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Icon-oooThis article is about a character in Kamen Rider OOO.

"Happy Birthday!"
―Kougami when something begins.[src]

―Kougami when getting excited about something.[src]

Kousei Kougami (鴻上 光生, Kōgami Kōsei) is the president of the Kougami Foundation.


Kougami is well versed in the history of Kamen Rider OOO and the Core Medals, anticipating the revival of the Greeed, and has collected several Cell Medals. He is still alive in the year 2051, and gives a Rider of that era, Michal Minato, the Poseidon Driver that his Foundation developed.


Kougami is an eccentric business man who usually keeps things like his reasons of getting the O Medals to himself. His hobby is baking cakes, commonly birthday cakes often pulling an apron right over his suit to do so. In fact, to accommodate for his hobby, he built his office over a bakery and spends more time baking than doing paperwork or anything that has to do with running a company. He usually has his secretary eat the cakes he makes, despite her preference for spicy foods. He always has a record player in his office usually playing "Happy Birthday", believing that the birth of all things good or bad is a thing of beauty. Any items he has sent to OOO typically fit this belief, normally referred to as 'presents' and wrapped up as such, sometimes accompanied with a "birthday cake". Kougami is easily excited and becomes incredibly enthusiastic when it comes to the OOO/Greeed conflict and the birth of new developments, shouting an emotional "splendid!" (スバラシィ!, subarashii!) at things that please him.

Kougami believes that human desires are the purest and most powerful energy source in existence, playing a major role in the evolution of life on Earth. This belief is to the extent of encouraging all around him to succumb to their own desires and do whatever they want, as long as it does not interfere with or get in the way of his own desires. He sees Kamen Rider OOO, one bound for godhood, to be the ideal being that results from it as he manages to outwit Ankh into having him and Eiji work for him with a 60% Medal payment for his company's facilities and services to them in order to achieve his lifelong work.

Even though he is technically an ally for Eiji, Kougami is shown to be highly dubious in morality, indirectly causing many of the troubles in Kamen Rider OOO. Evidently, it is hinted that Kougami fully intended for the Greeeds to be ressurected in modern times, having already prepared many of OOO's arsenal to fight them beforehand.

The only time he actually shows emotion other than being excited is when his plans start to go into a different direction marked different from what he initially intended, such as Kiyoto Maki working with Kazari and Maki stealing the Purple Core Medals as they have the power to destroy Core Medals, which will ruin Kougami's plan.

Role in Story[]

Kougami usually stays on the sidelines within his company, while secretly orchestrating events that would lead to OOO and the Greeed's development. He has Kiyoto Maki create Kamen Rider Birth to use and gather Cell Medals, while threatening to fire the scientist when he figured out Maki was working with Kazari. This causes Maki to take everything he could including the Purple Core Medals. After five of the Medals had implanted into Eiji, Kougami tries to make Eiji get a desire that fits Kougami's bill. Sometime in the distant future, Kougami would play a role which includes giving Eiji his Super Tatoba Combo Form.

Other Events[]

Saber + Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki[]

After Kamen Rider Revi and Kamen Rider Vice arrive to help defeat Asmodeus, Kougami appears briefly to celebrate the birth of a new Kamen Rider, complete with a birthday cake that says "Happy Birthday, Kamen Rider Revice".

Video Game appearances[]

Kamen Rider Travelers Record[]

Kougami Travelers Record

Kougami as seen in Kamen Rider Travelers Record.

Kougami appears in the video game Kamen Rider Travelers Record.

Behind The Scenes[]


Kousei Kougami was portrayed by Takashi Ukaji (宇梶 剛士, Ukaji Takashi), who previously portrayed Seiichiro TsutsumiIcon-crosswiki in Ultraman GaiaIcon-crosswiki.


  • Since Kougami is the descendant of the first Kamen Rider OOO, it is possible that he is also of European descent.



External links[]


Icon-ooo Kamen Rider OOO
Kamen Riders
TV Series: Kamen Rider OOO: (Eiji Hino - King) - Kamen Rider Birth: (Akira Date - Shintaro Goto)
Movie Exclusive: Kamen Rider Core - Nobunaga - Michal Minato - Poseidon - Goda - Ankh
Special Exclusive: Hina Izumi - Chiyoko Shiraishi
OOO Driver - O Scanner - Birth Driver - Aqua Driver - Poseidon Driver
O Medal-related
Core Medals - Cell Medals - O Medal Nest - O Medal Holder - X Unit - Candroids - Ridevendor - Aqua Miraider
OOO: Medajaribur - Toraclaws - Kamakirisword - Goribagoons - Denkiunagi Whips - Tajaspiner - Medagabryu - Burahngi - Toraclaw Solid - Tajanityspinner
Birth: Birth Buster - Birth CLAWs
Poseidon: Deepest Harpoon
Kougami Foundation: Kousei Kougami - Erika Satonaka
Cous Coussier: Hina Izumi - Chiyoko Shiraishi - Shingo Izumi
Greeed: Uva - Kazari - Gamel - Mezool - Ankh (Lost) - Kyouryu Greeed - Muchiri - Goda
Yummy: Kuzu Yummies - Shiro Yummy - Kamakiri Yummy - Otoshibumi Yummy - Neko Yummy - Piranha Yummy - Bison Yummy - Same Yummy - Ageha Yummy - Siamneko Yummy - Rikugame Yummy - Kabuto Yummy - Kuwagata Yummy - Lionkurage Yummy - Kurage Yummy - Batta Yummy - Eisai Yummy - Oumu Yummy (Blue, Red) - Ikajaguar Yummy - Shachipanda Yummy - Kuroageha Yummy - Pteranodon Yummy (Male, Female) - Fukurou Yummy - Unicorn Yummy - Uniarmadillo Yummy - Shamo Yummy - Ankylosaurus Yummy - Hagetaka Yummy - Nue Yummy
Other: Gara - Armored Warrior Inhumanoid - Shocker Greeed
Shocker Rider - Gel Shocker Greeed - Destron Greeed - G.O.D. Greeed - Garander Greeed - Delzer Greeed - Shocker OOO - Neo Shocker Greeed - Jin Dogma Greeed - Badan Greeed
Another World Of OOO Characters
Kamen Riders: Hina Izumi - Chiyoko Shiraishi
Allies: Eiji Hino
Date Foundation: Akira Date - Erika Satonaka - Doctor Ankh
Greeed: Uva - Kazari - Gamel - Mezool