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Kamen Rider Wiki
We Are Class 3G
Icon-gotchardThis article is about a character in Kamen Rider Gotchard.

In an alternate timeline different to that of Kamen Rider Gotchard, Lachesis (ラケシス, Rakeshisu) is a high school student who serves as Lady Bancho (お嬢様番長, Ojō-sama Banchō) of Class 3G at Gotchard High School. In her own delusional scene, she can transform into Kamen Rider Dread (仮面ライダードレッド, Kamen Raidā Doreddo).




Kamen Rider Dread Type Zero

Kamen Rider Dread Type Zero

"Dread, Zeroshiki."
―Dread Type Zero transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics[1]
  • Rider Height: 210.9 cm
  • Rider Weight: 124.4 kg
Ability Parameters[1]
  • Punching Power: 14.2 t
  • Kicking Power: 18.4 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 15.7 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 6.1 sec.

Type Zero (零式, Zeroshiki) is Kamen Rider Dread's default form accessed by using the Repli-Steamliner Replichemy Card in the Dreadriver.

As the antithesis of Gotchard, Dread sacrifices her Replichemies to use their powers. She has higher punching power, kicking power, and running speed, but a lower jump height. Unlike Sabimaru, Lachesis make full use on her agility during combat, and she only using the Replichemy cards to torment her opponent.

Dread consists of the following parts:

  • Dread Mask (ドレッドマスク, Doreddo Masuku): The helmet.
    • Wisdom Lamp (ウィズダムランプ, Wizudamu Ranpu): The beacon of wisdom. By accumulating the knowledge possessed by the user and the Replichemy and turning it into a collective intelligence, its intelligence increases with each transformation and transmutation.
    • Maat Signal (マアトシグナル, Maato Shigunaru): The tuner device. It maximizes the destructive power by adjusting the transmutation state from time to time.
    • Dread Horus (ドレッドホルス, Doreddo Horusu): The compound eyes. The application of various Replichemy powers to human vision changes its characteristics in various ways. Different abilities can be used simultaneously on the left and right side.
    • Irogane Skull (イロガネスカル, Irogane Sukaru): The skull. The extremely strong skeleton forged from Repli-Steamliner has an ultra-pressure-resistant structure, and will not be shaken by any attack.
  • Hecate Blast (ヘカテブラースト, Hekate Burāsuto): The conversion furnace. Burning like a blast furnace inside the body, it produces tremendous destructive power by mixing and burning the power of Replichemies and all things as alchemical materials.
  • Rider Golem (ライダゴレム, Raida Goremu): The body. It has an extremely strong skeleton and ultra-pressure-resistant structure due to the combination of the human body and the Replichemy Repli-Steamliner. It embodies the potential for all kinds of destruction by overlapping the power of many more Chemies.
  • Dante Actuator (ダンテアクチュエーター, Dante Akuchuētā): The arms. The "Dante Steam Compression", which increases arm strength by filling with ultra-high-pressure steam, delivers an ultra-high-pressure punch with extraordinary grip strength and destructive energy.
  • Draw Holder (ドローホルダー, Dorō Horudā): The cardholder. It can store up to 20 Replichemy cards.
  • Dante Departure (ダンテデパーチャー, Dante Depāchā): The legs. The "Dante Steam Compression", which increases leg strength by filling with ultra-high-pressure steam, delivers an ultra-high-pressure kick with overwhelming driving force and destructive energy.

This form has the following finishers:

  • Dreadriver finisher:
    • Blood Rain (ブラッドレイン, Buraddo Rein): After Dread scans up to three Repli Chemy Cards in the Vevel Setter on the top of the Driver, and inserts the Repli Chemy Card into the Khonsu Stiller slot before pulling the Nekhbetvoke Lever, Dread performs an attack that incorporates the Chemy's unique ability or transmute weapons.
      • Repli-Flayrose: Dread right hand is covered with pink aura before she blow it, sending countless amount of rose petals that explodes in quick succession upon impact.

Appearances: We Are Class 3G Episode 1



  • Houtaro Ichinose: to be added.
  • Rinne Kudo: to be added.
  • Supana Kurogane: Like her main counterpart, this version of Lachesis also has romantic feelings towards him, being the reason why she tried to steal the Gotchard driver so Supana could become her "dog" and be with her. Contrary to her main counterpart, she is alive and well and her feelings are accepted in the second episode, even holding hands with him at the end, implying the start of a relationship between the two.
  • Renge Icho: to be added.
  • Sabimaru Tsuruhara: to be added.
  • Minato: to be added.
  • Clotho: to be added.

School Staff[]

Behind the Scenes[]


This version of Lachesis is portrayed by Alisa Sakamaki (坂巻 有紗, Sakamaki Arisa).





Icon-gotchard Kamen Rider Gotchard
Kamen Riders: Houtaro Ichinose (Future) - Rinne Kudo - Supana Kurogane - Ho-Oh Kaguya Quartz - Kamen Rider Dread: (Clotho - Sabimaru Tsuruhara - Lachesis - Minato - Atropos) - Fuga Kudo - Glion
Hundred Riders: Gengetsu - Saigetsu - Tasogare - Mimei
Movie/Special-exclusive Riders: Renge Icho - Clotho - Lachesis - Future Rinne - Future Glion
Debatable: Supana Kurogane - Lachesis - Saigetsu
Transformation Gear
Transformation Items: Gotchardriver (Daybreak Ver.) - Alchemisdriver - Valvarusher - Valvaradriver (Kurogane) - Legendriver - Dreadriver - Majestydriver - Eldoradriver
Driver-Compatible Transformation Devices: High Alchemist Ring - Promise Alchemist Ring
Upgrade Items: Exgotchalibur - Gotcharigniter - Tenliner - Crosshopper - Legend Kamen Riser - Nijigon
Ride Chemy Card-related
Ride Chemy Cards - Gotchardraw Holder - Valvaradraw Buckle - Draw Holder
Gotchard (Daybreak): Gotcharge Gun - Gotchartornado - Exgotchalibur - Heavy Expressure
Valvarad: Valvarusher
Legend: Legend Ride Magnum - Legend Kamen Riser
Dread: Bloody BB - Bloody AB - Bloody UC - Bloody DO
Rider Machines
Golddash - Daybreak Golddash
Alchemist Rings - Chemy Riser - Alchemis Charger - Dooms Clock - Philosopher's Stone
World of Gotchard: Erikusa - Kokonotsu - Ouroboros Realm - Door of Darkness - New Earth
World of Legend: Ho-Oh Tower
Furasu High School: Ryo Kajiki - Seina Tsukumo - Tsukuru Mikuriya
Kitchen ICHINOSE: Tamami Ichinose
Gotchard High School: Houtaro Ichinose - Rinne Kudo - Sabimaru Tsuruhara - Lachesis - Minato - Glion - Ryo Kajiki - Atropos - Shiori Harima
IRISE+GIRLS: Mai - Hina - Koyomi
Kongo Laboratory: Mami Kongo - Kenichi Tsuruhara
Future Timeline Allies: Future Atropos - Future Clotho - Tetsuo Tajima - Ichika Sakaki
Civilians: Koichiro Asahi - Riku Sunayama - Hijiri Himeno - Yuzuru Manabe - Sawa Manabe - Kyoka Edami - Yua Yamashita - Tatchan - Tamiko Misono - Starshine Hoshino - Butler - Kusao Frida
Legend Riders: Tsukasa Kadoya - Ace Ukiyo - Keiwa Sakurai - Neon Kurama - Michinaga Azuma - Ittetsu Tanba - Zein - Yuto Sakurai - Shoma
Others: Tsumuri
Insect Chemies: Hopper1Crosshopper - Pikahotaru - Gengenchoucho - Bakuonzemi - Antrooper - Greatonbo - Stagvine - Kaiserbee - Kamantis - BeetlX
Job Chemies: Odorippa - Dokkirimajin - Doctorkozo - Pilets - Wrestler G - Sasukemaru - Bulletbaang - Apparebushido - Karyudos - X Wizard
Vehicle Chemies: Spicle - Skebows - Hiikescue - Gekiocopter - Deepmariner - MadwheelMachwheel - Golddash - Gutsshovel - SteamlinerTenliner - Exceedfighter
Animal Chemies: Yamibat - Catchula - Mechanichani - Bussasorry - Bountybunny - Hawkstar - Tsupparihebi - Gorillasensei - Ganvhale - Lixion
Artifact Chemies: Raidenji - Kesuzo - Mitemirror - Energyl - Panpakaparka - Televi - Timelord - Smaphone - Renkingrobo - X Fortress
Plant Chemies: Happyclover - Burningnero - Bambamboo - Saboneedle - Venomdake - Utsubocchama - Flayrose - Buglesia - Junglejan - Xeggdrasil
Occult Chemies: Carery - Berosol - Sayzombie - Angelead - Zukyumpire - Daiohni - Mackraken - Jyamatanoorochi - Ninetail - UFO-X
Ancient Chemies: Nammonite - Akumanocaris - Pakuraptor - Ojilacanth - Sabeliger - Warptera - Gigalodon - Tricera - Blizzammoth - X-Rex
Cosmic Chemies: Mercurin - Kinkiravina - Gokigenmeteon - Neminemoon - Firemars - Grandsaturn - The Sun - Jupitta - Kuroana - Gaiard
Fantastic Chemies: Gigabaham - Macentaurus - Unicon - Vanfenrir - Inphoenix - Yoacerberus - Haodin - Gingriffon - Donposeidon - Dragonalos
Rainbow Chemy: Nijigon
Daybreak Chemy: Daybreak Hopper1 - Daybreak Steamliner - Daybreak Golddash - Daybreak Timelord - Daybreak The Sun - Daybreak Smaphone
Legend Rider Chemy: Geats Chemy - Tycoon Chemy - Na-Go Chemy - Buffa Chemy
Dark Ether Chemy: El Dragon
Other Chemy: Kamedoon
Alchemys Union
Executives: Unnamed Leader
Inspectors: Licht Kugimiya - Shiori Harima
Alchemists: Minato - Fuga Kudo - Kyoka Edami - Renchi Kurogane - Suzu Kurogane - Daiki Suzuya
Agents: Supana Kurogane
Alchemist Academy:
Staff: Minato
Graduated Students: Supana Kurogane - Boruto Namarizaki
Senior Students: Renge Icho - Sabimaru Tsuruhara (Isaac)
Junior Students: Houtaro Ichinose - Rinne Kudo - Three Dark Sisters (Atropos - Clotho - Lachesis)
Dark Kings: Gigist - Germain - Gaelijah - Dark King - Ouroboros (Gotchard)
Generals: Glion - Three Dark Sisters (Atropos - Clotho - Lachesis)
Other Members: Shiori Harima - Malice Doll - Golem - Dreatroopers
Malgam Monsters
Silver: Mantis Malgam - Skateboard Malgam - Poisonous Mushroom Malgam - Submarine Malgam - Ants Malgam - Gorilla Malgam - Hawk Malgam - Dragonfly Malgam - Clover Malgam - Jungle Malgam - Battery Malgam - Spider Malgam - Wizard Malgam - Orochi Malgam - Kyubi Malgam - Anomalocaris Malgam - Unidentified Malgam #1 & #2 - Doctor Malgam
Golden: Moon Malgam - Cerberus Malgam - Angel Malgam - Wheel Malgam - Saber Tiger Malgam - Pteranodon Malgam - Dragon Malgam - Karakasaobake Malgam - Fairy Malgam - Mammoth Malgam - Kraken Malgam
Dark: Skebows Malgam (Dark) - Antrooper Malgam (Dark) - Hopper1 Malgam (Dark) - Fantastic Malgam (Dark) - Kamedoon Malgam (Dark) - Poisonous Mushroom Malgam (Dark)
Chemy Factor: Submarine Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Jungle Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Battery Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Gorilla Malgam (Chemy Factor) - Anomalocaris Malgam (Chemy Factor)
Other Malgam: Ark-One Malgam
Leader: Hundred Superiors
Executives: Saigetsu - Mimei - Tasogare - Gengetsu
Captain: Alpha
Footsoldiers: Kasshine - Dai Mazine
Future Glion Army
Leader: Future Glion
Generals: Dark Death Masks (Hellcrate - Lakineiles - Alzard)
Footsoldiers: Dreatrooper Type Army
Other Villains
Geats Killer - Mahou Tsukai Jyamato - Jyamato Rider