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Icon-hibikiThis article is about a transformation device in Kamen Rider Hibiki.

The Henshin Onsa (変身音叉 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork") is a transformation device resembling a tuning fork. It is the most commonly used transformation device among the Oni Kamen Riders of the organization Takeshi, usually those whose arsenal revolves around the percussion.


It is said to be the simplest of all transformation devices to make, yet has the capability to unlock the greatest power within all Oni that use it. It has two forms: 'cellphone mode' and 'tuning fork mode'. While in the form of a cellphone mode, its Oni's face can not be shown, and the two prongs should be flipping out to reveal it. Furthermore, the Oni symbol is at the end of the holder, and the device is placed on the right side of the belt.


There are several functions on Henshin Onsa

  • An Oni's transformation device, especially for percussion-type Oni. There is also another type of Oni that uses this device to transform.
  • It can convert Disk Animals to 'animal mode'. Onsa needs to be knocked on Disk Animal which is still in the 'disc mode'. The soundwave turns the Animal Disk into colored, straight into the 'animal mode' after being released.
  • Onsa can also playback the sound or video data collected by the Disk Animals.
  • The design is like a mobile phone, where Oni needs to open it just like that electronic device when using it, it also has a kind of ringtones that will ring when Disk Animals returns from its investigation.
  • It also has a function to call Disk Animals without waiting for their return. Oni needs to 'open it', tapping it, lifting it to the forehead, then pointing to the direction where the Disk Animal is released (example: sky for Akane Taka, water surface for Kihada Gani, etc.). Next, Oni made an interesting signal twice.


To change to Oni form, Oni who uses this device needs to 'opening' Onsa like a cell phone, convert it to a 'tuning fork mode'. Then, this device blade will be tapped (or vented) on any hard surface, and will produce a special sound wave, then lifted precisely toward the user's forehead, forming a small Oni face. Upon completion of the transformation, Henshin Onsa will be restored to the right of the belt.

Meito Onsaken[]

In Sengoku era, Henshin Onsa can transform into a katana-like weapon called the Meito Onsaken (鳴刀・音叉剣オンサケン, lit. "Echo Sword: Tuning Fork Sword"). Each Oni Riders have one of the Onsaken.


List of Henshin Onsa[]

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn") is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Hibiki.

The unnamed Henshin Onsa is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Danki.

The unnamed Henshin Onsa is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Eiki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[1] is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Kabuki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[1][2] is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Touki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[1][2] is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Kirameki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[1][2] is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Nishiki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[1] is the personal transformation device of Kamen Rider Habataki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[3] is the personal trnasformation device of Kamen Rider Gouki.

The Henshin Onsa Onkaku (変身音叉・音角 lit. "Transformation Tuning Fork Sound Horn")[2] is the personal transformation device of Transformed Kyosuke.

In S.I.C. Hero Saga, Transformed Kyosuke uses a Henshin Onsa. It has a bronze color instead.

Another Henshin Onsa was spotted to be used in Kamen Rider Zi-O. It has the original golden color but with a blue stone on the handle replacing the mitsudomoe pattern.

There are several different Henshin Onsa in Midori Takizawa's laboratories. It does not revealed who uses it, nor whether the device is a prototype version or not. The Onsa used by Midori (when turning on Shikigami paper) is very different from existing Onsa, it may have no function to transform the user into Oni form.


Behind the scenes[]

Concept Art[]


The prefix 鳴刀 (Meitō, lit. "Echo Sword") is a pun on the word 名刀 (Meitō, lit. "Famous Sword").


  • Henshin Onsa is the first transformation device for Heisei Rider series that is not in the belt form, where it is used by its main Rider, Hitoshi Hidaka/Kamen Rider Hibiki to turn into Oni.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Kodansha. (2006). Masked Rider Hibiki: Chapter of Steel. p. 51-55. ISBN 978-4061791565.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Kamen Rider Official Data/Perfect File
  3. S.I.C. 関東十一鬼 ~揃う精鋭~ 取扱説明書

External Links[]

See also[]

Rider's Crest-Hibiki (Red) Kamen Rider Hibiki
Primary: Hitoshi Hidaka - Iori Izumi - Tomizo Todayama - Zaomaru Zaitsuhara
Modern Day Oni: Daisuke Danda - Sakae Saeki - Eiki - Shiori Shinagawa - Akira Amami - Kyosuke Kiriya
Ancient Sengoku Era Oni: Hibiki (past) - Ibuki (past) -Todoroki (past) - Kabuki - Touki - Kirameki - Nishiki - Habataki
Stageshow-Exclusive: Jacky Zhang - Mutsuko Murashima - Konko Kageyukouji - Yuki
Ancient Edo Era Oni: Hibiki (Edo Period) - Ibuki (Edo Period) - Saki - Kido - Kiryu - Hattori Masanari
Other Oni: Fubuki - Previous Zanki - Gouki - Shouki - Touki - Banki - Tsutomu Tsumura - Michibiki - Kachidoki - Genki - Yamabuki
Ichiro Tachibana- Asumu Adachi - Kasumi Tachibana - Hinaka Tachibana - Midori Takizawa - Kounosuke Kogure
Allies: Hitomi Mochida - Ikuko Adachi
Transformation Items
Henshin Onsa - Henshin Onibue - Henshin Kigen
Ongeki Weapons
Ongekibou - Ongekiko - Ongekizofukuken Armed Saber - Ongekikan - Ongekimei - Ongekigen - Ongekishin - Meito Onsaken - Ongekikanabou - Ongekicymbal - Ongekitriangle - Ongekiflute
Gaika - Tatsumaki - Shiranui - Raijin
Disk Animals - Equipment Belt - Armor of the Ogre
Leaders: The Real Man and Woman - The Man and Woman - Black Puppet - White Puppet - Super Douji and Hime
Giant Type Makamou: Tsuchigumo - Yamabiko - Bakegani - Ittanmomen - Ooari - Okubi - Otoroshi - Ubume - Yamaarashi - Oonamazu - Amikiri - Kamaitachi - Notsugo
Summer Type Makamou: Dorotabou - Kappa - Bakeneko - Uwan - Tengu - Hitotsumi
Special Makamou: Nanashi - Kasha - Yobuko - Midaredouji - Kodama - Satori - Rokurokubi - Orochi