Daido. Following Daido to Futo, she uses the T2 Heat Memory to transform into the Heat Dopant with control over fire. She fights against Kamen Rider Joker but is defeated by his Rider Kick Maximum Drive. She manages to reach Futo Tower before starting to disintegrate, begging Daido for aid. However, she's rebuffed and has only enough time to curse Daido for his cold heartedness before vanishing in Shotaro's arms.

Appearances in other media[]

Futo Tantei[]

KRW-Katsumi Daido with NEVER (Futo Detective)

Reika with her fellow NEVER members as seen in Futo Tantei

Reika and her fellow NEVER members appears in Futo Tantei Chapter 77 Flashback.

Video Game appearances[]

Kamen Rider Riderbout[]

Tumblr n21j2cuvSz1toeji8o1 640

Heat Dopant as seen in Kamen Rider Riderbout

Heat Dopant appears as an of the many Bosses, with the other Heisei and Showa Kamen Riders in Kamen Rider Riderbout.


Being a highly-trained mercenary with Necro-Over enhancements, Reika is an extremely deadly warrior, capable of several superhuman feats. Evidently, Reika's combat skills are enough to match several soldiers in battle, with Shotaro himself only barely able to defend against her in a fight. Likewise, Reika is very skilled as a motorcyclist, matching Double in a drag race.

Dopant Form[]

KRW-Heat Dopant

Heat Dopant

Main article: Heat Dopant
―Transformation announcement[src]
  • Height: 178
  • Weight: 80

She used the T2 Heat Memory to transform. As the Heat Dopant, Reika gained the ability to use the element of fire. She also has her own bike to escape from Double.



Behind the scenes[]


Reika Hanehara is portrayed by Minase Yashiro (八代 みなせ, Yashiro Minase), who later portrays Kaori Kinoshita in Kamen Rider Zi-O. She previously portrayed Ami Hyuga, the lead in The Machine Girl. As the Heat Dopant, her suit actor is Sanae Hitomi (人見 早苗, Hitomi Sanae).

Concept Art[]

Heat Dopant concept art

Heat Dopant concept art

Heat Dopant concept art was designed by Katsuya Terada (寺田 克也, Terada Katsuya).


  • In real life, Reika couldn't have escaped from Alcatraz, due to the prison being closed since 1963, which was 8 years before the airing of the first episode of Kamen Rider.



External Links[]


Icon-w Kamen Rider W
Narumi Detective Office
Shotaro Hidari - Philip - Akiko Narumi - Sokichi Narumi - Tokime
Memory Drivers
Doubledriver - Acceldriver - Lostdriver - Gaia Driver - Gaia Driver Rex
Gaia Memory-related
Gaia Memories - Memory Gadgets - Fang Memory - Xtreme Memory - Trial Memory - Gaia Memory Enhancing Adapter
Metalshaft - Triggermagnum - Engineblade - Skullmagnum - Prismbicker - Eternaledge - Shroudmagnum
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Other Devices
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Futo Irregulars
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Futo Police Department (Futo PD)
Ryu Terui - Mikio Jinno - Shun Makura
Museum and the Dopants
Foundation X
The Sonozaki Family: Terror - Claydoll - Taboo/R Nasca - Nasca - Smilodon - Masquerade Dopants
Dopants: Magma Dopant - T-Rex Dopant - Money Dopant - Anomalocaris Dopant - Cockroach Dopant - Sweets Dopant - Virus Dopant - Violence Dopant - Arms Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ice Age Dopant - Triceratops Dopant - Liar Dopant - Puppeteer Dopant - Invisible Dopant - Nightmare Dopant - Beast Dopant - Zone Dopant - Yesterday Dopant - Quetzalcoatlus Dopant - Gene Dopant - Jewel Dopant - Old Dopant - Utopia Dopant - Energy Dopant
Movie-Exclusive Villains: Dummy Dopant - Heat Dopant - Trigger Dopant - Metal Dopant - Luna Dopant - Cyclone Dopant - Bat Dopant - Spider Dopant - Kamen Rider Eternal - Commander Dopant - Eyes Dopant - Ocean Dopant
Novel-Exclusive Villains (The One Who Continues After Z): Zoo Dopant - Zero Dopant - Queen Bee Dopant - Flower Dopant - Elephant Dopant - Dolphin Dopant - Salamander Dopant - Fish Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ape Dopant - Bee Dopants
Manga-Exclusive Villains (Futo Tantei): Road Dopant - Toadstool Dopant - Caracal Dopant - Aurora Dopant - Meganeura Dopant -Brachiosaurus Dopant - Scream Dopant - Alcohol Dopant - Puzzle Dopant - Reactor Dopant - Antlion Dopant - Owl Dopant - Trash Dopant - Crab Dopant - Laugh Dopant - Deep Dopant - Scissors Dopant - Diva Dopant - Death Dopant - Joker Dopant - Hungry Dopant - Quest Dopant - City Dopant
Yukiji Bando - Kazuha Gojo - Hideo Chiba - Mamoru Nikaido - Hikaru Futami - Towa
Katsumi Daido - Maria S. Cranberry - Reika Hanehara - Kyosui Izumi - Gozo Domoto - Ken Ashiwara