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Icon-wThis article is about a movie-exclusive villain in Kamen Rider W.

Hiroshi Sagami (相模 広志, Sagami Hiroshi) is the main antagonist of Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Accel. He was a corrupt police captain and the psychopathic leader of the One Dopant Army who transformed into the Commander Dopant (コマンダー・ドーパント, Komandā Dōpanto).


At first glance appears to be a friendly and reasonable policeman; but this was just a façade he puts up to conceal his identity as the Commander Dopant. He really has the psychotic belief that criminals are just "trash" with no salvation and the only way to save them is through death, to the extent of becoming a Dopant. He was willing to frame and even kill fellow policemen who get in the way of his beliefs.


Two years prior to the events of W Returns, Sagami was out with his wife on their anniversary giving her a ring until she was shot by a criminal Sagami had arrested. In order to get rid of the "trash" that courts couldn't handle, Sagami purchased the Commander Gaia Memory. When he chased Aoi Katsuragi and her father after the latter had done pickpocketing scheme, Aoi's father attempted to give himself up to Sagami, but Sagami transformed into the Commander Dopant and killed him.

Sagami reappeared after Ryu Terui was called for an investigation about a syndicate of pickpockets. When Ryu found Aoi, Sagami as the Commander Dopant had his Kamen Soldiers attack and placed a bomb on Aoi which would detonate in two hours if she did not bring him the Gaia Memory Enhancement Adapter she stole from him and frames Ryu for attacking Mikio Jinno by shooting him in the stomach. When the device was recovered, Sagami had his partner, Yukihiro Ohno, distract him while he took Aoi and the adapter.

Ryu used a bus to stop the car they were in and cornered them. Sagami explained his reasons and returned Ryu's Accel Memory Aoi stole from him to kill her. Shotaro Hidari and Philip then interfere, transforming into Kamen Rider Double to fight the Masked Soldiers. Ryu transforms into Kamen Rider Accel to fight the Commander Dopant who initially overpowers him until becoming AccelTrial, disarming the detonator. But the Dopant uses the adapter and becomes stronger defeating Accel.

He then abducts Akiko to convince Ryu on becoming an "executioner" by making him remember the loss of his family, who had been chasing Ryu while this was all going on for thinking Ryu was being unfaithful to their marriage. But when Ryu arrives he tells Sagami that he let go of the past and his feelings of vengeance to become a Kamen Rider who protects Futo City, an incensed Sagami becomes the Commander Dopant to blow up the platform Akiko is on, but Aoi steal the adapter and throws it to Ryu, making him become AccelBooster and defeats the Commander Dopant with the Booster Slash Maximum Drive. Sagami is then arrested for his crimes.

Commander Dopant[]

KRW-Commander Dopant

Commander Dopant

―Transformation announcement[src]
  • Height: 230 cm
  • Weight: 200 kg
With the touch of a button on his left arm, the Commander Dopant can create Masked Soldiers (仮面兵士, Kamen Heishi) resembling a SWAT team armed with rods that can give off electricity, and delete people like data. He is also armed with missiles and a timed bomb which can be stopped by deactivating the detonator.

KRW-Commander Dopant Upgrade

Commander Dopant (Empowered)

"Commander Upgrade!"
―Transformation announcement[src]
  • Height: 285 cm
  • Weight: 250 kg
When using the Gaia Memory Enhancing Adapter, the Commander Dopant becomes more powerful with additional armor on his chest and a cogwheel sticking out from the back. In this form, the Masked Soldiers become more powerful and the Dopant can fire more missiles at once.

Behind the Scenes[]


Hiroshi Sagami is portrayed by the late Minoru Tanaka (田中 実, Tanaka Minoru).

Concept Art[]

Commander Dopant Dopant was designed by Katsuya Terada (寺田 克也, Terada Katsuya).


External Links[]


Icon-w Kamen Rider W
Narumi Detective Office
Shotaro Hidari - Philip - Akiko Narumi - Sokichi Narumi - Tokime
Memory Drivers
Doubledriver - Acceldriver - Lostdriver - Gaia Driver - Gaia Driver Rex
Gaia Memory-related
Gaia Memories - Memory Gadgets - Fang Memory - Xtreme Memory - Trial Memory - Gaia Memory Enhancing Adapter
Metalshaft - Triggermagnum - Engineblade - Skullmagnum - Prismbicker - Eternaledge - Shroudmagnum
Revolgarry - Hardboilder - Gunner A - Diablossa - Skullboilder - Skullgarry - Hardmammother
Other Devices
Gaia Progressor - X-Bicker
Gaia Library - Maximum Drive - Gaia Impact - True Gaia Memory
Futo Irregulars
Santachan - Watcherman- Queen - Elizabeth - Isamu Bito - Lily Shirogane - Frank Shirogane - Akira Aoyama
Futo Police Department (Futo PD)
Ryu Terui - Mikio Jinno - Shun Makura
Museum and the Dopants
Foundation X
The Sonozaki Family: Terror - Claydoll - Taboo/R Nasca - Nasca - Smilodon - Masquerade Dopants
Dopants: Magma Dopant - T-Rex Dopant - Money Dopant - Anomalocaris Dopant - Cockroach Dopant - Sweets Dopant - Virus Dopant - Violence Dopant - Arms Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ice Age Dopant - Triceratops Dopant - Liar Dopant - Puppeteer Dopant - Invisible Dopant - Nightmare Dopant - Beast Dopant - Zone Dopant - Yesterday Dopant - Quetzalcoatlus Dopant - Gene Dopant - Jewel Dopant - Old Dopant - Utopia Dopant - Energy Dopant
Movie-Exclusive Villains: Dummy Dopant - Heat Dopant - Trigger Dopant - Metal Dopant - Luna Dopant - Cyclone Dopant - Bat Dopant - Spider Dopant - Kamen Rider Eternal - Commander Dopant - Eyes Dopant - Ocean Dopant
Novel-Exclusive Villains (The One Who Continues After Z): Zoo Dopant - Zero Dopant - Queen Bee Dopant - Flower Dopant - Elephant Dopant - Dolphin Dopant - Salamander Dopant - Fish Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ape Dopant - Bee Dopants
Manga-Exclusive Villains (Futo Tantei): Road Dopant - Toadstool Dopant - Caracal Dopant - Aurora Dopant - Meganeura Dopant -Brachiosaurus Dopant - Scream Dopant - Alcohol Dopant - Puzzle Dopant - Reactor Dopant - Antlion Dopant - Owl Dopant - Trash Dopant - Crab Dopant - Laugh Dopant - Deep Dopant - Scissors Dopant - Diva Dopant - Death Dopant - Joker Dopant - Hungry Dopant - Quest Dopant - City Dopant
Yukiji Bando - Kazuha Gojo - Hideo Chiba - Mamoru Nikaido - Hikaru Futami - Towa
Katsumi Daido - Maria S. Cranberry - Reika Hanehara - Kyosui Izumi - Gozo Domoto - Ken Ashiwara