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Icon-geatsThis article is about a stage show in Kamen Rider Geats.

Kamen Rider Geats: Final Stage (仮面ライダーギーツ ファイナルステージ, Kamen Raidā Gītsu: Fainaru Sutēji) is a stage show of Kamen Rider Geats. It features the debut of Kamen Rider Jyamato Gazer.

The second part of the Tokyo performance of the stage show on October 15, 2023 is a talk show with an out-of-character cast, titled Kamen Rider Geats: Final Desire Live & Talk (仮面ライダーギーツ ファイナルデザイアトーク&ライブ, Kamen Raidā Gītsu: Fainaru Dezaia Raibu And Tōku).

The tagline for this stage show was "In order to never ever forget." (ずっと、忘れないために。, Zutto, wasurenai tame ni.).

Performance Dates and Venues[]

Akin to previous Final Stages, Geats' had multiple performances across Japan, with the last one featuring a talk show. Kamen Rider Geats' edition featured exclusive versions of Kamen Rider Geats MagnumBoost Form based on the town's culture.

Continuity and Placement[]


To be added


The show starts with a commentary from the Clover Jyamato about Geats and not only his transformation into a god, but also how he erased everyone's memory of him. An updated version of the intro plays before cutting to more Jyamato around the stage. Tsumuri announces that more Jyamato have overrun the city, and former DGP participants must fight them. These of course are Keiwa, Neon, and Michinaga. They announce their goals after winning the DGP, place their ID cores into their drivers, and transform using the Ninja, Beat, and Zombie buckles respectively to fight off the Jyamato. It is said that they are around four locations, Osaka, Fukuoka, Nagoya, and Tokyo, the places where the stageplay was held.

After finishing them off, they discuss how they're the only ones entered, which is odd to them, but Tsumuri states that another Rider is entered, however they wouldn't remember. Buffa proves her wrong after saying he does remember, and it is stated that they remember Geats' ascension due to touching the ID core. The first round commences where particiapnts must fight rose Jyamato, if they attack a sunflower Jyamato they are penalised. Jyamato appear and are fought by Tycoon, who is ambushed by his sister, Sara, as Kamen Rider Hakubi, who says that this DGP has a helper rule where each main rider gets a helper. Together they fight off the rose Jyamato, with Tycoon doing most of the work, and Hakubi messing around. They finish off the last two together and clear the mission.

Na-Go is now the centre of attention, wondering if she'll get a helper. She does, and it's her father, Kousei Kurama, as Kamen Rider Gya-Go. Their fight goes into the crowd, and they quickly defeat the rose Jyamato. Gya-Go nearly attacks a sunflower Jyamato, but not before Neon stops him, and he apologises swiftly. They are then ambushed by rose Jyamato who they make quick work of and clear the round

The stage changes colour and Buffa is the centre of attention being quickly joined by Kamen Rider Nadge-Sparrow, who tries to fly solo saying he doesn't need Daichi's help. Daichi attempts to be friendly, only to be blown off by Azuma. In the end they somewhat work together taking down rose Jyamato, and clearing the mission. Unlike other announcements, Tsumuri says that Buffa cleared the mission, and not Buffa and Nadge-Sparrow.

A recording of Ace appears asking if the audience enjoys the show, and says with enough applause, Kamen Rider Geats will appear. The lights flash on, and PunkJack appears instead. Shortly after Geats does appear, though with a different suit than normal. He claims he's "Tokyo Geats", explaining that this is what he thinks the people of Tokyo want. The discussion between PunkJack and Geats is quickly ended by rose Jyamato, whom they work together to take down, clearing the mission.

The other Riders appear, ready to move on to the next round, but Nadge-Sparrow is swiftly removed, as he technically failed the round. Everyone is shocked and excited to see Geats once again, acting as if nothing changed. Their fun is quickly shut down by the sound of Kamen Rider Gazer, who they assume is Niramu. He uses his powers to imprison the helper Riders in another dimension, and states he's only there for Geats. The Riders engage in combat, but are bested by Gazer, who is disappointed in Geats' strength. He uses his powers to take Geats' creation ability for himself, sealing Geats into the Vision Driver. His goal is to create a world where Jyamato are happy. Buffa figures out that this Gazer wasn't really Niramu, but instead the Clover Jyamato. With Geats' creation, he will turn every human into a Jyamato, scattering a poison into the audience meant to transform humans into Jyamato.

He uses his newly found creation powers to create a new Rider, Kamen Rider Jyamato Gazer, calling himself the strongest in the world, and once again making light work of the Riders. He summons three more Jyamato to fight, overwhelming the three. Confused as to why the clover symbol is being used for evil, the Jyamato explains that in hanakotoba, the clover symbolises revenge, and this is his revenge on the world. Try as they might, the Riders are knocked down again. Calling out to Geats, they try one final attack on Jyamato Gazer, but are quickly shut down and detransformed. Ace is fighting back against the seal, slowly breaking the chains, but they're quickly repaired by Jyamato Gazer. They continue calling out to him, trying to give him the hope he needs to break out. Tsumuri requests that the audience join in on their encouragement, prompting everyone to call out "Geats!" on her count.

With their combined desires, the chains snap onto Clover Jyamato, and their wish for Geats was granted. Ace, now free, transforms with his friends, and together they fight the Clover Jyamato and his lackies. Unfortunately, he gets away, and they're distraught. Lucky Ziin arrives to help. With the help of the audience, the other three riders are given, the boost buckle, with Tycoon having Boost Mk. II. Together, they zip around Japan, clearing the country of Jyamato. Now with Jyamato Gazer in one place, Geats uses his Boost Mk. IX buckle, Tycoon uses his Bujin Sword Buckle, Na-Go uses her Fantasy buckle, and Buffa uses Feverslot with Zombie, and they finally defeat the Clover Jyamato once and for all.

Worried about the safety of their loved ones, Tsumuri confirms their safety. Happy to see Ace again, they head off to a reunion and the stage closes.

The rest of the performance is a live talk show.


Kamen Riders[]

Kamen Rider Geats Ace Ukiyo
Kamen Rider Tycoon Keiwa Sakurai
Kamen Rider Na-Go Neon Kurama
Kamen Rider Buffa Michinaga Azuma
Kamen Rider PunkJack Win Hareruya
Kamen Rider Nadge-Sparrow Daichi Isuzu
Kamen Rider Hakubi Sara Sakurai
Kamen Rider Gya-Go Kousei Kurama
Kamen Rider Ziin Ziin



Kamen Rider Gazer Clover Jyamato
Kamen Rider Jyamato Gazer


Guest Cast[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]

Raise Buckles[]

  • Buckle Used:
    • Geats
      • Magnum, Boost, Boost MarkIX
    • Tycoon
      • Ninja, Boost MarkII
    • Na-Go
      • Beat, Boost
    • Buffa
      • Zombie, Boost
    • PunkJack
      • Monster
    • Nadge-Sparrow
      • Arrow
    • Hakubi
      • Claw
    • Gya-Go
      • Shield
  • Form Used:
    • Geats
      • Magnum Form (Upper half), MagnumBoost Form, GeatsIX
    • Tycoon
      • Ninja Form (Upper half), Boost Form MarkII
    • Na-Go
      • Beat Form (Upper half), BeatBoost Form
    • Buffa
      • Zombie Form (Upper half), ZombieBoost Form
    • PunkJack
      • Monster Form (Upper half)
    • Nadge-Sparrow
      • Armed Arrow (Upper half)
    • Hakubi
      • Armed Claw (Upper half)
    • Gya-Go
      • Armed Shield (Upper half)


  • to be added


DGP Rule Final Stage

DGP Rule

  • Closing Screen DGP Rule: "As long as you keep wishing, you can meet us Kamen Riders." (願い続ける限り、僕たちは仮面ライダーに会える, Negai tsudzukeru kagiri, bokutachi wa Kamen Raidā ni aeru)
  • Count at episode end
    • Raise Buckles in Geats' possession:
    • Raise Buckles in Tycoon's possession:
    • Raise Buckles in Na-Go's possession:
    • Raise Buckles in Buffa's possession:
  • The stageshow was entitled in the episode format, Welcome to the new DGP! (新生デザグラへようこそ!, Shinsei dezagura e yōkoso!).

