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Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-saberThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Saber.

Chapter 17: The Ancient Messenger, of Either Light or Shadow. (古の使者は、光か影か。, Inishie no Shisha wa, Hikari ka Kage ka.) is the seventeenth episode of Kamen Rider Saber. It features the debut of the Southern-base as well as Kamen Rider Saikou's Saikou Shadow.


Touma, who had to fight his own friends, is in a state of doubt, just when Yuri, the Sword of Light appears before Touma. Meanwhile, the other swordsmen don't think that Touma will truly betray them despite their previous conflict. However, Reika tells them to hurry up and collect his Seiken and Wonder Ride Book! Meanwhile, the Megid are trying to make a new book using humans. Touma is shocked to learn that the Megid who was attacking the city, was originally human! Yuri then tells a lost Touma, "If you want to protect them, then slash at the enemy. For that is all a swordsman can do." The Megid soon appears again as Touma heads for the direction of Mei.


"Everyone, Bonne lecture! Touma and Yuri have finally met! A notre amitié! But something absolutely terrible has happened... Touma and his friends have clashed their blades against each other! And only he has the power to stop it..."
"Come on Yuri, that was a bit too much... Can't be helped I guess, he was in Avalon for a thousand years after all. Ouch... Will he get along with Touma?"


Guest Cast[]

Suit Actors[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]

Wonder Ride Books[]

  • Book Used:
    • Saber
      • Brave Dragon, Storm Eagle, Saiyuu Journey, Dragonic Knight
    • Saikou
      • Kin no Buki Gin no Buki
  • Form Used:
    • Saber
      • Crimson Dragon, Dragonic Knight
    • Saikou
      • Kin no Buki Gin no Buki


  • to be added


Kin no Buki Gin no Buki Endscreen
  • Closing Screen Wonder Ride Books
    • Kamen Rider: Saikou
    • Wonder Ride Books: Kin no Buki Gin no Buki
  • Ancient Letters Translation Page
    • Kamen Riders: Saikou, Saber
    • Wonder Ride Books: Kin no Buki Gin no Buki, Dragonic Knight
  • Count at episode end
    • Wonder Ride Books in Saber's possession: Brave Dragon, Storm Eagle, Saiyuu Journey, King of Arthur, Dragonic Knight, Diagospeedy
    • Wonder Ride Books in Blades' possession: Lion Senki, Peter Fantasista, Tenkuu no Pegasus, King Lion Daisenki, Lamp Do Alangina, Needle Hedgehog, Tri-Cerberus
    • Wonder Ride Books in Buster's possession: Genbu Shinwa, Jackun to Domamenoki
    • Wonder Ride Books in Kenzan's possession: Sarutobi Ninjaden, Kobuta 3Kyoudai
    • Wonder Ride Books in Slash's possession: Hanselnuts to Gretel, Bremen no Rock Band
    • Wonder Ride Books in Saikou’s possession: Kin no Buki Gin no Buki
    • Wonder Ride Books in Reika Shindai's possession: Jaaku Dragon, Jaou Dragon
  • Touma and Yuri are the only Riders who appear transformed in this episode.
  • This is the only episode that depicts Saikou Shadow in a transluent VFX before a physical unedited suit was used throughout the remainer of the show.

Blu-ray Releases[]

Saber Blu-Ray Collection 2

Kamen Rider Saber Blu-ray Collection 2 cover

Kamen Rider Saber Blu-ray Collection 2 comes with 16 chapters (17-32). It was released on August 4, 2021.

External links[]

