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Icon-geatsThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Geats.

Encounter I: Treasure Hunting and Thievery (邂逅Ⅰ:宝さがしと盗賊, Kaikō Wan: Takara Sagashi to Tōzoku) is the second episode of Kamen Rider Geats. It features the debut of Kamen Riders Tycoon, Na-Go, Mary, and Da·Paan, as well as the only appearance of Kamen Rider Ginpen.


Ace, who became the winner of the Desire Grand Prix, the "Deza Shin", has gotten his ideal world.

Meanwhile, Keiwa receives a Rider Core ID as well as a Desire Driver and is invited into the Desire Grand Prix. As he cautiously equips his new gear, he is suddenly transported into the hall of the Desire Temple.

There, he finds Neon, Michinaga, and Ace. As various young men and women gather, they are about to participate in a new game that's just about to begin...


Upon regaining his memories, Keiwa recaps the events of the previous world to his sister Sara (and by proxy to the audience), who doesn't believe him as she has no memory of those events. She reassures him that the world is at peace and he almost believes her until Ace appears on television, now a world famous celebrity known as "the Star of the Star of the Stars". Sara gushes with excitement at the handsome Ace Ukiyo and plants her brother's face into the table, who was blocking his way.

Ace leaves his limousine and is swarmed by adoring fangirls and paparazzi as he enters a building to meet with Tsumuri, who has selected him to be Kamen Rider Geats again. Later, she questions his wish to be a world renowned celebrity, guessing correctly that he wants to test the limits and rules of the DGP's ability to grant desires. She inquires to what end but Ace avoids her questioning.

Keiwa activates his Desire Driver after examining it and ends up transported to an arena where more people are surrounding him, including Ace. Tsumuri introduces herself and welcomes the group to the Desire Grand Prix.

She explains that the world is under attack by a race of monsters called the Jyamato and in order to protect humanity, the Desire Grand Prix was established. While the crowd is confused, Tsumuri explains the reason no one has ever heard of it is because the world's reality is reset every game and people's memories are erased, which avoids any mass panic that might occur if the entire world found out. Only contestants who regain their Core IDs can have their memories restored. Keiwa realizes that is the reason Sara cannot remember what happened.

Tsumuri says all of the people selected will become Kamen Riders and participate in the DGP to become the God of Desire, with her sending out Desire Cards for them to write their deepest desires that will be fulfilled if one of them makes it to the end as the victor. After each player writes their wish, Tsumuri sends them to a Jyamar Area to begin their game: a treasure hunt with the chance to obtain stolen loot from the Jyamato. Neon attempts to ask someone to team up, though he refuses. Fortunately for her, a kind stranger offers to help. At another part of the forest, Ace obtains a Water Buckle from a fallen Jyamato. It proves useless when he tries to spray the enemy with a weak stream of water, so Ace uses the weapon as an improvised club.

While watching Ace, Michinaga obtains the Zombie Buckle offscreen. Keiwa runs away in the forest until someone helps him knock out the Jyamato with a tree branch and stick. Said person is Takahito Taira, the man who interviewed him for the job he applied previously. Keiwa and Taira take their respective acquired Raise Buckles, the Boost and Arrow Buckles, and they sit and talk for a bit by a stream. Takahito asks Keiwa what his wish is, with Keiwa responding that it is world peace, as long as others are happy then he is happy. Takahito has a more personal wish, his son Naoto is terminally ill and he doesn't have the time or resources to save him. He wishes to live in a world where his son is healthy, strong and happy.

The concierge, Girori, appears to congratulate the two and inform them that the first round has ended, escorting them to the DGP lounge to rest up until the Jyamato reappear. Keiwa reunites with Neon, with Michinaga irritated by their presence and snidely remarking that the "scrubs" won't last long compared to him. Ace appears and rebuffs that anything can happen in the DGP. Upon recognizing him, Keiwa thanks Ace for saving him and Neon, but the champion player modestly says it wasn't a big deal and he had to win the game anyway.

This hits a nerve with Michinaga who attempts to pick a fight with Ace and gloat about the comparison of treasures that they found, only for Griori to remind them that fighting in the lounge is strictly prohibited with disqualification being the penalty and so Michinaga backs off. Griori receives a telephone call from the DGP that an emergency is forcing the group to deploy early. Tsumuri reveals that the boss of the area has appeared and this means that the treasure hunt is over, on the scoreboard she reveals that everyone except the seven players standing before her failed to get a treasure and were eliminated from the game.

The next phase of the game is to eliminate all the Jyamato in the area and survive, shocking some of the new players as they didn't realize they could die in the game. While Keiwa tries to reassure everyone that they could be revived if the world resets given what happened with the soba restaurant owner, Ace gives them the hard truth that Riders die permanently in the games.

The next game commences and the group transforms, facing off against the area boss and his minions, though Keiwa is reluctant to fight and hides given the stakes. Takahito tries to fight the boss alone and drops his family photo, which Keiwa picks up. Takahito gets beaten down and blown away by the boss and is fatally injured. Keiwa manages to speak with him one last time. Takahito is upset he failed and that he will leave his family behind, even more so that he could not save his son. Takahito fades away as his Core ID shatters and he takes his last breath, eliminated from the game.

Ace arrives and tells Keiwa that the only choice he has if he wants to change the world is to fight for it. Keiwa asks what he desires, with Ace responding that he wants to help all the unfortunate children in the world.

The boss finds them and Ace transforms again and effectively uses Armed Water by channeling the water from the river near him to maximize its power. Keiwa merely observes and is still hesitant to fight, so Ace pleads for him to give him the Boost Buckle to fulfill his dream of helping the children. Keiwa does so and after defeating the boss and clearing the game, Ace thanks him for being so gullible and believing his sad story. He even points out that his animal, the fox, is notorious in stories for lying and tricking people. Keiwa tries to reclaim the Boost Buckle, but it flies away, with Ace explaining that Boost is a one use item.

Tsumuri congratulates the surviving Riders and informs them their job is done for now, but Keiwa asks if the eliminated players can be revived through a wish. Tsumuri says it might be possible, though Ace tells him that regardless of how badly Keiwa wants to dream of a better world, he will always win the game.

At the hospital, Takahito's son Naoto is receiving a fully paid for lifesaving operation from an anonymous donor called the "Nameless Fox", with Ace exiting the hospital, having used his wealth as a celebrity to help the boy.

A mysterious man is watching Ace on the monitors, wondering what exactly is his end goal...


Guest Cast[]

Suit Actors[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]

Raise Buckles[]

  • Buckle Used:
    • Geats
      • Water, Boost
    • Na-Go
      • Hammer
    • Buffa
      • Zombie
    • Ginpen
      • Arrow
    • Mary
      • Shield
    • Da·Paan
      • Magnum
  • Form Used:
    • Geats
      • Armed Water (Upper half), Entry Form, Armed Water Boost, Boost Armed Water (Via Revolve On), Armed Water (Lower half)
    • Tycoon
    • Na-Go
    • Buffa
    • Ginpen
    • Mary
    • Da·Paan


Geats EP2 Error
  • Kamen Rider Dauphin's user has her name written as "Ineki Turumatu" in English, but the kanji actually reads "Meisa Momokino". Ineki Turumatu is actually the user of Kamen Rider Garzel.
  • Taira's family photo somehow falls out despite being transformed.
  • Keiwa's Core ID appears blue when the group are transported to the forest. A blue prop is used to not interfere with chroma keying.


DGP Rule 02

DGP Rule 02

  • Closing Screen DGP Rule: "The final victor will be granted their ideal world. However, as with all things, there are exceptions." (最後まで勝ち残った者は、理想の世界を叶えられる。 ただし 何事にも例外はある。, Saigo made kachinokotta mono wa, risō no sekai o kanae rareru. Tadashi nanigoto ni mo reigai wa aru.)
DGP Game Result 2

DGP Game Result 02

  • Count at episode end
    • Raise Buckles in Geats' possession: Water, Shield
    • Raise Buckles in Tycoon's possession: Arrow
    • Raise Buckles in Na-Go's possession: Hammer
    • Raise Buckles in Buffa's possession: Zombie
    • Raise Buckles in Mary's possession: Shield
    • Raise Buckles in Da·Paan's possession: Magnum
  • Eliminations: Afint (offscreen), Razebu (offscreen), Barl (offscreen), Baboon (offscreen), Horan (offscreen), Bistay (offscreen), Fezan (offscreen), Go-Jun (offscreen), Crorokle (offscreen), Hakatyo (offscreen), Yamannma (offscreen), Lizza (offscreen), Parka (offscreen), Otaitai (offscreen), Garzel (offscreen), Dauphin (offscreen), Nagar (offscreen), Warika (offscreen), Shibakimaru (offscreen), Ginpen (killed by the Toryo Jyamato)
  • Riders Remaining: 6/30 (Geats, Tycoon, Na-Go, Buffa, Mary, Da·Paan)
  • This episode features the debuts of Geats Armed Water, Na-Go Armed Hammer, Mary Armed Shield, and Da·Paan Magnum Form, as well as the only appearances of Geats Armed Water Boost and Boost Armed Water, and Ginpen Armed Arrow.
  • Tsumuri performs Takeshi Hongo's transformation pose (along with its accompanying sound effect) during her explanation to the participants.
  • During his revelation that he deceived Keiwa to get the Boost Buckle, Ace sarcastically asks if he had read any books about foxes and their reputation for being lying tricksters. This refers to both Japanese folklore stories of the kitsune and classic fairy tales, where foxes are depicted as conniving or even as antagonists.


External links[]
