Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-bladeThis article is about a villain in Kamen Rider Blade.

Hiroshi Tennoji (天王路 博史, Ten'nōji Hiroshi) is the main antagonist of Kamen Rider Blade. He was a rogue chairman of BOARD who intentionally instigated the Battle Fight and created the Category Ace Kerberos II (ケルベロスII, Keruberosu II) to which he transforms into to make his "dream" of a new world order come true.


Tennoji sealed the Kerberos Undead himself into the Change Kerberos card for his true plan: Using a surgically grafted device based on the Rider System technology to fuse with his creation, becoming Kerberos II with Tennoji's face on the monster's chest.

It took all 4 Riders to fight Kerberos II, with Blade King Form's Royal Straightflash and Wild Chalice's Wild Cyclone only able to reverse the fusion. However, the Giraffa Undead takes the Change Keroberos for himself in the fight's aftermath for his own agenda. In the end, he was murdered by the Giraffa Undead after he was defeated by the Riders with his dreams shattered.

Kerberos II[]

Kerberos II
KRBl-Kerberos Undead II
  • Height: 232 cm
  • Weight: 145 kg

Hiroshi Tennoji fuses with Kerberos by inserting the Change Kerberos Rouse Card into a Card Reader (カードリーダー, Kādo Rīdā) grafted onto his left arm. Tennoji's face appears in the center of the body, and the left shoulder of Kerberos evolves into a fuller form. Kerberos II's combat ability has been improved and it can shoot a flame called Divine Wave (ディバインウェーブ, Dibain Uēbu) from both heads of both shoulders.

KRBl-Card Reader

Tennoji uses Card Reader.

Behind the scenes[]


Hiroshi Tennoji is portrayed by Kohji Moritsugu (森次 晃嗣, Moritsugu Kōji) , who is best known for his role as Dan MoroboshiIcon-crosswiki in UltrasevenIcon-crosswiki.


Part of Tennoji's surname is a homophone with "Emperor" (天皇, Tennō), the title all of Japan's emperors use, reflecting his desire to rule.



Rider's Crest-Blade (Gold) Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Kazuma Kenzaki - Sakuya Tachibana - Hajime Aikawa - Kamen Rider Leangle: (Mutsuki Kamijo - Go Kiryu - Spider Undead)
New Generation Riders (Movie exclusive): Junichi Shimura - Natsumi Miwa - Shin Magaki
Transformation Devices
Blay Buckle - Garren Buckle - Leangle Buckle - Glaive Buckle - Lance Buckle - Larc Buckle
Transformation Gear
Rouse Cards - Rouse Absorber
Normal: Blay Rouzer - Garren Rouzer - Chalice Rouzer - Leangle Rouzer - Glaive Rouzer - Larc Rouzer - Lance Rouzer
Upgraded: King Rouzer
Other Weapons
Chalice Arrow - Wild Slasher
Item Carriers
Card Decks - Rouse Bank
Rider Machines
Blue Spader - Red Rhombus - Green Clover - Shadow Chaser - Black Fang
Event: Battle Fight
Forms: Jack Form - King Form
Hiroshi Tennoji - Kei Karasuma - Shiori Hirose - Yoshito Hirose
Jacaranda Cafe: Kotaro Shirai - Haruka Kurihara - Amane Kurihara
Others: Nozomi Yamanaka - Sayoko Fukasawa - Ryo Mikami - Jin Ichinose - Rei Kamioka - Tatsuya Yamaguchi - Michi - Umi Ikuhara - Shin Kurihara
The Undead
Creator: Master
Joker: Hajime Aikawa - Junichi Shimura - Kazuma Kenzaki (post-series)
The Royal Club
♠️ Spade: King - Takahara - Yazawa
♦️ Diamond: Kanai - Azumi - Isaka
♥️ Heart: Kamata - Miyuki Yoshinaga - Shinmei
♣️ Club: Noboru Shima - Hikaru Jo - Daichi
Category Ace
Beetle Undead - Stag Beetle Undead - Spider Undead - Mantis Undead - Kerberos
Category 2-10
Spade: Lizard Undead - Lion Undead - Boar Undead - Locust Undead - Deer Undead - Trilobite Undead - Buffalo Undead - Jaguar Undead - Scarab Undead
Diamond: Armadillo Undead - Frog Undead - Pecker Undead - Whale Undead - Firefly Undead -Tortoise Undead -Bat Undead - Zebra Undead - Chameleon Undead
Heart: Human Undead - Hammerhead Undead - Dragonfly Undead - Shell Undead - Hawk Undead - Plant Undead - Moth Undead - Camel Undead - Centipede Undead
Club: Bee Undead - Mole Undead - Rhinoceros Undead - Cobra Undead - Polarbear Undead - Jellyfish Undead - Scorpion Undead - Squid Undead - Tapir Undead
Trial Series: Trial B - Trial D - Trial E - Trial F - Trial G
Other: Darkroachi - Albiroachi - Titan - Mold Undead - Jashin 14