Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ryukiThis article is about a monster in Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight.

Psyco-Rogue is a humanoid robotic cricket Mirror Monster that can shoot red laser beams from its eyes. It notably acts like a robot, while most other Monsters instead act like wild animals.


It attacked Kit and Len at the factory of JTC's false address, causing them to transform and fight back. It proved a tough opponent, several times fighting for a time before disappearing to ambush them again, but eventually retreated after getting rammed by Dragon Knight's Guard Vent. Despite not being defeated, it was never seen to reappear. [The Hero of Gramercy Heights]


  • Unlike its Ryuki counterpart, who is contracted to the Alternatives, this Psyco-Rogue has no contract, serving Xaviax like any other Mirror Monster.
  • Probably as a result of this, this monster's sole appearance consists entirely of new footage.

See also[]

Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight US flag icon
Kamen Riders
Earth Kamen Riders
Kit Taylor - Richie Preston - Drew Lansing - Grant Staley - JTC - Brad Barrett - Chris Ramirez - Danny Cho - Albert Cho - Vic Frasier - Maya Young - David Stuart - Brian Mace
Ventara Kamen Riders
Eubulon - Len - Kase - Adam - Pryce - Chance - Hunt - Ian - Van - Cameron - Quinn - Chase - Nolan
Advent Belts - Advent Decks
Trent Moseley - Lacey Sheridan - Michelle Walsh - Frank Taylor - Agent Phillips - Sergeant Dan Ramirez - Brandon - Fish - Sara - Grace Kiefer - Detective Grimes
Xaviax - Minions (Gelnewts - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons)
Mirror Monsters
Advent Beasts: Dragreder - Blackwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Biogreeza - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Cerebeast - Evildiver - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Goldphoenix
Xaviax's Mirror Monsters: Dispider - Terabiter - Zenobiter - Zebraskull Iron - Zebraskull Bronze - Wild Gigazelles - Megazelle - Wildboarder - Abyss Hammer - Abyss Lasher - Bakraken - Wiskraken - Dedlimmer - Psycorouge - Garudothunder - Magazelle - Omegazelle - Sonora Boomer - Buzzstinger Hornet - Brobajell - Shieldboarder - Garudostorm - Garudomirage - Buzzstinger Wasp - Buzzstinger Bee - Buzzstinger Bloom - Buzzstinger Frost - Respider