Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ryukiThis article is about a Rider in Kamen Rider Ryuki.

For the A. R. World version or the New User of Kamen Rider Scissors in, see Kamen Rider Scissors (A.R. World) and Ishibashi.

Masashi Sudo (須藤 雅史, Sudō Masashi) was Kamen Rider Scissors (仮面ライダーシザース, Kamen Raidā Shizāsu, Masked Rider Scissors), a character in the Kamen Rider Series installment Kamen Rider Ryuki. He was the third of the 13 Kamen Riders the story revolves around.


Encounter with Shiro Kanzaki[]


Masashi was a corrupt police detective, using his job to effectively cover up his illegal activities, disposing of any witnesses to his acts, he and Tomoyuki Kaga worked together and had their problems, until Tomoyuki Kaga's demand for a bigger cut in the profit made Masashi kill him, and hid his body in the antique store. At that moment he met with Shiro Kanzaki. It was at this time that Masashi accepted the request to join the Rider War and he had also been interested in being a Rider, playing a part in the disappearances as he feeds his victims to Volcancer.

Introduced in the Rider War[]


After Ryuki and Knight destroyed Megazelle and Gigazelle in the other part of the city, it can be seen that there are many posters of missing people in the city, getting to briefly see Masashi in the Antiques and Collection store for seconds in the mirror, showing his Card Deck.[School Ghost Story 2]

Attacks in the Antique Store and Meeting Shinji[]


Masashi hiding in the shadows attacks to Reiko Momoi in the antique Store, interfering in her investigation leaving her seriously injured, Masashi came out of the back of the store, hearing a cry for help to return again helping Reiko taking her to the hospital avoiding suspicions.

In the Hospital Masashi meet Shinji Kido when he explains what happened in the attack in the antique store and the frequent disappearances of that antique store, assuring them that he would take care of that police case leaving the room.

Clash Against Ryuki[]


Ryuki vs. Scissors

Masashi as Scissors in the mirror summoned Volcancer so that he kills and debris another victim when Ryuki enters in the mirror world Scissors and Volcancer attacks Ryuki outnumbering to Ryuki, dominating in the battle, until the moment Kamen Rider Knight appears interfering in the battle. With Knight knowing the Rider's name from Scissors, Scissors had no choice but to leave the mirror world.

Temporary Alliance and Betraying Shinji[]

Masashi encounters in the antique Store with Shinji scolding and saying not to meddle in their affairs since he would take care.

Ryukivs scissorsecondbattle

Scissors vs Ryuki second battle

Deciding to take advantage of the boy's credulity, Masashi assumes an anonymous identity, to deceive Shinji, Masashi calls him on the phone to give him his name, Knight's human identity and Yui Kanzaki's address. With that, Masashi had Volcancer arrange an "accident" for Ren, while he personally attempted to kill Mirror World's own Shinji.

Scissors noticing that Shinji survived, Scissor invokes Scissors Pinch to start attacking Ryuki leaving him wounded, seeing that Ryuki counterattacks with Drageder, Scissors defending himself with his Shell Defense manages to get a little damaged by the attack leaving the Mirror World, to start the next phase of his plan.

Tries to kidnap Yui and clashed with Knight[]

When his previous plan failed, Masashi then tries to kidnapped Yui to use her relation to Shiro for his benefit. Starting a small chase with Ren, he managed to be cornered by Ren. He aimed to start a fight with Ren being interfered by Shinji, Masashi decides to fight Ren at another time. He leaves the place and goes to the hospital where Reiko was.

Crimes Revealed[]


Masashi reveal his crime to Shinji

He later visited Reiko in a hospital, suggesting that Sudo is responsible for his attack and the mysterious disappearances of the other missing subjects. Two officers confronted Sudo, but he escaped into a mirror, cornered, and smiled as he called for his Volcancer to kill the officers.

Masashi was confronted by Shinji, while Masashi revealed his intention to kill everyone who now knows the truth behind Kaga's murder and reveal his true intentions: to kill Shinji and Reiko and to also be the strongest Kamen Rider. He was about to transform into his Rider form to face a battle against Shinji until he was interfered by Ren.

Final Battle and Death[]


Scissors vs Knight

Transforming into Kamen Rider Scissors, in the mirror world, Scissors faced a fierce battle against Knight. Scissors being affected by Knight's Nasty Vent counterattack, summoned his Scissors Pinch to try to win the fight, however received a strong thrust by Knight on his Card Deck. Ignoring the pain, Scissors tries to end the fight by using his Final vent, his Scissors Attack against Knight's Flyinglancer, apparently winning the fight.[The Mysterious Rider]


Masashi being eaten by Volcancer

Over the course of the battle, Ren managed to break Scissor's deck of cards. After using their final vents on each other, the scissors cover shattered, thus breaking his contract with Volcancer as the scissors armor began to fade. Volcancer immediately grabbed and pinned Scissors to his chest, devouring his master in a way death by betrayal.[The Mysterious Rider]


"You should know very well what will happen"
―Ren remembering the moment when Masashi is eaten by Volcancer.[src]

In the moment when Shinji lost Dragreder's advent card by Kamen Rider Gai, Masashi as Scissors, being eaten by Volcancer is seen briefly in Ren's flashback.[Card of Destiny]

Time regression by the Odin's Time Vent[]

When Kamen Rider Odin uses the Time Vent against Ryuki, Knight, Zolda, and Ouja, all the events that happened were repeated in the Rider fight before Odin's appearance. Masashi is seen calling to Shinji, fighting against Knight and finally eaten by Volcancer again [Time Vent]

Timeline Reset[]

Oddly, Scissors, like Kamen Rider Gai and Kamen Rider Imperer, didn't reappear in the epilogue after Shiro Kanzaki reverted time.

Other Events[]

Kamen Rider Decade[]

The Arrival of the Samurai Sentai[]

Sea Food Riders

Kamen Ride Raia & Scissors in the World of Shinkenger

Kamen Rider Diend Summons Kamen Rider Scissors and Raia, armed with his Scissors Pinch to fight Shinken GoldIcon-crosswiki in the World of Shinkenger, Scissors is later defeated by Shinken Gold. [The Arrival of the Samurai Sentai]

OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders[]

Kamen Rider Scissors in Legend War

Kamen Rider Scissors was part of a group of reinforcement riders led by Akira Date/Kamen Rider Birth to aid the primary riders in defeating the Rock Great Leader. All the Kamen Riders got on their bikes and performed the All Rider Break attack which destroyed the Great Leader. [OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders].

OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders: ~Let's Look! Only Your 48 Riders~[]

Type35. - I Like the Mystery of the Final Vent![]


Kamen Rider Scissors appeared to enter in International Cuisine Restaurant Cous Coussier , interrupting the fight between Eiji Hino and Ankh when Kivat-Bat the 3rd explains his ruthless nature when Scissors, at the same time, uses his Final Vent with Volcancer, thus destroying the entire restaurant. [Type35. - I Like the Mystery of the Final Vent!]

Video Game Appearances[]

Kamen Rider Ryuki (Video Game)[]


Scissors as seen in the Videogame

Kamen Rider Scissor appears as a playable character in the PS1 game. Like the other Ryuki Riders, he summons Volcancer, his Contract Monster, and uses Advent cards and his finisher Scissors Attack.

All Kamen Rider: Rider Revolution[]

AKRRR Scissors

Kamen Rider Scissors appeared as Rider Summoned by Diend in All Kamen Rider: Rider Revolution.

Climax Heroes Series[]

Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO[]

Scissors Climax Heroes OOO

Kamen Rider Scissors appears in the video game with other Kamen Riders of the Heisei Era in Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO.

Kamen Rider Climax Heroes Fourze[]


Kamen Rider Scissors appears in the video game with other Kamen Riders of the Heisei Era in Kamen Rider Climax Heroes Fourze.

Kamen Rider Super Climax Heroes[]


Kamen Rider Scissors appears in the video game with other Kamen Riders in Kamen Rider Super Climax Heroes.

Kamen Rider Battle Ganbaride[]


Kamen Rider Scissors card

Kamen Rider Scissors appears as a playable character in this video game.

Kamen Rider Riderbout[]

Tumblr nclf53cqnH1toeji8o1 640

Scissors as seen in Kamen Rider Riderbout

Kamen Rider Scissors appears as a playable character with the other Heisei and Showa Kamen Riders in Kamen Rider Riderbout.

Kamen Rider Break Joker[]

Krbj 15 cs1w1 640x960

Kamen Rider Scissors Break Joker card

Kamen Rider Scissors appears as a playable character with other Riders and monsters in Kamen Rider Break Joker.

Kamen Rider Transcend Heroes[]


Kamen Rider Scissors appears as a playable character with others Kamen Riders in the video game, performer his Scissors Attack against his enemies Kamen Rider Transcend Heroes.

Kamen Rider Buttobasoul[]


Kamen Rider Scissors Medal

Kamen Rider Scissors is a playable character in Kamen Rider Buttobasoul, among other Riders.

Battle Spirits[]


Kamen Rider Scissors Battle Spirits card

It is the tenth collaboration pack and the fifth collaboration with the Kamen Rider franchise. CB10 was released in Japan on December 21st, 2019. This set includes spirit, magic, and nexus cards in all six colors,Kamen Rider Scissors appears with other Kamen Riders and Monsters in Battle Spirits.

Scissors Battle Spirits Cards Included

  • Kamen Rider Scissors (Common)


  • Expert Manipulator: to be added

Kamen Rider Scissors[]

Kamen Rider Scissors

Kamen Rider Scissors

Rider Statistics[4][5]

  • Rider Height: 190 cm
  • Rider Weight: 93 kg

Rider Senses:

  • Eyesight: 10 km
  • Hearing: 10 km

Ability Parameters:

  • Punching Power: 12.5 t (250 AP)
  • Kicking Power: 15 t (300 AP)
  • Resistance: 100 t with Shelldefense[note 1]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 35 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 5 seconds

Special Attacks:

  • Scissorspinch: 50 t (1000 AP)[note 2]
  • Scissors Attack: 200 t (4000 AP)[note 2]
  • Advent: Volcancer: 150 t (3000 AP)[note 2]

Masashi can transform into Kamen Rider Scissors using his Card Deck and V Buckle upon forming a contract with Volcancer. His Visor, the Scissorsvisor (シザースバイザー, Shizāsu Baizā), is a claw-equipped gauntlet on his left arm that also functions as his personal weapon. Scissors' jumping height and running speed are identical to Ryuki's, but his kicking power is lower in exchange for a slightly higher punching power.

Through the use of his Strike Vent Advent Card, Scissors can arm himself with the Scissorspinch (シザースピンチ, Shizāsu Pinchi), an arm-mounted claw derived from Volcancer's left pincer. His Guard Vent equips him with the Shelldefense (シェルディフェンス, Sheru Difensu), a shield derived from the armor plating on Volcancer's back.

This form consists of the following parts[6]:

  • S Signal (Sシグナル, S Shigunaru): The green gem on the forehead. A radar sensor that informs the position of the enemy.
  • Vol Antenna (ボルアンテナ, Boru Antena): The antennas. They allow Scissors to communicate with Volcancer.
  • Solid Face Shield (ソリッドフェイスシールド, Soriddo Feisu Shīrudo): A face protector made of solid Armetal (アーメタル, Āmetaru). It allows Scissors to operate in areas contaminated with toxic gas.
    • Gold Eye (ゴールドアイ, Gōrudo Ai): The eyes. They allow Scissors to see enemies up to 10km away. Just like the other riders, they also have infrared vision.
  • Vol Chest (ボルチェスト, Boru Chesuto): The chest armor.
  • Granmail (グランメイル, Guranmeiru): A specially strengthened skin that covers the wearer's body, allowing them to stay in the Mirror World for 9 minutes and 55 seconds. If the transformation is cancelled, the user will lose the ability to fight and become monster food.
    • Zippetto Thread (ジペット・スレッド, Jipetto Sureddo): The ports all over the body. They are remote control devices used to control Volcancer. They are located on the back, the shoulders, wrists, sides of the belt, kneepads and back of the legs.
    • Force Bone (フォース・ボーン, Fōsu Bōn): The lines on the suit. They are control organs that are located on the waist, on both arms, and the back of legs. They distribute the power throughout the body in a well-balanced manner.
  • Vol Knuckle (ボルナックル, Boru Nakkuru): The handguards. They are made of Armetal.
  • Silver Armor (シルバーアーマー, Shirubā Āmā): The shin armor. They are made of strong and lightweight Armetal, and are as tough as diamonds.
  • Leg Silver (レッグシルバー, Reggu Shirubā): The shoes. They allow Scissors to perform the "Scissors Attack".

By using his Final Vent, Scissors can execute his finisher, the Scissors Attack (シザースアタック, Shizāsu Attaku), in Volcancer launches Scissors into the air with its claws. Scissors then curls into a ball and rapidly spins in the air before crashing into the enemy.

Appearances: Ryuki Episodes 5-6, 16 (Flashback), 28, Decade Episode 24, Let's Go Kamen Riders.

Contract Monster[]

Main article: Volcancer


  • Card Deck - Transformation device and Advent Card holder
  • V Buckle - Transformation belt
  • Advent Cards - Trinkets that enable a Rider to summon Contract Monsters, access equipment, and use special abilities
  • Scissorsvisor - Scissors' Visor and personal weapon that enables him to use Advent Cards


  • Rideshooter - Motorcycle used by any Rider to enter the Mirror World

Legend Rider Devices[]

KRDCD-KamenRide Scissors Rider Card

KamenRide: Scissors

"(Digital beeping) Scissors!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Volcancer to keiyakushita koukatsu na Rider wa... Scissors da!

Translation: The sly rider who made a contract with Volcancer is... (Clock ticking noise) Scissors! (ボルキャンサーと契約した狡猾なライダーは…シザースだ!)"
―Secondary activation announcement[src]

"Rider Time! Advent! Scissors!"
―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's right-hand slot[src]

"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Keyboard music) Advent! Scissors!"
―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot[src]

"Finish Time! Scissors! Final Time (Break/Burst/Jack)!"
―Finisher announcement in left-hand slot[src]

Scissors Ridewatch (シザースライドウォッチ, Shizāsu Raidowotchi): Based on Kamen Rider Scissors, this Ridewatch would provide access to the ScissorsArmor. It is dated 2002. This Ridewatch was one of the five winners of a poll held by Bandai to select Riders to be used in a five-pack of DX Ridewatches.

Behind the Scenes[]


Masashi Sudo is portrayed by Takeshi Kimura (木村 剛, Kimura Takeshi). As Kamen Rider Scissors, his suit actor was Ryoji Okada (岡田 良治, Okada Ryōji).

Concept Art[]

Kamen Rider scissor concept art

Kamen Rider Scissors concept art


  • Though clearly being for selfish reasons, Masashi's specific motivation for entering the Rider War, his intended wish if victorious, is never actually stated.
  • Scissors is the first Kamen Rider to serve entirely as an antagonist.
  • While current sources such as the Kamen Rider Zukan refer to Sudo as being 28, many older sources such as his original TV Asahi page and some photobooks refer to him as being 24. He was only listed as being 28 on TV Asahi's page for a few months before having it quickly edited.


See also[]


  1. Zukan's page on Masashi Sudo
  2. web.archive.org/web/20020328074404/http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp:80/ryuki/character/jinbutsu/nw/04.html
  3. web.archive.org/web/20020606143858/http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/ryuki/character/jinbutsu/nw/04.html
  4. TV Asahi. (2002). Kamen Rider Scissors.
  5. Zukan's page for Scissors
  6. Kamen Rider Ryuki Super Complete Works Volume 1, p.80, p.81


  1. Conversion: 1 t = 20 GP
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Conversion: 1 t = 20 AP

External Links[]


Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider Ryuki
The 13 Kamen Riders
Main Riders (TV Series): Shinji Kido - Ren Akiyama - Kamen Rider Zolda: (Shuichi Kitaoka - Goro Yura) - Takeshi Asakura - Kamen Rider Odin
Deceased Riders (TV Series): Masashi Sudo - Miyuki Tezuka - Jun Shibaura - Satoru Tojo - Mitsuru Sano
Movie/Special Exclusive: Koichi Sakakibara - Itsuro Takamizawa - Miho Kirishima - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Kamen Rider Abyss
Stageshow Exclusive: Kamen Rider Papillon - Kamen Rider Cerberus - Zebraskull Lady
The Alternatives
Hajime Nakamura - Hideyuki Kagawa
Transformation Devices
Card Decks - V Buckle - Advent Cards
Dragvisor - Darkvisor - Scissorsvisor - Magnuvisor - Evilvisor - Metalvisor - Venovisor - Destvisor - Gazellevisor - Biovisor - Blancvisor - Blackdragvisor - Goldvisor - Slashvisor - Abyssvisor
Sword Vents
Ridesaber - Dragsaber - Winglancer - Venosaber - Wingslasher - Goldsabers - Dragsaber (Ryuga) - Abysssaber - Slashdagger
Strike Vents
Dragclaw - Scissorspinch - Gigahorn - Metalhorn - Destclaws - Dragclaw (Ryuga) - Abyssclaw
Guard Vents
Dragshield - Wingwall - Shelldefense - Gigaarmor Wingshield - Dragshield (Ryuga) - Goldshield
Shoot Vents
Gigacannon - Gigalauncher
Swing Vents
Spin Vents
Hold Vents
Rideshooter - Dragranzer (Bike Mode) - Darkraider (Bike Mode) - Psycoroader
Kanzaki family
Yui Kanzaki - Shiro Kanzaki - Sanako Kanzaki
ORE Journal
Daisuke Okubo - Reiko Momoi - Nanako Shimada - Megumi Asano
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters: Dragreder - Darkwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Evildiver - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Genocider - Destwilder - Gigazelle (Contract Monster) - Goldphoenix - Biogreeza - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Psyco-Rogue
Wild Mirror Monsters: Spiders (Dispider - Mispider - Respider - Solospider) - Zelles (Gigazelle - Megazelle - Magazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Begazelle - Igazelle) - Zebraskulls (Iron - Bronze) - Boarders (Wildboarder - Shieldboarder) - Biters (Zenobiter - Terabiter) - Krakens (Bakraken - Wiskraken) - Gulds (GuldThunder - GuldStorm - GuldMirage) - Abyss (Abysshammer - Abysslasher - Abyssodon) - Buzzstingers (Hornet - Bee - Wasp - Frost - Broom) - Sheerghosts (Sheerghost - Raydragoon - Hydragoon) - Deadlemur - Gelnewt - Sonorabuma - Brobajell - Fake Kamen Rider Agito