Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-gotchardThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Gotchard.

Gotcha! Crosshopper! (ガッチャ!クロスホッパー!, Gatcha! Kurosuhoppā!) is the twenty-seventh episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard. It features the debuts of Crosshopper, Kamen Rider Platina Gotchard, Glion's only transformation into Kamen Rider Dread, the debut of Dread's Type Two and Three, as well as the first death of Glion (albeit offscreen and not revealed until a later episode).


Houtaro, Rinne, and Supana transform into Riders in front of Glion, who tries to open the dark door! Glion also transforms into Dread and tries to steal the Gotchardriver.

However, Iron Gotchard soon reaches the limit of his strength and is attacked by Dread, causing him to untransform. Glion gets the Gotchardriver and finally opens the door to darkness...!?


to be added


Guest Cast[]

Suit Actors[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]

Ride Chemy Cards[]


Platina Gotchard artificial light source error

The artifical light source left out.

  • The artificial light source that was used to make the gem glow was left out during post production.
  • When Platina Gotchard insert a UFO-X and X-Rex, but color of the driver switched attributes.


Gotchard EP 27 SS
Gotchard EP 27 CS
  • Closing Screen Ride Chemy Cards: Crosshopper, Tenliner, Repli-Daiohni
  • Count at episode end
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Gotchard's possession: Hopper1/Crosshopper, Steamliner/Tenliner, Odorippa, Kamantis, Skebows, Apparebushido, Antrooper, Wrestler G, Pikahotaru, Smaphone, Saboneedle, Hawkstar, Spicle, Ganvhale, Mechanichani, Golddash, Mitemirror, Stagvine, Bussasorry, Greatonbo, Bountybunny, Panpakaparka, Raidenji, Junglejan, Catchula, Tricera, Zukyumpire, Sabeliger, Gigabaham, Kuroana, Firemars, Inphoenix, Kaiserbee, Karyudos, Tsupparihebi, Kesuzo, Televi, Happyclover, Bambamboo, Venomdake, Utsubocchama, Warptera, UFO-X, X-Rex, X Wizard, Beetlx, Exceedfighter, Lixion, X Fortress, Xeggdrasil, Gaiard, Dragonalos
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Majade's possession: Unicon, The Sun, Neminemoon, Yoacerberus, Yamibat, Renkingrobo, Pilets, Deepmariner, Gorillasensei, Burningnero
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Valvarad's possession: Madwheel/Machwheel, Daiohni, Gutsshovel, Jyamatanoorochi, Gekiocopter, Angelead, Buglesia
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Renge and Sabimaru's possession: Sasukemaru, Energyl, Gengenchoucho, Bulletbaang, Hiikescue, Flayrose, Bakuonzemi, Dokkirimajin, Doctorkozo
    • Replichemy Cards in the Three Dark Sisters' possession: Repli-Steamliner, Repli-Unicon, Repli-Daiohni, Repli-Pikahotaru, Repli-Antrooper, Repli-Greatonbo, Repli-Kamantis, Repli-Odorippa, Repli-Wrestler G, Repli-Bulletbaang, Repli-Apparebushido, Repli-Skebows, Repli-Gekiocopter, Repli-Catchula, Repli-Gorillasensei, Repli-Venomdake, Repli-Flayrose, Repli-Madwheel, Repli-Raidenji
  • Kamen Rider Wind has been added to the opening theme.
  • The title of this episode mirrors the title of the first episode of the series.
  • Fuga's unnamed sword marks its second appearance while used by Minato in this episode.


External links[]
