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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-fourzeThis article is about a device in Kamen Rider Fourze.

"N Magnet!"
―N Magnet Switch insertion announcement in the Fourze Driver[src]

"S Magnet!"
―S Magnet Switch insertion announcement in the Fourze Driver[src]

"NS Magnet On!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"(3 klaxon-like alarms) Limit Break!"
―Finisher announcement[src]

The Magnet Switch Carrying NS-MagPhone (マグネットスイッチ携帯NSマグフォン, Magunetto Suitchi Keitai Enu Esu Magufon) is a information terminal-integrated Astroswitch device. It can be split into the N Magnet Switch (Nマグネットスイッチ, Enu Magunetto Suitchi) and S Magnet Switch (Sマグネットスイッチ, Esu Magunetto Suitchi), and inserted it into the Fourze Driver to access Magnetstates. When inserted in, they are used as joysticks to control the Magnet Cannon Modules. When both parts are attached, it can be used as a phone.

It's also an important part of the two Magnet Switches, because without it, Fourze can't access Magnetstates and only access the Magnet Modules, which are uncontrollable.


The NS-MagPhone is composed of the following parts: f the Magnet Astro Switches. Ryusei mistakenly declares the switches ready-for-use, much to Kengo's protest. Tachibana discovers the error in the process and secretly provides Ryusei with the schematics for a controller device, which will suppress the magnet switches to the degree of being usable. Kengo is jealous that Gentaro would entrust his work to a rookie. Ryusei goes ahead and builds the NS-MagPhone and again declares it ready. However, the device won't work (it won't divide in two), much to Ryusei and the club's shock. Kengo was still upset that Magphone wasn't finished yet. When Ryusei confronts Kengo to fix things with Gentaro (using magnets as a metaphor), Kengo realizes what adjustments have to be made with the phone. Once successful, Fourze was able to achieve Magnetstates.

During the battle against the Shocker-Zangyack Alliance, Fourze assumed Magnetstates and performed the Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber to destroy Dai-Shocker's Apollogeist. [Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen]


When loaded into the Fourze Driver, it consists of the following parts:

  • N Mag Brass Trigger (Nマグブラストリガー, Enu Magu Burasu Torigā): A trigger button used to manipulate magnetism. By changing the magnetic field, it can freely manipulate metals that react to magnetic forces, and can also fire the electromagnetic guns on both shoulders.
  • Limit Igniter (イグナイターを制限します, Igunaitā o Seigen Shimasu): This is the switch button to transition to the Limit Break standby sequence. It is covered with a safety cover to prevent accidental operation. The activation of the Limit Break itself is performed with the N Mag Brass Trigger.
  • N Magcon Lever (Sマグコンレバー, Enu Magukon Rebā): A handle lever connected to the N Magnet Switch. It controls the repulsive maneuvers on the back of the Magnetstates and adjusts the firing angle of the electromagnetic cannons on both shoulders.
  • S Magcon Lever (Sマグコンレバー, Esu Magukon Rebā): A handle lever connected to an S Magnet Switch. Its basic function is the same as that of an N Magnet Switch lever.
  • S Mag Brass Trigger (Sマグブラストリガー, Esu Magu Burasu Torigā): The magnetic trigger button on the S Magcon Lever. Its basic function is the same as the N Mag Brass Trigger.

NS-Magnet Cannon[]

The NS-Magnet Cannon (NSマグネットキャノン, Enu Esu Magunetto Kyanon) is a type of mobile cannon weapon formed by combining the electromagnetic cannons N Magnet Cannon (Nマグネットキャノン, Enu Magunetto Kyanon) and S Magnet Cannon (Sマグネットキャノン, Esu Magunetto Kyanon) located on both shoulders of Kamen Rider Fourze Magnetstates.

In addition to firing energy bullets from its two muzzles, it can also release the electromagnetic force stored in its NS-Magnet Cannon and manipulate magnetic fields. The exterior, called Magnaform, is made primarily of iron and nickel, and Kamen Rider Fourze Magnetstates can use it as a striking weapon.

The NS-Magnet Cannon (top) is composed of the following parts:

  • Closer Beacon (より近いビーコン, Yori Chikai Bīkon): A communication beacon that establishes a data link between the NS Magnet Cannon and Fourze. Its role is to collect information on the attitude control of the NS Magnet Cannon, which floats by electromagnetic force, as well as information on its speed and surrounding conditions, and provide feedback to Fourze.
  • Fuel Chamber (燃料室, Nenryō Shitsu): An energy tank that stores cosmic energy. After separating from Fourze, the supply of cosmic energy is covered by the energy stored in this chamber. In addition to firing energy bullets, it is also used for power required for acceleration.
  • Magnaform (マグナフォーム, Magunafōmu): The exterior of the NS Magnet Cannon is made primarily of iron and nickel, which are metals that react strongly to magnetic forces. The NS Magnet Cannon does not have its own thrusters, and all of its movement and attitude control is controlled by magnetic forces, so ferromagnetic metals are used.
  • Force Launcher (フォースランチャー, Fōsu Ranchā):The muzzle of the NS Magnet Cannon. There are two cannons, one with an N Pole (Nポール, Enu Pōru) and one with an S Pole (Sポール, Esu Pōru), and they fire energy bullets using the acceleration force generated by using an electromagnetic field.

The NS-Magnet Cannon (bottom) is composed of the following parts:

  • Target Tracker (ターゲットトラッカー, Tāgettoto Rakkā): A type of sight that emits a tracking laser beam. When locked on, it tracks the enemy's position and has the function of minimizing the time lag from target lock to firing.



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Gentaro had asked rookie Kamen Rider Club member Ryusei to lighten Kengo's load at the Rabbit Hatch by helping out with the adjustment of the Magnet Astro Switches. Ryusei mistakenly declares the switches ready-for-use, much to Kengo's protest. Tachibana discovers the error in the process and secretly provides Ryusei with the schematics for a controller device, which will suppress the magnet switches to the degree of being usable. Kengo is jealous that Gentaro would entrust his work to a rookie. Ryusei goes ahead and builds the NS-MagPhone and again declares it ready. However, the device won't work (it won't divide in two), much to Ryusei and the club's shock. Kengo was still upset that Magphone wasn't finished yet. When Ryusei confronts Kengo to fix things with Gentaro (using magnets as a metaphor), Kengo realizes what adjustments have to be made with the phone. Once successful, Fourze was able to achieve Magnetstates.

During the battle against the Shocker-Zangyack Alliance, Fourze assumed Magnetstates and performed the Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber to destroy Dai-Shocker's Apollogeist. [Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen]


  • The different forms the NS-MagPhone take are referred to on the toy box is (once again, in English letters) the combined Mobile Phone Mode (モバイルフォンモード, Mobairu Fon Mōdo) and the separated Switch Mode (スイッチモード, Suicchi Mōdo).




Icon-fourze Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Riders
Main Riders: Gentaro Kisaragi - Ryusei Sakuta
Movie/Novel-exclusive: Nadeshiko Misaki - Tsubasa
Stageshow-exclusive: Kaizo Jingu - Tomoko Nozama - Shun Daimonji - Miu Kazashiro
Debatable Riders: Kouhei Hayami - Rider Hunter Boot
Transformation Devices
Fourze Driver - Meteor Driver- Nadeshiko Driver
Astroswitches - Astroswitch Case - NS-MagPhone
Astroswitch-related Weapons
Fourze Modules - Billy the Rod - Hee-Hackgun - Barizun Sword - Meteor Galaxy - Meteor Storm Shaft
Machine Massigler - Machine Meteorstar - Powerdizer
Kamen Rider Club: Yuki Jojima - Kengo Utahoshi - Miu Kazashiro - Shun Daimonji - Tomoko Nozama - JK - Chuta Ohsugi - Ran Kuroki - Haru Kusao - Saburo Kazeta - Rumi Komaki - Daita Kondou - Chikao Nezu - Miyoko Ohki
Ishinomori Characters: Inazuman - XVII - Skydain - Groundain - Black Knight - Inga Blink
Legend Riders: Momotaros - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Philip - Shotaro Hidari - Ryu Terui - Eiji Hino - Akira Date - Shintaro Goto - Haruto Soma- Kouta Kazuraba - Takeru Tenkuji - Emu Hojo - Sento Kiryu - Ryuga Banjo - Sougo Tokiwa - Geiz Myokoin
Others: Naomi - Owner - Ankh - Hina Izumi - Tsukuyomi
The Horoscopes: Sagittarius - Virgo - Leo - Libra - Scorpio - Cancer - Aries - Capricorn - Aquarius - Taurus - Gemini - Pisces
Zodiarts: Orion - Chameleon - Unicorn - Hound - Altar - Pyxis - Perseus - Lynx - Dragon - Pegasus - Cygnus - Coma - Musca - Hercules - Lepus
Others: Stardust Ninja Dustards
Foundation X
Lem Kannagi - Katal - Solaris - Controller Kiima - Suddendath Beta
Xatan - Eel - Gahra