Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-krThis article is about a multiple Rider teams in the Kamen Rider Series.

"We are Kamen Sentai Gorider!"
―Goriders' roll call.[src]

"Kamen Sentai Gorider!"
―Goriders' second roll call.[src]

Kamen Sentai Gorider (仮面戦隊ゴライダー, Kamen Sentai Goraidā, Masked Squadron Five Riders) is a Sentai TeamIcon-crosswiki consisting of Kamen Riders, a hybrid of the two superhero legacies. They appear in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen and later, Kamen Sentai Gorider. Possessing the powers of every Kamen Rider and Super Sentai in existence,[1] the Kamen Sentai Goriders act as the ultimate key for stopping any existential crisis, no matter how grave.

Team Members[]


Aka-Rider Emu Hojo
Ao-Rider Yakumo KatoIcon-crosswiki
Ki-Rider Masato JinIcon-crosswiki
Momo-Rider Momotaros
Mido-Rider Shuichi Kitaoka

Candidate Teams[]

These are the teams who have fought for the title of Goriders in the Chou Super Hero Taisen tournament.

Chou Super Hero Taisen Participants

The teams.


In Kamen Sentai Gorider, a group of 5 Kamen Riders would later become the next set of Goriders. The following Kamen Riders are:

Aka-Rider Kaito Kumon
Ao-Rider Kazuma Kenzaki
Ki-Rider Kiriya Kujo
Momo-Rider Yoko Minato
Mido-Rider Kaoru Kino

Though not becoming a Gorider, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid fights alongside this group of Riders, effectively making him the Gorider's equivalent of a Sixth RangerIcon-crosswiki/Extra HeroIcon-crosswiki.


In Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Special Event, a group of 5 cadets of Shocker's Hero Training School became Goriders.

Aka-Rider Unnamed cadet
Ao-Rider Unnamed cadet
Ki-Rider Unnamed cadet
Momo-Rider Unnamed cadet
Mido-Rider Unnamed cadet


In Kamen Rider Zi-O: Over Quartzer, team of 5 heroes traveled from Game World to real world via handheld game console to battle Quartzer's minions.

Aka-Rider Game character
Ao-Rider Game character
Ki-Rider Game character
Momo-Rider Game character
Mido-Rider Game character


  • Bolded means they are the winner of that match.
  • First Round: Team Ex-Aid vs. Dairanger, Sentai All Red vs. Rider All Blue, Team Women vs. Team Flying, Team Highspeed vs. Team Detective, Team Card vs. Team Insect, Team Ninja vs. Team Dandy, Team Jiro vs. Team Takaiwa, Team Genm vs. Team Resurrection
    • Second Round: Team Ex-Aid vs. Rider All Blue, Team Flying vs. Team Highspeed, Team Card vs. Dandy, Team Genm vs. ?
      • Third Round: Team Ex-Aid vs. Team Flying, Team Card vs. Team Genm
        • Final: Team Ex-Aid vs. Team Genm


Chou Super Hero Taisen[]

Extra characters unique to the Game World, the Gorider team was the reward of the Chou Super Hero Taisen tournament. Ultimately, among 16 competing teams, the tournament was won by Team Ex-Aid who became the Goriders with the form of Aka-Rider being accessed by Emu Hojo. By performing the Rider Hurricane together, Ex-Aid's Goriders were able to destroy the Andor Genesis mothership by striking the ball to its core. Their objective achieved, Emu's Aka-Rider transformation was retracted as his Game World teammates returned to their card forms and left. [Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen]

Return of Gorider[]

GoRider Cards

The cards

GoRider Cards Front

Front view of cards

The Gorider cards were later apparently kept/reclaimed by Emu, who later handed them to Kamen Riders Baron, Blade, Lazer, Another Agito and Marika, allowing them to become the Goriders in their final showdown against Kamen Rider Genm in the real world, using the Gorider Bazooka to defeat him. [Maze 3: Gorider Forever]

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Special Event[]


Appearing before Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and his allies, third set of Goriders were cadets of Shocker's Hero Training School, existed as squad that were trained to battle with Kamen Riders.

Kamen Rider Zi-O: Over Quartzer[]

OQ GoRider

In the furious battle between multiple Kasshine and ordinary people, fourth set of Goriders appeared from handheld console of scared civilian to defend him from evil. Goriders joined the battle simultaneously alongside with other Legend Kamen Riders, including Kamen Rider Brain, Kamen Rider Zangetsu, Kamen Rider G, manga version of Kamen Rider Kuuga, and the 19 Main Heisei Riders.

Kamen Sentai Gorider[]


Tower power

Gorider Tower.

  • Gorider Tower (ゴライダータワー, Goraidā Tawā): The Goriders first stand in a tower-like formation, with their Typhoons generating an energy projection in front of them. Aka-Rider then leaps forward, rebounds off the energy projection to the back, before catapulting back forth, breaking through the projection and executing a flying kick.



Behind the scenes[]


The Goriders' design is a hybrid based on that of the eponymous teamIcon-crosswiki from the original Super Sentai Series, Himitsu Sentai GorengerIcon-crosswiki, as well as the Double Riders from the original Kamen Rider Series. Both designed by Shotaro Ishinomori.

In history, "Five Riders" (五人ライダー, Gonin Raidā) was a discarded tokusatsu project by Toei in 1974. It was originally a conceptual alternative to Kamen Rider Stronger, with 5 new Riders debuting at the same time in the first episode. However the producers realized this would conflict with the common elements to Kamen Rider at the time, and went with producing Stronger. Instead, Toei and Ishinomori would take the idea of a team of heroes and, drawing upon Ishinomori's Manga series Cyborg 009, created the first Super Sentai series, Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, which then debuted and aired concurrently with Stronger's broadcast.

Similar concepts trace back to Shocker Riders, which first appeared back in Ishinomori's original manga before appearing in the original show. Like the Goriders, the Shocker Riders use colors to denote their identities. The Goriders in Shocker's Hero Training School is even similar to the depictions of Shocker Riders.


Dub names[]

  • In the Korean dub of Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen entitled Kamen Rider × Power Rangers: Chou Super Hero Taisen, which aired in South Korea, Kamen Sentai Gorider is renamed Kamen Rangers Gorider.
    • Aka-Rider is renamed Red Rider
    • Ao-Rider is renamed Blue Rider
    • Ki-Rider is renamed Yellow Rider
    • Momo-Rider is renamed Pink Rider
    • Mido-Rider is renamed Green Rider





Icon-ex-aid Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Kamen Riders
TV Series: Emu Hojo - Hiiro Kagami (Game World) - Taiga Hanaya - Kiriya Kujo - Kuroto Dan - Parado - Asuna Karino/Poppy Pipopapo - Masamune Dan - Ride-Players (Nico Saiba - Haima Kagami)
Movie-exclusive: Genm (Bakusou Treasure) - Kagenari Nagumo - Ninja-Player - Black Parado
Stageshow-exclusive: Gamedeus Muteki
Game Scope - Gamer Driver - Kimewaza Slot Holder - Rider Gashat - Energy Items - Buggle Driver (II) - Bugster Buckle - Gashat Gear Dual (β - Another) - Rider Gauges - Rider Gashat Case - Energy Item Holder
Gashacon Weapons
Gashacon Breaker - Gashacon Sword - Gashacon Magnum - Gashacon Sparrow - Gashacon Bugvisor (II - G) - Gashacon Key Slasher - Gashacon Parabragun
Other Weapons
Front/Rear Armed Units - Flamber Saber - Ride Weapon - Fuma Sozanto - Genin Weapon - Deuslasher - Deus Rampart
Robot Gamer - Beat Gamer - Combat Gamer - Chambara Gamer - Sports Gamer - Hunter Gamer - Bike Gamer - Burger Gamer - Fantasy Gamer - Simulation Gamer - Maximum Gamer - Safari Gamer - Tank Gamer - Legacy Gamer - Pac Gamer - Famista Gamer - Xevious Gamer - Galaxian Gamer
Asuna Karino - Haima Kagami - Kyotaro Hinata - Ginko Yumita - Nico Saiba - Satsuki Ogimachi - Mizuki Nishikikoji - Tsukuru Koboshi
Others: Saki Momose - Sakurako Dan - Eight Kirino - Saiko Yaotome
Locations: Seito University Hospital - CR - Ministry of Health - Hanaya Game Illness Clinic - Genm Corp. - Game World - Machina Vision - Next Genome Institute
Generals: Parado - Graphite - Ren Amagasaki - Gamedeus
Movie-exclusive: Michihiko Zaizen - Pac-Man Virus - Hatena Bugster - Soji Kuruse - Kazushige Ryuzaki - Ageha Takeda - Johnny Makishima - Nebula Bugster
Stageshow-exlusive: Futago Bugster
Regular Bugsters: Bugster Virus - Bugster Union - Salty Bugster - Aranbura Bugster - Revol Bugster - Motors Bugster - Collabos Bugsters (Gekitotsu - DoReMiFa - Giri Giri - Jet - Kamen Rider Genm series) - Burgermon Bugster - Gatton Bugster - Vernier Bugster - Kaiden Bugster - Charlie Bugster
Regular Game: Mighty Action X - Taddle Quest - Bang Bang Shooting - Bakusou Bike - Gekitotsu Robots - DoReMiFa Beat - Giri Giri Chambara - Jet Combat - Shakariki Sports - Drago Knight Hunter Z - Dangerous Zombie - Mighty Brothers XX - Perfect Puzzle - Knock Out Fighter - Perfect Knock Out - Ju Ju Burger - Night of Safari - Bang Bang Tank - Taddle Fantasy - Bang Bang Simulations - Taddle Legacy - Maximum Mighty X - Kamen Rider Chronicle - Toki Meki Crisis - Hyper Muteki - Doctor Mighty XX - Mighty Creator VRX - Hurricane Ninja - God Maximum Mighty X - Knock Out Fighter 2 - Zombie Chronicle - Mighty Novel X - Genm Musou - Maximum Zombie - Hyper Fumetsu - Toki Meki Bridal
Legend Rider Games: Let's Go Ichi Gou! - Adventure Guy Kuuga - Agito of the Sun - Mirror Labyrinth Ryuki - Moshi Moshi Faiz - King of Poker Blade - Taiko Master Hibiki - Insect Wars Kabuto - Time Express Den-O - Doki Doki Makai Castle Kiva - Barcode Warrior Decade - Detective Double - Jungle OOO - Space Galaxy Fourze - Magic the Wizard - Toukenden Gaim - Full Throttle Drive - Kaigan Ghost - Kamen Rider Build - Ganbarizing
Legend Games: Pac Adventure - Famista - Xevious - Taiko no Tatsujin - Galaxian
Other Games: Hatesate Puzzle - Buddhist Priest of Temple - Chou Super Hero Taisen - Chou Shocker Taisen - Bakusou Treasure - WayoseTUNE - Nazo Toki Labyrinth - Cosmic Chronicle - Kamen Rider Carnival