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Icon-ryukiThis article is about a Contract Monster in Kamen Rider Ryuki.

Goldphoenix (ゴルトフェニックス, Gorutofenikkusu) is the Contract Monster of Kamen Rider Odin.


Goldphoenix resembles a robotic phoenix. It has a red and blue Odd Eyes (オッドアイ, Oddo Ai) and always wears golden flames on its Goldbody (ゴルトボディー, Gorutobodī). The left wing has the ability to control a fiery fire and the right wing has the ability to control a wind storm, and it is colored with red and blue Goldsymbols (ゴルトシンボル, Gorutoshinboru). With instantaneous movement ability with the wings of Goldwing (ゴルトウイング, Gorutouingu), and can move with a single flapping, each blade (feathers) has the sharpness that even shreds steel. The 3 Survive cards' design are said to be imitating Goldphoenix.


Only appears in the final episode when Odin activates his Final Vent.


Goldphoenix appear in Kamen Rider Zio Spin-off RIDER TIME Ryuki. It was shown that it screams like a hawk.


The most powerful Contract Monster; it's assumed that like all the other Mirror Monsters, Goldphoenix was created by Yui and Shiro's pictures from their childhood. Because of Odin's tendency to reappear, it is unknown what happens to Goldphoenix when its contractor dies. It's also unknown what happened to it at the conclusion of the Rider Battle, but following the time reversal, it can be assumed that it never existed to begin with.




  • Full length: 1.9m
  • Wing length: 4.3m
  • Weight: 110 kg
  • Flight speed: unknown
  • Eternal Chaos (エターナルカオス, Etānaru Kaosu): Odin's Final Vent; Goldphoenix picks up Odin in its flaming talons and throws him at the enemy. Another variation of the attack involves Goldphoenix charging itself up with golden energy and then ramming the target.


Through the use of certain Advent Cards, parts of Goldphoenix's body can be used by Odin as weapons or other equipment.

  • Goldsabers (ゴルトセイバー, Goruto Seibā): A pair of swords derived from the tips of Goldphoenix's wings. It is summoned by Odin's Sword Vent card.
  • Goldshield (ゴルトシールド, Goruto Shīrudo) A shield derived from Goldphoenix's tail. It is summoned by Odin's Guard Vent card.


  • In "Heisei Kamen Rider Monster Biography" states that it has a contract with Shiro Kanzaki.
  • Its names come from "gold" (金 Kin) and "phoenix" (不死鳥 Fushichō), but "Goruto" (ゴルト) has its German meaning.

See also[]


Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider Ryuki
The 13 Kamen Riders
Main Riders (TV Series): Shinji Kido - Ren Akiyama - Kamen Rider Zolda: (Shuichi Kitaoka - Goro Yura) - Takeshi Asakura - Kamen Rider Odin
Deceased Riders (TV Series): Masashi Sudo - Miyuki Tezuka - Jun Shibaura - Satoru Tojo - Mitsuru Sano
Movie/Special Exclusive: Koichi Sakakibara - Itsuro Takamizawa - Miho Kirishima - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Kamen Rider Abyss
Stageshow Exclusive: Kamen Rider Papillon - Kamen Rider Cerberus - Zebraskull Lady
The Alternatives
Hajime Nakamura - Hideyuki Kagawa
Transformation Devices
Card Decks - V Buckle - Advent Cards
Dragvisor - Darkvisor - Scissorsvisor - Magnuvisor - Evilvisor - Metalvisor - Venovisor - Destvisor - Gazellevisor - Biovisor - Blancvisor - Blackdragvisor - Goldvisor - Slashvisor - Abyssvisor
Sword Vents
Ridesaber - Dragsaber - Winglancer - Venosaber - Wingslasher - Goldsabers - Dragsaber (Ryuga) - Abysssaber - Slashdagger
Strike Vents
Dragclaw - Scissorspinch - Gigahorn - Metalhorn - Destclaws - Dragclaw (Ryuga) - Abyssclaw
Guard Vents
Dragshield - Wingwall - Shelldefense - Gigaarmor Wingshield - Dragshield (Ryuga) - Goldshield
Shoot Vents
Gigacannon - Gigalauncher
Swing Vents
Spin Vents
Hold Vents
Rideshooter - Dragranzer (Bike Mode) - Darkraider (Bike Mode) - Psycoroader
Kanzaki family
Yui Kanzaki - Shiro Kanzaki - Sanako Kanzaki
ORE Journal
Daisuke Okubo - Reiko Momoi - Nanako Shimada - Megumi Asano
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters: Dragreder - Darkwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Evildiver - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Genocider - Destwilder - Gigazelle (Contract Monster) - Goldphoenix - Biogreeza - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Psyco-Rogue
Wild Mirror Monsters: Spiders (Dispider - Mispider - Respider - Solospider) - Zelles (Gigazelle - Megazelle - Magazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Begazelle - Igazelle) - Zebraskulls (Iron - Bronze) - Boarders (Wildboarder - Shieldboarder) - Biters (Zenobiter - Terabiter) - Krakens (Bakraken - Wiskraken) - Gulds (GuldThunder - GuldStorm - GuldMirage) - Abyss (Abysshammer - Abysslasher - Abyssodon) - Buzzstingers (Hornet - Bee - Wasp - Frost - Broom) - Sheerghosts (Sheerghost - Raydragoon - Hydragoon) - Deadlemur - Gelnewt - Sonorabuma - Brobajell - Fake Kamen Rider Agito