Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-skyriderThis article is about a kaijin in Kamen Rider (Skyrider).

Namekujin (ナメクジン 12): A slug Neo Shocker cyborg.


During Christmas Eve, Namekujin has Ari Commandos abduct people with those unable to perform menial labor be subjected to Namekujin's enzymes. But the abductions caught Tsukuba's attention as he follows the Ari Commandos to Neo Shocker's headquarters, posing as one of them to infiltrate the base. However, when Tsukuba attempts to assume his Kamen Rider form, Namekujin disables the Tornado belt with his quick-drying M.O. Enyzme. After getting the captives to safety to the top of a skyscraper, managing to transform in a near-death drop, Sky Rider uses his Sky Kick to have Namekujin dissolve while the Neo Shocker base explodes.


As a slug cyborg, Namekujin can turn himself into slime or a human and fire a flesh-eating enzyme on his victims.

Behind the scenes[]


Namekujin was voiced by Keisuke Yamashita and portrayed by an unidentified suit actor. His human form was portrayed by Masato Amano.

Icon-skyrider Skyrider
Kamen Riders
Hiroshi Tsukuba
Debatable: Kanji Yada - Dororingo
Transformation Gear: Tornado
Rider Machines: Sky Turbo - Fake Skyturbo
Keitaro Shido - Midori Kano - Yumi Nozaki - Michi Sugimura - Shigeru Kano - Imata Tonda - Genjiro Tani - Numa - Aki Ozawa - Naoko Ito
The Legendary Seven Riders: Takeshi Hongo - Hayato Ichimonji - Shiro Kazami - Joji Yuki - Keisuke Jin - Daisuke Yamamoto - Shigeru Jo
Neo Shocker
Leader: Great Leader of Neo Shocker
Generals: General Monster - Admiral Majin - GingaOh
Scientist: Professor Doc - Doctor Meteor - Doctor X
Neo Shocker Kaijin: Gameleojin - Kumonjin - Komorujin - Sasoranjin - Dokubachijin - Kinokojin - Kamagirijin - Mukadenjin - Cobranjin - Kaningerjin - Sanshojin - Namekujin - Arijigokujin - Haejigokujin - Aokabijin - Gokiburijin - Shibirayjin - Okamijin - Sai Dump - Kurageron - Kogoensky - Musasabader Brothers - Madarakajin - Zogameron - Bongo - Dokuganba - Hirubiran - Gurand Bazarmy - Hikarabeeno - Obakuron - Torikabutron - Golden Jaguar - Dobunezugon - Mantle Kong - Tako Gang - Kiginger - Dragon King - Gamagiras - Uni Demon - Okappa Priest - Kuchi Yurei - Zombieda - Miminger - Doronyango - Abunger - Hebinger - Mirror Lizard - Dororingo - Zanyoju - Tagameras - Ring Bear - Commander Hebizuka - Armadig - Jaguar Van - Suddendas
Footsoldiers: Ari Commandos - Shiro Ari Commandos - Space Crew - Skull Assassination Squad