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Icon-wizardThis article is about a rider form used by several identities in Kamen Rider Wizard.

Kamen Rider Wizard


Kamen Rider Wizard's forms are called Styles (スタイル, Sutairu). In any Style, Wizard uses a fighting style that mostly deals with a saber (Chinese dao), kicking, and acrobatics seen in Martial Arts. This is to avoid punching so he would not hurt himself due to his Wizard Rings and also so he does not break his Wizard Rings, opting instead to use palm strikes seen in Martial Arts such as Wing Chun.

After Haruto transforms into Kamen Rider Wizard, he announces "Now, it's showtime!" (さあ、ショータイムだ!, Saa, shōtaimu da!) and when executing one of his finishers, he proclaims "The finale!" (フィナーレだ!, Fināre da!).

Flame Style


Flame Style


Flame Style (Empowered by the Excite Ring)

KRWi-Wizardflame (Garuda Show Time)

Flame Style (Garuda Show Time)

KRWi-Wizardflame Hope

Flame Style (Hope Ring)

"Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Height: 198 cm.
  • Weight: 90 kg.
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 4.5 t.
  • Kicking Power: 7.3 t.
    • Strike Wizard: 21 t.
  • Maximum Jump Height: 35 m.
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 5 sec.

Flame Style (フレイムスタイル, Fureimu Sutairu) is Wizard's default ruby-based fire elemental form, which is accessed through the Flame Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 1.

This form is the most offensive-balanced of the four Styles, due to its combination of strength and agility.

By concentrating the power of the Flame Wizard Ring, Wizard can strike with flaming kicks, which are strong enough to clear a mob of Ghouls.

Flame Style is composed of the following parts:

  • Bezel Flame (べゼルフレイム, Bezeru Fureimu): The helmet.
    • Mana Rod (マナロッド, Mana Roddo): The small antennae jutting from the top. It senses magic power and an enemy's hostile intent. Additionally, It can accurately calculate the distance between Wizard and the target.
    • Wizasignal (ウィザーシグナル, Wizāshigunaru): The yellow part on the forehead. It adjusts Wizard's magical energy flow that wraps around his entire body.
    • See Block (シーブロック, Shī Burokku): The eye segments. It is integrated into the Centre Stone and allows Wizard to see surroundings via reflected images. In Flame Style, Wizard can see in a 300° field of view in a horizontal direction and in a 220° field of view in a vertical direction.
    • Centre Stone (センターストーン, Sentā Sutōn): The red crystal faceguard. It is made out of Druid Crystal (ドルイドクリスタル, Doruido Kurisutaru), a material that is 10 times harder than diamond. The red coloring is due to it being imbued with the power of the Flame Ring.
    • Crest Helm (クレストヘルム, Kuresuto Herumu): The silver metal mask surrounding the Centre Stone. It is composed of sorcerium (ソーサリウム, sōsariumu), a special metal that has been crafted with magical power. Not only does it protect the wearer's head against impacts, but it also disables any magical attack.
    • Engraved Circle (エングレイブドサークル, Engureibudo Sākuru): The circular segments on the sides of the Crest Helm. An audio-enhancing magic device is inserted to catch sounds and sharpen the wearer's senses.
    • Rune Ears (ルーンイヤー, Rūn Iyā): The runes located on the side of the Engraved Circle. They are auditory sensors that allow Wizard to hear extremely slight air vibrations. It is possible to hear someone whispering 10km away.
  • Guard Escorter (ガードエスコーター, Gādo Esukōtā): The overall collar/shoulder armor. It is composed of sorcerium.
  • Dragon's Totem (ドラゴンズトーテム, Doragonzu Tōtemu): The engraved dragon symbols on the sides of the shoulders. It is the Wizardragon's symbol of power and serves to strengthen Wizard's power.
  • Flare Pail (フレアペイル, Furea Peiru): The red segment running down the torso. Metal magic equipment that contains engraved spells and magic related to fire is stored within. It serves to strengthen the Flame Ring's power.
  • Flame Lungstone (フレイムラングストーン, Fureimu Rangusutōn): The red jewels on Wizard's torso. Magic power sent from the Flame Ring is temporarily stored here before being sent to the whole body. It serves as a control device that absorbs excessive magical power, suppressing them until the release of enormous magical power is needed (such as when initiating a finishing attack).
  • Elemental Overcoat (エレメンタルオーバーコート, Erementaru Ōbākōto): The overcoat. It is a magical garment that specialises in preventing magic-based attacks. Furthermore, it can change its own abilities by absorbing magical power.
  • Flame Sleeves (フレイムスリーブ, Fureimu Surību): The red magical amplification devices located at the wrist areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its red coloration is due to the Flame Ring's power.
  • Wizard Robe (ウイザードローブ, Wizādo Rōbu): The longcoat. It is a magical garment that is formed by magical power. It diffuses any impact to reduce damage to the wearer.
  • Twas On Gloves (トワゾングローブ, Towaz On Gurōbu): The hands. It is a type of magical garment that has been formed out of magical power, similar to the Wizard Robe. It not only protects against external attacks but protects the user against the enormous amounts of power that is generated when using magic spells.
  • Kneepad Frets (ニーパッドフレット, Nīpaddo Furetto): The kneepads. They have been knitted with magical power, and this combined with its multiple layers, allows Wizard to absorb impacts of objects speeding up to 200km/h.
  • Flame Leg Guards (フレイムレガード, Fureimu Regādo): The red magical amplification devices located at the ankle areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its red coloration is due to the Flame Ring's power.
  • Helmetary Boots (ヘルメタリーブーツ, Herumetarī Būtsu): The feet. They increase Wizard's leg strength. it can harden its exterior by applying magical power, allowing it to become more resistant against impacts, strengthening kicking and jumping power.

Flame Style's theme song is entitled "Last Engage".

Appearances: Everyone, Space is Here!, Wizard Episodes 1-13, Movie War Ultimatum, Wizard 14-22, 24-27, Super Hero Taisen Z, Wizard 28-30, 32, 34-40, 43, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 44-46, 48, 49, 51-53, Sengoku Movie Battle, Kamen Rider Taisen, Super Hero Taisen GP, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider, Be The One, Heisei Generations FOREVER, Over Quartzer, Reiwa: The First Generation, Kamen Rider Saber + Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki

Hurricane Style

Hurricane Style

"Hurricane, Please! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Height: 198 cm.
  • Weight: 90 kg.
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 3.7 t.
  • Kicking Power: 6.1 t.
    • Strike Wizard: 21 t.
  • Maximum Jump Height: 40 m.
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 4.2 sec.

Hurricane Style (ハリケーンスタイル, Harikēn Sutairu) is Wizard's emerald-based wind elemental form, which is accessed through the Hurricane Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 1.

While the weakest of Wizard's four initial forms, this form has the greatest jumping height and running speed. It also has the ability to hover around the battlefield for quick and sudden attacks.

Hurricane Style adds the following parts:

  • Bezel Hurricane (ベゼルハリケーン, Bezeru Harikēn): The helmet.
    • Mana Rod (マナロッド, Mana Roddo): The small antennae jutting from the top. It senses magic power and an enemy's hostile intent. Additionally, It can accurately calculate the distance between Wizard and the target.
    • Wizasignal (ウィザーシグナル, Wizāshigunaru): The yellow part on the forehead. It adjusts Wizard's magical energy flow that wraps around his entire body.
    • See Block (シーブロック, Shī Burokku): The eye segments. It is integrated into the Centre Stone and allows Wizard to see surroundings via reflected images. In Hurricane Style, Wizard gains the power to see airflow and winds.
    • Centre Stone (センターストーン, Sentā Sutōn): The green crystal faceguard. It is made out of Druid Crystal (ドルイドクリスタル, Doruido Kurisutaru), a material that is 10 times harder than diamond. The green coloring is due to it being imbued with the power of the Hurricane Ring.
    • Crest Helm (クレストヘルム, Kuresuto Herumu): The silver metal mask surrounding the Centre Stone. It is composed of sorcerium (ソーサリウム, sōsariumu), a special metal that has been crafted with magical power. Not only does it protect the wearer's head against impacts, but it also disables any magical attack.
    • Engraved Tria (エングレイブドトライア, Engureibudo Toraia): The triangular segments on the sides of the Crest Helm. An audio-enhancing magic device is inserted to catch sounds and sharpen the wearer's senses.
    • Rune Ears (ルーンイヤー, Rūn Iyā): The runes located on the side of the Engraved Tria. They are auditory sensors that allow Wizard to hear extremely slight air vibrations. It is possible to hear someone whispering 15km away (unlike Flame Style's range of 10km).
  • Blowing Pail (ブロウイングペイル, Burouingu Peiru): The green segment running down the torso. Metal magic equipment that contains engraved spells and magic related to wind and air is stored within. It serves to strengthen the Hurricane Ring's power.
  • Hurricane Lungstone (ハリケーンラングストーン, Harikēn Rangusutōn): The green jewels on Wizard's torso. Magic power sent from the Hurricane Ring is temporarily stored here before being sent to the whole body. It serves as a control device that absorbs excessive magical power, suppressing them until the release of enormous magical power is needed (such as when initiating a finishing attack).
  • Hurricane Sleeves (ハリケーンスリーブ, Harikēn Surību): The green magical amplification devices located at the wrist areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its green coloration is due to the Hurricane Ring's power.
  • Hurricane Leg Guards (ハリケーンレガード, Harikēn Regādo): The green magical amplification devices located at the ankle areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its green coloration is due to the Hurricane Ring's power.

Hurricane Style's theme song is entitled "Blessed wind".

Appearances: Wizard Episodes 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11-13, Movie War Ultimatum, Wizard 14, 20, 27, Super Hero Taisen Z, Wizard 28, 30, 32, 38, 41, Wizard in Magic Land, Sengoku Movie Battle, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider

Water Style


Water Style

KRWi-Wizardwater (Kraken Show Time)

Water Style (Kraken Show Time)

"Water, Please! Sui-Sui, Sui-Sui!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Height: 198 cm.
  • Weight: 90 kg.
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 4.1 t.
  • Kicking Power: 6.5 t.
    • Strike Wizard: 21 t.
  • Maximum Jump Height: 30 m.
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 4.7 sec.

Water Style (ウォータースタイル, Wōtā Sutairu) is Wizard's sapphire-based water elemental form, which is accessed through the Water Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 3.

This form is essentially a weaker version of Flame Style, except with a slightly faster running speed. It also allows Wizard to move freely while underwater.

Water Style adds the following parts:

  • Bezel Water (ベゼルウォーター, Bezeru Wōtā): The helmet.
    • Mana Rod (マナロッド, Mana Roddo): The small antennae jutting from the top. It senses magic power and an enemy's hostile intent. Additionally, It can accurately calculate the distance between Wizard and the target.
    • Wizasignal (ウィザーシグナル, Wizāshigunaru): The yellow part on the forehead. It adjusts Wizard's magical energy flow that wraps around his entire body.
    • See Block (シーブロック, Shī Burokku): The eye segments. It is integrated into the Centre Stone and allows Wizard to see surroundings via reflected images. In Water Style, Wizard can see in a 320° field of view in a horizontal direction and in a 250° field of view in a vertical direction. However, the visible distance is up to 4km ahead.
    • Centre Stone (センターストーン, Sentā Sutōn): The blue crystal faceguard. It is made out of Druid Crystal (ドルイドクリスタル, Doruido Kurisutaru), a material that is 10 times harder than diamond. The blue coloring is due to it being imbued with the power of the Water Ring.
    • Crest Helm (クレストヘルム, Kuresuto Herumu): The silver metal mask surrounding the Centre Stone. It is composed of sorcerium (ソーサリウム, sōsariumu), a special metal that has been crafted with magical power. Not only does it protect the wearer's head against impacts, but it also disables any magical attack.
    • Engraved Rhombus (エングレイブドランバス, Engureibudo Ranbasu): The rhombus-like segments on the sides of the Crest Helm. An audio-enhancing magic device is inserted to catch sounds and sharpen the wearer's senses.
    • Rune Ears (ルーンイヤー, Rūn Iyā): The runes located on the side of the Engraved Rhombus. They are auditory sensors that allow Wizard to hear extremely slight air vibrations. It is possible to hear someone whispering 15km away (unlike Flame Style's range of 10km).
  • Splash Pail (スプラッシュペイル, Supurasshu Peiru): The blue segment running down the torso. Metal magic equipment that contains engraved spells and magic related to water is stored within. It serves to strengthen the Water Ring's power.
  • Water Lungstone (ウォーターラングストーン, Wōtā Rangusutōn): The blue jewels on Wizard's torso. Magic power sent from the Water Ring is temporarily stored here before being sent to the whole body. It serves as a control device that absorbs excessive magical power, suppressing them until the release of enormous magical power is needed (such as when initiating a finishing attack).
  • Water Sleeves (ウォータースリーブ, Wōtā Surību): The blue magical amplification devices located at the wrist areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its blue coloration is due to the Water Ring's power.
  • Water Leg Guards (ウォーターレガード, Wōtā Regādo): The blue magical amplification devices located at the ankle areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its blue coloration is due to the Water Ring's power.

Water Style's theme song is entitled "Mystic Liquid".

Appearances: Wizard Episodes 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, Movie War Ultimatum, Wizard 15, 18, 24, Super Hero Taisen Z, Wizard 28, 34, 35, 38, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 45, 52, Sengoku Movie Battle, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider, Chou Super Hero Taisen

Land Style

Land Style

"Land, Please! Dododo Dododon, Don Dododon!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Height: 198 cm.
  • Weight: 90 kg.
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 4.9 t.
  • Kicking Power: 8.7 t.
    • Strike Wizard: 21 t.
  • Maximum Jump Height: 28 m.
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 5.9 sec.

Land Style (ランドスタイル, Rando Sutairu) is Wizard's citrine-based earth elemental form, which is accessed through the Land Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 1.

While the slowest form with the worst jumping height of any of the initial Styles, it's the strongest of the four and is often used against the heavy bruisers of the Phantoms.

Land Style adds the following parts:

  • Bezel Land (ベゼルランド, Bezeru Rando): The helmet.
    • Mana Rod (マナロッド, Mana Roddo): The small antennae jutting from the top. It senses magic power and an enemy's hostile intent. Additionally, It can accurately calculate the distance between Wizard and the target.
    • Wizasignal (ウィザーシグナル, Wizāshigunaru): The yellow part on the forehead. It adjusts Wizard's magical energy flow that wraps around his entire body.
    • See Block (シーブロック, Shī Burokku): The eye segments. It is integrated into the Centre Stone, and allows Wizard to see surroundings via reflected images. In Land Style, Wizard gains the ability to the Earth's life energy.
    • Centre Stone (センターストーン, Sentā Sutōn): The yellow crystal face guard. It is made out of Druid Crystal (ドルイドクリスタル, Doruido Kurisutaru), a material that is 10 times harder than diamond. The yellow coloring is due to it being imbued with the power of the Land Ring.
    • Crest Helm (クレストヘルム, Kuresuto Herumu): The silver metal mask surrounding the Centre Stone. It is composed of sorcerium (ソーサリウム, sōsariumu), a special metal that has been crafted with magical power. Not only does it protect the wearer's head against impacts, but it also disables any magical attack.
    • Engraved Squares (エングレイブドスクエア, Engureibudo Sukuea): The square segments on the sides of the Crest Helm. A audio-enhancing magic device is inserted to catch sounds and sharpen the wearer's senses.
    • Rune Ears (ルーンイヤー, Rūn Iyā): The runes located on the side of the Engraved Squares. They are auditory sensors that allow Wizard to hear extremely slight air vibrations. It is possible to hear someone whispering 5km away (resulting in Land Style having the lowest hearing capabilities out of all the Styles).
  • Glad Pail (グラドペイル, Gurado Peiru): The yellow segment running down the torso. Metal magic equipment that contains engraved spells and magic related to the Earth and land is stored within. It serves to strengthen the Land Ring's power.
  • Glad Lungstone (グラドラングストーン, Gurado Rangusutōn): The yellow jewels on Wizard's torso. Magic power sent from the Land Ring is temporarily stored here before being sent to the whole body. It serves as a control device that absorbs excessive magical power, suppressing them until the release of enormous magical power is needed (such as when initiating a finishing attack).
  • Land Sleeves (ランドスリーブ, Rando Surību): The yellow magical amplification devices located at the wrist areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its yellow coloration is due to the Land Ring's power.
  • Land Leg Guards (ランドレガード, Rando Regādo): The yellow magical amplification devices located at the ankle areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its yellow coloration is due to the Land Ring's power.

Land Style's theme song is entitled "Strength of the earth".

Appearances: Wizard Episodes 1, 6-10, 12, 13, Movie War Ultimatum, Wizard 15, 17, 19, 25, 30, 32, 33, 38, 40, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 44, 47, 52, Sengoku Movie Battle, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider

The Dragon Styles (ドラゴンスタイル, Doragon Sutairu) are evolved versions of Wizard's standard Styles that are each augmented with some of Wizardragon's power. By scanning the Special Wizard Ring, Wizard can manifest a different part of Wizardragon's body onto his own body to use for combat.

Kamen Rider Wizard's Dragon Styles' theme song is entitled "Just the Beginning".

Flame Dragon


Flame Dragon


Drago Skull

"Flame, Dragon! Bou-Bou, Bou-Bou-Bou!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 95 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 6.7 t
  • Kicking Power: 10.9 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 35 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 5 sec

Flame Dragon (フレイムドラゴン, Fureimu Doragon) is the evolved form of Flame Style when it becomes augmented with some of Wizardragon's power, which is accessed through the Flame Dragon Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 9.

Compared to Flame Style, the only stats that have not been raised are the maximum jumping height and running speed.

If Wizard scans the Special Wizard Ring, he can manifest the Drago Skull (ドラゴスカル, Dorago Sukaru) on his chest to execute an attack called Dragon Breath (ドラゴンブレス, Doragon Buresu), where he shoots a stream of intense fire from the Drago Skull at the enemy.

If Wizard enters a Gate's Underworld while in this form, he can summon Wizardragon through concentration instead of using the Dragorise Wizard Ring. However, this will revert Wizard back to Flame Style.

Flame Dragon is composed of the following parts:

  • Alter Bezel Flame (アルターベゼルフレイム, Arutā Bezeru Fureimu): The helmet.
    • Ex-Drago Rod (エクスドラゴロッド, Ekusu Dorago Roddo): The enhanced antennae. It senses magic power and an enemy's hostile intent. Additionally, It can accurately calculate the distance between Wizard and the target in addition to enhancing defense via an integrated frame that protects the Centre Stone.
    • Flame Signal (フレイムシグナル, Fureimu Shigunaru): The red jewel on the forehead. It adjusts Wizard's magical energy flow that wraps around his entire body.
    • See Block (シーブロック, Shī Burokku): The eye segments. It is integrated into the Centre Stone and allows Wizard to see surroundings via reflected images. Its range of sight is greater than the average human's.
    • Centre Stone (センターストーン, Sentā Sutōn): The red crystal faceguard. It is made out of Druid Crystal (ドルイドクリスタル, Doruido Kurisutaru), a material that is 10 times harder than diamond.
    • Crest Helm (クレストヘルム, Kuresuto Herumu): The silver metal mask surrounding the Centre Stone. It is composed of sorcerium (ソーサリウム, sōsariumu), a special metal that has been crafted with magical power. Not only does it protect the wearer's head against impacts, but it also disables any magical attack.
    • Engraved Circle (エングレイブドサークル, Engureibudo Sākuru): The circular segments on the sides of the Crest Helm. An audio-enhancing magic device is inserted to catch sounds and sharpen the wearer's senses.
    • Brilliant Ears (ブリリアントイヤー, Buririanto Iyā): Red crystals located on the side of the helm. They are auditory sensors that can pick up slight sounds and amplify them, allow Wizard to hear extremely slight air vibrations.
  • Flame Lung Shards (フレイムラングシャード, Fureimu Rangu Shādo): The red jewels on the chest. They are magical storage tanks that was transformed from Flame Style's Flame Lungstone. It plays the role of a stabiliser, making sure that Wizard and Wizardragon's power is drawn out safely.
  • Grand Majesty (グランマジェスティ, Guran Majesuti): The shoulder armor. They resonate with Wizardragon's magical power while preventing Wizard's own magical power from running amok, controlling Flame Dragon's overall power in the process.
  • Skull Cuirass (スカルキュイラス, Sukaru Kyuirasu): The dragon head on the chest. Its shape is highly evocative of Wizardragon's head. It represents the great magical connection that Wizard and Wizardragon share.
  • Flame Overcoat (フレイムオーバーコート, Fureimu Ōbākōto): The overcoat. It is a magical garment that specialises in preventing magic-based attacks. Its defensive abilities are twice of that of Flame Style's.
  • Scale Sleeves (スケイルスリーブ, Sukeiru Surību): The black magical amplification devices located at the wrist areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its black coloration is due to Wizardragon's power. It is extremely strong, and is said to match the strength of actual dragon scales.
  • Shank Argyros (シャンクアルギロス, Shanku Arugirosu): The silver leg armor. They are forged out of sorcerium. Not only are they resistant to magical power, but the Shank Argyros can increase the destructive power of kicks. (Note: 'Argyros' is Greek for 'silver' (άργυρος).)
  • Scale Leg Guards (スケイルレガード, Sukeiru Regādo): The black magical amplification devices located at the ankle areas. It is made of Druid Crystal, which is said to amplify magical power, and its black coloration is due to Wizardragon's power. It is extremely strong, and is said to match the strength of actual dragon scales.
Appearances: Wizard Episodes 9-11, Movie War Ultimatum, Wizard 16, 20, 21, 23, 25-27, Super Hero Taisen Z, Wizard 29, 33, 35, 36, 38-43, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 44-46, 48-50, 53, Sengoku Movie Battle, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider

Hurricane Dragon


Hurricane Dragon


Drago Wings

"Hurricane, Dragon! Byu-Byu, Byu-Byu-Byu-Byu!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 95 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 5 t
  • Kicking Power: 8.1 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 42 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.2 sec

Hurricane Dragon (ハリケーンドラゴン, Harikēn Doragon) is the evolved form of Hurricane Style when it becomes augmented with some of Wizardragon's power, which is accessed through the Hurricane Dragon Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 12.

Compared to Hurricane Style, the only stat that has not been raised is the maximum running speed.

If Wizard scans the Special Wizard Ring, he can manifest the Drago Wings (ドラゴウィング, Dorago Uingu) on his back to give him the ability to fly. He can also use them to execute two different attacks.

  • Dragon Wing (ドラゴンウィング, Doragon Uingu): Wizard assaults the enemy with the Drago Wings embedded with elemental wind.
  • Dragon Sonic (ドラゴンソニック, Doragon Sonikku): When used in conjunction with the Thunder Wizard Ring, Wizard flies around the enemy at fast speeds, creating an electric vortex that traps and shocks them repeatedly with lighting bolts all over until it is destroyed.

Wizard Ring Appearances: Wizard Episodes 12, 13, Movie War Ultimatum, Wizard 14, 22, 23, 27, Super Hero Taisen Z, Wizard 41, 42, 53

Drago Timer Appearances: Wizard Episodes 21, 23, 25-27, 29, 33, 38, 42, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 50, 53, Sengoku Movie Battle

Water Dragon


Water Dragon


Drago Tail

"Water, Dragon! Jabajaba Bashān, Zabun Zabun!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 95 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 5.7 t
  • Kicking Power: 8.4 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 30 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.7 sec

Water Dragon (ウォータードラゴン, Wōtā Doragon) is the evolved form of Water Style when it becomes augmented with some of Wizardragon's power, which is accessed through the Water Dragon Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 15.

Compared to Water Style, the only stats that have not been raised are the maximum jumping height and running speed.

If Wizard scans the Special Wizard Ring, he can manifest the Drago Tail (ドラゴテイル, Dorago Teiru) on his lower back to give him the ability to slice through water. He can also use it to execute two different Rider Slash attacks.

  • Dragon Tail (ドラゴンテイル, Doragon Teiru): Wizard slams the enemy with the Drago Tail embedded with elemental water.
  • Dragon Smash (ドラゴンスマッシュ, Doragon Sumasshu): When used in conjunction with the Blizzard Wizard Ring, Wizard freezes the enemy (and whatever else is nearby it) in place with the Blizzard Ring's power, then rushes towards the frozen target with the Drago Tail, charged with raw elemental ice, and cleaves the foe with it.

Wizard Ring Appearances: Wizard Episodes 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, Super Hero Taisen Z, Wizard 36, 39, 42, 53, Zi-O Episode 8

Drago Timer Appearances: Wizard Episodes 21, 23, 25-27, 29, 33, 38, 42, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 50, 53, Sengoku Movie Battle

Land Dragon


Land Dragon


Drago Hell Claws

"Land, Dragon! Dan Den Don Zu Dogon, Dan Den Dogon!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 95 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 7.4 t
  • Kicking Power: 13 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 25 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 5.9 sec

Land Dragon (ランドドラゴン, Rando Doragon) is the evolved form of Land Style when it becomes augmented with some of Wizardragon's power, which is accessed through the Land Dragon Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 19.

Compared to Land Style, the punching and kicking power are increased, the jump height is decreased, and the maximum running speed is unchanged.

If Wizard scans the Special Wizard Ring, he can manifest the Drago Hell Claws (ドラゴヘルクロー, Dorago Heru Kurō) on his arms to give him the ability to cleave through anything. He can also use them to execute two different Rider Slash attacks.

  • Dragon Claw (ドラゴンクローモ , Doragon Kurō): Wizard burrows underground and attacks the enemy from directly below with the Drago Hell Claws embedded with elemental earth.
  • Dragon Ripper (ドラゴンリッパー, Doragon Rippā): If the Gravity Ring was used beforehand, Wizard infuses the Drago Hell Claws with gravitational energy before striking the enemy with a cross beam slash.

Wizard Ring Appearances: Wizard Episodes 19, 22, 23, 25, 47, 53

Drago Timer Appearances: Wizard Episodes 21, 23, 25-27, 29, 33, 38, 42, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 50, 53, Sengoku Movie Battle

All Dragon


All Dragon

KRWi-Wizardalldragon (Dragon Man)

All Dragon (More Dragon-like)

"All Dragon, Please!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 115 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 14.8 t
  • Kicking Power: 26 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 42 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.2 sec

All Dragon (オールドラゴン, Ōru Doragon) is Wizard’s integrated super form of the four Dragon Styles when they become augmented with all of Wizardragon's power, which is accessed by scanning the Drago Timer's ring attachment on the Wizardriver. This form debuts in episode 23.

In this form, Wizard is armed with the All Drago Skull (オールドラゴスカル, Ōru Dorago Sukaru), All Drago Tail (オールドラゴテイル, Ōru Dorago Teiru), All Drago Wings (オールドラゴウィング, Ōru Dorago Uingu), and All Drago Hell Claws (オールドラゴヘルクロー, Ōru Dorago Heru Kurō).

Wizard in All Dragon is a fast-moving mass of destruction towards Phantom-kind, flying as fast and jumping as high as Hurricane Dragon, all while hitting even harder than what Land Dragon can muster in terms of power. Wizard also has the ability to fire the Dragon Breath attack at anytime, as well as fire intense gales of wind from the All Drago Wings. The attack damage from the All Drago Tail also has increased greatly. It should also be noted that All Dragon's power is higher than Wizardragon's, to the point where it can easily defeat a Phantom that previously rebuked Wizardragon's own attack. However, All Dragon can only be used for a limited time, presumably because it is taxing on Haruto's magical energy reserves.

This form's finishing attack is the Strike Dragon (ストライクドラゴン, Sutoraiku Doragon), where Wizard summons a massive magic seal, then hits the target with elemental constructs of Dragon's mana, then slams a powerful kick into the weakened target. Even if made into a non-lethal kick, this attack still has enough force to send a Phantom all the way to the sun at high speeds.

In Kamen Rider Battride War, Wizard can perform the attack where he slashes the enemy with the Drago Hell Claws before unleashing the Dragon Breath. This move also acts as Wizard's finisher.

All Dragon's theme song is entitled "Alteration". It is also the theme song for the Dragon Four-Mation.

Appearances: Wizard Episodes 23, 43, 53, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider

Infinity Style


Infinity Style

KRWi-Wizardinfinity (With Wings & Tail)

Infinity Style (Wing/Tail Equiped Form)

"Infinity, Please! Hi-Sui-Fu-Do, Bou-Zaba-Byu-Dogon!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 96 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 8 t
  • Kicking Power: 11.3 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 32 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 5 sec

Infinity Style (インフィニティスタイル, Infiniti Sutairu) is Wizard's diamond-based light-elemental final form, which is accessed through the Infinity Wizard Ring. This form debuts in episode 31.

Infinity Style's punching power is stronger than the Standard and Dragon Styles, though still weaker than All Dragon. His kicking power is also weaker than Land Dragon, if barely. The jumping height is decreased from Flame Dragon, due to the ornaments that cover his chest, and the base running speed remains unchanged from Flame Dragon. Though that changes once the Infinity Wizard Ring is scanned on the Wizardriver, allowing Wizard to do bursts of blinding speed. Also, Infinity Style's defense is pushed to its peak, allowing him to withstand a lot of attacks.

His weapon in this form is the Axcalibur, a powerful axe/sword hybrid that Wizardragon transforms into. If Wizard taps the Axcalibur's Hand Author with his left hand, he can initiate an attack called Dragon Shining (ドラゴンシャイニング, Doragon Shainingu), where Wizard charges a crazy amount of mana into the Axcalibur in Ax Mode as he spins it to enlarge it. Once at full size, Wizard then jumps into the air and winds back a chop. Wizardragon appears to infuse the blade with even more magic as Wizard comes down towards the target, and cleaves it in two with great force.

Haruto gave his Infinity Wizard Ring to his young counterpart in the World Within the Magic Stone, intending for it to function as his Rider Ring. Because of this, it appeared that Infinity Style was lost forever. However, Haruto acquires a replacement Infinity Wizard Ring in Sengoku Movie Battle, this one having originally belonged to Bujin Wizard.

Infinity Style is composed of the following parts:

  • Bezel Infinity (ベゼルインフィニティー, Bezeru Infinitī): The helmet.
    • Chaton Rods (シャトンロッド, Shaton Roddo): The silver antennae/pieces jutting out of the head. They are sensors that are arranged around the head to increase their accuracy, allowing Wizard to perceive magical power and perceive the distance he is away from it. (Note: 'Chaton' is French for 'bezel', although 'chaton' also means (and is more usually used for) 'kitten'.)
    • Centre Stone (センターストーン, Sentā Sutōn): The light blue crystal face guard. It is composed of a special substance created by Haruto and Wizardragon through their combined magic power, and is the hardest known substance to be made by magic.
    • See Lens (シーレンズ, Shī Renzu): The eye segments. It is integrated into the Centre Stone and allows Wizard to see surroundings via reflected images. It iso so perceptive that Wizard will not lose focus of targets even when Ax Calibur is used and/or enlarged (such as in the Dragon Shining attack).
    • Round Helm (ラウンドヘルム, Raundo Herumu): The helm. It is composed of sorcerium (ソーサリウム, sōsariumu), a special metal that has been crafted with magical power. Not only does it protect the wearer's head against impacts, but it also disables any magical attack.
    • Prong Rebula (プロングレブラ, Purongu Rebura): The 'eye frames' that houses the See Lens within (they make up the shape of the 'eyes'). They are metal frames that support the Round Helm.
Wizard Infinity Style head left side

Adamant Ears

  • Adamant Ears (アダマントイヤー, Adamanto Iyā): Blue crystals located on the sides of the helm. They are auditory sensors that can pick up slight sounds and amplify them, allow Wizard to hear extremely slight air vibrations.
  • Infinite Ruff (インフィニットラーフ, Infinitto Rāfu): The silver chest and back armor. It supports the Infinite Lungstone.
  • Infinite Lungstone (インフィニットラングストーン, Infinitto Rangusutōn): The large light blue piece of jewel on the chest. It is made out of high-purity crystallised Adamant Stone (アダマントストーン, Adamanto Sutōn), a substance that is not only similar to magical gems and has hardness that exceeds diamonds, but contains an absurdly large amount of magical power, allowing Wizard to instantly activate powerful magic.
  • Drago Talisman (ドラゴタリスマン, Dorago Tarisuman): A dragon head mounted on the chest near bottom of the neck. It is magical equipment that connects Wizard and Wizardragon.
  • Argis Overcoat (アルギスオーバーコート, Arugisu Ōbākōto): The silver overcoat. It is an extremely flexible magical garment, allowing Wizard to fight unhindered, and its strength is superior than that of dragon scales.
  • Arm Pad Frets (アームパッドフレット, Āmupaddo Furetto): The forearm armor. They are braided with magical power. not only do they protect Wizard against attacks, but it can be used as a sort of weapon that can break Phantom skin, scales and armor.
  • Adamant Sleeves (アダマントスリーブ, Adamanto Surību): The blue and silver magical amplification devices located at the wrist areas. They are made of Adamant Stone, magic crystals that release accumulated power inside to reduce the damage Wizard receives.
  • Prometheus Mitts (プロメテウスミット, Purometeusu Mitto): The hands. They are out made of the same material as the Argis Overcoat, and serves to protect Wizard's hands.
  • Infinity Robe (インフィニティーローブ, Infinitī Rōbu): The longcoat. It uses its Adamant Stone pieces to recapture the magical power Wizard sends out and redistributes it throughout Wizard's body. It also acts as a permanent engine that uses magical power.
  • Kneepad Frets (ニーパッドフレット, Nīpaddo Furetto): The kneepads and leg armor. They allows Wizard to absorb impacts of objects speeding up to 200km/h.
  • Adamant Leg Guards (アダマントレガード, Adamanto Regādo): The blue and silver magical amplification devices located at the ankle areas. Just like the Adamant Sleeves, releases accumulated magical power accumulated inside to reduce the amount of damage that Wizard recieves.
  • Argis Boots (アルギスブーツ, Arugisu Būtsu): The feet. By applying magical power, the exterior can become harder, reinforcing it against impacts and strengthens both jumping and kicking power.

Infinity Style's theme song is entitled "Missing Piece".

Appearances: Wizard Episodes 31, 32, 35-37, 39, 41, 42, Wizard in Magic Land, Wizard 45, 46, 50, 51, 53, Sengoku Movie Battle, Kamen Rider Taisen, Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider

Infinity Dragon

Infinity Dragon

"Chōīne! Finish Strike! Saikō!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 202 cm
  • Rider Weight: 116 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 14.8 t
  • Kicking Power: 30 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 45 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.2 sec

Infinity Dragon (インフィニティドラゴン, Infiniti Doragon) is Wizard's extra final form and evolved form of Infinity Style when it becomes augmented with all of Wizardragon's power, which is accessed through the Finish Strike Wizard Ring.

In this form, Wizard is armed with the Infinity Tail (インフィニティテイル, Infiniti Teiru), Infinity Wings (インフィニティウィング, Infiniti Uingu), and Infinity Hell Claws (インフィニティヘルクロー, Infiniti Heru Kurō).


Infinity Skull

This form's finishing attack is the Infinity End (インフィニティーエンド, Infinitī Endo): A stronger version of All Dragon's Strike Dragon where Wizard manifests the Infinity Skull (インフィニティスカル, Infiniti Sukaru) on his right foot to strengthen the power of his kick before impact with the enemy. If need to, Wizard can spin into a drill at high speeds to strengthen the kick.

This form is exclusive to Kamen Rider Wizard in Magic Land.

Infinity Dragon Gold

Infinity Dragon Gold

"Chōīne! Finish Strike! Saikō!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 202 cm
  • Rider Weight: 116 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 18.9 t
  • Kicking Power: 34.5 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 45 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.2 sec

Infinity Dragon Gold (インフィニティドラゴンゴールド, Infiniti Doragon Gōrudo) is Wizard's extra final form and the evolved form of Infinity Dragon, which is accessed through the Finish Strike Ring while being empowered by the Hope Ring that resides inside Haruto. His Wizardriver becomes entirely gold in color.

In this form, Wizard is armed with the Gold Infinity Skull (ゴールドインフィニティスカル, Gōrudo Infiniti Sukaru), which is placed on his chest unlike his pre-evolved form, Gold Infinity Tail (ゴールドインフィニティテイル, Gōrudo Infiniti Teiru), Gold Infinity Wings (ゴールドインフィニティウィング, Gōrudo Infiniti Uingu), and Gold Infinity Hell Claws (ゴールドインフィニティヘルクロー, Gōrudo Infiniti Heru Kurō).

This form has five finishers, with one of them is shown while others exclusive in the game:

  • Dragon Burst (ドラゴンバースト, Doragon Bāsuto): A stronger version of Flame Dragon's Dragon Breath where Wizard fires a massive beam of flames from the Drago Skull. This is the first finisher to be shown on-screen.
  • Dragon Typhoon (ドラゴンタイフーン, Doragon Taifūn): A stronger version of Hurricane Dragon's Dragon Sonic where Wizard floats on top to summon a deadly hurricane from both feet via the Magical Portal.
  • Dragon Hammer (ドラゴンハンマー, Doragon Hanmā): A stronger version of Water Dragon's Dragon Smash where Wizard performs a heavy chain of slashes with the Drago Tail.
  • Dragon Fury (ドラゴンフューリー, Doragon Fuyūrī): A stronger version of Land Dragon's Dragon Ripper where Wizard flies forward and cleaves through his targets at high speeds with gravity-powered Drago Hell Claws.
  • Infinity Gold End (インフィニティゴールドエンド, Infiniti Gōrudo Endo): A stronger version of Infinity Dragon's Infinity End where Wizard coats his body with rainbow energy.
This form is exclusive to Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Gaim & Wizard: The Fateful Sengoku Movie Battle.

Special Rush

Special Rush

"Special Rush, Please! Flame! Water! Hurricane! Land!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 205 cm
  • Rider Weight: 115 kg
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 10.5 t
  • Kicking Power: 14 t
  • Maximum Jump Height: 30 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 5 sec

Special Rush (スペシャルラッシュ, Supesharu Rasshu) is an all-red version of All Dragon, and it is just as powerful as said form. Accessed through the Special Rush Wizard Ring, which was formed from the last of Poitrine's magic.

In this form, Wizard is armed with the Rush Skull (ラッシュスカル, Rasshu Sukaru), Rush Tail (ラッシュテイル, Rasshu Teiru), Rush Wings (ラッシュウィング, Rasshu Wingu), and Rush Hell Claws (ラッシュヘルクロー, Rasshu Heru Kurō).

Wizard's affinity for fire magic is shot up drastically in this form, up to the point of mastery, allowing him to channel fire magic into the crimson-colored Wizardragon parts for maximum damage. The Dragon Breath attack is enhanced for additional firepower, the Rush Tail's tip can stretch to allow a barrage of white-hot tail stings, the Rush Hell Claws can be ignited to cleave through any metal within seconds, and the Rush Wings can be enhanced to be able to slice through metal even more quickly then the Rush Hell Claws.

This form's finishing attack is the Special Dragon Rush (スペシャルドラゴンラッシュ, Supesharu Doragon Rasshu), where Wizard first scans the Kick Strike Wizard Ring, then flies through ring projections, making his foot ignite. When close to the target, Wizard is shrouded in fire and three magical ring projections, and strikes with enough force to blast through the target with extreme ease.

This form is exclusive to Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie War Ultimatum.

Falco Mantle

Falco Mantle

"Beast (Falco), Please!"
―Activation announcement for right side[src]

Falco Mantle (ファルコマント, Faruko Manto)was accessed when Wizard in his Flame Dragon form accidentally scanned Kamen Rider Beast's Falco Ring on his Wizardriver's right Hand Author side.

This form is exclusive to Kamen Rider Wizard Hyper Battle DVD: Showtime with the Dance Ring.

Beast Mantle

Beast Mantle

"Beast (Buffa), Please!"
―Activation announcement for left side[src]

Beast Mantle (ビーストマント, Bīsuto Manto) is accessed when Wizard in his Flame Dragon form scans Kamen Rider Beast's Buffa Ring on the Wizardriver's left Hand Author side after accidentally scanning his Falco Ring on its right side.

In this form, Wizard dons Beast's Falco Mantle (ファルコマント, Faruko Manto) and Buffa Mantle (バッファマント, Baffa Manto) on his right shoulder and left shoulder respectively.

This form is able to use the flying capabilities of the Falco Mantle and the brute force of the Buffa Mantle. Its finishing move is the Chimera Wizard Tackle (キメラウィザードタックル, Kimera Wizādo Takkuru), which involves Wizard rising into the sky before diving at the enemy covered in energy that forms the Buffa head of Beast Chimera.

This form is exclusive to Kamen Rider Wizard Hyper Battle DVD: Showtime with the Dance Ring.


  • Mana - Main power source for Wizard's gear




Legend Rider Devices[]

KRDCD-KamenRide Wizard Rider Card

KamenRide: Wizard

KamenRide: Wizard (カメンライドウィザード, Kamenraido Wizādo) A Rider Card containing the power of Kamen Rider Wizard. Transforms Decade into Wizard Flame Style.

KRDCD-KamenRide Wizard Infinity Style Rider Card

KamenRide: Wizard Infinity Style

KamenRide: Wizard Infinity Style (カメンライドウィザードインフィニティスタイル, Kamenraido Wizādo Infiniti Sutairu):

KRDCD-Final AttackRide Wizard Rider Card

Final AttackRide: Wizard

Final AttackRide: Wizard (ファイナルアタックライドウィザード, Fainaru Atakkuraido Wizādo):

KRWi-Wizard Wizard Ring (Premium Bandai)

Wizard Wizard Ring
(Premium Bandai)

This Wizard Wizard Ring (ウィザードウィザードリング, Wizādo Wizādo Ringu) which bears the likeness of Kamen Rider Wizard, equivalent to his Flame Wizard Ring, is exclusive to Kamen Rider Wizard's Wizard Ring toyline. When used by a Wizardriver wearer, it would be able to summon Kamen Rider Wizard.

Wizard Lockseed (ウィザードロックシード, Uizādo Rokkushīdo): Allows Kamen Rider Gaim to transform into Wizard Arms, equipped with the WizarSwordGun. [Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Gaim & Wizard: The Fateful Sengoku Movie Battle] By channeling the Wizard Lockseed into the Heisei Rider Lockseed, Kamen Rider Fifteen can transform into Wizard Arms. [Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai] The core image depicts the Wizardriver while the lid backside image depicts the Flame Ring. Also a Kurokage/Bujin Gaim/Kamuro-styled Lockseed in the toyline.

  • Transformation: Wizard Arms: Shabadoobi Showtime!
    • Squash: Chōīne, Saikō (チョーイイネ, サイコー lit. "Very nice, Awesome")
    • Au Lait: Special, Please (スペシャル, プリーズ, Supesharu, Purīzu)
    • Sparking: Slash Strike (スラッシュストライク, Surasshu Sutoraiku)

KRGa-Wizard All Dragon Lockseed

Wizard All Dragon Lockseed

Wizard All Dragon Lockseed (ウィザードオールドラゴンロックシード, Uizādo Ōru Doragon Rokkushīdo): When activated, this Lockseed announces "All Dragon" (オールドラゴン, Ōru Doragon). This Lockseed was later scrapped.

  • Transformation: Wizard Arms!
    • Squash: N/A
    • Au Lait: N/A
    • Sparking: N/A

Wizard Infinity Style Lockseed (ウィザードインフィニティスタイルロックシード, Uizādo Infiniti Sutairu Rokkushīdo): The core image depicts the Wizardriver while the lid backside image depicts the Infinity Wizard Ring. Gaim/Kurokage/Bujin Gaim/Kamuro-styled Lockseed. When activated, this Lockseed announces "Infinity" (インフィニティ, Infiniti).

  • Transformation: Wizard Arms: Kirakira Infinity!
    • Squash: High Touch (ハイタッチ, Hai Tatchi)
    • Au Lait: Finale (フィナーレ, Fināre)
    • Sparking: Shining Strike (シャイニングストライク, Shainingu Sutoraiku)

KRDr-Signal Legend Wizard

Legend Wizard Signal Bike

  • Signal Legend Wizard (シグナルレジェンドウィザード, Shigunaru Rejendo Wizādo, Based on Wizard's Machinewinger): Allows Mach to activate a Kourin Signal Legend. When used in the DX Drive Driver, it gives the sound for a Tire Exchange into Drive: Wizard.

"Kaigan! Wizard! (Hand Author chirp) Yubiwa no mahō! Saigo no kibō! (Wizard Ring confirmation noise; Magical Portal noises)"
―Transformation announcement with Ghost Driver[src]

"Tengan! Ghost! Mega Ulord!"
―Transformation announcement with Mega Ulorder[src]

The Wizard Ghost Eyecon (ウィザードゴースト眼魂, Wizādo Gōsuto Aikon) is one of the 16 title Kamen Riders' Ghost Eyecons, with its primary user being Kamen Rider Ghost. It shows the number R14 on its Startup Time setting, Wizard Flame Style's face on its Transformation Time setting, and Wizard's symbol on its Move Invocation Time setting.

Its Omega Drive finisher is the Omega Drive (Wizard) (オメガドライブ ウィザード, Omega Doraibu (Wizādo)) where Ghost immediately performs a variation of Wizard's Strike Wizard.

The Wizard Ghost was originally sealed within Wizard's Flame Wizard Ring. Once freed, it entered Takeru's Ghost Driver, creating its Eyecon.

Wizard's Eyecon/Damashii exclusively appears on-screen in the Wizard Chapter of Kamen Rider Ghost: Legendary! Riders' Souls!.

"Magic the Wizard! (Wizardriver post-transformation sound)"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Gashat! Let's Ride! Metcha Ride! Mutcha Ride! What's your ride?! I'm a Legend Rider!"
Level 1 transformation announcement[src]

"Gachan! Level Up! Sha-Sha-Shabadoobie Touch de Henshin! Please! Magic the Wizard! (DoReMiFa Beat-styled Song)"
Level 2 announcement[src]

"A Gacha! Do-Do-Drago! Ra-Ra-Ra-Rise! Flame! Water! Hurricane! Land! All Dragon! (Drago Knight Hunter Z-styled Song)"
Level 3 announcement[src]

"Kimewaza! Magic the Critical Strike!"
―Gamer Driver finisher announcement[src]

"Kimewaza! Magic the Critical Finish!"
―Weapon finisher announcement[src]

"Kimewaza! (Word from other Gashat's name) Wizard Critical Finish!"
Gashacon Key Slasher finisher announcement[src]

  • Wizard Fullbottle (ウィザードフルボトル, Uizādo Furubotoru): Used solely to access Wizard Form. Also used with the Fourze Fullbottle to access the unreleased FourzeWizard Form.

  • Mahoutsukai Fullbottle (魔法使いフルボトル, Mahōtsukai Furubotoru, lit. Magician Fullbottle): Used with the Diamond Fullbottle to access Wizard Form.
  • Diamond Fullbottle (ダイヤモンドフルボトル, Daiyamondo Furubotoru): Used with the Mahoutsukai Fullbottle to access Wizard Form. Typically paired with the Gorilla Fullbottle.

"(Digital beeping) Wizard!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Mahou no yubiwa de show time! Hoseki no Rider wa... Wizard da!

Translation: Show time with the magical rings! The gemstone Rider is... (Clock ticking noise) Wizard! (魔法の指輪でショータイム!宝石のライダーは…ウィザードだ!)"
―Secondary activation announcement[src]

"Rider Time! (Drumroll to upbeat music) Please! Wizard!"
―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's right-hand slot[src]

"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Drumroll to upbeat music) Please! Wizard!"
―Rider Armor transformation announcement[src]

"Finish Time! Wizard! Strike Time (Break/Burst/Jack)!"
―Rider Armor finisher announcement[src]

Wizard Ridewatch (ウィザードライドウォッチ, Uizādo Raidowotchi): Based on Kamen Rider Wizard Flame Style, this Ridewatch provides access to the WizardArmor used by Geiz. It is dated 2012.

It was presumably manifested by Haruto Soma from a Blank Watch given by Geiz Myokoin, whom would give it to Kosuke Nito.

"(Digital beeping) All Dragon!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Yottsu no element ga hitotsu ni! Wizard All Dragon!

Translation: Four elements are one! Wizard All Dragon! (四つのエレメントが一つに!ウィザードオールドラゴン!)"
―Secondary activation announcement[src]

"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Wizardragon roars) Final Time! All Dragon!"
―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot[src]

"Finish Time! Four-Mation Time (Break/Burst/Jack)!"
―Finisher announcement in left-hand slot[src]

Wizard All Dragon Ridewatch (ウィザードオールドラゴンライドウォッチ, Uizādo Ōru Doragon Raidowotchi): Based on Kamen Rider Wizard All Dragon, this Ridewatch would provide access to the WizardAllDragonArmor. It is dated 2012.

"(Digital beeping) Infinity Style!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Eiennaru mahouseki no kagayaki! Maji saikyo no mahoutsukai! Wizard Infinity Style!

Translation: The shine of the eternal magic stone! Truly the strongest magician! Wizard Infinity Style! (永遠なる魔法石の輝き!マジ最強の魔法使い!ウィザードインフィニティースタイル!)"
―Secondary activation announcement[src]

"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! Kagayake! Wizard Infinity! Infinity!"
―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot[src]

"Finish Time! Wizard! Shining Strike (Barlckxs/Zonjis/Zamonas) Time (Break/Burst/Jack)!"
―Finisher announcement in left-hand slot[src]

Wizard Infinity Style Ridewatch (ウィザードインフィニティースタイルライドウォッチ, Uizādo Infinitī Sutairu Raidowotchi): Based on Kamen Rider Wizard Infinity Style, this Ridewatch would provide access to the WizardInfinityStyleArmor. It is dated 2012[1], but shown on the Ziku-Driver's screen as FIN.

Another Wizard Watch (アナザーウィザードウォッチ, Anazā Uizādo Wotchi): A twisted version of the Wizard Ridewatch used to transform into Another Wizard.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Wizard's ability!"
―Second activation announcement[src]

―Transformation standby announcement[src]

"Progrise! Shabadoobi touch! Henshin! MagicShowing Wizard! A great magic called the final hope."
―Transformation announcement with the Hiden Zero-One Driver[src]

"MagicShowing Impact!"
―Finisher announcement with the Hiden Zero-One Driver[src]

"MagicShowing (Bit/Byte/Kilo/Mega/Giga/Tera) Impact!"
―Empowered finisher announcement with the Hiden Zero-One Driver[src]

"Shotrise! MagicShowing Wizard! A great magic called the final hope."
―Transformation announcement with the A.I.M.S. Shotriser[src]

"Magic! MagicShowing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the A.I.M.S. Shotriser in Gun Mode[src]

"Magic! MagicShowing Blast Fever!"
―Finisher announcement with the A.I.M.S. Shotriser in Belt Mode[src]

"Forcerise! MagicShowing! A great magic called the final hope. Break down."
―Transformation announcement with the MetsubouJinrai Forceriser[src]

"MagicShowing Dystopia!"
―Finisher announcement with the MetsubouJinrai Forceriser[src]

"MagicShowing Utopia!"
―Secondary finisher announcement with the MetsubouJinrai Forceriser[src]

"MagicShowing Kaban Strash!"
―Uncharged finisher announcement with the Attache Calibur[src]

"MagicShowing Kaban Dynamic!"
―Charged Finisher announcement with the Attache Calibur[src]

"MagicShowing Kaban Shot!"
―Uncharged finisher announcement with the Attache Shotgun[src]

"MagicShowing Kaban Buster!"
―Charged Finisher announcement with the Attache Shotgun[src]

"MagicShowing Kaban Shoot!"
―Uncharged finisher announcement with the Attache Arrow in Arrow Mode[src]

"MagicShowing Kaban Strike!"
―Charged finisher announcement with the Attache Arrow in Arrow Mode[src]

MagicShowing Wizard Progrisekey (マジックショーイングウィザードプログライズキー, MajikkuShōingu Uizādo Puroguraizu Kī): Based on Kamen Rider Wizard, this Progrisekey's ability is "Magic".[2]

"Kibou no Ryuutsukai Wizard!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Katsute Dragon wo Shitagae Saigo no Kibou to Naru Senshi ga Ita...[3]

Translation: There was once a last hope-bearing warrior following a dragon... (かつてドラゴンを従え最後の希望となる戦士がいた…)"
―Story announcement[src]

Kibou no Ryuutsukai Wizard Wonder Ride Book (希望の龍使いウィザードワンダーライドブック, Kibō no Ryū Tsukai Wizādo Wandā Raido Bukku, lit. "Dragon-using Wizard of Hope Wonder Ride Book") is based on Kamen Rider Wizard and his forms. The book's name is shortened to "Wizard" in the Swordriver's announcements.

"Crocodile! (クロコダイル!, Kurokodairu!)"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Dominate Up! Crocodile! Neo burst! (ドミネートアップ!クロコダイル!ネオバースト!, Dominēto Appu! Kurokodairu! Neo bāsuto!)"
―Genomix Change announcement with the Destream Driver[src]

"Come on! C-C-Crocodile! (カモン! ク! ク! クロコダイル!, Kamon! Ku! Ku! Kurokodairu!)"
―Looping standby announcement with the Revice Driver[src]

"Buddy Up! Kamikudaku Style! Gabugabu Showtime! Crocodile! Ago ga saigo no kibou da! (バディアップ! かみ砕くスタイル! ガブガブショータイム! クロコダイル! 顎が最後の希望だ!, Badi Appu! Kamikudaku sutairu! Gabugabu shōtaimu! Kurokodairu! Ago ga saigo no kibou da!, Translation: Buddy Up! Biting Style! Chomping Showtime! Crocodile! The jaws are the last hope!)"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Crocodile Stamping Finish! (クロコダイルスタンピングフィニッシュ!, Kurokodairu Sutanpingu Finisshu!)"
―Revice Driver finisher announcement[src]

"Remix! Buddy Up! Hissatsu! Cross! Kuro! Crocodile! (リミックス!バディアップ!必殺!クロス! クロー! クロコダイル!, Rimikkusu! Badi Appu! Hissatsu! Kurosu! Kurō! Kurokodairu!, Translation: Remix! Buddy Up! Certain kill! Cross! Black! Crocodile!)"
―Remix transformation announcement[src]

"Hissatsu Shonin! Crocodile Stamping Slash! (必殺承認!クロコダイルスタンピングスラッシュ!, Hissatsu Shōnin! Kurokodairu Sutanpingu Surasshu!, Translation: Deadly Approval! Crocodile Stamping Slash!)"
―Finisher announcement with the Ohinbuster50 in Axe Mode[src]

"Hissatsu Shonin! Crocodile Stamping Strike! (必殺承認!クロコダイルスタンピングストライク!, Hissatsu Shōnin! Kurokodairu Sutanpingu Sutoraiku!, Translation: Deadly Approval! Crocodile Stamping Strike!)"
―Finisher announcement with the Ohinbuster50 in Gun Mode[src]

"Absorb! Wizard! (アブゾーブ!ウィザード!, Abuzōbu! Wizādo!)"
―Scanning announcement with the Juuga Driver[src]

"Crocodile Strike Attack! (クロコダイルストライクアタック!, Kurokodairu Sutoraiku Atakku!)"
―Finisher announcement with the Juuga Driver[src]

Crocodile Vistamp (クロコダイルバイスタンプ, Kurokodairu Baisutanpu): Allows Destream or Demons to access his Crocodile Genomix. It contains the genetic information of a crocodile and is based on Kamen Rider Wizard.

―Insertion announcement in the Desire Driver[src]

"Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi! Ready, fight!"
―Standalone Transformation announcement in the Desire Driver[src]

"Wizard Strike!"
―Standalone finisher announcement in the Desire Driver[src]

"Dual On! (Raise Buckle name)! Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi! Ready, fight!"
―Transformation announcement with a large Raise Buckle in the Desire Driver[src]

"(Raise Buckle name) Wizard Victory!"
―Finisher announcement with a large Raise Buckle in the Desire Driver[src]

"Boost Time! Boost Wizard Grand Victory!"
―Boost Time finisher announcement with the Boost Buckle in the Desire Driver[src]

"Kamen Rider Tactical Blast!"
―Finisher announcement in the Magnum Shooter 40X[src]

Wizardriver Buckle (ウィザードライバーバックル, Wizādoraibā Bakkuru): Allows any of the Geats Riders to access Wizard Form, which is equipped with the WizarSwordGun. It is based on Kamen Rider Wizard and his transformation belt, the Wizardriver.

  • Kamen Rider Wizard (仮面ライダーウィザード, Kamen Raidā Wizādo): Used with Kamen Rider Kiva to access Gabutto Magic.
  • Kamen Rider Wizard Infinity Style (仮面ライダーウィザードインフィニティスタイル, Kamen Raidā Wizādo Infiniti Sutairu)

"Shabadoobi touch henshin! Flame! Please! Hi, hi, hi hi hi! Wizard! (シャバドゥビタッチヘンシン!フレイム! プリーズ! ヒーヒーヒーヒーヒー!ウィザード!, Shabadubi tatchi henshin! Fureimu! Purīzu! Hī hī hī hī hī! Wizādo!)"
―Transformation announcement in the Henshin Belt Gavv[src]

"Wizard tsuyoi! (ウィザードつよい!, Wizādo tsuyoi!)"
―Finisher announcement in the Henshin Belt Gavv[src]

"Wizard! (ウィザード!, Wizādo!)"
―Transformation and finisher announcement in the Valenbuster[src]

"Wizard! Ima koso yubiwa no chikara o. Ideyo Wizard! (ウィザード!今こそ指輪の力を 出でよ魔法使いウィザード, Wizādo! Ima koso yubiwa no chikara o Ideyo Wizādo!)"
―Announcement in the Gavvphone[src]

Wizard Gochizo (ウィザードゴチゾウ, Wizādo Gochizō)[4]



  • Wizard is the last lead Heisei Rider to have a weapon exclusive to his final ultimate form.
  • On the chest armor, there are two different variations, similar to the eyes on the helmets during productions:
    • One of the variations would have the jewel piece on the armor covering in a reflective surface.
    • Another variant have the jewel parts to be completed painted.
  • As highlighted in Super Hero TaisenIcon-crosswiki, certain Kamen Riders and Super Sentai heroes share design and power motifs. Motif-wise, Wizard's Sentai counterpart would be the MagirangersIcon-crosswiki, due to both having a magic-based-on-mythical-elements motif.


  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named rb
  2. https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2020/4549660425403000.html
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named bwb
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named GochizoSG02