Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ghostThis article is about a Rider in Kamen Rider Ghost.

Kanon Fukami (深海 カノン, Fukami Kanon), born Mion (ミオン), is Makoto Fukami's younger sister whose consciousness was trapped inside a Gamma Eyecon until Takeru wished for her revival. Seven years later, she gained the ability to transform into Kamen Rider Kanon Specter (仮面ライダーカノンスペクター, Kamen Raidā Kanon Supekutā).



Makoto and Kanon came to Gamma World

Makoto and Kanon came to Gamma World

Mion was an artificial lifeform created by Danton created alongside her brother Rio. The siblings would go on to be raised by Danton's former assistant Godai, otherwise known as Daigo Fukami, and Mion was renamed "Kanon". However, Daigo would too disappear on them, leaving the Fukami siblings to be taken in by Ryu Tenkuji. Kanon was childhood friends with Ryu's son Takeru and Akari Tsukimura. Unfortunately, a freak accident with the Daitenku Temple's monolith accidentally pulls the Fukami siblings to the Gamma World.

For at least a decade, the Fukami siblings resided in the Gamma World and taken into the Royal Family. She would go on to become close friends with Alain, the youngest sibling of the Royal Family. Kanon remembers Alain fondly and credited him with for watching over her and Makoto. However, the atmosphere of the Gamma World took a toll on Kanon's health, resulting in her body perishing and soul residing in an Eyecon. Makoto embarked to the human world to gather the fifteen heroic Eyecons to resurrect Kanon.

The Fifteen Heroes Eyecons[]

In the search for the fifteen Heroes Eyecons, Kanon as the Sister Eyecon watches over Makoto as he became Kamen Rider Specter and fighting Takeru Tenkuji over the Eyecons. Makoto still carries Kanon's Eyecon confides with her about his inner feelings. Kanon became concerned with her brother's unstable behavior, further triggered by Chikara Saionji's manipulation. She correctly distrusted Saionji, but unable to temper Makoto's growing resentment towards Takeru, who stood in his way of obtaining the Eyecons. After Makoto tried to kill his former friend in a fit of rage, Kanon didn't want to be revived anymore.

Kanon resurrection

Kanon resurrection

After Saionji failed to have his wish granted, the fifteen Heroes' Eyecons select Takeru to grant his wish. Makoto realized he had missed his chance to save Kanon and wondered what was the point of his search for the Eyecons and his hostility towards his friend. However, what he did not expect was that Takeru chose to save Kanon's life instead of his own. Upon reuniting with his sister, Makoto was overjoyed and relieved, and renewed his friendship with Takeru.

The Royal Family Conflict[]

Ever since Kanon had revived, Makoto would visit her in the hospital until she fully recovered. During an encounter with Alain and Jabel, this resulted in his sister being abducted. Knowing that he could not fight Jabel as he is, he decided to use the Houdini Eyecon's power. Through intense training with Houdini controlling the Machine Hoodie, Makoto gained Houdini's trust to unlock Houdini Damashii. Using this new power, he went on to rescue Kanon and defeat Jabel.

Meanwhile, Alain emerges as the Kamen Rider Necrom in an attempt to bring Makoto back to the Gamma. While Makoto was forced to fight his old friend, he was easily subdued and turned into Alain's puppet as Necrom Specter. Kanon becomes worried for her brother upon his inital defeat by Necrom and pleads with Alain to release her brother from his possessed state, which inevitably caused Alain to fight Takeru. With the help of Takeru, Kanon, and the Eyecons, Makoto was freed from Necrom's control, and went back to working together with Ghost.

The Demia Project[]

After Alain was framed by Adel for their father's supposed murder, Kanon and Makoto decided to help Alain adjust to his new life on Earth and repair their friendship. She would introduce Alain to Fumi Fukushima, an old lady who often treats them with takoyaki to eat. Overtime, Alain began to value the beauty of humanity and life, joining forces with Ghost and Specter against Adel's forces.

During a battle with the Gammaizers, the Ore Eyecon would shatter which caused Takeru's third death. While his death saddened Kanon, she resolved to not give up. Together, she and her comrades performed a miracle that allowed Takeru to come back to life. This granted him the Mugen Eyecon, allowing Takeru to access his final form, Mugen Damashii, using the form of light to connect everything infinitely. However, despite coming back the third time, he is still in a ghost state.

War for the Great Eye[]

As Adel embarks to use Demia to transform Earth like the Gamma World, Kanon assists the Kamen Riders to destroy the Demia servers as they continue battling the resurfaced Gammaizers. After Adel connects with the Great Eye, he revives all of the Gammaizers. Kanon later accompanies her companions to the Gamma World to assist in fighting Adel's forces, where Makoto was gravely injured until he was saved by Copy Makoto who merged with him.

Although the Gammaizers took over Adel at the last minute, Takeru was the one to strike him down honorably to let his spirit pass away in peace. The Gammaizers forcibly fuses with the Great Eye to become the Great Eyezer. Kanon continues to help the civillians as the Gammaizers declared humanity deserves to be eradicated. Ultimately, Takeru was able to defeat the Gammaizers and celebrate with him after he was finally turned human.

With the Gammaizers gone for good and Takeru fully revived, the others meets a boy named Ayumu, who is being pursued by a mysterious black Kamen Rider. While they bring Ayumu to the Daitenku Temple, Kanon decided to depart to the Gamma World with Makoto and Alain to restore the realm and help the denizens.

Other Events[]

Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider[]

During the Next Genome Institute crisis, Kanon visited the CR facility underneath Seito University Hospital as Akari was treated for her Pac-Man Virus infection. [Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Riders]

The Legend of Hero Alain[]

Kanon and Alain return to Gamma World

Kanon and Alain return to Gamma World

Many years later, Kanon is seen together with Alain as the latter watches Harumi Fukushima along with her family. Kanon and Alain later head back to their own world, presumably the Gamma World. [The Legend of Hero Alain: Last Chapter]

Specter × Blades[]

[Kamen Rider Specter × Blades]

Girls Remix[]

While Kanon participated in the events of the crossover, she could not transform into Kanon Specter because Makoto had confiscated her Ghost Driver offscreen in an incident of being overprotective of her.

Final Stage[]

Crossover 3

Kanon is possessed by Billy the Kid again in the stage show and assumes his Kamen Rider Ghost form. [Kamen Rider Ghost: Final Stage]


Kanon is kind, caring, and sociable. She seems to be a good judge of character, sensing Saionji's malice early on and retaining faith in her brother and Alain in their dark moments. It is highly deduced that Kanon even more adult than Makoto. Her personality drastically changes upon being possessed by Billy the Kid Damashii, acting more of a typical Spaghetti Western outlaw. In Kamen Rider Specter × Blades, she wants to not let her brother remember about his backstory, thus taking matters into her own hands. She also wants to protect everyone, especially her family as she wanted her sisters to have a happy life. She became hopeless when she could not save her sisters from being absorbed by Muller. Due to these changes in her personality, Makoto stated that she has changed a bit.

Ghost Possessions[]


KRGh-Gamma Eyecon (Kanon Fukami)

"Sister Eyecon"

Kanon's temporary form was the Gamma Eyecon (ガンマアイコン, Ganma Aikon), which preserved her life after her body succumbed to the environment of the Gamma World. Ultimately, the Eyecon was rendered obsolete and dissolved away when Kanon's body was restored by the Great Eye. [Magnificent! The Mysterious Eye!] The Sister Eyecon is identical to the generic Gamma Eyecon with the exception of a pink glow it gave off when Kanon spoke.

Released as the Sister Eyecon (妹眼魂, Imouto Aikon, lit. "Little Sister Eye Soul"), it was under this name that Mio Kudo was credited before Kanon's name was revealed.

Appearances: Ghost Episodes 6-11

KRGh-Kanon Specter Transient


Transient (トランジェント, Toranjento) is the default pre-form armor of Kamen Rider Kanon Specter. Like most pre-forms in the Kamen Rider Series, it is weaker than all of the other forms and exists solely as a transition stage of the armor to any given Damashii form.

Kanon Specter


Kanon Specter (Unhooded)

KRGh-Kanonspecter (Hooded)

Kanon Specter (Hooded)

"Kaigan! Special! (Charging energy) Yukou saiko! Special na Ghost! Go Go Go Go!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

Rider Statistics

  • Rider Height: 196.2 cm
  • Rider Weight: 71.3 kg

Ability Parameters

  • Punching Power: 16.2 t
  • Kicking Power: 19.1 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 45.7 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 3.8 seconds

Kanon Specter (カノンスペクター, Kanon Supekutā) is Kanon Specter's default form accessed by using the Kanon Specter Eyecon in the Ghost Driver.

KRGh-Kanonspecter (With Wings)

Kanon Specter With Wings

Kanon Specter's finisher is the Omega Drive (Specter) (オメガドライブ スペクター, Omega Doraibu (Supekutā)), which has two variations:

  • Kanon Specter performs two punches that create pink energy shockwaves before delivering a chop and kick, both of which leave a trail of pink energy.
  • Kanon Specter sprouts six pink energy wings and performs a flying kick covered in pink energy.
This Form is exclusive to Kamen Rider Specter × Blades

Billy the Kid Damashii

Billy the Kid Damashii

"Kaigan! Billy the Kid! (Bullet ricochet) Hyappatsu! Hyakuchu! Zukyune! Bakyune! (Electric guitar; bullets ricochet)"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Height: 204 cm.
  • Weight: 97.5 kg.
Ability Parameters
  • Punching power: 5.8 t.
  • Kicking power: 10.4 t.
  • Maximum jump height: 45 m.
  • Maximum running speed: 100 m per 4.7 sec.

Billy the Kid Damashii (ビリー・ザ・キッド魂, Birī Za Kiddo Damashī, lit. "Billy the Kid Soul") is Ghost's brown cowboy-based form themed after Henry McCarty aka Billy the Kid, a legendary Wild West American outlaw and gunman who rustled horses and killed many men but is romanticized in pop culture as a rebel and folk hero. Accessed through the Billy the Kid Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Gunslinger (ペルソナガンスリンガー, Perusona Gansuringā) helmet with the Face Revolver (フェイスリボルバー, Feisu Riborubā) faceplate.[1] Kanon is possessed by Billy the Kid again in the stage show and assumes this form.

While assuming Billy the Kid Damashii, Ghost dons the Gunshot Hood (ガンショットフード, Ganshotto Fūdo) adorned with the Quick Draw Hat (クイックドロウハット, Kuikku Dorou Hatto) where she is able to utilize her Gan Gun Saber and the Bat Clock Ghost Gadget for shooting-based attacks by either wielding them in their Gun Modes or combining them to create the Gan Gun Saber's Rifle Mode.

This form is exclusive to Kamen Rider Ghost: Final Stage.





Friends & Allies[]


Behind the Scenes[]


Kanon Fukami is voiced and portrayed by Mio Kudo (工藤 美桜, Kudo Mio), who would later go on to portray Sayo OharuIcon-crosswiki/Kiramai Pink in Mashin Sentai KiramagerIcon-crosswiki. As a child, she is portrayed by Yui Segizawa (堰沢 結衣, Segizawa Yui). While under the possession of Billy the Kid Damashii, she is briefly voiced and co-voiced by Tomokazu Seki (関 智一, Seki Tomokazu). As Kamen Rider Kanon Specter, her suit actress is Yuki Miyazawa (宮澤 雪, Miyazawa Yuki).[2]





Icon-ghost Kamen Rider Ghost
Kamen Riders
Takeru Tenkuji - Makoto Fukami - Alain - Alia
Movie/Special Exclusive: Argos - Daigo Fukami - Jered - Jebil - Jey - Kanon Fukami
Transformation Devices
Ghost Driver - Eyecon Driver G - Mega Ulorder - Proto Mega Ulorder - Extremer Driver - Ghost Eyecons
Gan Gun Saber - Sunglasseslasher - Gan Gun Hand - Gan Gun Catcher - Deep Slasher - Newton Damashii Gloves
Ghost Gadgets
Condor Denwor - Bat Clock - Kumo Lantern - Cobra Keitai
Machine Ghostriker - Iguana Ghostriker - Machine Hoodie - Captain Ghost
Demia Project - Monolith
Daitenku Temple/Gamma World: Akari Tsukimura - Onari - Sennin - Yurusen - Yasushi Onodera - Ryu Tenkuji - Kanon Fukami - Shibuya Hachioji - Narita Kisarazu - Jabel - Alia - Igor - Heroes
Others: Kenjiro Igarashi - Fumi Fukushima - Harumi Fukushima
Harp+y 4: Honami - Yu - Mari - Ako
Deep Connect: Steve Bills
Gamma Imperial Family: Adonis - Alicia - Argos - Alain - Adel - Alia
Gamma Magistrate: Edith
Gamma Ultima: Gyro - Xibalba - Dark Mind - Muller
Gamma Superiors: Jabel - Igor - Robes - Kamiyu
Associated members: Chikara Saionji - Steve Bills - Copy Makoto - Copy Kanon
Gamma Assault - Gamma Commandos - Katana Gamma - Yari Gamma - Denki Gamma - Ono Gamma - Book Gamma - Machine Gun Gamma - Onpu Gamma - Insect Gamma - Seiryuto Gamma - Gundari - Planet Gamma - Knife Gamma - Gazai Gamma - Katchu Gamma - Hikoki Gamma - Sohei Gamma
Gammaizer Fire - Gammaizer Gravity - Gammaizer Liquid - Gammaizer Wind - Gammaizer Time - Gammaizer Climate - Gammaizer Planet - Gammaizer Magnetic - Gammaizer Blade - Gammaizer Arrow - Gammaizer Spear - Gammaizer Hammer - Gammaizer Electric - Gammaizer Oscillation
Great Eye - Frey - Freya - Danton - Chloe
Icon-saber Kamen Rider Saber
Kamen Riders
Current Swordsmen: Touma Kamiyama - Rintaro Shindo - Kento Fukamiya - Ryo Ogami - Ren Akamichi - Tetsuo Daishinji - Sophia - Yuri - Reika Shindai - Ryoga Shindai
Previous Swordsmen: Daichi Kamijo - Kenshin Nagamine - Kyoichiro Shinsen - Toshikazu Kamikawa - Amane Kagami - Hayato Fukamiya - Bahato - Isaac - Desast - Storious
Movie Exclusive: Mamiya - Shinjiro Shinozaki - Yuina Tachibana
Stageshow Exclusive: Kamen Rider Tassel
Seiken Swordriver - Jaken Caliburdriver - Haken Bladriver - Seiken Saikou Driver - Dooms Driver Buckle
Kaenken Rekka - Suiseiken Nagare - (Gekkou) Raimeiken Ikazuchi - Dogouken Gekido - Fuusouken Hayate - Onjuuken Suzune - Ankokuken Kurayami - Mumeiken Kyomu - Kougouken Saikou - Eneiken Noroshi - Jikokuken Kaiji - Haouken Xross Saber - Kokuranken Shikkoku
Wonder Ride Book-related
Wonder Ride Books - Ride Book Hondana - Hissatsuholder - (Royal) Sword of Logos Buckle - Sword of Logos Holder
Kingexcalibur - Dragonic Booster - Destruction Shield - King Lion Booster - Steppig Wise - Caladbolg - Grudge Dent - Bilgamed
Brave Dragon - Lion Senki - Fighting Fairy - Lamp do Alangina - Tri Cerberus - 3 Little Pig Brothers - Jaaku Dragon - Jaou Dragon - Primitive Dragon
Diagospeedy - Ride Gatriker
Locations: Wonder World - Avalon - Northern Base - Southern Base - Agastya Base - Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama
Books/Language: Ancient Letters - Almighty Book - Book of Ruin - Wonder Story - Lost Memory - Sword X Man - Blademan Y
Touma Kamiyama's team: Mei Sudo - Sora Ogami - Sophia
Legend Riders: Takeshi Hongo - Momotaros - Takeru Tenkuji - Makoto Fukami - Kanon Fukami - Sougo Tokiwa - Aruto Hiden - Ikki Igarashi - Vice - Daiji Igarashi - Sakura Igarashi - Hiromi Kadota
Legend SentaiIcon-crosswiki: Tsuyoshi KaijoIcon-crosswiki - Doggie KrugerIcon-crosswiki - Chiaki TaniIcon-crosswiki - Raptor 283Icon-crosswiki - Shou RonpoIcon-crosswiki - Shiguru OshikiriIcon-crosswiki - Kaito GoshikidaIcon-crosswiki - JuranIcon-crosswiki - GaonIcon-crosswiki - MagineIcon-crosswiki - VroonIcon-crosswiki - Zocks GoldtsuikerIcon-crosswiki
Others: Tassel - Luna - Jabel - Copy Kanon - George Karizaki - Kiriko Nakazaki - Arisa - Servant Lady
Sword of Logos
Northern Base: Sophia - First Master Logos - Mr. Daishinji
Southern Base: Isaac - Reika Shindai - Ryoga Shindai - Rui Mitarai
Agastya Base: Asmodeus - Agastya Base Guards
Four Sages: Spartan - Highlander - Diago - Kuon
Storious - Legeiel - Zooous - Daichi Kamijo - Desast - New Sophia
Summoned Megid Monsters: Spider Megid - Golem Megid - Ari Megid - Kirigirisu Megid - Hanzaki Megid - Piranha Megid - Medusa Megid - Ahiru Megid - Goblin Megid
Human Transformed Megid Monsters: Yeti Megid - Ousama Megid - Charybdis Megid - Neko Megid - Amanojaku Megid
Footsoldiers: Shimi
Other Villains
Asmodeus - Kamen Rider Tassel - Orteca - Batta Deadman - Shocker Combatman
Icon-revice Kamen Rider Revice
Kamen Riders
Human Main Riders: Ikki Igarashi - Daiji Igarashi - Sakura Igarashi - Hiromi Kadota - Genta Igarashi - Kamen Rider Over Demons: (Go Tamaki - Hikaru Ushijima) - Hana Natsuki - Demons Troopers - George Karizaki - Orteca
Demon Main Riders: Vice - Kagero - Lovekov - Vail
Movie/Special-exclusive: Kamen Rider Century (Ryunosuke & Hideo Momose) - Ryu Mukai - Nozomu Otani - Azuma - Kamen Rider Igarashi (Ikki, Daiji, & Sakura Igarashi) - Devil Hana
Stageshow-exclusive: Shocker Combatman - Kamen Rider Blood Vade (Vade & Yuichiro Wakabayashi) - Vice (World of Memories) - Kagero (World of Memories)
Debatable Riders: Yuriko Kuroe
Clone Riders: Touma Kamiyama (1, Super-1, Accel), Rintaro Shindo (ZO, Kuuga, Blade), Yuri (Agito, Ex-Aid, Zero-One), Vice (Black RX, Fourze, Woz), Daiji Igarashi (Knight, Meteor, Ryugen), Sakura Igarashi (Nadeshiko, Poppy, Valkyrie)
Transformation Gear
Revice Driver - Two Sidriver - Libera Driver - Demons Driver - Vail Driver - Week Endriver - Cyclotron Driver - Destream Driver - Crimson Vistamp - Chimera Driver - Juuga Driver
Vistamps - Vistamp Holder - Vistamp Bar
Vistamp-related Weapons
Ohinbuster50 - Gundephone50 - Osutoderuhammer50 - Barid Shield - Rolling Vistamp - Evilblade - Livegun - Needle Kunai - Crimson Vistamp
Genome-exclusive Weapons
Revi: Mammoth Gasher - Divine Fin - Kong Revi Puncher - Kamakiric Arrow
Vice: Glacier Shield - Kong Geno Bracer - Barid Shield
Jeanne: Lovekov (Kujaku, Turtle, Hashibiroko, Tricera)
Aguilera: Needle Kunai - Unnamed Buffalo Genome Weapon
Genomix-exclusive Weapons
(Over) Demons: Demon Bottom Higher - Demon Digzon - Demon Rumblejoker - Demon Ridolstinger - Demon Bladior
Destream: Komodo Dragonic Heat - Croco Wizarolling - Kong Astro Breaker
Vice (Ptera, Jackal)
Fenix Skybase - Deadmans Base - Ararat - Area 666 - Devil City
Rift in the Sky
Happy Spa: Yukimi Igarashi - Koshiro Igarashi
Legend Riders: Takeshi Hongo - Shinji Kido - Ren Akiyama - Takeshi Asakura - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Ryu Terui - Hideyasu Jonouchi - Oren Pierre Alfonzo - Kanon Fukami - Poppy Pipopapo - Tsukuyomi - Is - Yua Yaiba - Touma Kamiyama - Rintaro Shindo - Kento Fukamiya - Ryo Ogami - Ren Akamichi - Tetsuo Daishinji - Sophia - Yuri - Reika Shindai - Ryoga Shindai - Ace Ukiyo - Keiwa Sakurai - Neon Kurama - Michinaga Azuma - Kaima Todoroki - Girori
Unnamed Inner Demons: Yukimi's Demon - Keiwa's Demon - Baby Devil
Happy Arbor: Ikki Igarashi (A.R. World) - Daiji Igarashi (A.R. World) - Sakura Igarashi (A.R. World) - Vice (A.R. World)
Others: Shozo Irabu - Genpachiro Otta - Naoya Kaido - George Karizaki (2071) - Rumi - Rinna Sawagami - George Karizaki (A.R. World) - Hiromi Kadota (A.R. World)
Director: Hideo Akaishi
Commanders: Yujiro Wakabayashi - "Yujiro Wakabayashi" - Hiromi Kadota
Squad Leaders: Daiji Igarashi - Tatsuhiko Tabuchi
Researchers: George Karizaki - Kosuke Kakishima - Akemi Shinbashi
Doctors: Akemi Mikoshiba
Leader: Masumi Karizaki
Ushijima Family: Hikaru Ushijima - Tasuke Ushijima - Kimiko Ushijima
Other Members: Sakura Igarashi - Hana Natsuki - Go Tamaki
Demons Army: Hiromi Kadota - Demons Troopers
Director: Agariyama
Researchers: Masumi Karizaki - Hideo Akaishi
Military: Shozo Irabu
Others: Junpei Shiranami - Imperfect Demons
Girls Remix
Founder: Akiko Narumi
Kamen Riders: Sakura Igarashi - Hana Natsuki - Reika Shindai - Is - Poppy Pipopapo - Tsukuyomi - Kanon Fukami
Other Members: Sawa Takigawa - Rinko Daimon - Lovekov
Blue Bird
Leader: Daiji Igarashi
Notable Members: Hiromi Kadota - Hana Natsuki - Go Tamaki - George Karizaki - Tatsuhiko Tabuchi
Demons: Giff
Notable Members: Hideo Akaishi - Orteca - Julio - Aguilera - Amahiko Haitani - Yasushi Kudo - Chameleon Deadman
Batta Deadman - Rex Deadman - Mammoth Deadman - Kamakiri Deadman - Megalodon Deadman - Kong Deadman - Lion Deadman - Spider Deadman - Daiouika Deadman - Wolf Deadman - Kangaroo Deadman - Cheetah Deadman - Brachio Deadman - Kurage Deadman - Harimogura Deadman - Oumu Deadman - Planarian Deadman - Chameleon Deadman - Sabertiger Deadman - Queen Bee Deadman - Koala Deadman - Orangutan Deadman - Shark Deadman - Elephant Deadman - Anomalocaris Deadman - Rafflesia Deadman - Mandrill Deadman - Octopus Deadman - Turtle Deadman - Ookami Deadman
Henchmen: Giff Junior
Gifftarians: Normal - TRUE - Hell
Others: Giffdemos - Deadman Clones
Deadman Contract Holders
Junpei - Tomoyuki Harada - Hiromi Kadota - Araki - Ibata - Ayaka Oketani - Unnamed Salary Man - Masao - Yasushi Kudo - Koji Maezono - Scamming Group - Amahiko Haitani - Seiko Omori - Taro Gondawara - Unnamed Comedian - Mayu Tominaga - Subaru Kimura
Named Gifftarian Hosts
Yosuke Okuda - Chigusa Yamagiri - Kanae Motomura
Himiko Crisper - Khufu Crisper - Edison Crisper - Leonidas Crisper
Devil Rider Corps
Shocker Rider No.1 - Shocker Rider No.2 - Kamen Rider Ouja - Kamen Rider Eternal - Kamen Rider Sorcerer - Kamen Rider Duke - Kamen Rider 4 - Kamen Rider Barlckxs
Shocker Executive
Area 666 Terrorists
Leader: Azuma
Notable Members: Minami - Hakim - Tony
Demons: Chic - Mandrill Deadman Phase 2 - Strange Demons - Giff Junior - Gifftarian (TRUE)
Leader/Mastermind: Kagetaka Ichimura - Shunichiro Somei
Shunichiro Somei - Yukio - Mariko - Muramasa
Black Satan
Mitsuko Fujimoto - Yuriko Kuroe - Black Satan Soldiers
Takata Research Institute
Director: Shou Takada
Notable Members: Isao Saikawa - Michiru Haruyama