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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-saberThis article is about an Ending theme song in Kamen Rider Saber.

Kamen Rider Saber (song) is an ending theme (ED) from Kamen Rider Saber. It was performed by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra featuring Kin'ichi Motegi.

The full version of the song will be released alongside with the opening theme.


Japanese Romaji English

未知なる物に 飲み込まれる時
闇を切り裂くのは 光か魂さ


愛情 越えるような誠実さで 受難の果て 身に刻む
書き換えろ夢を 物語の結末は君が決める






愛情 越えるような誠実さで 受難の果て 身に刻む
書き換えろ夢を 物語の結末は君が決める

Michi naru mono ni nomikoma reru toki
Yami wo kirisaku no wa hikari ka tamashii sa
Sekai wo kaeru kikotsu arunara
Mazu jibun jishin wo kaero!


Aijō koeru youna seijitsu-sa de junan no hate mi ni kizamu
Fumetsu no kokoro wa kokoda to
Kakikaero yume wo monogatari no ketsumatsu wa kimi ga kimeru
Kamen Rider Saber!

“Honō wa atsui shin'nen to jōnetsu, aku o moyasu chikara.
Mizu wa namida de subete o arainagasu yōna jōka no chikara.
Kaminari wa chokkan no supīdo de jōkyō o ikkini kaeru chikara.
Wareware wa sono chikara o subete awase, chōzen to tatakau koto ga dekiru noda. ”

Sekai o kaeru eiki arunara
Mazu jibun jishin o kaero

“Henshin! ”

Honki janai yōna
Yūki wa nai to oshiete kureta tomo ga iru
Dakara yūki wa naku no sa

Kizutsuita itami o yasashi-sa ni
Kaeru koto ga dekiru-sa
Kamen Rider Saber!

Aijō koeru youna seijitsu-sa de junan no hate mi ni kizamu
Fumetsu no kokoro wa kokoda to
Kakikaero yume wo monogatari no ketsumatsu wa kimi ga kimeru
Kamen Rider Saber!

When consumed by the unknown
It's light or soul that cuts through darkness
If you have the spirit to change the world
Change yourself first!


Carving the end of times with sincerity that surpasses affection
The immortal heart is here
Rewrite your dreams, you decide the ending of the story
Kamen Rider Saber!

"Flame is a hot belief and passion that has the power to burn evil...
...water has the power of purification to wash away everything with tears...
...lightning is the power to change the situation at once with the speed of intuition...
...we can put all that power together and fight in a transcendental way."

If you have the courage to change the world
Change yourself first!


I'm not serious
I have a friend who told me I don't have the courage
That's why courage cries

Gentilly injured pain
Can be changed
Kamen Rider Saber!

Carving the end of times with sincerity that surpasses affection
The immortal heart is here
Rewrite your dreams, you decide the ending of the story
Kamen Rider Saber!


  • This is the first ending theme since Shonen Yo of Kamen Rider Hibiki.
  • This is the first song to include the name of the current Kamen Rider instead of any hidden play-on words since Kamen Rider AGITO.
  • Following the release of Super Hero Senki, a video was released having the entire human cast of the show dancing to it.[2]
  • At the end of the chorus, it contains Touma's catchprase; instead of "ore", they placed with "kimi".

