Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ride-kamensThis article is about a Rider in Ride Kamens.
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"I don't need things like collusion, I only need my own self. (馴れ合いなど俺には必要ない 俺に必要なのは俺自身だけだ, Nareai nado Ore ni wa Hitsuyō-nai, Ore ni Hitsuyō-na no wa Ore Jishin dake da.)"
―Jigen Gamo[src]

Jigen Gamo (蒲生 慈玄, Gamō Jigen) is a member of Justice Ride who transforms into Kamen Rider Jigen (仮面ライダー慈玄, Kamen Raidā Jigen).


Jigen was born on June 19th. 2 years ago, He was kinapped by Chaosism and was implanted with fake memories of living in Ichinogao City. He had undergone human modification and was sent to the A Class of the 5th Generation in Rider Academy.


A competitive and honest young man. He has an old-fashioned personality and can't take jokes, so his friends sometimes tease him about being a "stubborn father." He has a stronger sense of justice than most people, and his daily routine is patrolling.


  • Calligraphy: Jigen is a skilled calligrapher

Kamen Rider Jigen[]

Kamen Rider Jigen

Kamen Rider Jigen

Kamen Rider Jigen (仮面ライダー慈玄, Kamen Raidā Jigen) is the normal form accessed by activating the Chaos Driver with Jigen's Chaos Ring.

This form's finisher is the Volunteer Great Barrage (義勇の大連弾, Giyū no Dai Rendan).






VOICE01 "Besides, I don't need things like collusion, I only need my own self, my own strength." 「別に、馴れ合いなど俺には必要ない 俺に必要なのは俺自身、俺の力だけだ」 "Betsu ni, Nareai nado Ore ni wa Hitsuyō-nai, Ore ni Hitsuyō-na no wa Ore Jishin, Ore no Chikara dake da."
VOICE02 "I won't let my guard down anytime soon, let's go patrol properly today again." 「どんな時でも警戒は怠らない 今日もしっかりパトロールして行くぞ」 "Donna Toki demo Keikai wa o Okotaranai, Kyō mo shikkari Patorōru shite Iku zo"
VOICE03 "I've got time to spare, maybe let's go to the library and look for the new book?" 「時間が空いたな 図書館に行って新しい本を探すか」 "Jikan ga Aita na, Toshokan ni itte Atarashii Hon wo Sagasu ka?"

Behind the Scenes[]



  • His first name (and Rider name), means "merciful eye" (慈眼, Jigen), which reflects his patrolling job. It is written with the kanji for "professional" (, Genjin).


Crest-Jigen (Colored)

Jigen's Crest


External Links[]

See Also[]

Icon-ride-kamens Ride Kamens
Justice Ride
Saigo Mikami - Haruma Iori - Shion Fukami - Jigen Gamo
Kyosuke Araki - Narushi Kamui - Matsunosuke Agata‎
Slam Days
Q - Lance Tendo - Rui - Shizuru Kaiba
Wisdom Thinks
Hayate - Soun - Koki - Jo
Tower Emblem
Taiten Takato - Uryu Takato
Kakeru Kushiro - Fralio
Rider Gear: Chaos Driver - Chaostone - Chaos Ring
Nijigao City
Takato Enterprises - Wisdom - Kamen Cafe "Camouflage" - Cosmos Conglomerate - Rider Station - Nijigao Musuem
Leon Aijo
Ulseven - Divine Mask
Piasu - Mightus - Ribal - Torus - Domina - Volut - Ambis - Fralio