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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-bladeThis article is about a monster in Kamen Rider Blade.

The Locust Undead (ローカストアンデッド, Rōkasuto Andeddo) is the second Undead to appear in Kamen Rider Blade, he is the Category 5 of the Spades suit.



Just like all other Undeads, the Locust Undead was created by God 10,000 years ago to participate in the event called Battle Fight. The Locust Undead was defeated during the battle and imprisoned in the form of a Rouse Card.

In 2002, a group of archeologists accidentally freed all the Undeads, including the Locust Undead.

Tachibana's alleged betrayal[]

In some unknown way, the Locust Undead was contained in eggs inside a BOARD facility, upon discovering that the BOARD kept an unsealed Undead inside one of their own bases, Sakuya Tachibana is enraged, transforms into Kamen Rider Garren and fires several shots at the eggs, but unfortunately the Undead ends up turning into a swarm and avoiding the hits.

Locust Undead escapes

Locust Undead escapes

Soon after, the Undead escapes from the room and begins to cause widespread destruction in the base, killing several people and making everyone believe that Tachibana purposely released the monster. Kazuma Kenzaki is called to stop the Undead and upon arriving at the scene, he transforms into Kamen Rider Blade and engages in direct confrontation with the creature while Tachibana just watches from afar without doing anything due to the fact that he is still very confused by the fact of the leaders. of the BOARD keep an unsealed Undead in a base full of people, this attitude from Tachibana only makes Kenzaki believe even more that he betrayed the organization and released the Undead on purpose to kill people. Kenzaki shaken by Tachibana's supposed betrayal ends up being no match for the Locust Undead, who starts to beat Blade, however, the Locust Undead ends up grabbing Blade and starts flying towards a wall at high speed in an attempt to win the fight by crushing the opponent, luckily, the Undead ends up taking a slash and soon after that he is sealed by Blade, who reaches his limit and falls to the ground.

The strongest Kamen Rider[]

During one of the first clashes between Blade and Leangle (who was being possessed by the Spider Undead), the Locust Undead was freed alongside Deer Undead, Jaguar Undead, and Boar Undead by Mutsuki's Remote Tapir and sent to wreak havoc across the city. After Mutsuki is defeated, Go Kiryu takes the Leangle Buckle and transforms into Kamen Rider Leangle, ordering the Locust Undead and the other Undeads released along with him to continue the rampant chaos. After Kiryu is defeated by Tachibana, Mutsuki retrieves the Leangle Buckle and is possessed again by Spider Undead, who orders all Undead released by Leangle to eat Kiryu alive.

Undeads killing Kiryu

Undeads killing Kiryu

Blade and Garren do not arrive in time to save Kiryu, who had suffered mortal injuries, after that, Blade uses the Slash Lizard card and cuts Locust Undead, thus sealing the monster for the last time.

Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace[]

The Locust Undead is one of the Undeads freed from their cards in Missing Ace.

Video Game Appearances[]

Kamen Rider Blade (PS2)[]


Locust Undead in Kamen Rider Blade (PS2).

The Locust Undead is one of many Undead who appear in the Kamen Rider Blade video game.

The Masked Rider Expansion Vol. 2[]


RK-130: Locust Undead

Locust Undead appears as a playable character in the trading card game Rangers StrikeIcon-crosswiki.

  • Card Name:
    • Japanese: ローカストアンデッド
    • English: Locust Undead
  • Card Number: RK-130
  • Rarity: Normal
  • Category: Dark Alliance
  • Type: Unit

Locust Undead[]

KRBl-Locust Undead

Locust Undead

  • Height: 217 cm
  • Weight: 110 kg

Locust Undead (ローカストアンデッド, Rōkasuto Andeddo) The Locust Undead is an agile Undead that attacks with powerful kicks, he was able to rival Kamen Rider Blade's Ace Form during their first fight.

  • Crusher (クラッシャー, Kurasshā): It has a sharp fang, and can break even hard rocks into pieces with a single bite.
  • Locust Sense (ローカストセンス, Rōkasuto Sensu): The antennae. It can smell prey in 10km square.
  • Seal Black (シールブラック, Shīru Burakku): A tissue that covering the whole body. It's the part that was damaged in the battle 10,000 years ago.
  • Undead Heart (アンデッドハート, Andeddo Hāto): An immortal heart that never stops moving and never dies.
  • Undead Buckle (アンデッドバックル, Andeddo Bakkuru): A testimony sealed in a battle 10,000 years ago. A number will appear when it is knocked down.
  • Locust Cell (ローカストセル, Rōkasuto Seru): A cells that can create countless small clone locusts.
  • Locust Wing (ローカストウイング, Rōkasuto Uingu): A feathers to keep the body balanced when jumping.
  • Locust Spring (ローカストスプリング, Rōkasuto Supuringu): It has the leg strength to jump 100 meters into the sky in a single jump.
  • Undead Physiology: Locust Undead shares common abilities with other Undeads.
    • Immortality: Locust Undead can survive any physical injury regardless of its severity.
    • Undead Tracking: Locust Undead is attracted to other Undeads.
    • Telepathy: Locust Undead can communicate telepathically with other Undeads.
  • Swarm: Locust Undead can split his body into a huge swarm of locusts that devours everything in its path, this skill can be used to damage large areas quickly and effectively, after completing his objectives, Locust Undead can regroup the swarm to form his physical body again.

Rouse Card[]

KRBl-Kick Locust Rouse Card

Kick Locust

  • Suit: Spade (♠)
  • Category: 5
  • Effect name: KICK
  • Card name: Kick Locust (キック・ローカスト, Kikku Rōkasuto)
  • Consumption points: FP 1000
  • Kick (キック, Kikku): The Kick Locust card increases the user's kick power and jump height.

KRBl-Kick Locust Gild Rouse Card

Kick Locust

  • Suit: Spade (♠)
  • Category: 5
  • Effect name: KICK
  • Card name: Kick Locust (キック・ローカスト, Kikku Rōkasuto)
  • Consumption points: FP 1200

When Kamen Rider Blade evolves into King Form, Kick Locust's Rouse Card also undergoes a transformation and evolves.

  • Kick (キック, Kikku): The evolved version of Kick Locust retains all of its previous powers and makes them much stronger.

Behind the Scenes[]

Concept Art[]


  • As mentioned above, it is revived from the egg sac in the series, but it is completely unknown when this egg sac was secured in BOARD.




Rider's Crest-Blade (Gold) Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Kazuma Kenzaki - Sakuya Tachibana - Hajime Aikawa - Kamen Rider Leangle: (Mutsuki Kamijo - Go Kiryu - Spider Undead)
New Generation Riders (Movie exclusive): Junichi Shimura - Natsumi Miwa - Shin Magaki
Transformation Devices
Blay Buckle - Garren Buckle - Leangle Buckle - Glaive Buckle - Lance Buckle - Larc Buckle
Transformation Gear
Rouse Cards - Rouse Absorber
Normal: Blay Rouzer - Garren Rouzer - Chalice Rouzer - Leangle Rouzer - Glaive Rouzer - Larc Rouzer - Lance Rouzer
Upgraded: King Rouzer
Other Weapons
Chalice Arrow - Wild Slasher
Item Carriers
Card Decks - Rouse Bank
Rider Machines
Blue Spader - Red Rhombus - Green Clover - Shadow Chaser - Black Fang
Event: Battle Fight
Forms: Jack Form - King Form
Hiroshi Tennoji - Kei Karasuma - Shiori Hirose - Yoshito Hirose
Jacaranda Cafe: Kotaro Shirai - Haruka Kurihara - Amane Kurihara
Others: Nozomi Yamanaka - Sayoko Fukasawa - Ryo Mikami - Jin Ichinose - Rei Kamioka - Tatsuya Yamaguchi - Michi - Umi Ikuhara - Shin Kurihara
The Undead
Creator: Master
Joker: Hajime Aikawa - Junichi Shimura - Kazuma Kenzaki (post-series)
The Royal Club
♠️ Spade: King - Takahara - Yazawa
♦️ Diamond: Kanai - Azumi - Isaka
♥️ Heart: Kamata - Miyuki Yoshinaga - Shinmei
♣️ Club: Noboru Shima - Hikaru Jo - Daichi
Category Ace
Beetle Undead - Stag Beetle Undead - Spider Undead - Mantis Undead - Kerberos
Category 2-10
Spade: Lizard Undead - Lion Undead - Boar Undead - Locust Undead - Deer Undead - Trilobite Undead - Buffalo Undead - Jaguar Undead - Scarab Undead
Diamond: Armadillo Undead - Frog Undead - Pecker Undead - Whale Undead - Firefly Undead -Tortoise Undead -Bat Undead - Zebra Undead - Chameleon Undead
Heart: Human Undead - Hammerhead Undead - Dragonfly Undead - Shell Undead - Hawk Undead - Plant Undead - Moth Undead - Camel Undead - Centipede Undead
Club: Bee Undead - Mole Undead - Rhinoceros Undead - Cobra Undead - Polarbear Undead - Jellyfish Undead - Scorpion Undead - Squid Undead - Tapir Undead
Trial Series: Trial B - Trial D - Trial E - Trial F - Trial G
Other: Darkroachi - Albiroachi - Titan - Mold Undead - Jashin 14