Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-bladeThis article is about a weapon in Kamen Rider Blade.

―Activation announcement after Rouze Card was swiped improperly[src]

The Rousing Gun Garren Rouzer (醒銃 ギャレンラウザー, Seijū Gyaren Rauzā) is a gun-type card reader exclusively for Kamen Rider Garren. The hi-tech gun that serves as a weapon for combat and storage unit for Rouse Cards.


It is usually stored in the right waist Rouzer Holster (ラウザーホルスター, Rauzā Horusutā). There is a built-in Open Tray (オープントレイ, Ōpun Torei) that can hold up to 12 Rouse Cards. The tray expands like a fan, pulls out the card, and rouses to the Reader (リーダー, Rīdā) on the upper barrel to achieve the effect of Vesta (ベスタ , Besuta), which enables Garren to rouse the sealed Undead's power to utilize personally. Its initial AP is 5500.

When used as a gun, it converts stored energy into high-powered light bullets, and can switch between single-shot Single Mode (シングルモード, Shinguru Mōdo) and Burst Mode (バーストモード, Bāsuto Mōdo) that enables continuous fire.

After activating Jack Form, the Garren Rouzer gains an enhancement in the form of a bayonet-like blade Diamante Edge (ディアマンテエッジ, Diamante Ejji) on the barrel below the muzzle, as a way for the Rouzer to be used for close-range attacks. This form is called Empowered Type (強化型, Kyōka-gata), and its initial AP becomes 7900.

Heavy Rousing Gun King Rouzer[]


Rousing Gun King Rouzer.

As Garren's out-of-series usage of King Form didn't affect the armor's design like Kazuma's, he is armed with rifle-type heavy weapon Heavy Rousing Gun King Rouzer (重醒銃 キングラウザー, Jūseijū Kingu Rauzā), a larger and stronger version of Garren Rouzer, while the Open Tray function remains. Its initial AP has risen to 9500.



  • Weight: 1.2kg (Normal)

Known Rouse Combos[]

(Jack) Burning Smash

  • Cards Required: Drop Whale (5) + Fire Fly (6)

Garren's signature card combo; The combo enables Garren to do a flaming drop kick, coupling 5's "DROP" effect imbued with the fire-attribute of the 6's "FIRE" effect. In Jack Form, the compound effect is further increased with J-Garren's flight capabilities.

Burning Divide

  • Cards Required: Drop Whale (5) + Fire Fly (6) + Gemini Zebra (9)

This card combo enhances the "Burning Smash" combo with the addition of 9's "GEMINI" effect. With this added effect, Garren splits into two clones and they do a flaming drop kick on the opponent for double damage.

(Jack) Burning Shot

  • Cards Required: Bullet Armadillo (2) + Rapid Pecker (4) + Fire Fly (6)

This card combo allows Garren to shoot out flaming fireballs like a machine gun from his Rouzer. In Jack Form, Garren uses his flight capabilities to his advantage by showering shots from a higher altitude while the power of Jack Form enhances the shots.

Fire-Upper Combo

  • Cards Required: Fire Fly (6) + Upper Frog (3)

Garren's signature card combo; The combo enables Garren's to execute a flaming uppercut, coupling 3's "UPPER" effect imbued with the fire-attribute of the 6's "FIRE" effect.

Bullet-Fire Combo

  • Cards Required: Bullet Armadillo (2) + Fire Fly (6)

The combo enables Garren to use his Garren Rouzer to fire single fireballs at a target, coupling 2's "BULLET" imbued with the fire-attribute of the 6's "FIRE", it is similar to the Burning Shot albeit slower and only shoots single fireballs.


The Garren Rouzer is also among the various Rider Weapons used by Ganbarider in Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing.

External Links[]


Rider's Crest-Blade (Gold) Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Kazuma Kenzaki - Sakuya Tachibana - Hajime Aikawa - Kamen Rider Leangle: (Mutsuki Kamijo - Go Kiryu - Spider Undead)
New Generation Riders (Movie exclusive): Junichi Shimura - Natsumi Miwa - Shin Magaki
Transformation Devices
Blay Buckle - Garren Buckle - Leangle Buckle - Glaive Buckle - Lance Buckle - Larc Buckle
Transformation Gear
Rouse Cards - Rouse Absorber
Normal: Blay Rouzer - Garren Rouzer - Chalice Rouzer - Leangle Rouzer - Glaive Rouzer - Larc Rouzer - Lance Rouzer
Upgraded: King Rouzer
Other Weapons
Chalice Arrow - Wild Slasher
Item Carriers
Card Decks - Rouse Bank
Rider Machines
Blue Spader - Red Rhombus - Green Clover - Shadow Chaser - Black Fang
Event: Battle Fight
Forms: Jack Form - King Form
Hiroshi Tennoji - Kei Karasuma - Shiori Hirose - Yoshito Hirose
Jacaranda Cafe: Kotaro Shirai - Haruka Kurihara - Amane Kurihara
Others: Nozomi Yamanaka - Sayoko Fukasawa - Ryo Mikami - Jin Ichinose - Rei Kamioka - Tatsuya Yamaguchi - Michi - Umi Ikuhara - Shin Kurihara
The Undead
Creator: Master
Joker: Hajime Aikawa - Junichi Shimura - Kazuma Kenzaki (post-series)
The Royal Club
♠️ Spade: King - Takahara - Yazawa
♦️ Diamond: Kanai - Azumi - Isaka
♥️ Heart: Kamata - Miyuki Yoshinaga - Shinmei
♣️ Club: Noboru Shima - Hikaru Jo - Daichi
Category Ace
Beetle Undead - Stag Beetle Undead - Spider Undead - Mantis Undead - Kerberos
Category 2-10
Spade: Lizard Undead - Lion Undead - Boar Undead - Locust Undead - Deer Undead - Trilobite Undead - Buffalo Undead - Jaguar Undead - Scarab Undead
Diamond: Armadillo Undead - Frog Undead - Pecker Undead - Whale Undead - Firefly Undead -Tortoise Undead -Bat Undead - Zebra Undead - Chameleon Undead
Heart: Human Undead - Hammerhead Undead - Dragonfly Undead - Shell Undead - Hawk Undead - Plant Undead - Moth Undead - Camel Undead - Centipede Undead
Club: Bee Undead - Mole Undead - Rhinoceros Undead - Cobra Undead - Polarbear Undead - Jellyfish Undead - Scorpion Undead - Squid Undead - Tapir Undead
Trial Series: Trial B - Trial D - Trial E - Trial F - Trial G
Other: Darkroachi - Albiroachi - Titan - Mold Undead - Jashin 14
Kamen Rider Outsiders Logo Kamen Rider Outsiders
Kamen Riders
Returning Riders: Kuroto Dan - Gai Amatsu - Masamune Dan - Takeshi Asakura - Daiki Kaito - Ren Akamichi - Horobi - Ark - Sakuya Tachibana - Brain - Zein - George Karizaki
Debuting Riders: Smart Queen - Kamen Rider Odin - Chuta Nezu - Kamen Rider Zolda - Kamen Rider Raia - Kamen Rider Gai - Desast - Tenjuro Banno - Yuto Sakurai - There - Kamen Rider Zero-Three - Evolto - Joseph Rando - Ecole - Ziin
Transformation Gears: Gamer Driver - ZAIA Thousandriver - Buggle Driver II - Ark Driver - SB-333B Delta Driver - V Buckle - NeoDiendriver - Fuusouken Hayate - MetsubouJinrai Forceriser - Seiken Swordriver - Banno Driver - Zein Driver - Garren Buckle - Brain Driver - Juuga Driver - Hiden Zero-Two Driver - Evol-Driver - Zeronos Belt
Transformation Items: Progrisekeys - Rider Gashats - Card Decks - Rider Cards - Wonder Ride Books - Rouse Cards - Zein Cards - Vistamps - Fullbottles - Zeronos Cards
Transformation Items/Devices introduced in Outsiders: Thousand Ark Progrisekey - Genm Musou Gashat - Ouja Survive (Survive Mugen) Card Deck - Venovisorzwei - Kokuranken Shikkoku - Gaikotsu Ninjaden Wonder Ride Book - Zein Driver - Kamen Rider Zein Progrisekey - Zein Cards - King Rouzer (Garren) - Maximum Zombie Gashat - Hyper Fumetsu Gashat - Zero-Three Driver - Zero-Three Progrisekey - Evol-X Fullbottle - Laser Raise Driver
Rin - Mari Sonoda - Nico Saiba - Tsumuri - Misora Isurugi - Beroba
Foundation X
Joseph Rando - Ecole
Smart Brain
Arch Orphnoch - Smart Queen
Ren Amagasaki - Shimi - Trilobite Magia
Project Outsiders - Kamen Rider Outsiders
Episodes & Specials
Episodes: ep.0 - ep.1 - ep.2 - ep.3 - ep.4 - ep.5 - ep.6 - ep.7
Specials: Kamen Rider Genms -The Presidents- - Kamen Rider Genms -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-