Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-amazonThis article is about a foot soldier in Kamen Rider Amazon.

The Red Followers (赤ジューシャ, Akajūsha) are Gedon's female red-clothed foot soldiers, serving as Golgos' eyes and ears. They are dstinguished by their masks and red suits with white threads hanging from their arms. They are armed with slender swords as well as first-class motorcycles. However, their specialty is in intelligence gathering activities rather than battle; indeed they possessed only 1.5 times the strength of the average human being, in contrast the Black Followers of the Garander Empire were five times as strong. As such, they rarely fought Amazon directly. However, in most cases it was shown that the Followers, uniquely among Combatmen, were infact ranked higher than Gedon's Beastmen and were tasked with monitoring and assisting them.[1]

One such Red Follower was Misato Nagoya. [Approaching! Jyumenki! Danger, Amazon!!]

World of Amazon[]

The Red Followers do not appear as the henchmen of Gedon in the A.R. World of Amazon. Instead, with Yum Cimil pledging his allegiance to Dai-Shocker, the Dai-Shocker Combatmen serve as his foot soldiers.


KRAm-Red Follower

Red Follower

  • Height:
  • Weight:


See also[]


  1. All Kaiju & Kaijin (1990) page 72


Icon-amazon Kamen Rider Amazon
Kamen Riders
Debatable: Salamander Beastman
Transformation Gear: GiGi Armlet
Other Gear: Condorer - GaGa Armlet
Rider Machines: Jungler
Tobei Tachibana - Masahiko Okamura - Ritsuko Okamura - Mole Beastman - Elder Bago - Professor Taro Kosaka
Leader: Jyumenki Golgos
Gedon Beastmen: Spider Beastman - Vampire Bat Beastman - Mantis Beastman - Large Centipede Beastman - Mole Beastman - Porcupine Beastman - Snake Beastman - Crocodile Beastman - Crab Beastman - Black Cat Beastman - Snail Beastman - Ant Beastman - Dobsonfly Beastman
Footsoldiers: Red Followers
Garander Empire
Leaders: Ruler - "Zero the Great"
Garander Empire Beastmen: Bee Beastman - Diving Beetle Beastman - Toad Beastman - Tiger Beetle Beastman - Owl Beastman - Mushroom Beastman - Sea Anemone Beastman - Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel Beastman - Salamander Beastman
Footsoldiers: Black Followers