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Icon-krThis article is about a toy line in the Kamen Rider Series.

Complete Selection Modification (コンプリート セレクション モディフィケーション, Konpurīto Serekushon Modifikēshon), abbreviated as CSM, is a series of premium-level toys released by Bandai.

A spin-off series called Complete Style Gigantic is used for scaled-sized weapons.


Products under the CSM label are aesthetically much more detailed than their DX counterparts and are typically engineered to cater to the franchise's older audience. As such, they usually come at a much higher price range and typically are sold under the Premium Bandai banner.

Complete Selection products are larger scale than the deluxe version of the belts while the CSM versions are modified versions of the deluxe belts with additional features being true to its name.

It has also become tradition for an actor from the show/film in which the toy originates from to appear in a commercial promoting said toy.

  • For the CSM Doubledriver and Acceldriver, it features an interview with Renn Kiriyama and Minehiro Kinomoto, who both played Shotaro Hidari and Ryu Terui respectively, about the modification of their respective belts.
  • During the CSM Diendriver promotion video, actor Tatsuhito Okuda, who plays Narutaki, would occasionally say the word "Onore" (おのれ), a nod to his character's catchphrase.
  • For the CSM Kaixa Gear, it features an interview with Kohei Murakami, who played Masato Kusaka, about the modification of his belt.
  • For the CSM Blay Buckle, Rouse Absorber, & Blay Rouzer, it features an interview with Takayuki Tsubaki, who played Kazuma Kenzaki, about the modification of his belt.
  • For the CSM Altering, it features an interview with Toshiki Kashu, who played Shoichi Tsugami, about the modification of his belt.
  • For the CSM Typhoon 50th Memorial Special Set, Hiroshi Fujioka, who played Takeshi Hongo, appears in the promotional video.
  • For the CSM Genesis Driver, it features an interview with Yuki Kubota, who played Takatora Kureshima, about the modification of his belt.
  • For the CSM Faiz Driver NEXT, it features an interview with Kento Handa, who played Takumi Inui, about the modification of his belt.

Until 2021, all CSM releases have essentially been "upgrades" to their DX versions. However with the release of the film Kamen Rider OOO 10th: Core Medal of Resurrection and the series Kamen Rider Black Sun, toys such as the Tajanityspinner and Century King Sun Driver were released as a CSM from the start.

Known Releases[]

Key Complete Selection Modification Complete Selection

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Unknown CSMFaizGear Faiz Gear Kamen Rider 555 *It has a larger look and has die-cast metal parts. However, the gears' equipment (Faiz Pointer and Faiz Shot) does not feature any sounds.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Unknown CS V Buckle V Buckle Kamen Rider Ryuki *Much like the Legends Series version, it is more show accurate in terms of color and the Advent Decks are more 3D looking.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Unknown CSMTyphoon Typhoon Kamen Rider *It has a working switch box at the side of the belt making the effect of controlling 1’s New Cyclone.
CSMOrgaBelt Orga Driver Kamen Rider 555: Paradise Lost *It has die-cast metal parts.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Unknown CSMArcle Arcle Kamen Rider Kuuga *The set contains the Arcle and its Rising Clip
*It now fits older consumers, unlike the original DX version which fits younger ones.
*The LED lights would stay on for a while and have a motion sensor.
*Unlike the DX version, the belt has 8 LED lights in the buckle.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Unknown CSMDen-OBelt Den-O Belt Kamen Rider Den-O *It has voices of the Taros as an option including the volume switch.
*The K-Taros Phone doesn't fit due to the centerpiece being die-cast metal and the size of the buckle being too large for it to clip on.
*The belt includes the Plat Form transformation sound (and lights) as well as the "Full Charge" sound effects.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
July No Image Available Hibiki Henshin Onsa Onkaku Kamen Rider Hibiki *to be added

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Unknown No Image Available Dopantmemory Set Kamen Rider W *to be added

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
March CSM Doubledriver Doubledriver Kamen Rider W *The set includes the six main Memories used by Double.
November CSMAccelDriver Acceldriver *The set includes the Accel and Engine Memories.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
March CSMFangMemory Fang Memory Kamen Rider W *to be added
CSMLostDriver Lostdriver *The set includes the T2 Joker Memory if both the Fang Memory and Lostdriver set are preordered.
*The set includes the Eternal and Skull Memories
September CSMKabutoZecter Kabuto Zecter Kamen Rider Kabuto *The Rider Belt has a working Clock Up pad as well as the "Rider Kick" sound effect.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
February CSMDecadriver Decadriver Rider Card Set Kamen Rider Decade *The set contains 30 + 77 (set) Rider Cards that now have English text and no longer have the Ganbaride branding on the cards. Additionally, all of the cards are laminated.
*It has new sounds and new Rider Cards for Kamen Riders Double to Drive. Additionally, it has a button that plays two BGM from the series.
*The set includes Diend's KamenRide Card and two KaijinRide Cards if both the Decadriver and the Diendriver are preordered.
December CSMDiendriverComplete Diendriver & Diend Belt *The release date was delayed from October 2015.
*The set contains 39 Rider Cards and includes an additional Diend Power-up Rider Card if one orders the Rider Card Binder.
*The driver has its own barcode reader and its own set of sounds.
*The logo on the CSM Diend Belt has a sparkly finish.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
February CSMGatackZecter Gatack Zecter Kamen Rider Kabuto *It has similar functions as the CSM Kabuto Zecter.
CSMHyperZecter Hyper Zecter *It has Gatack Zecter's voice in it and the horn is slightly larger than its deluxe counterpart.
CSMDarkKabutoZecter Dark Kabuto Zecter *It was exclusively pre-ordered from the Kamen Rider 45th Exhibition Shop.
*It has additional transformation sounds.
September CSM Faiz Gear Faiz Gear Kamen Rider 555 *It has wireless function i.e. the Faiz Driver can interact remotely with the Faiz Pointer and Faiz Shot.
*The Faiz Pointer also has a more show-accurate leg attachment and a LED projection of the Faiz symbol.
*The Faiz Driver and Faiz Phone also has more LED lights installed.
*The Faiz Phone now has more sounds, including several phrases from Takumi.
*The molding on the belt was done by Rainbow Zoukei.
*While similar to the CS release, they do not work with each other.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
March CSM Faiz Axel Faiz Axel Kamen Rider 555 *to be added
May CSMNewDen-OBelt New Den-O Belt Saraba Kamen Rider Den-O: Final Countdown *It has similar functions like the CS Den-O Belt such as the Imagin Mode (First toy release).
July CSMHopperZecter Hopper Zecter Kamen Rider Kabuto *The zecter contains voice lines from So Yaguruma and Shun Kageyama.
September CSMDen-O Belt Den-O Belt Kamen Rider Den-O * The Den-O Belt also plays music, specifically Climax Jump and Double-Action, to emulate executing finishers like in the TV show.
CSMK-Taro K-Taros *It has sounds for G Den-O, Nega form, Liner, Climax and Super Climax form as well as additional accessories to modify the belt to resemble the G Den-O belt and a set of Ride Tickets.
*The one minor setback is that it does not have any sounds or accessories to activate Wing form, but Sieg's voice is oddly recorded on the K-Taros phone.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
March CSM Kaixa Gear Set Kaixa Gear Kamen Rider 555 *It has similar features to the Faiz Gear.
*The blade on the Kaixa Blaygun can be detached from the said weapon.
*The Kaixa Phone has several phrases from Keitaro, Mari, and Kusaka himself.
June CSMOOODriver
OOO Driver Complete Set Kamen Rider OOO *A standalone CSM OOO Driver with only nine Core Medals from Ankh, Kazari and Uva can also be pre-ordered.
*The set includes show-accurate designs of all the Core Medals used in the series, obscuring the electronics chip which could be easily seen in the DX releases.
*The O Scanner now includes sounds from more of OOO's combos, including Tajadol Combo using the cracked Taka Medal, the Renai (Love) Combo, Tamashiy Combo, Super Tatoba Combo, as well as the Tatoba Combo of the original OOO.
*The set includes the Poseidon Driver along with Poseidon's Core Medals and the additional future Core Medals that appeared briefly in Movie War Mega Max (First toy release).
*The set also features concept art by PLEX of the "lost" OOO Combos that the Core Medals from that scene represent.
*The O Scanner has a button at the side that triggers dialogue between Eiji and Ankh, along with another button at the back which plays background music used in the series.
*The O Scanner has re-recorded sounds for the lost Combo's Medals as the DX version of the OOO Scanner can actually scan the medals.
August CSM Medalholder O Medal Holder *to be added
December Csm-Ryuki-ItemsCollected V Buckle & Dragvisor Kamen Rider Ryuki *The set includes several phrases from Shinji, Ren, Kitaoka, Tezuka, Asakura, Tojo, Miho, Dark Shinji, and Odin.
*All of the Advent Cards now have NFC Chips, replacing the DX version's original method of reading the cards via punched hole combinations.
*The V Buckle now has pins to read each Advent Deck.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
January CSMKuugaArcle Henshin Belt Arcle Kamen Rider Kuuga *It now comes with two variations of the golden Arcle Armor, one for the Rising forms and one for Ultimate Form, along with additional pieces that can be affixed onto the Arcle to display the belt in Ultimate Form.
*In addition to more sound effects, the Arcle now also has a button to play background music.
*It also comes with a toy model of the mobile phone carried by Kaoru Ichijo, which has the same model from DX Beat Gouram and contains voice lines from Ichijo recorded by actor Shingo Katsurayama.
*Aside from now containing accurate sound effects from the original Kuuga TV series, the CSM Arcle can also switch to "D-Mode", containing sound effects from the original DX release as well as those of the A.R. World Kuuga.
August Blade CSM Blay Buckle, Rouse Absorber, & Blay Rouzer Kamen Rider Blade *Along with a larger size, the gloss finish of buckle's symbol is modified.
*A wireless projector connected to the buckle is included which projects the blue screen through which Blade passes for transformation.
*Quotes of Kazuma Kenzaki are programmed in Blay Buckle.
*The Blay Rouzer has the barcode reader that can be used with Rouse Cards from 2004.
September CSMDELTA20190415 Delta Gear Kamen Rider 555 *The Belt Strap is more accurate to the prop used in the show, and the Gear is scaled up to resemble the Delta Gear prop which is present on the suit.
*Wireless technology is also included in the Delta Driver's Buckle and Delta Mover, instead of all of the effects being programmed into the Phone.
*The Delta Phone features a functional voice recording system, and has the option of using the pre-recorded voices of either Syuji Mihara or Kitazaki in place of the consumer's own voice.
*The two face buttons on the Delta Phone can be used to play Soundtracks from the series, detransform by pressing the buttons together after removing the Phone from the Delta Mover, or play quotes of the two main users of the Delta Gear.
*The Delta Phone also features a Ringtone which was absent in the show.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
January CSMAmazonsDriver Amazons Driver Kamen Rider Amazons *The 'Amazon' roll call and screaming of Amazon Riders is played between the triggering of transformation and playing of transformation music.
*Through various modes, different variants of the call can be used and even omitted for quick transformation.
*The Sigma Condorer Core is included with the pack.
*A special 'bloodsplit' version of Omega Condorer Core is included.
*Songs and background music from the show are included.
*The standby sound stops playing after the Condorer Core is inserted; it has to be played using the audio buttons separately.
February CSMDoubleDriverVer1.5 Doubledriver Ver. 1.5 Kamen Rider W *Strap has now been altered to be removable from the driver, allowing for an easier way to wear, as well as more show-accurate paint applications to both the Driver and Gaia Memories.
March Kiva CSM Kivat Belt Kamen Rider Kiva *Kivat-Bat's wing flapping sounds are now motion-sensitive.
*Tracks and dialogue from the show are also included, along with SFX from the Zanvat Sword.
*Includes a configuration that allows all three Fuestles that evoke DoGaBaKi to be blown, with Kivat saying the line from the form's first use.
April CSMTatsulot Tatsulot *Dialogue from the series has been added, along with transformation SFX for DoGaBaKi Emperor Form.
*Interactivity with the CSM Kiva-Bat is also included.
June CSMGarrenBuckle Garren Buckle & Garren Rouzer Set Kamen Rider Blade *Along with a larger size, the gloss finish of buckle's symbol is modified.
*A wireless projector connected to the buckle is included which projects the blue screen through which Garren passes for transformation.
*Quotes of Sakuya Tachibana are programmed in Garren Buckle.
*The Garren Rouzer also comes with barcode reader.
September CSM Ixa Belt and Ixariser Ixa Belt and Ixariser Set Kamen Rider Kiva *A “1986” mode has been added, matching the deeper voice used in the 1986 segments of the series.
*Dialogue from Keisuke Nago and Otoya Kurenai are included, based on what mode has been set.
*Music from the show is also included.
*The Ixariser now has individual buttons for increased functionality.
December CSMAmazonsDriverAlfa Amazons Driver Ver. Alfa Kamen Rider Amazons *The belt has been weathered to better resemble the onscreen prop as used by Jin Takayama.
*A special 'bloodsplit' version of Alpha Condorer Core is included.
*The Militant Amazons Register is included (First toy release).

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
February CSM Core Medal EXTRA Set Core Medal EXTRA Set Kamen Rider OOO *to be added
CSM Cell Medal Set Cell Medal Set *The set is again on pre-orders from July 8, 2022 and released in January 2023.
March CSMSengoku DriverGaimSet Sengoku Driver/Project Ark Sengoku Driver Kamen Rider Gaim *The announcement for Kiwami Arms is now show accurate with the Arms phrase made by just the Kiwami Lockseed instead of shared with the Kachidoki Lockseed.
*Summoning Arms weapons now cycle through each one when turned multiple times, and includes previously unnamed weapons used in the movies.
*The Jimber Marron Arms announcement is now like from Gaim Gaiden, with a modified Genesis Core that causes the Sengoku Driver to use Knuckle's sound configuration.
*Shin Kachidoki Lockseed lights up in sync with the Kiwami Lockseed if used to simulate a Kiwami Arms transformation.
*Yomotsuheguri Lockseed has show-accurate coloring and sounds.
CSMCharmantSet Lockseed Charmant Set *to be added
June CSM Genesis Core Genesis Core *to be added
July CSMTeamBaronSet Lockseed Team Baron Set *to be added
September CSMAltering Altering Kamen Rider Agito *Contains motion sensors to initiate standby sounds.
*Buttons added to change transformation sounds to ones from certain episodes or to initiate direct transformation to other forms.
*Light no longer contains rotating motor.
*Dragon's Nail has a hook to help secure it onto the unit, while moving the button that changes the sounds for the Super and Final forms from the front to a notch that secures the hook in the back.
October CSMKureshimaSet Lockseed Kureshima Set Kamen Rider Gaim *to be added
November CSM Zeronos Belt Zeronos Belt Kamen Rider Den-O *Transformation sounds are now show-accurate with announcements blending in with the transformation sounds.
*Card insertions trigger the sounds more quickly for those used to the motions in roleplay.
*Buttons have been added on the bottom of the central unit to trigger sounds tied to specific transformations, as well as events tied to them.
December CSM Den-O Movie Edition Den-O Belt Movie Edition (Wing, Gaoh & Yuuki Ver.) A button is placed next to the symbol to add soundbytes for Riders, and specify transformation for Kamen Rider Yuuki's forms.
*Buckles change the sounds and quotes of the respective Riders.
*Standby sound is triggered by the belt's connector plugging into the unit.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
Janurary CSM Typhoon 50th Memorial Special Set Typhoon 50th Memorial Special Set Kamen Rider *to be added
February CSMGaimSet Lockseed Gaim Set Kamen Rider Gaim *to be added
March CSMDecadriver Ver.2 & K-Touch Decadriver (Ver. 2) & K-Touch Kamen Rider Decade *Pre-orders began in November 9, 2021.
*The second version of the CSM Decadriver was designed using the upscaled suit prop's design as reference, despite still being scaled the same as the DX and original CSM.
*It features two buttons that play recorded dialogue by Masahiro Inoue and BGM/Songs from the series.
*The driver has dual-audio allowing card announcements and sound effects to overlap.
*It includes proper/updated transformation sounds for KamenRide and (Final) FormRide cards (including non-Primary Riders).
*(Final) AttackRide cards play unique attacks sounds (including the theme played during Final AttackRide Hibiki).
*The driver includes the K-Touch mode, allowing it to play Final AttackRide sounds for K-Touch summoned Riders and Dimension Shoot when using Diend's card, while the Decadriver is attached to the holder. In addition, the Decadriver can be pressed once rather than be held to trigger the attack sound.
CSM Rider Card Set -Decade- Rider Card Set -Decade- *to be added
May CSM Ride Booker Ride Booker *to be added
CSM Rider Card Set Extra Rider Card Set Extra *to be added
July CSMYggdrasilSet Lockseed Yggdrasil Set Kamen Rider Gaim *to be added
August CSM Tanjanityspinner & Goda Medals Set Tanjanityspinner & Goda Medals Set Kamen Rider OOO 10th: Core Medal of Resurrection *The set was released in collaboration with Kamen Rider OOO 10th: Core Medal of Resurrection.
September CSM OOO Driver Complete Set Ver. 10th CSM OOO Driver Complete Set Ver. 10th *Preorders began in February 24, 2022.
CSM O Scanner Ver. 10th O Scanner Ver. 10th *to be added
October CSM Core Medal Lost Blaze Set Core Medal Lost Blaze Set Kamen Rider OOO *to be added
November CSMHelheimSet Lockseed Helheim Set Kamen Rider Gaim *to be added
December CSMBirthDriver&X-unit Birth Driver & X Unit Kamen Rider OOO 10th: Core Medal of Resurrection *A button was added to indicate the user, episode-specific transformation sounds, and includes a mode where multiple cell medal insertions would produce the sounds tied to the summoning of CLAWs Sasori.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
January CSM Doubledriver (Ver. 1.5 Fuuto PI Edition) Doubledriver (Ver. 1.5 Fuuto PI Edition) Fuuto PI *Outside of the Gaia Memories included, the belt itself is identical to the original CSM Doubledriver Ver. 1.5 release.
*The Gaia Memories all now have 2 modes, with Cyclone and Joker having a bonus mode, triggered by holding down the activation button. Normal Mode which works like the original Ver. 1.5 Gaia Memories, Dialogue Mode with new voice lines provided by Shotaro and Phillip's anime voice actors (Yoshimasa Hosoya and Koki Uchiyama respectively). And exclusive to Cyclone and Joker is Lostdriver Mode, with functionality for the CSM Lostdriver Ver. 1.5 that would release a few months later.
CSM Gaia Memory Ver. 1.5 (Fuuto PI Edition) Gaia Memory Ver. 1.5 (Fuuto PI Edition) *Released as an option for those who already purchased the CSM Doubledriver Ver. 1.5.
*The Gaia Memories all now have 2 modes, with Cyclone and Joker having a bonus mode, triggered by holding down the activation button. Normal Mode which works like the original Ver. 1.5 Gaia Memories, Dialogue Mode with new voice lines provided by Shotaro and Phillip's anime voice actors (Yoshimasa Hosoya and Koki Uchiyama respectively). And exclusive to Cyclone and Joker is Lostdriver Mode, with functionality for the CSM Lostdriver Ver. 1.5 that would release a few months later.
CSM OOO Driver Buckle for Display OOO Driver Buckle for Display Kamen Rider OOO *Pre-orders opened on July 8, 2022.
February CSM Acceldriver (Ver. 1.5 Fuuto PI Edition) Acceldriver (Ver. 1.5 Fuuto PI Edition) Fuuto PI *to be added
March CSMCenturyKingSunDriver Century King Sun Driver Kamen Rider Black Sun *to be added
CSMLostDriverVer1.5 Lostdriver (Ver. 1.5) Kamen Rider W *to be added
CSMEternalEdge Eternaledge *to be added
May CSM Dopantmemory Fuuto PI Dopantmemory Fuuto PI Set Fuuto PI *to be added
CSM Kabuto Zecter (Ver. 1.5) Kabuto Zecter (Ver. 1.5) Kamen Rider Kabuto *to be added
September No Image Available Cyclone Memory & Joker Memory ver. 1.5 Fuuto PI The Stage Edition Fuuto PI: The STAGE *Included as a bonus with the Fuuto PI: The STAGE Blu-Ray. The special edition version also included an optional sticker set for the Cyclone and Joker Memories featuring the stage-show versions of Phillip and Shotaro.
*Similarly to the Fuuto PI Edition Gaia Memories, holding down the activation button changes them into one of three modes. Normal Mode which works identical to the original CSM Ver. 1.5 Memories. Dialogue Mode with new voice lines of Shotaro and Phillip, this time provided by their stage-show performers (Masanari Wada and Tsubasa Kizu respectively). And Lostdriver Mode which makes them compatible with the CSM Lostdriver Ver. 1.5. Both Memories also include the show's title announcement from Fumihiko Tachiki.
November CSMKingMoonDriver Century King Moon Driver Kamen Rider Black Sun *to be added
December CSM Faiz Gear & Faiz Axel Ver 2 Faiz Gear & Faiz Axel (Ver. 2) Kamen Rider 555 *The release date was delayed from October 2023.
CSM Joker Dopant Memory Joker Dopant Memory Fuuto PI *The Memory contains Tokime's voice lines.

Month Image Product Series/Movie Notes
January CSM Double Typhoon set Double Typhoon (50th anniversary edition) Kamen Rider V3 *to be added
CSM Faiz Gear Box Faiz Gear Box Kamen Rider 555 *to be added
March CSM Faiz Edge Faiz Edge *to be added
CSM Psyga Driver Psyga Driver Kamen Rider 555: Paradise Lost *The release date was delayed from December 2023.
Dark Kiva CSM Dark Kivat Belt Kamen Rider Kiva *to be added
CSM Core Medal Ankh Set Core Medal Ankh Set Kamen Rider OOO *to be added
CSM Core Medal Uva Set Core Medal Uva Set *to be added
April CSMGenesis DriverSet Genesis Driver Kamen Rider Gaim *The belt has been fitted with a quieter motor that makes the transformation sounds easier to hear.
*Ryoma’s kill switch is also included, which will disable the Genesis Driver sounds until switched off.
CSM Energy Lockseed Set Energy Lockseed Set *to be added
May CSM Genesis Driver (Buckle Edition) Genesis Driver (Buckle Edition) *to be added
July CSM Core Medal Kazari Set Core Medal Kazari Set Kamen Rider OOO *to be added
CSM Core Medal Mezool Set Core Medal Mezool Set *to be added
CSM Core Medal Gamel Set Core Medal Gamel Set *to be added
August CSM Henshin Belt Typhoon Henshin Belt Typhoon Shin Kamen Rider *to be added
September CSM Kaixa Phone XX Kaixa Phone XX Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained *to be added
October CSM Faiz Driver Next Faiz Driver Next Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained *to be added
CSM Core Medal Combo Change Set Core Medal Combo Change Set[1] Kamen Rider OOO *to be added
November CSM V Buckle 4 Masked Riders Set CSM V Buckle 4 Masked Riders Set[2] Kamen Rider Ryuki *to be added
December CSM Chalice Rouzer & Chalice Arrow Chalice Rouzer & Chalice Arrow[3] Kamen Rider Blade *to be added
CSM Chalice Rouzer Chalice Rouzer *to be added
CSM Card Deck Set Vol. 1 Card Deck Set Vol. 1[4] Kamen Rider Ryuki *Comes with the Card Decks for Kamen Riders Ryuki Blank Form, Ryuki Survive, Scissors, and Raia.
CSM Card Deck Set Vol. 2 Card Deck Set Vol. 2[5] *Comes with the Card Decks for Kamen Riders Knight Survive, Gai, and Imperer.
CSMDarkKabutoZecterVer1.5 Dark Kabuto Zecter (Ver. 1.5)[6] Kamen Rider Kabuto *to be added

Date Image Product Series/Movie Notes
January CSM Card Deck Set Vol. 3 Card Deck Set Vol. 3[7] Kamen Rider Ryuki *Comes with the Card Decks for Kamen Riders Odin, Tiger, and Abyss
CSM Card Deck Set Vol. 4 Card Deck Set Vol. 4[8] *Comes with the Card Decks for Kamen Riders Verde, Femme, and Ryuga.
February Csmjokerrouzer Joker Rouzer Parts Set[9] Kamen Rider Blade *Optional parts to be used with the CSM Chalice Rouzer
*Enables new sounds for Joker and Albino Joker
Csmwdriver2 Double Driver 2.0[10] Kamen Rider W *Entirely new mold
*Memories now cast in a more show-accurate colouration that better hides the internals
*Driver features an infrared feature that can connect with a second Driver and understands if a memory has been inserted; allowing two people to recreate the TV show transformation
*Voicelines from Shotaro and Philip included for the first time
*Both Driver and Memories recognize each other to tell each other which transformation sound to use. This also allows timing for forms such as JokerJoker and CycloneCyclone
Csmfangxtreme Fang Memory & Extreme Memory 2.0[11] Kamen Rider W *Entirely new molds
*Features the same recognition system as the W Driver 2.0 and its memories, allowing for better timing on transformations
*Voicelines from Shotaro and Philip included for the first time
*Xtreme Memory includes CycloneJokerGoldXtreme sounds
*Fang Memory's jaw activates automatically
March CSM Orga Driver Orga Driver[12] Kamen Rider 555: Paradise Lost *Displayed at event in 2019.
*New display model using Faiz Driver ver. 2 molds displayed at Narikiri World event in 2023.
CSM Orga Gear Orga Gear[13] *Comes with the Orga Stlanzer.
June CSM Den-O Belt & K-Taros Ver.2 CSM Den-O Belt & K-Taros Ver.2[14] Kamen Rider Den-O *to be added
Unknown No Image Available Muez Driver[15] Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained *to be added

Unknown Releases[]

Image Product Series/Movie Notes
No Image Available Faiz Blaster[16] Kamen Rider 555 *to be added
Smart Buckle[17] *to be added
Kaixa Driver Ver. 2[18] *to be added

The Henshin Exhibition Event[]

The Henshin: Complete Selection Modification Exhibition was a two-day event held by Bandai to commemorate the CSM line. It was held at the Bellsalle in Akihabara, Tokyo from December 7th-8th, 2019. [19]

A selection of transformation belts based on existing Riders were featured exclusively at the event and had no confirmed official release at the time.

  • CSM Aqua Driver[20]
  • CSM SB-000B Orga Driver - This was the only belt displayed with an existing older version from the original Complete Selection line. An official release was later announced for March 2025.[21]
  • CSM SB-315B Psyga Driver - An official release was later announced initially for December 2023, but ultimately delayed to March 2024.[22] It is the first Driver showcased to have a commercial release.
  • CSM Alternative Zero V Buckle

Advancing Technology[]

At the event, three non-commercial prototype belts were displayed to showcase the technological advancement in toys, such as lighting, motion sensors, fully automated motors, and steam-effect gimmicks.

  • CSM Advanced Screen Display Prototype - Buckle is equipped with a transparent screen that can show a variety of pre-programmed animated digital images and the strap is equipped with LED lighting all around the waist. The strap lights can change into various colors for added play features.
  • CSM Motion Sensor Prototype - A belt with a sphere projector in the buckle, the Driver toy was equipped with state of the art interactive motion sensors that could manipulate images on a screen. After the user selects a specific Rider and with the correct hand and arm movements, they can accurately recreate the transformation sequences of past Heisei Kamen Riders and Kamen Rider Zero-One. The main motion sensor bar is behind the buckle on top and has enough range to see a wide array of movements.
  • CSM Steam Effect Prototype - A steampunk based Driver with automatic motorized parts and steam-effects. After the belt opens up, lights flash, steam blows out of three smokestacks with two moving side to side and music plays followed by a train whistle sound effect.

These technological advances would later be found in future toy releases such as:

  • CSM Typhoon 50th Anniversary Edition - The belt contains infrared motion sensors that detect movement, allowing users to imitate Takeshi Hongo's transformation pose faithfully.
  • CSM Altering - The transformation buttons from the DX are removed, with motion sensors being placed around the front of the belt instead, allowing users to imitate Shoichi's transformation pose faithfully.
  • CSM Century King Sun Driver & Century King Moon Driver - Belts contain motion sensors that upon detecting movement, the automated motorized parts on them begin to condense into the middle of the belts.
  • CSM SB-555BN Faiz Driver NEXT, Muez Driver, and SB-913PXX Kaixa Phone XX - Belts are a culmination and upgrade of the technology from the Advanced Screen Display Prototype as they have an LED waistband. The phones have pre-programmed screens and touch-based interfaces that enhances interactive play and replicate the smartphone aspect of role playing for the device.
  • CSM Genesis Driver - The Concentrate Pod of the original DX release had a covering lever that slowly ascended to uncover a light of the color of the Energy Lockseed used. The CSM release updates this with animated digital lights instead, allowing the Driver to more faithfully showcase the sizzling carbonation effect in the pod area.


NARIKIRI Laboratory - Lab No.03[]

  • Boiling Liquid Henshin Belt (液体沸騰変身ベルト, Ekitai Futtō Henshin Beruto) - The pump mechanism allows liquid to flow into the center of the belt while air is pumped in from below, creating the illusion of boiling liquid. Additionally, the belt incorporates LEDs to enhance the transformation effect, simulating the rising temperature of the liquid and mimicking the pulsation of a beating heart.


  • The Eternal Memory included with the Lostdriver has a silver tip, and the Maximum Drive slot includes W's logo on the button. This error was amended in future releases.
  • It was originally reported that the North American release for the Decadriver ver2 would exclude the Shinkenger cards. Though unconfirmed, it may be due to a licensing issue with HasbroIcon-crosswiki and the Power RangersIcon-crosswiki IP in the United States. Despite this, many buyers have reported the inclusion of said cards from North American retailers, which may be a result of a packaging error.
  • The release of the Faiz Belt was met with negative reception due to multiple issues that may been a result of poor production quality control:
    • The trigger on the Faiz phone was originally advertised to be hidden, allowing for further immersion in play. However, this resulted in the phone being unable to properly read an Exceed Charge as the trigger piece was no longer in sight, with some reports of the BGM not playing in certain cases.[23]


  • The Faiz Gear is the first CSM release to have an existing version from the discontinued CS line.
  • The Faiz Gear is the first transformation belt to be released in both the CS and CSM lines. Furthermore, it is the first item to feature phrases from multiple characters in the series.
  • CSM Faiz is also the first CSM item to not share the same mold as the DX release followed by the V Buckle.
  • Certain belts had their toy debut at the CSM-level rather than DX. This practice began with the CSM New Den-O Belt. The Diend belt also doesn't have a DX version either, but a candy toy version exists.
  • Both CSM Kabuto and Gatack Zecters have extended rider kick sounds though oddly enough, the CSM and DX Gatack Zecter differ when it says "Rider Kick".
  • The Kaixa Gear's pre-order date, September 13, falls under the fan-coined "Kaixa Day", a day which itself is a nod to its number designation.
  • On April 1, 2019, as part of April Fools, Bandai jokingly revealed a "CSM Auto Vajin", a life-sized transforming motorcycle priced at 555 million yen and to be released in the year 2555.[24] On the very next day, the CSM Delta Gear was officially announced.
  • The CSM Doubledriver is the first to receive updated re-releases.
  • A spin-off of this lineup is called Complete Selection Animation where the lineup focuses on items appeared in anime such as the Digivice in Digimon Adventure & the Dragon Radar from Dragon Ball.
  • The CSM Typhoon 50th Anniversary Memorial Set is the first Showa Rider belt toy to come with an official scarf accessory, which is a mainstay feature of the original Kamen Rider and is found in many modern-day Riders.
  • Due to an unknown licensing issue, the CSM OOO Driver ver. 10th[25] and CSM Birth Driver (with X Unit) [26] are unavailable for North American release.

External links[]



Bandai LogoToylinesPopy Logo
Toy Figures
Sofubi - Popy World Heroes - Chogokin
Popy Henshin Belts
DX Henshin Belts (Popy)
Henshin Belt Toylines and Accessories
DX Henshin Belts - Complete Selection Modification - Complete Style Gigantic - Legend Rider Series Belts - Ride Chemy Trading Card - Triple Change Henshin Belt - Tamashii Lab
Gashapon and Candy Toys
Candy Toy Series - Kamen Rider Charadeco Cakes - Converge Kamen Rider - Style Action Wizard - Kamen Rider Gaim: Arms Action Gaim - Kamen Rider Drive: Driving Action - Kamen Rider Ghost: Gan Gun Action Damashii - 66ACTION Kamen Rider
SHODO: SHODO Kamen Rider VS - SHODO-X Kamen Rider - SHODO-Outsider - SHODO-XX Kamen Rider
SO-DO: SO-DO Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - SO-DO Kamen Rider Build - SO-DO Kamen Rider Zi-O - SO-DO CHRONICLE - SO-DO Kamen Rider Zero-One - SO-DO Kamen Rider Saber - SO-DO Kamen Rider Revice - SO-DO Kamen Rider Geats - SO-DO Kamen Rider Gotchard - SO-DO Kamen Rider Gavv
Action figure Toylines
Entry Grade - Figure-rise Standard - Souchaku Henshin Series - Rider Hero Series - S.H. Figuarts - Super Imaginative Chogokin - SOFVI SCULPTURE STUDIO - Movie Monster Series - Legend Rider History - Kamen Rider Sofubi Series
Rider & Monster - Cast Off Rider - FFR - W Form Change - OOO Combo Change - Fourze Module Change - Wizard Action Please! - Arms Change - Tire Koukan - Ghost Change - Level UP Rider Series - Bottle Change Rider Series - Rider Kick's Figure Series - Revice Remix Figure Series - Revolve Change Figure Series - Souchaku Henshin Series (Gotchard) - Kamen Rider Action Figure
Bandai America
Masked Rider (Toyline) - Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight (Toyline)
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight (Figma) - Happy Set ToysIcon-crosswiki - Hyper Hero - Fujimi Mokei - Real Action Heroes