Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kuugaThis article is about a character in Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Junichi Chono (蝶野 潤一, Chōno Jun'ichi) is a young troubled man, who saw the Gurongi as salvation until his life was directly threatened by Me·Byran·Gi. He soon changed his attitude once he was saved by Kuuga.

He later appeared in episode Crossroads attempting to run past a police blockade until he was knocked out by Gamego while on his way to handing in artwork for a potential ad placement. After being hospitalized, Tsubaki grilled him into seeing that metaphorically fighting in life doesn't come without sacrifices and rewards are never handed down easily without putting the work in. Tsubaki revealing Yusuke's praise on the artwork helps set Junichi back on the right path of hardwork and diligence.

Afterwards, Junichi was mentioned in episode Yusuke, where Ichijo and Shuichi Tsubaki read a handwritten card with his personal razor attached.



Icon-kuuga Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Riku - Yusuke Godai - Mika Natsume (Novel Only)
Transformation Gear: Arcle (Prototype)
Rider Machines: Gouram - Trychaser 2000 - Beatchaser 2000
Weapons: Dragon Rod - Pegasus Bowgun - Titan Sword - Mighty Anklet
Terminology: Amadam - Rinto - Rinto hieroglyphics - Gegel
Tokyo Police Department
Kaoru Ichijo - Hikari Enokida - Sadao Matsukura - Morimichi Sugita - Tsuyoshi Sakurai - Nozomi Sasayama
Other Allies and Characters
Sakurako Sawatari - Minori Godai - Shuichi Tsubaki - Tamasaburo Kazari - Nana Asahina - Jean Michel Sorrel - Mika Natsume - Shoji Kanzaki - Junichi Chono
La Group: La·Balva·De - La·Doldo·Gu
Go Group
Gevagel: Go·Gadol·Ba (Leader) - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Go·Babel·Da
Higher Tier: Go·Buuro·Gu - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Go·Gamego·Re - Go·Badaa·Ba - Go·Jalaji·Da - Go·Zazalu·Ba - Go·Jiino·Da
Lower Tier: Go·Raio·Da - Horseshoe Crab Gurongi
Xu Group: Xu·Gmun·Ba - Xu·Goma·Gu - Xu·Mevio·Da - Xu·Vazuu·Ba - Xu·Zain·Da - Xu·Gjil·Gi - Xu·Galga·Da - Xu·Miuji·Gi - Xu·Gazubo·De - Xu·Daago·Gi - Xu·Nezuma·Da - Xu·Nezumo·Da - Xu·Jamol·Re
Me Group: Me·Vagis·Ba - Me·Geega·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Me·Garido·Gi - Me·Gadra·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Me·Galme·Re - Me·Garima·Ba - Me·Gaberi·Gu - Me·Agon·Gi - Me·Aguri·Da - Me·Ivae·Ba - Me·Gaage·Re - Me·Mugado·Ba - Me·Gorigi·Ba - Me·Gaera·Re - Me·Zoebi·Gi - Me·Uzaa·Da - Me·Demudo·Ba - Me·Ginee·Da - Me·Gegura·Gi - Me·Juuma·Da
Nu Group: Nu·Zajio·Re
Be Group: Be·Jimin·Ba
Misc: Gerage - Zalbo - Moth Gurongi - Doom - Wolf Gurongi - Poison Moth Gurongi - Crocodile Gurongi - Moray Eel Gurongi - Pufferfish Gurongi - Sarracenia Gurongi - Swallowtail Gurongi - Water Bug Gurongi