Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kabutoThis article is about an ally in Kamen Rider Kabuto.

"Onii-chan, good morning!"
―Jyuka when meeting Soji in the morning.[src]

"I am a woman who walks the path of the heavens to make every tree and flower beautiful, Jyuka Tendo."
―Jyuka's motto similar to her brother's.[src]

Jyuka Tendo (天道 樹花, Tendō Jūka) is Soji Tendo's younger adoptive sister. She is a middle school student of Seika School.


Thirteen years old during the series, Soji Tendo/Kamen Rider Kabuto was taken in by his grandmother after the Shibuya meteorite crash, A few years later, Jyuka was born, being raised alongside Soji. Though not related by blood, Jyuka and Soji recognize one another as siblings, causing Jyuka to call Soji "older brother" (Onii-chan), and emulate some of his actions; such as talking about her grandmother and pointing to the sky. She was injured in a car crash caused by Kamishiro but blows it off, much to her brother's concern.

She also assists her brother in running noodle carts across town. She has different ways of saying "Good Morning" to Tendo and loves his cooking. Lately, she has been targeted by ZECT and the Worms. So far two Worms, disguised as Misaki and Daisuke, tried to either kidnap or kill her.

She seems to be aware of the Zecters as the Kabuto, TheBee, and Drake Zecters fly around the entire Tendo household, while the Sasword Zecter crawls on the dining table. Yet, she apparently has no clue.

During the epilogue, it is shown that she has accepted Hiyori as her "sister" and is now working with her at the Bistro La Selle.


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Behind The Scenes[]


Jyuka Tendo is portrayed by Natsumi Okumura (奥村 夏未, Okumura Natsumi).



  • Notably, Jyuka's parents were never seen or mentioned in the series, with it being left unclear why she is currently living with Soji together.
    • Furthermore, the Kamen Rider Zukan explicitly states Soji and Jyuka to have no blood relations with one another, meaning that Jyuka was somehow adopted by Soji's grandmother before the start of the series.


External Links[]


Icon-kabuto Kamen Rider Kabuto
Masked Rider System Users
Soji Tendo (alternate) - Arata Kagami - Daisuke Kazama - Tsurugi Kamishiro - So Yaguruma - Shun Kageyama - Masato Mishima - Soji Tendo (Mimic)
Kabutick Riders (Movie-exclusive): Issei Kurosaki - Hidenari Oda - Tetsuki Yamato
Stageshow-exclusive Riders: Shadow - Native - Syuichi Tadokoro - Kouka Tendoin - Native Worm
Transformation Devices
Rider Belt - Rider Brace - Drake Glip - Sasword Yaiver - ZECT Buckle
The Zecters
Kabuto Zecter - Gatack Zecter - TheBee Zecter - Drake Zecter - Sasword Zecter - Hopper Zecter - Dark Kabuto Zecter - Hyper Zecter
Kabutick Zecters
Hercus Zecter - Ketaros Zecter - Caucasus Zecter
Kabuto: Kabuto Kunaigun - Zectmizer - Perfect Zecter
Gatack: Gatack Vulcan - Gatack Double Calibur
TheBee: TheBee Needle
Drake: Drake Glip - Zectmizer
Sasword: Sasword Yaiver - Sasword Antenna - Blood Vessels
ZECT Members/ZECTroopers: ZECT Gun - Machinegun Blade - Anti Mimic Bomb
Kabuto Extender - Gatack Extender - Machine Zectron - ZECT Command Car
Bistro La Salle: Yumiko Takemiya - Hiyori Kusakabe - Renge Takatori
Others: Mika Kamishiro - Gon - Jiiya - Uemura - Junko Takayama - Syuichi Tadokoro's Younger Brother - Jiiya's Twin Brother - Oda - Yamato
Native/Worm's Mimick Targets: Souichi Kusakabe - Satomi Kusakabe - Hiyori Kusakabe - Detective A - Ryo Kagami - Tsurugi Kamishiro - Soji Tendo - Yuki Tamai - Shogo Azuma - Mikio Soeno - Yukari - Tatsuhiro Wakabayashi - Yuzuki Misaki - Arata Kagami - Daisuke Kazama - Aota - Keiko Kobayashi
Leader: Riku Kagami - Masato Mishima - Negishi - Hidenari Oda
Squad Leaders: Syuichi Tadokoro - Shogo Azuma
Agents: Arata Kagami - Yuzuki Misaki - Mikio Soeno
Others: Owner of PuRe-PuRe - Renge Takatori - Shura Hokuto - Koji Iguchi
Grunts: ZECTroopers - Brightroopers - Shadow - Neotroopers
Executive Worms: Uca Worm - Black Dress Woman - Cassis Worm - Scorpio Worm
Minor Worms: Aracnea Worms (Aracnea Rubor - Aracnea Nigritia - Aracnea Flavus) - Lanpyris Worm - Bellcricetus Worm - Epilachna Worm - Pulex Worm - Verber Worms (Verber - Verber Rota) - Coleoptera Worms (Coleoptera Croceus - Coleoptera Argentum - Coleoptera Aeneus) - Musca Worm - Sectio Worms (Sectio - Sectio Acuere) - Formicaalubus Worms (Formicaalubus - Formicaalubus Maxilla - Formicaalubus Oculus) - Viella Worm - Sepultura Worm - Brachypelma Worms (Brachypelma Viridis - Brachypelma Aurantium) - Tarantes Worm Purpura - Geophilid Worms - Genomyas Worm - Acarina Worms (Acarina - Acarina Amber) - Culex Worm - Foliatus Worm - Cammarus Worm - Cochlea Worm - Leptophyes Worm - Subst Worm - Camponotus Worms (Camponotus Maxilla - Camponotus Oculus)
Chrysalis: Worm (Chrysalis) - Worm (Chrysalis White)
Notable Chrysalis Entities: Mikio Soeno (Mimic) - Gokon Members (Mimic) - Yuzuki Misaki (Mimic) - Chorus Club Members (Mimic) - Aota (Mimic) - Keiko Kobayashi (Mimic)
The Natives: Souichi Kusakabe (Mimic) - Satomi Kusakabe (Mimic) - Hiyori Kusakabe - Soji Tendo (Mimic) - Daigo Tachikawa - Syuichi Tadokoro - Negishi - Masato Mishima