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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-geatsThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Geats.

Genesis I: My DesiGra (創世Ⅰ:俺のデザグラ, Sōsei Wan: Ore no Dezagura) is the thirty-ninth episode of Kamen Rider Geats. It features the debut of Zitt and the return of Daichi Isuzu.


The world has been remade and a new Desire Grand Prix has begun. Ace recalls his memories of previous players like Keiwa and Michinaga, saying that he will never forget them and the desires they fought for.

Keiwa and Michinaga wonder if they should continue fighting for no reward. However a Pawn Jyamato appears in town, while both Beroba and Kekera, who should have left with the Grand End, have actually stayed behind. What kind of extraordinary decision will Keiwa and Michinaga make in this situation?


to be added


Guest Cast[]

  • Police: Hidetaka Nishio (西尾 季隆, Nishio Hidetaka)
  • Realtor: Mild Miura (三浦 マイルド, Miura Mairudo)
  • Politician: Kudanshi Ichikawa IV (四代目 市川 九團次, Yondaime Ichikawa Kudanshi)
  • Announcer: Aya Yamazaki (山崎 彩, Yamazaki Aya)
  • Woman: Minami Odaka (大高 みなみ, Ōdaka Minami)
  • Man: Ouki (旺輝), Hayate Ataka (安宅 波颯, Ataka Hayate)

Suit Actors[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]

Raise Buckles[]

  • Buckle Used:
    • Geats
      • Boost MarkIX
  • Form Used:
    • Geats
      • GeatsIX


  • to be added


DGP Rule 25

DGP Rule 25

  • Closing Screen DGP Rule: "Jyamato cannot be allowed to exist in this world." (この世界にジャマトは存在してはならない。, Kono sekai ni Jamato wa sonzai shite wa naranai.)
DGP Game Result 39

Game Result 39

  • Count at episode end
    • Raise Buckles in Geats' possession: Boost MarkIX
    • Raise Buckles in Buffa's possession: Command Jet[2]
  • Eliminations: N/A
  • Kamen Riders Remaining: 1/1 (Geats)
  • The opening is updated with the following changes:
    • The scoreboard with various players is blanked out.
    • In light of the previous episode's events altering the Desire Grand Prix's status quo going forward, Ace, Keiwa, Michinaga, and Neon are now the only "participants" left. A first for the series, each participant is introduced with the camera facing behind them, with each character slowing turning their face towards the camera.
    • Because Keiwa, Michinaga, and Neon do not appear transformed as Tycoon, Buffa, and Na-Go respectively in the episode, their clips are replaced entirely with GeatsIX instead. Interestingly, the clips chosen for each of their portions are scenes of which the character themselves had been present in.
    • Michinaga has reverted to his default Zombie Form; Ace is now further represented as GeatsIX, with his other default forms continuing to appear in their usual areas. Despite Neon's ID Core having been destroyed two episodes ago with Ace confirming that he has been unable to fix it, she is still represented as Nago with a fixed ID Core.
    • The card reading "Desire come true." is replaced with "The world where all is happy can exist.".
    • The card reading "Desire won't come true." is replaced with "The world where all is happy can't exist.".
    • The DR logo at the end of the opening is removed.


  1. https://www.kamen-rider-official.com/geats/41/
  2. Michinaga still has the Command Jet Buckle in his possession, evidenced from episode 42's events.

External links[]
