Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-fourzeThis article is about a weapons system in Kamen Rider Fourze.

"(Planet name), ready? (◯◯、レディ?, (Planet name), redi?)"
―Lever activation announcement[src]

"OK! (Planet name)! (オーケー!◯◯!, Ōkē! (Planet name!))"
―Planet attack announcement[src]

"Limit Break! OK! (リミットブレイク!オーケー!, Rimitto Bureiku! Ōkē!)"
―Finisher announcement with Meteor Switch[src]

The Fingerprint Authentication Brace Meteor Galaxy (指紋認証ブレス メテオギャラクシー, Shimon Ninshō Buresu Meteo Gyarakushī) is Kamen Rider Meteor's personal weapon, as well as Kamen Rider Fourze's secondary weapon in Meteor Fusionstates, which is attached onto the right wrist.


The Meteor Galaxy is composed of the following parts:

  • Energy Gate (エネルギーガット, Enerugī Gatto): An energy tube that sends energy from the Meteor Switch connected to the Switch Socket to the Adsorption Bay.
  • Galaxy Platter (ギャラクシープラッター, Gyarakushī Purattā): The metal frame that makes up the Meteor Galaxy's main body is made from an Astrium () alloy and is extremely sturdy.
  • Switch Socket (スイッチソケット, Suitchi Soketto): Supply socket for loading Meteor Switches.
  • Saturn Lever (サターンレバー, Satān Rebā): This is the activation switch for the "Saturn" program, which generates a disk-shaped energy ring from the fist. It activates the Saturn Sorcery technique, which cuts through anything with the energy ring.
  • Jupiter Lever (ジュピターレバー, Jupitā Rebā): The activation switch for the "Jupiter" program, which generates a giant fist of energy. It activates the Jupiter Hammer technique, which crushes the target with a giant fist.
  • Mars Lever (マーズレバー, Māzu Rebā): This is the activation switch for the "Mars" program, which heats the fist red by pouring energy into it. It raises the surface temperature of the fist to 800 degrees, and activates the Mars Breaker technique, which melts anything it touches.
  • Reboot Button (再起動ボタン, Sakidō Botan): A reset button to reset the translation program and return it to its idle state.
  • Finger Mount Panel (フィンガーマウントパネル, Fingā Maunto Paneru): Fingerprint data receiving sensor. Encrypts the transmitted fingerprint data and transfers it to the Galaxy Terminal.
  • Galaxy Terminal (ギャラクシーターミナル, Gyarakushī Tāminaru): A small information processing unit with a built-in translation program for converting cosmic energy. It transfers fingerprint data to the M-BUS, and executes and controls the translation program authorized by the M-BUS.

Other Features[]

  • Capture Bangle (バングルをキャプチャします, Banguru o Kyapucha Shimasu): A flexible band for fixing Meteor Galaxy to the arm. It is made of the same material as the Ether Overcoat (エーテルオーバーコート, Ēteru Ōbākōto) that covers the surface of Meteor's body, and is integrated with Meteor Galaxy as soon as it is attached to the arm.
  • Absorption Bay (吸収湾, Kyūshū Wan): The back side of Meteor Galaxy. A connection terminal for sending converted energy to Meteor's arm.


Special Attacks[]

By turning the Galaxy Levers on and touching the Finger Mount Panel, Kamen Rider Meteor can access special abilities via Cosmic Energy after projecting the planet.

  • Mars Breaker (マーズブレーカ, Māzu Burēka): Meteor is armed with the Mars Planet on his right arm, allowing him to deliver fire punches with a surface of 800 °C (1,470 °F).
  • Jupiter Hammer (ジュピターハンマー, Jupitā Hanmā): Meteor is armed with the Jupiter Planet on his right arm, enhancing his punching power tremendously. It can also deflect fire-based attacks when pushed to the limit.
  • Saturn Sorcery (サターンソーサリー, Satān Sōsarī): Meteor summons the Saturn Planet and project violet-colored copies of its planetary rings to act as guided boomerangs.


By inserting the Meteor Switch into the Meteor Galaxy and switching it on, Kamen Rider Meteor can perform the Starlight Shower (スターライトシャワー, Sutāraito Shawā) Limit Break, where Meteor hits a Zodiarts with fast yet hard jabs, all while making his punches look like comets.



  • Meteor Galaxy is the Meteor-counterpart of Fourze Modules.
  • Meteor Galaxy would evidently be the Arms Weapon of the hypothetical Meteor Arms granted by the Meteor Lockseed, which is exclusive to the DX toyline. Indeed, by performing the Sparking function on the DX Sengoku Driver, the inserted Meteor Rider Lockseed makes the announcement, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter.



Icon-fourze Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Riders
Main Riders: Gentaro Kisaragi - Ryusei Sakuta
Movie/Novel-exclusive: Nadeshiko Misaki - Tsubasa
Stageshow-exclusive: Kaizo Jingu - Tomoko Nozama - Shun Daimonji - Miu Kazashiro
Debatable Riders: Kouhei Hayami - Rider Hunter Boot
Transformation Devices
Fourze Driver - Meteor Driver- Nadeshiko Driver
Astroswitches - Astroswitch Case - NS-MagPhone
Astroswitch-related Weapons
Fourze Modules - Billy the Rod - Hee-Hackgun - Barizun Sword - Meteor Galaxy - Meteor Storm Shaft
Machine Massigler - Machine Meteorstar - Powerdizer
Kamen Rider Club: Yuki Jojima - Kengo Utahoshi - Miu Kazashiro - Shun Daimonji - Tomoko Nozama - JK - Chuta Ohsugi - Ran Kuroki - Haru Kusao - Saburo Kazeta - Rumi Komaki - Daita Kondou - Chikao Nezu - Miyoko Ohki
Ishinomori Characters: Inazuman - XVII - Skydain - Groundain - Black Knight - Inga Blink
Legend Riders: Momotaros - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Philip - Shotaro Hidari - Ryu Terui - Eiji Hino - Akira Date - Shintaro Goto - Haruto Soma- Kouta Kazuraba - Takeru Tenkuji - Emu Hojo - Sento Kiryu - Ryuga Banjo - Sougo Tokiwa - Geiz Myokoin
Others: Naomi - Owner - Ankh - Hina Izumi - Tsukuyomi
The Horoscopes: Sagittarius - Virgo - Leo - Libra - Scorpio - Cancer - Aries - Capricorn - Aquarius - Taurus - Gemini - Pisces
Zodiarts: Orion - Chameleon - Unicorn - Hound - Altar - Pyxis - Perseus - Lynx - Dragon - Pegasus - Cygnus - Coma - Musca - Hercules - Lepus
Others: Stardust Ninja Dustards
Foundation X
Lem Kannagi - Katal - Solaris - Controller Kiima - Suddendath Beta
Xatan - Eel - Gahra