Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kuugaThis article is about a Gurongi in Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Go·Badaa·Ba (ゴ・バダー・バ, Go Badā Ba)[1], otherwise known to the police as Unidentified Lifeform #41 (未確認生命体第41号, Mikakunin Seimeitai Dai Yonjūichigō) and B8 (B群8号, Bīgun Hachigō), is a grasshopper-themed Gurongi from the Go Group who assumes the form of a young man wearing a scarf. He is also the older brother of Xu·Vazuu·Ba[2].


He is the first of the Go to appear when he intervenes in Kuuga's fight with Goma before leaving the scene and then formally introducing himself when Bemiu starts to play.

When the Try Chaser 2000 is damaged, Kuuga is left at a disadvantage as Badaa leaves with a promise to save him for last in his game. By the time Badaa reaches 98, he decides to finish off Kuuga.

However, after being barraged with Nerve-Severing Bullets, Badaa is driven into a secluded location where Kuuga meets him on the Beat Chaser 2000, outrunning him before he fatally knocked Badaa off his bike.

Video Game appearances[]

Kamen Rider Agito & Kuuga Wild Battle[]

Go·Badaa·Ba is one of eight Gurongi who is playable in the Fighting, Training, and Survival Modes of Kamen Rider Agito & Kuuga Wild Battle.

Battle Spirits[]

Go·Badaa·Ba in Battle Spirits

Go·Badaa·Ba in Battle Spirits

Go·Badaa·Ba appears with other Kamen Riders and Monters in Battle Spirits.




  • Height: 206 cm
  • Weight: 176 kg
  • Group: Go Group




Behind the Scenes[]


Go·Badaa·Ba human form is portrayed by Nobuyuki Ogawa (小川 信行, Ogawa Nobuyuki), who also portrayed Xu·Vazuu·Ba in the same series.

Concept Art[]

Go·Badaa·Ba concept art

Go·Badaa·Ba concept art

Go·Badaa·Ba was designed by Takuya Abe (阿部 卓也, Abe Takuya).


  • His name is based on the Japanese word for "grasshopper" (蝗虫, Batta).
  • Bada's Gurongi form is a repaint Xu·Vazuu·Ba's Gurongi form.
    • Bada's human form is also portrayed by the same actor as Vazuu's.
    • As a grasshopper Gurongi with a red scarf and motorcycle, he is meant to homage the original Kamen Rider; however as the second grasshopper Gurongi, he is an equivalent of Hayato Ichimonji, the second Kamen Rider.
  • As fitting with his homages to the original Rider, the name of Bada's bike is Gurongi language for Cyclone, the Double Riders' personal bikes.



External Links[]

Icon-kuuga Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Riku - Yusuke Godai - Mika Natsume (Novel Only)
Transformation Gear: Arcle (Prototype)
Rider Machines: Gouram - Trychaser 2000 - Beatchaser 2000
Weapons: Dragon Rod - Pegasus Bowgun - Titan Sword - Mighty Anklet
Terminology: Amadam - Rinto - Rinto hieroglyphics - Gegel
Tokyo Police Department
Kaoru Ichijo - Hikari Enokida - Sadao Matsukura - Morimichi Sugita - Tsuyoshi Sakurai - Nozomi Sasayama
Other Allies and Characters
Sakurako Sawatari - Minori Godai - Shuichi Tsubaki - Tamasaburo Kazari - Nana Asahina - Jean Michel Sorrel - Mika Natsume - Shoji Kanzaki - Junichi Chono
La Group: La·Balva·De - La·Doldo·Gu
Go Group
Gevagel: Go·Gadol·Ba (Leader) - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Go·Babel·Da
Higher Tier: Go·Buuro·Gu - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Go·Gamego·Re - Go·Badaa·Ba - Go·Jalaji·Da - Go·Zazalu·Ba - Go·Jiino·Da
Lower Tier: Go·Raio·Da - Horseshoe Crab Gurongi
Xu Group: Xu·Gmun·Ba - Xu·Goma·Gu - Xu·Mevio·Da - Xu·Vazuu·Ba - Xu·Zain·Da - Xu·Gjil·Gi - Xu·Galga·Da - Xu·Miuji·Gi - Xu·Gazubo·De - Xu·Daago·Gi - Xu·Nezuma·Da - Xu·Nezumo·Da - Xu·Jamol·Re
Me Group: Me·Vagis·Ba - Me·Geega·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Me·Garido·Gi - Me·Gadra·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Me·Galme·Re - Me·Garima·Ba - Me·Gaberi·Gu - Me·Agon·Gi - Me·Aguri·Da - Me·Ivae·Ba - Me·Gaage·Re - Me·Mugado·Ba - Me·Gorigi·Ba - Me·Gaera·Re - Me·Zoebi·Gi - Me·Uzaa·Da - Me·Demudo·Ba - Me·Ginee·Da - Me·Gegura·Gi - Me·Juuma·Da
Nu Group: Nu·Zajio·Re
Be Group: Be·Jimin·Ba
Misc: Gerage - Zalbo - Moth Gurongi - Doom - Wolf Gurongi - Poison Moth Gurongi - Crocodile Gurongi - Moray Eel Gurongi - Pufferfish Gurongi - Sarracenia Gurongi - Swallowtail Gurongi - Water Bug Gurongi