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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ghostThis article is about a monster in Kamen Rider Ghost and Kamen Rider Drive.Icon-drive

The Michelangelo Gamma (ミケランジェロ眼魔, Mikeranjero Ganma) was the reincarnation of the Renaissance painter Michelangelo Buonarroti (ミケランジェロ・ブオナローティ, Mikeranjero Buonarōti), projected via a Gamma Eyecon. His design is that of David and The Fall of Man.




The Michelangelo Gamma was initially hosted by a Gamma Superior who channeled his Eyecon's power while attempting to kidnap Akari Tsukimura in 2005. Ultimately, Michelangelo himself was summoned alongside the Raffaello Gamma by the Da Vinci Gamma, who would absorb them to become the combined Renaissance Gamma.


KRGh-Gamma Eyecon (Michelangelo)

Gamma Eyecon (Michelangelo)

The Michelangelo Ghost Eyecon (ミケランジェロゴースト眼魂, Mikeranjero Gōsuto Aikon) is a Gamma Eyecon which hosts the reincarnated soul of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Gamma Superior
KRGh-Gamma Superior Michelangelo

Gamma Superior Michelangelo

Through use of the Gamma Eyecon, the Parka Ghost of Michelangelo can be assumed by a Gamma Superior (眼魔スペリオル, Ganma Superioru, lit."Eye Devil Superior").

Powers and Abilities
A Gamma's primary ability is to turn themselves invisible and intangible to the public. Those whom wielded an Eyecon are capable of witnessing them.
A snake adorning the body of the Michelangelo Gamma, it can be transformed into a longer astral version to be used in combat.

Michelangelo Gamma
KRGh-Michelangelo Gamma

Michelangelo Gamma

  • Height: 207 cm
  • Weight: 129 kg

The Michelangelo Eyecon can project his own Primal Body (素体, Moto-tai), manifesting as a Gamma Assault (眼魔アサルト, Ganma Asaruto, lit. "Eye Devil Assaut") bearing the Parka Ghost of Michelangelo.

Powers and Abilities
A Gamma's primary ability is to turn themselves invisible and intangible to the public. Those whom wielded an Eyecon are capable of witnessing them.
A snake adorning the body of the Michelangelo Gamma, it can be transformed into a longer astral version to be used in combat.

KRGh-Renaissance Gamma

Renaissance Gamma

  • Height: 45.8 m
  • Weight: 182 t

The Michelangelo Gamma, Da Vinci Gamma and Raffaello Gamma can further transformed into Renaissance Gamma (ルネサンス眼魔, Runesansu Ganma, lit."Renaissance Eye Devil") form by combine their power.

Powers and Abilities

Behind the scenes[]


The Michelangelo Gamma was voiced by Shinobu Hasegawa (長谷川 忍, Hasegawa Shinobu) of Sissonne and portrayed by an unidentified suit actor.

Concept Art[]

Michelangelo Gamma and Renaissance Gamma were designed by Kazuhiko Shimamoto (島本 和彦, Shimamoto Kazuhiko).





Icon-ghost Kamen Rider Ghost
Kamen Riders
Takeru Tenkuji - Makoto Fukami - Alain - Alia
Movie/Special Exclusive: Argos - Daigo Fukami - Jered - Jebil - Jey - Kanon Fukami
Transformation Devices
Ghost Driver - Eyecon Driver G - Mega Ulorder - Proto Mega Ulorder - Extremer Driver - Ghost Eyecons
Gan Gun Saber - Sunglasseslasher - Gan Gun Hand - Gan Gun Catcher - Deep Slasher - Newton Damashii Gloves
Ghost Gadgets
Condor Denwor - Bat Clock - Kumo Lantern - Cobra Keitai
Machine Ghostriker - Iguana Ghostriker - Machine Hoodie - Captain Ghost
Demia Project - Monolith
Daitenku Temple/Gamma World: Akari Tsukimura - Onari - Sennin - Yurusen - Yasushi Onodera - Ryu Tenkuji - Kanon Fukami - Shibuya Hachioji - Narita Kisarazu - Jabel - Alia - Igor - Heroes
Others: Kenjiro Igarashi - Fumi Fukushima - Harumi Fukushima
Harp+y 4: Honami - Yu - Mari - Ako
Deep Connect: Steve Bills
Gamma Imperial Family: Adonis - Alicia - Argos - Alain - Adel - Alia
Gamma Magistrate: Edith
Gamma Ultima: Gyro - Xibalba - Dark Mind - Muller
Gamma Superiors: Jabel - Igor - Robes - Kamiyu
Associated members: Chikara Saionji - Steve Bills - Copy Makoto - Copy Kanon
Gamma Assault - Gamma Commandos - Katana Gamma - Yari Gamma - Denki Gamma - Ono Gamma - Book Gamma - Machine Gun Gamma - Onpu Gamma - Insect Gamma - Seiryuto Gamma - Gundari - Planet Gamma - Knife Gamma - Gazai Gamma - Katchu Gamma - Hikoki Gamma - Sohei Gamma
Gammaizer Fire - Gammaizer Gravity - Gammaizer Liquid - Gammaizer Wind - Gammaizer Time - Gammaizer Climate - Gammaizer Planet - Gammaizer Magnetic - Gammaizer Blade - Gammaizer Arrow - Gammaizer Spear - Gammaizer Hammer - Gammaizer Electric - Gammaizer Oscillation
Great Eye - Frey - Freya - Danton - Chloe