Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-krThis article is about a villain group in the Kamen Rider Series.

For the version from the Kamen Rider The First and Kamen Rider The Next, see Shocker (The Series).
For the version from Shin Kamen Rider, see Shocker (Shin Kamen Rider).

Shocker (ショッカー, Shokkā) is the original evil organization which was formed by the mysterious Great Leader. In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, they were responsible for the rise of the very first Kamen Riders 1 and 2, whom defected and became the heroes who would ultimately lead to the fall of Shocker.


Shocker (The Series)

Shocker's logo as seen in Kamen Rider The First.

Shocker was a terrorist organization that planned on ruling the world (in the original manga it is shown that Shocker had some influences over the governments of the world), with virtually all of its members modified in some way. The founders had mostly Nazi ties, with the Kamen Rider Spirits manga making references to the group's support by the Badan Empire.

Shocker's scientists performed surgical alterations that gave the subject superhuman fighting abilities. Even the most basic Shocker Combatman was tougher, stronger and faster than the average human civilian. The most powerful of their forces were the Kaijin, modified humans who were combined with animal DNA and human cybernetics to create living weapons.

Ruthless and merciless, Shocker would often kidnap prominent scientists and force them to work for the organization, then kill them when their usefulness was at an end (or if they attempted to escape). However, eventually the decision to kidnap and modify the young college prodigy Takeshi Hongo proved to be their undoing. Trying to modify him into a grasshopper-human hybrid, he was intended to be another of Shocker's powerful cyborg warriors, but he escaped and began to oppose them as Kamen Rider #1. A later attempt to create a second, more powerful Kamen Rider backfired when the intended victim, Hayato Ichimonji, was rescued by the original Rider before he was brainwashed and became known as Kamen Rider #2. The pair became known as the Double Riders, who managed to put an end to Shocker. Frustrated with its failures, Shocker's Great Leader allied himself with the organization Geldam, creating Gel Shocker and ordered the execution of every unworthy Shocker member, from soldiers to scientists.

In OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders, Shocker, although with a membership and leadership covering Gel Shocker members from the original TV series, obtained a Core Medal and modified it into the Shocker Medal. Though they were originally unable to use it, the appearance of the Greeed Ankh in their time enabled the organization to obtain one of his Cell Medals and create the Shocker Greeed. This altered time so that Shocker defeated the Double Riders and managed to conquer of Japan and eventually the world, setting up a union with many of the other organizations that originally emerged after Shocker's destruction.

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Vs. Kamen Rider Drive Spring Vacation One-Hour Combining SpecialIcon-crosswiki reveals that the original Shocker still has remnants operating in the present. Although their plan to use the History Modifying Machine to conquer the world eventually ends up in failure, the organization itself isn't destroyed.

In the movie Kamen Rider 1, and its tie in with Kamen Rider Ghost, Shocker was retconned to still retain a lot of power internationally, with only their presence in Japan being heavily reduced. Takeshi Hongo himself still fights its presence around the world, returning to Japan only when learning about Shocker's attempt to regain power there.

Later incarnations[]

After Shocker was originally defeated, it continued to resurface in numerous forms.

Order Name Leader Series First Appearance
1 Gel Shocker Great Leader of Gel Shocker Kamen Rider Episode 80
3 Destron Great Leader of Destron Kamen Rider V3 Episode 1
4 Black Satan Great Leader of Black Satan Kamen Rider Stronger Episode 1
5 Delzer Army Great Leader of Delzer Army Episode 27
6 Neo Shocker Great Leader of Neo Shocker Kamen Rider (Skyrider) Episode 1
8 Badan Empire The Generalissimo of Badan Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!! Kamen Rider ZX (TV Magazine manga)
10 Geist Geist Great Leader Kamen Rider Black RX 11 Kamen Riders Senki
13 Rebirth Shocker Ika Devil Kamen Rider Kuuga Kamen Rider Live 2000
16 Dai-Shocker Tsukasa Kadoya
Nobuhiko Tsukikage
Kamen Rider Decade Episode 26
17 Mirror Shocker Guy Final Stage
18 Super Shocker Dr. Super Shinigami Movie War 2010
19 Space Shocker Shadow Moon Kamen Rider Wizard Super Hero Taisen ZIcon-crosswiki
20 Underground Empire Badan The Generalissimo of Badan Kamen Rider Gaim Kamen Rider Taisen
21 Dark Shocker Army Great Leader of Black Satan Pachinko Kamen Rider: Full Throttle
22 Nova Shocker Urga Kamen Rider Ghost Episode 24
23 Time Shocker Ohma Shocker Kamen Rider Zi-O Special Event
Alternate Versions
2 Ghost Shocker Great Leader of Gel Shocker Kamen Rider Manga
7 Shocker Boss Storyboard Manga Kamen Rider
9 Shocker Leader of Shocker Have you ever seen the Kamen Rider?
11 Neo Shocker Dr. Shinigami Hero Senki Project Olympus
12 Grand Shocker Dr. Shinigami Kamen Rider SD Video Game
14 Badan Empire Great Leader JUDO Kamen Rider Spirits Chapter 1
15 Shocker (The Series) Great Leader of Shocker Kamen Rider The First / Next
24 Shocker (Shin Kamen Rider) Ichiro Midorikawa Shin Kamen Rider

Related Organization[]


  • Great Leader of Shocker (ショッカー首領, Shokkā Shuryō): The high ruler of the organization and main antagonist of the series. He appears for the first time in a short video footage shown in episode 33, although his appearance there is mostly hidden by shadows. He talks with his followers through speakers on Shocker's emblems in the multiple outposts. The Great Leader is a cruel being who does not have qualms in sacrificing his minions during moments of crisis or failure. In the movie OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders, due to a time traveling accident, the Great Leader became the ruler of the world thanks to the Shocker Greed, a kaijin created from a medal lost by Ankh back in the age of Kamen Rider Ichigo and Kamen Rider Nigo which was presumably prevented later on.
    • Big Machine (ビッグマシン, Biggu Mashin): He appears only in Ishinomori's original Kamen Rider manga. Big Machine is a Great Leader of Shocker who leads a plan involving in using a super computer to brainwash the population of the city.
  • Shocker Generals (Japan branch)
    • Colonel Zol/Wolf Man (ゾル大佐/狼男, Zoru Taisa/Ōkami Otoko, 26-39, Rider vs. Shocker & V3 27 & 28) (a.k.a. Golden Wolf Man (黄金狼男, Ōgon Ōkami Otoko)): From Shocker's German branch, his true form was a wolf monster. He was also a disguise specialist, able to mimic Taki's appearance almost perfectly using only make up during his debut. His personal mark, worn by the soldiers of his own Shocker outpost and used in his official correspondence, was the Shocker emblem, but with the bird's head replaced by a wolf's.(Kamen Rider Episode 39) He confronted Kamen Rider 2 himself in episode 39 and after a lengthy fight was toppled off a cliff by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Punch, destroying him. Golden Wolf Man briefly appeared in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker among the members of the resurrected monster army. In Kamen Rider V3, episode 27, Colonel Zol was resurrected alongside the other 3 great Shocker and Gel Shocker commanders from the original TV series by Destron. He ambitioned to become a Destron commander, replacing Doctor G, but his ambitions did not last long. In episode 28, after Kamen Rider V3 escaped from Destron's base, a self destruction sequence was activated, and Colonel Zol was unable to escape, dying again with it. Narutaki from Kamen Rider Decade took on Colonel Zol's identity and became a Super Shocker commander in Movie War 2010, but did not have the Wolf Man form of the original.
    • Dr. Shinigami/Ika Devil (死神博士/イカデビル, Shinigami Hakase/Ikadebiru, 40-52, Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, 61, 63, 68, V3 27 & 28, Decade: All Riders vs Great-Shocker, & OOO, Den-O All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders): From Shocker's branch in Switzerland, he took over Japan's command after Zol's death until Jigoku Taishi appeared. However, he returned to Japan in episode 61, working together with Jigoku Taishi and also attempting his own plans. He had a cold and calculating behavior. In episode 68, he captured Tobee Tachibana to help training him for his battle with Kamen Rider #1, but that only resulted in Tachibana learning about his weakness. Discarding his cape when he faced Hongo for the last time, Shinigami assumed the form of Ika Devil to fight Rider #1 with his tentacle whip, while Ichimonji was held off by the Shocker Combatmen. With Tobee's guidance, Rider #1 managed to overpower Ika Devil and weaken him with a Rider Chop before sending Ika Devil falling to his death with his Rider Kirimomi Shoot. Ika Devil tried to rise once more, only to fall down and explode. Dr. Shinigami was resurrected by Destron in Kamen Rider V3, episode 27, and speculated about how he had been brought back to replace Doctor G, only to learn that he was there just for a new operation. Shortly afterwards, in episode 28, he died when Destron's base accidentally self destructed. In Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker, a new version of Dr. Shinigami appeared, under the guise of Eijiro Hikari as a Dai-Shocker commander. Like the original, he transformed into Ika Devil to fight, but was defeated by the Kamen Riders Decade, Diend, Faiz, Blade, Den-O and Kiva fighting together with four Final Form Rides at once. He did not die, just seemingly going back to Eijiro and losing his Shinigami memories. In spite of his different appearance, his official profiles originally just gave him the story of the Shinigami from the original Kamen Rider series as his backstory. However, in Movie War 2010, the true nature of the new Shinigami was revealed as something else. Eijiro returned as Super Professor Shinigami, a Super Shocker commander, in Movie War 2010, with an appearance identical to his former Shinigami identity, aside from an extra ring. After he was hit inside the Super Crisis Fortress, a Gaia Memory carrying the name ShinigamiHakase fell from him and broke, revealing that Eijiro was actually controlled by a Gaia Memory based on Earth's memories of the original Dr. Shinigami.
    • Jigoku Taishi/Garagaranda (地獄大使/ガラガランダ 53-79, Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi, V3 27 & 28, Decade: All Riders vs Great-Shocker, OOO & Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders): Summoned from Shocker's branch in West Coast USA, he took command of the organization in Japan. His true name was Damon according to Kamen Rider Spirits. He used a whip as his weapon. In episode 79, after capturing the Riders' friends, he called Hongo out as he assumed his monster form, able to burrow underground and use his whip arm as a weapon. Rider #1 battled Garagaranda while Taki freed Tachibana and the others, managing to use his Rider Kick on the monster. Reverting to his normal mode, Hell cursed the Riders and screamed to Shocker's perseverance before he died, exploding. Afterwards, the Great Leader destroyed the original Shocker. In spite of his failure, Jigoku Taishi was resurrected by Destron in Kamen Rider V3 episode 27. In episode 28, his sneaky behavior ended up leading to the prisoner V3 capturing him and escaping from the Destron base. Soon afterwards, Jigoku Taishi returned to the base, only to die in its self-destruction. In Kamen Rider ZX, Kurayami Taishi, Jigoku Taishi's brother, appeared as a Badan Empire leader. In Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker, an Jigoku Taishi with black armor and Dai-Shocker belt, rather than the original silver suit appeared as a Great-Shocker commander. This Jigoku Taishi, although having a different looking human form, had a Garagaranda form identical to the original's, complete with Shocker emblem on his belt. His official backstory is just the original Jigoku Taishi's story, up to his first death at the hands of Rider #1.[1] This Jigoku Taishi fought as Garagaranda against the Riders in All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker, but his tentacles were cut and he was stunned by Kamen Riders Black RX and Kabuto. Using that opportunity, Rider #1 and Rider #2 attacked. He's destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick. Like in the original series, this Hell screamed to Dai-Shocker's perseverance before he died, exploding.
  • International branch commanders: Leaders of Shocker's branches overseas appear in episode 67.
    • Mohammed (モハメッド, Mohameddo): Leader of Shocker Morocco branch.
    • Humphrey (ハンフリー, Hanfurī): Leader of Shocker Gibraltar branch.
    • Yang (ヤン, Yan): Leader of Shocker Singapore branch.
    • Chang Forty (チャン・フォーティ, Chan Fōti): Leader of Shocker Hong Kong branch.
  • Lower commanders:
  • Shocker Combatmen (ショッカー戦闘員, Shokkā Sentōin) - Black uniformed grunts, some of which have skeleton markings on their torsos. They are normally easily defeated by the Riders, often without even needing to transform. Their trademark is a high pitched scream. Despite being brainwashed to be loyal to Shocker, it seems that some of them still had a bit of humanity left in them as shown when they tried to ask for help to the Kamen Rider Squad when attacked by Ganikoumoru. They also appear in the Kamen Rider Decade series and movies, along with the upcoming Let's Go Kamen Riders movie. Episodes 27 and 28 of Kamen Rider OOO (which were incidentally the 999th and 1,000th Kamen Rider episodes) featured a former Shocker grunt who for some reason managed to survive throughout the ages, whose desire to beat the Kamen Riders was used by Kazari to create the Ikajaguar Yummy. The grunt's desire for strength in numbers allowed the Yummy to duplicate itself into a small army of various Showa-era grunts, but he became disillusioned upon discovering that these were merely made of medals.
  • Shocker Rider (ショッカーライダー, Shokkā Raidā): The Shocker Riders originally appeared in Shotaro Ishinomori's manga. There were 12 of them instead of the 6 created by Gel Shocker that later appeared in the TV series. Hayato Ichimonji was one of them. In the TV show, in episode 15, Hayato had a brief flashback about his capture by Shocker. A Shocker surgeon told him that he'd become a cyborg to fight against the Kamen Rider. Afterwards, Hayato mentioned that he was saved by Kamen Rider #1, but the specific circumstances of that event are not clear.

Shocker Kaijin[]

  • Man Spider (蜘蛛男, Kumo Otoko, 1, 13 & Rider vs. Shocker) – A kaijin with heightened strength and agility; Man Spider was responsible for the capture of Takeshi Hongo, who would later become the first Kamen Rider. Like a spider, he can shoot out powerful strands of webbing to capture or strangle his victims along with shooting darts from his mouth that contain enzymes that liquefy his target on contact. Chasing after Hongo and Professor Midorikawa, Man Spider bugged Ruriko in hopes she would lead him to her father, killing the man with Hongo taking the blame. After abducting Ruriko, Man Spider would be killed by Kamen Rider #1 with his "Rider Kick". He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. Man Spider also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there. Not to be confused with the Marvel Comics character with a similar name.
  • Bat Man (蝙蝠男, Kōmori Otoko, 2, 13 & Rider vs. Shocker) (a.k.a. Human Bat (人間蝙蝠, Ningen Kōmori)) - A bat monster who turns his victims with vampires. Able to fly and armed with razor sharp claws. His plan was to turn all of Tokyo into vampire slaves and thus infects an entire apartment building which would be used as an incognito base to further develop the virus strain. He is also tasked with killing Midorikawa's daughter. He was killed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Nage. Afterwards, Rider #1 used its own claws to cure the people infected by it. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. Bat Man also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there. Not to be confused with the similarly named DC Comics character. In the original manga, Bat Man got impaled with a cross by Kamen Rider #1.
  • Scorpion Man (さそり男, Sasori Otoko, 3, 13 & Rider vs. Shocker) (a.k.a. Scorpion Human (さそり人間, Sasori Ningen)) - A scorpion monster, originally known as Goro Hayase (an old friend of Hongo Takeshi) who uses his old identity to attack Hongo out of spite and jealousy for his IQ. His plan was to recapture/kill an escaped Shocker slave. He controls an army of robotic scorpions that release corrosive acid. Has the ability to burrow underground and uses his pincer as a weapon. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Scissors. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. Scorpion Man also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Sarracenian (サラセニアン, Sarasenian, 4, 13, 27 & Rider vs. Shocker) (a.k.a. Sarracenia Human (サラセニア人間, Sarasenia Ningen)) - A sarracenia monster. Brandishes vine tendrils for whips/lasso. Can travel underground. Incredible strength, as he literally bear hugs an interrogated Shocker Combatman to death. His plan was to execute a mass kidnapping of possible test subjects to upgrade his vines' powers. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. In his second return, he served as a weapon instructor to children who had been brainwashed by Shocker and faced Ichimonji Hayato, trying to stop him from saving the kids. However, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Gaeshi. He returned yet again in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, as part of the large kaijin army. He faced Kamen Rider #1 and 2 together, only to be destroyed by being thrown onto one of his partners for that mission, Torikabuto.
  • Mantis Man (かまきり男, Kamakiri Otoko, 5 & 13) - A mantis monster. Attacks with a chain claw mace. Can manipulate people cut by his claw. Kidnapped Hongo's childhood friend Amamiya Chikako, whose seismographs were revealing Shocker's test underground nuclear explosions and then force her to help Shocker develop a massive artificial earthquake. He then uses Chikako to lure Hongo into a death-trap. It is found out the mini nuclear explosions are caused by Kamakiri-Otoko's eggs. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb.
  • Shinigami Chameleon (死神カメレオン, Shinigami Kamereon, 6, 7, 13 & Rider vs. Shocker) (a.k.a. Chameleon Man (カメレオン男, Kamereon Otoko)) - A chameleon monster. Skilled veteran in the expertise of fencing. Can turn invisible at will. Bears a tongue that can be used for lashing or strangling. His plan along with Shocker loyalist Dr. Heinrich is to find the treasure map to a hidden Nazi treasure buried in Japan during the WWII Axis Alliance. It turns out the treasure was already seized before Shocker or Hongo found its location. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick and Rider Chop. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. Shinigami Chameleon also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Wasp Woman (蜂女, Hachi Onna, 8, 13 & Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu) - A female bee monster armed with a rapier as her weapon. The end of said rapier contains an ultrasound emitter that hypnotizes sunglass wearing victims. She oversaw the selling of these sunglasses and through this plan would subject Japan into her hypnotic control. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick. She was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. A new version of Wasp Woman, with a different look and story, appeared in Movie War 2010 as an important Super Shocker member.
  • Cobra Man (コブラ男, Kobura Otoko, 9) - A cobra monster. Extendo cobra arm can be utilized. The same arm contains fangs that disperse poisonous gas. Ironically, the fangs are knocked out by a guard dog. Can travel underground after creating a whirlwind. In his original and new incarnation, his plan was to rob gold depositories to finance Shocker's cause. The first failed (by the dog) and the second nearly succeeded. His other plan when he was reincarnated was to lead the execution of a Shocker traitor and before that a personal vendetta to retrieve his fangs from the dog's family that misappropriated them. Defeated by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick. He is later revived as Repaired Cobra Man (改造コブラ男, Kaizō Kobura Otoko, 10 & 13) with the added ability of breathing fire before being destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Gaeshi. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. In the original manga, Cobra Man had a girlfriend called Medusa the Snake Woman whose real name is Myoko.
  • Gebacondor (ゲバコンドル, Gebakondoru, 11, 13, 27 & Rider vs. Shocker) - A condor monster. He was based on the data of the previous monsters defeated by Kamen Rider #1 and was constructed specifically to surpass him in battle. He needed the blood of virgins to be complete, initially using a church for his attacks, but soon attack a large number of different people. He was flight capable, able to move fast enough to disappear from human sight during brief moments, also was able to produce strong winds by flapping his wings. He initially defeated Kamen Rider #1 in direct combat, and, even in their initial rematch, still overpowered him. However, Kamen Rider #1 used the Cyclone bike and destroyed him with a Cyclone Crusher attack. Gebacondor was quickly resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops, but was destroyed in battle by Tokageron's special bomb. Later, Gebacondor is reconstructed again to help keeping Kamen Rider #2 away from children brainwashed by Shocker. However, he could not keep up with the new Rider and was easily defeated twice. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. Gebacondor also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Yamogerus (ヤモゲラス, Yamogerusu, 12, 13 & Rider vs. Shocker) - A gecko monster. Hands have suction cups to adhere to surfaces. Sprays white goo that solidifies instantaneously. Stole the Danger Light and used it to turn humans into desiccating cadavers. He managed to stand up to Kamen Rider #1 in a direct battle, but was destroyed by the Danger Light. He was later resurrected by Shocker as part of the Repaired Cyborg Troops before being destroyed by Tokageron's special bomb. Yamogerus also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Tokageron (トカゲロン 13) - Originally an arrogant soccer player named Ken Nomoto (野本健, Nomoto Ken), he fell into Shocker's sights due to his leg strength. Though he escapes Shinigami Chameleon, Nomoto is captured by Man Spider as he was then converted into a lizard cyborg. Retaining his arrogance, Togakeron is used in Shocker's scheme down the Tokyo Atomic Energy lab's barrier with Shocker's "Barrier Destruction Ball" bomb for the Repaired Cyborg Troops (再生怪人軍団, Saisei Kaijin Gundan, 13) to storm in and get the materials within. Though he defeats Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick, Hongo musters the new Denko Rider Kick and uses it to kick the Barrier Destruction Ball back to Tokageron and the defeated Repaired Cyborg Troops, destroying them all as the bomb detonates.
  • Saboteguron (サボテグロン 14, 15 & Rider vs. Shocker) - A cactus monster. Can summon cactus swords, throw bombs and he's also a renown Shocker commander. He can also use a human form disguise of a FBI agent. Starting with his arrival on Japan, the Shocker Combatmen wore masks similar to the ones of Lucha libre fighters. His personal emblem, worn on his soldiers' mask, was a cactus. A successful commander from Shocker Mexico who destroyed the Paras Dam and had advanced Shocker's Mexico conquest plan to 99%. Before that conquest could be completed, the Great Leader sent him to Japan, where Shocker's greatest enemy, the Kamen Rider, was. He went to Japan disguised as an FBI Agent and attempted to kill Taki after his identity was uncovered. Rather than Rider #1, who had left the country, he met opposition from Kamen Rider#2. He spread explosives disguised as desert plants and planned to destroy Japan's Sakuma Dam with the "Flower of Mexico" bomb. While fighting Rider #2, he was destroyed by crashing onto a rock while carrying several Flowers of Mexico with him. He returned as part of the revived troops in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker. Acting as a standard field operative, supporting Fly Man, who attempted to kill professor Daidouji, he found himself facing Rider #2 again. Defeated in direct combat, he attempted to throw one of his bombs, but Kamen Rider #2 kicked it back to him. Destroyed by his own Flower of Mexico bomb.
  • Pirazaurus (ピラザウルス, Pirazaurusu, 16 & 17) – A piranha-dinosaur monster. His main ability was releasing a poisonous breath. The second Pirazaurus had an unbelievably strong body, able to shrug off rounds of a cannon, and special techniques called Ultra Punch and Ultra Kick, similar to the Rider Punch and Rider Kick. The first Pirazaurus had the human guise of a bus driver, and was killed after using his death gas ability to kill the people in a bus. Pirazaurus was a project from Shocker commander Maya (マヤ, Maya), created from analysis of a prehistoric creature called the Pirazaurus, and she quickly looked for a stronger person to be altered. The second Pirazaurus was pro-wrestler Noboru Kusaka (草鹿昇, Kusaka Noboru). He was captured, brainwashed and had his body altered, becoming the perfect Pirazaurus. The new Pirazaurus was able to match and defeat Kamen Rider #2 with his Ultra Kick. Brainwashed, Kusaka returned to the wrestling world as Satan Mask, and attacked his own brother when he tried to speak with him. He eventually faced Rider #2 in a wrestling ring. During the battle, he accidentally killed his commander Maya with his poisonous gas. In the end of episode 17, Kamen Rider #2 and Pirazaurus exchanged a Rider Kick and a Ultra Punch. Afterwards, both fell on the ring, and Kusaka returned to human form, recovering his memories.
  • Hitodanger (ヒトデンジャー, Hitodenjā, 18) - A giant starfish monster. Had strength far surpassing a human being and could launch himself into his opponents. His personal emblem, worn on his soldiers' masks, was a starfish. The symbol spread around his base was a white bird statue with a red starfish above their heads. Hitodanger protected a secret Shocker base which prepared missile launchers, killing anyone who approached it. However, a boy escaped and was found by Hayato. Eventually, he was forced to fight against Kamen Rider #2 in a shallow river. Destroyed by falling underneath a waterfall.
  • Kanibubbler (カニバブラー, Kanibaburā, 19, 37 & Rider vs. Shocker) - A crab monster. Can attack with a large claw on his left hand and release bubbles from his mouth that melt human beings upon contact. His soldiers have machine guns that shoot similar projectiles. His personal emblem, worn on his soldiers' masks, is a crab. Kanibubbler attacked various locations around Japan, but Kamen Rider #2 eventually tracked his underwater base and faced him head on. After his bubble attack failed. Was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Punch. Kanibubbler was resurrected later, episode 37, participating in an operation to kidnap children and test a poisonous gas on them, coordinated by Colonel Zol. However, Kazuya Taki saved the kids and released the poisonous gas on Kanibubbler and his companions, destroying them. Kanibubbler also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Dokugander (larva) (ドクガンダー(幼虫), Dokugandā (Yōchū), 20 & Rider vs. Shocker) – A caterpillar monster. Can breathe explosive gas and also assume the human appearance of a gentleman with a black tophat and coat. His personal emblems, worn on his soldiers' masks, are a caterpillar and a moth. His initial plan involved scaring away the inhabitants of a village from a Shocker outpost and a personal gambit to kill Kamen Rider by capturing and threatening to execute his friends. By fluke chance, he managed to drive Professor Goizumi off a cliff which would set the path for his next plan upon revival. Dokugander could not keep up with Kamen Rider #2 in direct combat and was defeated by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. Rider #2 saw a white shell emerging from the river afterwards, and assumed Dokugander had died. A second Dokugander in larva made a brief appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation in the movie.
    • Dokugander (imago) (ドクガンダー(成虫), Dokugandā (Seichū), 21 & Rider vs. Shocker) - Dokugander's moth monster form. The form Dokugander took after breaking from its white cocoon. Flight capable, able to release explosive blasts from his fingers and also recreate the cocoon. His human form was remodeled to match the dead Professor Koizumi (小泉教授, Koizumi Kyōju). Dokugander captured and forced the real Koizumi's research partner, assistant professor Yoshioka (吉岡助教授, Yoshioka Jukyōju) to help with his studies of cocoons, accelerating the creation of an army of Dokuganders for Shocker. However, Yoshioka sabotaged the experiment. Even in his new form and using various hostages, Dokugander was no match for Kamen Rider #2. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. The explosion created by the attack destroyed Dokugander's entire base alongside it. Dokugander would return later in the movie Kamen Rider vs. Shocker. He helped a kidnapping operation proceed smoothly, but was left behind alone, fighting Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2. He was finally destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's and Kamen Rider #2's combined attacks.
  • Amazonia (アマゾニア 22) - A piranha monster. Can launch his nails as projectiles and move through water. Led an underwater mining Shocker base. His personal emblem, worn on his soldiers' masks, is a fish wrapped around itself to make a circle. Captured and modified people who approached his base, but his activities were eventually discovered by the FBI and Kamen Rider #2. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Musasabeedle (ムササビードル, Musasabīdoru, 23, Rider vs. Shocker & Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi) - A Japanese giant flying squirrel monster. Able to fly in high speeds, creating a slipstream strong enough to tear apart nearby targets. His emblem, worn by the soldiers of the base that modified him, is a flying squirrel. Attacked the Osumi Laboratory for missile components, but was stopped by Kamen Rider #2. Attempted to recover the components later, only to be destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. Musasabeedle made a brief appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation in the movie. Musasabeedle returned in Kamen Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi, participating in an ambush against Kamen Rider #1 and Taki, and holding them off while another Shocker operation was prepared.
  • Kinokomorgue (キノコモルグ, Kinokomorugu, 24, 25, Rider vs. Shocker & Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi) – A mushroom monster. Able to spit a white dust that causes permanent sleep. His emblem, worn by the soldiers of the base that modified him, is a two-headed mushroom. A condemned criminal was taken from prison by Shocker Combatmen. After hearing the organization's goals, he thought they were interesting and decided to join them. Fused with a special mushroom, he became Kinokomorgue. Kinokomorgue went on a parade alongside several Shocker Combatmen, quickly capturing children curious enough to follow them. He defeated and captured Rider #2 with his special ability, but the Kamen Rider was saved by Taki. They fought again later, but he was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. The explosion created by his death destroyed his own Shocker base. Kinokomogu returned in the movie Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, fighting against Kamen Rider #2 again to capture a researcher's daughter, but he was destroyed easily by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. Rebuilt once again by Shocker, his last appearance was in the movie Kamen Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi. He helped delaying Kamen Rider #1 from reaching a Shocker base and was left behind, alive, by Kamen Rider #1 afterwards.

Colonel Zol's Kaijin[]

  • Jigoku-Thunder (地獄サンダー, Jigoku Sandā, 26 & Rider vs. Shocker) - An antlion monster. His emblem, worn by the soldiers under his command, was a silhouette of a head with large horns similar to his own. Has enough strength to knock down Kamen Rider #2 with a good punch and could dig large pits. His soldiers were able to dig through the ground to make surprise attacks. Initially, operated independently, using his pit to attack helpless victims, but ended up working for Colonel Zol after his arrival, in spite of not liking the idea, in an operation to kill Rider #2. Although in their first encounter Jigoku-Thunder left victorious, with Rider #2 barely escaping thanks to his bike Cyclone 2, he was destroyed in their second battle, when Rider #2 hit him with a Rider Kick, throwing Jigoku-Thunder into his own pit, where he was quickly buried by the soft sand. Jigoku-Thunder returned in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker;;, where he faced Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2, giving time to let Dr. Shinigami escape from them. He was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's throw.
  • Mukadelas (ムカデラス, Mukadelasu, 27, 37 & Rider vs. Shocker) - A centipede monster. His emblem, worn by the soldiers working alongside him, was a centipede. Able to detach and throw his claws and also produce waves that brainwashed children and hurt Ichimonji Hayato, although they did not affect him as Kamen Rider #2. Participated in an operation directed by Colonel Zol to brainwash children into becoming Shocker members. Hayato followed him thanks to his own waves, and he was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick, breaking his brainwashing over the children. Mukadelas was resurrected later, episode 37, participating in an operation to kidnap children and test a poisonous gas on them. However, Kazuya Taki saved the kids and released the poisonous gas on Mukadelas and his companions, destroying them. Mukadelas also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • (Repaired) Gebacondor (27) - Acted as auxiliary fighting force, helping Mukadelas. However, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • (Repaired) Sarracenian (27) - Acted as an weapon instructor to the brainwashed children and also helped Mukadelas in combat. He was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Gaeshi.
  • Mogurang (モグラング, Mogurangu, 28, 37, 41 & Rider vs. Shocker) – A mole monster. The emblem worn by the soldiers of the base that created it was a curved horned mole. Able to move underground by digging quickly, with one of its hand replaced by a shovel while the other was a large claw. It was also equipped with two tentacle eyes, which allow it to spy from underground. Kidnapped a large number of people to turn them into human moles, but its operations were discovered by Rider #2. Using its digging abilities, Mogurang was able to defeat and capture Rider #2. However, Hayato escaped, and, in their rematch, Mogurang faced Rider #2 on top of a building. Defeated by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick which caused it to fall onto a cement tank. Mogurang was back in action later, episode 37, participating in an operation to kidnap children and test a poisonous gas on them. However, Kazuya Taki saved the kids and released the poisonous gas on Mogurang and its companions, destroying them. Mogurang later returned under Dr. Shinigami, working alongside Armadillong to capture Kamen Rider #1. Even with their combined efforts, they could not beat Kamen Rider #1, but attracted him to Goaster, who captured him. Mogurang returned yet again in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, where he helped Fly Man and Saboteguron face Kamen Rider #2. Mogurang appeared from rocks around Kamen Rider #2 and attacked, but was quickly destroyed when Kamen Rider #2 threw one of Saboteguron's bombs back to them.
  • Kuragedarl (クラゲダール, Kuragedāru, 29) - A jellyfish monster. His emblem, worn by the soldiers under his command, is a jellyfish. Has a tentacle on his right hand, able to use electric discharges from it. Attacked people who approached his Shocker outpost, using them in voltage experiments with living humans. A child who saw him thought that he was an alien and the rumors quickly got to newspapers. His outpost was found and he was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Zanbronzo (ザンブロンゾ, Zanburonzo, 30, Rider vs. Shocker & Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi) - A trilobite monster. Its emblem, worn by the soldiers of the outpost that created it, is a trilobite. Not a modified human, but a modified Trilobite which received human blood and needed to absorb it to keep its new form. Able to switch between trilobite and Zanbronzo forms, remove parts of its shell to use as throwing weapons and spit acid. Defeated by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick, becoming a trilobite fossil again. Zanbronzo returned briefly in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there. Zanbronzo would reappear among the forces that ambushed Kamen Rider #1 in the movie Kamen Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi. It was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Punch.
  • Arigabari (アリガバリ 31) - A giant anteater monster. Able to insert a poison called "Amazon's curse" that could even melt the human body, and had in one hand a retractable tentacle and in another a large claw. Was strong enough to shrug off Rider #2's Rider Kick and defeat him in direct combat. A member of Shocker Amazon, not the Japanese division, sent to Japan to work under Colonel Zol. Initially, easily defeated Kamen Rider #2, however, Ichimonji Hayato trained and developed a new finishing technique. In their rematch, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Manji Kick.
  • Dokudahlian (ドクダリアン, Dokudarian, 32, Rider vs. Shocker & V3 27 & 28) – A dahlia monster. Her personal mark, worn by her soldiers, was a 3 petals flower. Able to absorb humans, attack with a natural whip and also used various poisons. Although her original appearance was an old woman, aside from the Dokudalian form, she was also able to turn into a youthful flower seller. Attack clients of her flower shop, but eventually her activities were discovered. Destroyed when she was thrown into flames by Kamen Rider #2. She was resurrected as part of the large monster army seen in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, and attempted to capture the girl Tamami, but she was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick. Eventually, was resurrected yet again by Destron in Kamen Rider V3, episode 27. Dokudahlian tried to capture V3 when he invaded a Destron base, but her attacks were useless. However, afterwards, she activated a trapdoor while Imorigues and Siomaneking held V3, sending him to a cell. When V3 escaped from the base after capturing Jigoku Taishi, Dokudahlian was waiting for him outside, alongside Unidogma. The two Shocker monsters fought against the new Rider together, but they were easily defeated. Returning to face V3 yet again later, Dokudahlian used land mines, but they ineffective. Was destroyed by Kamen Rider V3 throwing Unidogma against her.
  • Armadillong (アルマジロング, Arumajirongu, 33, 37, 41 & Rider vs. Shocker) – An armadillo monster. His personal emblem was a silhouette of his own face. Able to turn into a ball and crash into foes with explosive force, and well armored enough to be impervious to Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick, but his belly did not have armor as strong as his other body parts. Tested by Shocker's Brazilian branch, but sent to Japan to work under Colonel Zol and fight against Kamen Rider #2. In his original test, he slaughtered a family, leading a surviving woman to go after him for revenge. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick on his belly. Armadillong was resurrected later, episode 37, participating in an operation to kidnap children and test a poisonous gas on them. However, Kazuya Taki saved the kids and released the poisonous gas on Mogurang and his companions, destroying them. He returned yet again in episode 41, where he faced Kamen Rider #1 to capture him. Afterwards, when Rider #1 was brainwashed and seemingly had defeated Rider #2, he returned, to kill Kamen Rider #1 too, however, Kamen Rider #1 had returned to normal and Rider #2 was still alive. Unable to resist against multiple attacks to his belly, Armadillong was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1. Armadillong also made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Gamaguiler (ガマギラー, Gamagirā, 34 & Rider vs. Shocker) – A toad monster. His personal emblem was a silhouette of his own head. Able to release an amnesiac inducing gas (called the "Mindwipe Gas") and fought with a chain weapon. His plan was recover key documents that would have uncovered the Great Leader's identity and oversee the secure retrieval of a nuclear bomb which would be used to split Japan into two, effectively causing civil war. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Jump, use to cut through a Cessna airplane which exploded afterwards with Gamaguiler inside. Gamaguiler made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Alikimedes (アリキメデス, Alikimedesu, 35 & Rider vs. Shocker) - A queen ant monster. Able to release a red acid that could easily melt humans and metal and used used traps during battle. Its personal emblem, worn by the soldiers under his command, was an ant. Ichimonji Hayato and Kazuya Taki attacked the outpost commanded by Alikimedes and stole an egg from there. Trying to recover it, they fought again. Destroyed after getting hit by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick and falling into a pond of formic acid. Alikimedes made a brief return appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation there.
  • Egyptas (エジプタス, Ejiputasu, 36) – An Egyptian mummy altered by Shocker Japan under Colonel Zol's orders. The mark worn by the soldiers of the outpost which created it was a seahorse. Able to breath fire. A cruel monster, killing one of Shocker's own soldiers after his revival. Unable to speak in Japanese. Attacked various targets for Shocker to find a suitable Egyptian translator so Shocker can pinpoint the location of Thutmose III's treasure worth billions of yen. He is tracked down however, thanks to the last few moments of one of the people attacked by him, and destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. Egyptas returned alive in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, where he faced Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2, giving time to let Dr. Shinigami escape from them. He was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's kick.
  • Torikabuto (トリカブト 37 & Rider vs. Shocker) – An aconitum monster. Personal mark worn by his soldiers was an aconitum silhouette. Able to spit a strong green acid that melts an adult human in seconds and extend his white hand into a large tentacle. Spread throughout Japan various artificial flowers able to release poisonous gas. However, he was seen by a child, and eventually that led Kamen Rider #2 to finding him. Meanwhile, revived monsters were about to test the poisonous gas on children, but were stopped by Taki, who used it against them. Torikabuto was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Punch. Torikabuto returned in Kamen Rider vs/ Shocker, as a member of the large kaijin army. He faced Kamen Rider #1 and 2 together, trying to capture a girl called Tamami, only to be destroyed by being thrown onto one of his partners for that mission, Sarracenian.
  • (Repaired) Kanibubbler (37) - Tried to use toxic gas to kill children, but was destroyed by Taki with Shocker's own gas.
  • (Repaired) Mukadelas (37) - Tried to use toxic gas to kill children, but was destroyed by Taki with Shocker's own gas.
  • (Repaired) Mogurang (37) - Tried to use toxic gas to kill children, but was destroyed by Taki with Shocker's own gas.
  • (Repaired) Armadillong (37) - Tried to use toxic gas to kill children, but was destroyed by Taki with Shocker's own gas.
  • Eiking (エイキング, Eikingu, 38, Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu, Rider vs. Shocker, & Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi) - A stingray monster. Personal mark worn by his soldiers was a stingray silhouette. Able to release electrical discharges strong enough to vaporize humans as projectiles. Tried to recapture a fugitive from one of Shocker's outposts, only to stumble upon the members of the Tachibana Racing Club. Participated on an operation to set up bombs, but they were stopped by Taki after a single detonation, while Eiking himself was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick. Eiking made a brief appearance in the monster army in Kamen Rider vs. Shocker, but didn't actually have an active participation. Returned in Kamen Rider vs. Ambabassador Hell, participating in an ambush against Kamen Rider #1 and Taki, and holding them off while another Shocker operation was prepared.
  • Wolf Man (prototype) (狼男(実験体), Ōkami Otoko (Jikken-tai), 39) (a.k.a. Experimental Wolf Man (実験用狼男, Jikkenyō Ōkami Otoko)) - An experimental wolf monster created by the wolf virus. Initially, a berserker monster, a sample for the "Operation Wolf", who attacked anyone nearby, slept on the streets and turned into Wolf Man to kill a man who approached him. Afterwards, fought and was captured by Shocker Combatmen. Returned as a loyal Shocker agent, attempting to capture a girl who had seen him previously. Faced Kamen Rider #2, but was strong enough to match him and escape. Returned to Colonel Zol's outpost afterwards, but its self destruction was activated, killing various Shocker Combatmen and commanders with its explosion.

Dr. Shinigami's Kaijin[]

  • Snowman (スノーマン, Sunōman, 40) - A yeti monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick.
  • Goaster (ゴースター, Gōsutā, 41) - A lava monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick.
  • (Repaired) Armadillong (41) - Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1.
  • (Repaired) Mogurang (41) - Helped Capturing Kamen Rider #1 and did not appear later.
  • Fly Man (ハエ男, Hae Otoko, 42) - A fly monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kaiten Kick.
  • Pranodon (プラノドン, Puranodon, 43) - A pteranodon monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Kabibinga (カビビンガ 44) - A mold monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Namekujira (ナメクジラ 45) - A slug monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick and Rider Nidangaeshi.
  • Bearkonger (ベアーコンガー, Beākongā, 46) - A brown bear monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Todoguiler (トドギラー, Todogirā, 47) - A walrus monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Hilguerrilla (ヒルゲリラ, Hirugerira, 48) - A leech monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick and Rider Hoden.
  • Isoguinchack (イソギンチャック, Isoguinchackku, 49) - A sea anemone monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Sharin, Rider Gaeshi, and Rider Double Kick.
  • Kamestone (カメストーン, Kamesutōn, 50 & Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu) - A turtle monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Unicornos (ユニコルノス, Yunikorunosu, 51) - A unicorn monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick.
  • Guilgaras (ギルガラス, Girugarasu, 52 & Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu) - A jungle crow monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick.
  • Namazuguiller (ナマズギラー, Namazugirā, 61 & Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu) - An electric catfish monster hailing from the riverbanks of the Andes. Under command of both Jigoku Taishi and Dr. Shinigami to kill Hongo by any means neccessary. His whiskers serves as whips that deliver 20000 volt shocks to any wrapped or strucked by them. His weakness is that his electric energy must constantly be recharged by sunlight from a solar panel tower otherwise he is hopelessly weak. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Hanten Kick which results in the destruction of Shocker's solar panel tower .
  • Saigang (サイギャング, Saigyangu, 63 & 66) - A rhinoceros monster. Disguising prowess. His main ability is to charge attack ram with his entire body or spew flames from his mouth. Hailing from the African branch, his mission upon arriving in Tokyo is to assassinate Hongo Takeshi and Taki Kazuya during their latest motocross marathon event by hypnotizing one of Takeshi's competitors and having him both lure Hongo off course to a motorbike ambush and spike his motorcycle fuel with an explosive element. His weakness ironically is his horn. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Punch and Rider Kirimomi Shoot.
  • (Revived) Saigang (68) - He is shown alive training with Shocker Combatmen.
  • (Revived) Kabutorong (68) - He is shown alive training with Shocker Combatmen.

Jigoku Taishi's Kaijin[]

  • Jaguarman (ジャガーマン, Jagāman, 53 & 66) - A jaguar monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Head Crusher.
  • Sea Snake Man (海蛇男, Umihebi Otoko, 54) - A sea snake monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Back Jump and Rider Kick.
  • Cockroach Man (ごきぶり男, Gokiburi Otoko, 55) - A cockroach monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Hanten Kick.
  • Gilliera (ギリーラ, Girīra, 56) - A poisonous butterfly monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
  • Dokumonde (ドクモンド, Dokumondo, 57) - A ground spider monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
  • Beaded Lizard Man (毒トカゲ男, Dokutokage Otoko, 58 & 66) - A frilled lizard monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Head Crusher.
  • Worm Man (ミミズ男, Mimizu Otoko, 59) - An earthworm monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
  • Owl Man (フクロウ男, Fukurō Otoko, 60) - An owl monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Hammer and Rider Kick.
  • Harinezras (ハリネズラス, Harinezrasu, 62 & 66) - A hedgehog monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Inazuma Kick.
  • Semiminga (セミミンガ 64 & Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu) - A robust cicada monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Gaeshi and Rider Kick.
  • Kabutorong (カブトロング, Kabutorongu, 65) - A Japanese rhinoceros beetle monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
  • Kamikirikid (カミキリキッド, Kamikirikiddo, 66 & Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu) - A longhorn beetle monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kirimomi Shoot.
  • (Revived) Zanjioh (66) - Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Crash, thrown into Harinezras.
  • (Revived) Jaguarman (66) - Destroyed after being thrown against rocks by Kamen Rider #1.
  • (Revived) Beaded Lizard Man (66) - Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Crash.
  • (Revived) Harinezras (66) - Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Crash, thrown into Zanjioh.
  • (Revived) Saigang (66) - Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Punch.
  • Gillizames (ギリザメス, Gillizamesu, 67) - A sawshark monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kirimomi Shoot.
  • Guiller Koorogi (ギラーコオロギ, Girākōrogi, 69) - A cricket monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick (Rider Knee Block?).
  • Eleki Botaru (エレキボタル, Erekibotaru, 70) - A firefly monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Gaeshi.
  • Abugomes (アブゴメス, Abugomesu, 71) - A horse-fly monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Knee Block.
  • Mosquiras (モスキラス, Mosukirasu, 72) - A mosquito monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick.
  • Siomaneking (シオマネキング, Siomanekingu, 72 & 73 & V3 27 & 28) - A fiddler crab monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Gaeshi and Rider Double Kick.
  • Silaquiras (シラキュラス, Shirakyurasu, 74) - A crab louse monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Drop Kick.
  • Bararanga (バラランガ 75) - A rose monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Screw Block.
  • Sea Dragon the 1st. (シードラゴンⅠ世, Shīdoragon Issei, 76) - A seahorse monster. Destroyed by falling on the ground.
  • Sea Dragon the 2nd. (シードラゴンⅡ世, Shīdoragon Nisei, 76) - A seahorse monster. Destroyed by electric drill.
  • Sea Dragon the 3rd. (シードラゴンⅢ世, Shīdoragon Sansei, 76) - A seahorse monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Punch.
  • Imorigues (イモリゲス, Imoriguesu, 77 & V3 27 & 28) - A newt monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Screw Kick.
  • Unidogma (ウニドグマ, Unidoguma, 78 & V3 27 & 28) - A sea urchin monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kirimomi Shoot.

Shocker Kaijin (Kamen Rider versus Shocker)[]

  • Zanjioh (ザンジオー, Zanjiō, Rider vs. Shocker, 66, Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi, Kamen Rider: Seigi No keifu & Movie War 2010) - A salamander monster. He was the leader of Shocker's operation to acquire an artificial gravity device. He had great combat potential, fire breathing abilities and was also able to turn into foam to move through small spaces. He captured Tamami, daughter of the leader researcher of the gravity device, and attempted to steal the formula hidden inside a Teddy Bear. He was tracked down and destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Double Kick. He was eventually revived by sacrifices from Jigoku Taishi in episode 66 of the TV series, going on to work under Kamikirikid. In that role, Zanjioh easily lost to the improved Kamen Rider #1. He was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Crash, thrown into Harinezras. Zanjioh would return to life yet again in Kamen Rider vs. Jigoku Taishi. Zanjioh led a group of other revived Kaijin in another ambush against Takeshi Hongo and Taki. He fought against Kamen Rider #1 for a while, standing in a stalemate, only to reveal that his forces were just a distraction while Shocker prepared their new weapon. Kamen Rider #1 left without finishing his battle with him. Years later, Zanjioh would appear in yet another Kamen Rider movie, Movie War 2010, as a minor Super Shocker member. He was part of Super Shocker's forces in the final battle, surviving even up to Doras' arrival and siding with it alongside other Kaijin. However, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Ryuki (Shinji Tatsumi)'s surprise Dragon Rider Kick.
  • Revived Kaijin
    • Fly Man - He took the identity and appearance of Ano, one of the researchers of an artificial gravity device that Shocker aimed to get. He obtained the information about the location of the research data from professor Daidouji and attempted to kill him. However, he was interrupted by Hayato Ichimonji and Kazuya Taki. Fly Man fought against Kamen Rider #2 helped by Mogurang and Saboteguron, but they are quickly defeated, and Fly Man himself was destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
    • Mogurang - Mogurang hid with rocks and revealed himself to attack Kamen Rider #2 alongside Fly Man and Saboteguron. However, during the battle, Kamen Rider #2 kicked Saboteguron's own Flower of Mexico bomb back to him. Destroyed by Saboteguron's Flower of Mexico bomb.
    • Saboteguron - Saboteguron hid with rocks and revealed himself to attack Kamen Rider #2 alongside Fly Man and Mogurang. He was unable to match Kamen Rider #2 in direct combat and used his Flower of Mexico bomb again. However, Kamen Rider #2 kicked it back to him. Destroyed by his own Flower of Mexico bomb.
    • Arigabari - He attacked a birthday party and attempted to capture Tamami, professor Daidouji's daughter. However, Takeshi Hongo appeared while he tried to escape with Tamami. He was destroyed by Kamen Rider #1.
    • Dokugander's imago - He helped Arigabari and Zanjioh capture Tamami, but he was defeated afterwards by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2.
  • Revived Kaijin - Jigoku Valley's Kaijin Army
    • Pranodon - Used aerial attacks to let Dr. Shinigami escape from Hongo and Ichimonji. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Hummer Kick (Simple version)
    • Guilgaras - Used aerial attacks to let Dr. Shinigami escape from Hongo and Ichimonji. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2's Rider Hummer Kick (Simple version)
    • Egyptas - Fought against Hongo and Ichimonji while Dr. Shinigami escaped. Defeated by Kamen Rider #1's Kick.
    • Jigoku-Thunder - Fought against Hongo and Ichimonji while Dr. Shinigami escaped. Defeated by Kamen Rider #1's Throw.
    • Torikabuto - Fought alongside 3 other monsters attempting to capture Tamami again. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2, throwing Torikabuto and Sarracenian on each other.
    • Dokudahlian - Fought alongside 3 other monsters attempting to capture Tamami again. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
    • Sarracenian - Fought alongside 3 other monsters attempting to capture Tamami again. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1 and Kamen Rider #2, throwing Torikabuto and Sarracenian on each other.
    • Kinokomorgue - Fought alongside 3 other monsters attempting to capture Tamami again. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Revived Kaijin - Jigoku Valley's ambush Kaijin Army
  • The following Kaijin appeared as members of the Kaijin Army, even announcing their names. However, after the initial ambush failed, they left and did not return later.

Shocker Kaijin (Kamen Rider versus Jigoku Taishi)[]

  • Kamikirikid - He attempts to defeat Kamen Rider #1, but fails. Later, he fails to notice that Shocker's new weapon has been sabotaged, destroying Shocker's base. He attempts to fight Kamen Rider #1 afterwards, but is destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
  • Revived Kaijin
    • Kabutorong - Attempts to trap Kamen Rider #1 and Taki, but fails. He's knocked out by Kamen Rider #1, dying in the self-destruction of one of Shocker's bases.
    • Cockroach Man - is defeated by Kamen Rider #1, who forces him to reveal the location of one of Shocker's base, but he is killed by Kamikirikid before revealing the information.
    • Gilliera - Tries to kill Kamen Rider #1 alongside Kamikirikid, but is easily defeated.
    • Semiminga - Tries to kill Kamen Rider #1 alongside Kamikirikid, but is easily defeated. Later returns with a troop of horse riding Shocker Combatmen and using hostages, but escapes when Taki saves the hostages.
    • Jaguarman - Pursues Kamen Rider #1 with a group of bikers, attracting him to a trap.
    • Saigang - Pursues Kamen Rider #1 with a group of bikers, attracting him to a trap.
    • Sea Snake Man - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Worm Man - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1. Destroyed when Beaded Lizard Man is thrown at him.
    • Eiking - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Goaster - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Pranodon - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Kinokomorgue - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Zanjioh - Was the leader of the large group ambushing Kamen Rider #1.
    • Dokumonde - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Musasabeedle - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1.
    • Zanbronzo - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Punch.
    • Beaded Lizard Man - Was part of a large ambush against Kamen Rider #1. Destroyed after crashing into Worm Man.


Membership (Kamen Rider the First/Kamen Rider the Next)[]

  • Great Leader of Shocker (ショッカー首領, Shokkā Shuryō)
  • Dr. Shinigami (死神博士, Shinigami Hakase): Credited in the movie as "Shocker Staff: Elderly Gentleman" (ショッカー幹部・老紳士, Shokkā Kanbu Rōshinshi).
  • Shocker Staff: Lady (ショッカー幹部・美女, Shokkā Kanbu Bijo): She takes over the task of rebuilding Shocker's Base.
  • Shocker Staff: Youth (ショッカー幹部・若者, Shokkā Kanbu Wakamono)
  • Shocker Riders (ショッカーライダー, Shokkā Raidā)

Shocker Inhumanoids[]

While the first four are based on the Inhumanoids in the 1st Kamen Rider series, the last two are based on the Inhumanoids of Destron.

  • Spider (スパイダー, Supaidā): A spider-cyborg with heightened strength and agility; able to shoot out powerful strands of webbing. He poses as a cab driver to assassinate Shocker's targets. When attempting to finish his mission to kill Asuka Midorikawa, the Spider eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick
  • Bat (バット, Batto): A bat cyborg, the one who captured Takeshi Hongō. He eventually destroyed by the teamwork of Kamen Riders 1 and 2's Rider Double Kick
  • Haruhiko Mitamura/Cobra (三田村 晴彦/コブラ, Mitamura Haruhiko/Kobura): A Cobra cyborg. Defeated by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
  • Miyoko Harada / Snake (原田 美代子 / スネーク, Harada Miyoko / Sunēku): A Snake cyborg. Defeated by Kamen Rider #2's Rider Kick.
  • Chainsaw Lizard (チェーンソーリザード, Chēnsō Rizādo): Formerly Kazami's secretary, she was exposed to the nanobots and became a sensual lizard cyborg who can change her right arm into a regenerable buzzsaw weapon that can cut through anything. She serves as Scissors Jaguar's 2nd in command before being eventually killed by Kamen Rider V3's Hanten Kick when she attempts to escape with the nanobots.
  • Scissors Jaguar (シザースジャガー, Shizāsu Jagā): A warped scissor-bladed jaguar cyborg who can morph his hands into blades, the mastermind behind Shocker's nano-tech project who caused Kazami's transformation into V3. Based at the restaurant Legend of Gathering, Hasami Jaguar intended to turn all of Japan into cyborgs with the nanobots. However, his plans were foiled as he was killed by the Double Riders' Rider Double Kick and Rider Double Punch combo.

Membership (Let's Go Kamen Riders)[]

Shocker alliance

Shocker's alliance.

In this version of the organization, the Gel Shocker members were part of the original Shocker, before its destruction. In addition, due to a time paradox caused by Ankh leaving a Cell Medal behind during the events of OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders, Shocker achieved its goal of world dominion with the Shocker Greeed (ショッカーグリード, Shokkā Gurīdo) and formed a league unitying members from various other organizations.

  • Great Leader of Shocker: The grand master of the entire organization and Shocker's original leader. Initially, during the final fight, he was defeated by Kamen Rider OOO when the Kamen Rider himself had used the power of Tamashiy Combo as he was fighting against him. However, after he was originally defeated, he became the Rock Great Leader before he then proceeds to kill all of his remaining generals in the process as well as starting to destroy the world itself by just merely existing in his current form. Thankfully, he was finally destroyed by the All-Rider Break which was performed by all of the Kamen Riders who gathered to face him.
  • General Black (ブラック将軍, Burakku Shōgun, Kamen Rider 80-98): Shocker's main commander in Let's Go Kamen Riders and the commander of Gel Shocker in the normal timeline who has the ability to become the hybrid leech/chameleon Inhumanoid known as Hilchameleon. A Shocker Combatman had found a Cell Medal that Ankh had dropped in their time before they then combine said Cell Medal with a Core Medal that was reverse engineered by members of Shocker called the Shocker Medal in order to create the Shocker Greed which had, in turn, altered time into a timeline where Shocker would finally defeat the Double Riders. During the final offensive between the Kamen Riders and the organization itself, he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO himself.

Shocker Kaijin[]

  • Shocker Greeed (ショッカーグリード, Shokkā Gurīdo): A Greeed that was created when Shocker's Leader had combined a Cell Medal from the future that was accidently left behind by Ankh when he, Kamen Rider OOO, and Kamen Rider New Den-O had went back in time with the Shocker Core Medal. This Greeed was shown to be stronger than Kamen Riders #1 and #2 as it had defeated them with the 2 Kamen Riders' subsequent defeat altering the past so that Shocker would have conquered the world. Eventually, in the present time, after a good number of Kamen Riders had been partially restored to existence, he was eventually destroyed for good by Ichigo's and Nigo's Rider Double Kick with his Core Medal being subsequently used alongside Den-O's Imagin medal in order to give Kamen Rider OOO the power to access OOO Tamashiy Combo.
  • Zanjioh (ザンジオー, Zanjio, Kamen Rider VS Shocker): A salamander monster who was previously destroyed by both Kamen Riders 1 and 2. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question being part of an army of resurrected Kaijins in order to fight against Kamen Riders #1, #2, OOO and New Den-O alongside Momotaros when they had attempted to interfere with the Shocker Greeed's birth. In the year 2011 of the movie's altered timeline, when Shocker controls the world, he's shown to have a human form and becomes a member of the Shocker police.
  • Siomaneking (シオマネキング, Siomanekingu, Kamen Rider 72 & 73): A fiddler crab monster who was previously destroyed by both Kamen Riders 1 and 2. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question going after both Naoki and Mitsuru in order to obtain a Cell Medal that they want for their nefarious plans. However, both he himself as well as Beaded Lizard Man were subsequently confronted by the Double Riders with Kamen Rider 1 being able to destroy him. In the year 2011 of the movie's altered timeline, when Shocker controls the world, he was revived once again to continue his service to Shocker but during Kamen Rider OOO's and Kamen Rider New Den-O's failed execution, he was finally defeated for good by Kamen Rider OOO himself.
  • Ganikoumoru (ガニコウモル, Ganikōmoru, Kamen Rider 78-80): One of Shocker's Inhumanoids as well as being a member of another evil organization called Geldam in the normal timeline, he was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question being part of an army of resurrected Kaijins in order to fight against Kamen Riders #1, #2, OOO and New Den-O alongside Momotaros when they had attempted to interfere with the Shocker Greeed's birth. In the year 2011 of the movie's altered timeline, when Shocker controls the world, he's shown to have a human form and becomes a member of the Shocker police. Eventually, when all of the Kamen Riders had united against Shocker once the timeline has been partially restored, he was finally destroyed alongside both Ika Devil and Garagaranda by both Kamen Rider Den-O Climax Form's Boistous Slash and Kamen Rider New Den-O's Counter Slash.
  • Ika Devil (イカデビル, Ikadebiru, Kamen Rider 40-52, 61, 63 & 68) The squid monster form of Dr. Shinigami who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question being part of an army of resurrected Kaijins in order to fight against Kamen Riders #1, #2, OOO and New Den-O alongside Momotaros when they had attempted to interfere with the Shocker Greeed's birth. Eventually, when all of the Kamen Riders had united against Shocker once the timeline has been partially restored, he was finally destroyed alongside both Ganikoumoru and Garagaranda by both Kamen Rider Den-O Climax Form's Boistous Slash and Kamen Rider New Den-O's Counter Slash.
  • Garagaranda (ガラガランダ Kamen Rider 53-62, 64-67 & 69-79): The rattlesnake monster form of Jigoku Taishi who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question being part of an army of resurrected Kaijins in order to fight against Kamen Riders #1, #2, OOO and New Den-O alongside Momotaros when they had attempted to interfere with the Shocker Greeed's birth. Eventually, when all of the Kamen Riders had united against Shocker once the timeline has been partially restored, he was finally destroyed alongside both Ganikoumoru and Ika Devil by both Kamen Rider Den-O Climax Form's Boistous Slash and Kamen Rider New Den-O's Counter Slash.
  • Beaded Lizard Man (毒トカゲ男, Dokutokage Otoko, Kamen Rider 58): A frilled lizard monster who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question going after both Naoki and Mitsuru in order to obtain a Cell Medal that they want for their nefarious plans. However, both he himself as well as Siomaneking were subsequently confronted by the Double Riders with Kamen Rider 2 being able to destroy him. In the year 2011 of the movie's altered timeline, when Shocker controls the world, he was revived once again to continue his service to Shocker. However, in the end, when the timeline is partially restored and all of the Kamen Riders had returned, he's finally defeated by Kamen Rider V3.
  • Jaguarman (ジャガーマン, Jagāman, Kamen Rider 53): A jaguar monster who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Some time later, he was revived by Shocker to continue serving the organization itself with the Kaijin in question being part of an army of resurrected Kaijins in order to fight against Kamen Riders #1, #2, OOO and New Den-O alongside Momotaros when they had attempted to interfere with the Shocker Greeed's birth. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Riderman in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
  • Kame Bazooka (カメバズーカ, Kame Bazūka, V3 1 & 2): One of Shocker's strongest Inhumanoids as well as a member of Destron in the normal timeline. Although he's identified as a Shocker Kaijin and appears in the 1971 timeline, he, somehow, sports a Destron belt. As the then newly created Shocker Greeed continues to maintain the upper hand over both Kamen Rider New Den-O and Momotaros, Kame Bazooka is deployed by Shocker's forces in order to destroy the DenLiner. Even though Kame Bazooka had failed to destroy the DenLiner before it had escaped to the year 2011, the criticial damage that it had sustained as a result had caused it to explode after it had arrived at its' destination.
  • Tiger-Roid (タイガーロイド, Taigā Roido, Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!): An elite soldier of the Badan Empire in the normal timeline. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider ZX in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.

Allied Commanders[]

Members from various other organizations that existed independently from Shocker made an alliance to follow Shocker to fulfill their goals in Let's Go Kamen Riders' altered timeline. In spite of that, their organizations still were shown to exist individually, and they were just serving their own interests, several of them even expressing desire to end that alliance.

  • Government of Darkness
    • Kingdark (キングダーク, Kingu Dāku, X 21-35): The leader of the Government of Darkness. In the Let's Go Kamen Riders' timeline, he joins Shocker's alliance and tries to help keeping its stability. After the Great Leader was thought to be defeated for good by Kamen Rider OOO Tamashiy Combo, he himself had physically appeared in order to fight against all of the gathered Kamen Riders. However, before he could even start his fight, the Great Leader had proceeded to reveal himself in his form as the Rock Great Leader with the Great Leader subsequently attempting to destroy all of the Kamen Riders. Unfortunately, for the Rock Great Leader himself, his actions had only succeeded in causing the deaths of both Kingdark himself as well as any and all of his surviving generals.
    • Apollogeist (アポロガイスト, Aporogaisuto, X 8-14 & 16-21): The chief of security of G.O.D. Represented G.O.D. in the Shocker alliance meeting, taking a seat in the organization's council but gave command to Kingdark when he had suddenly appeared. When the timeline starts being restored and the Riders reappear, he attempts to face his rival, Kamen Rider X, only to be easily driven back. He was finally destroyed when the Great Leader became Rock Great Leader.
  • Gedon
    • Jyumenki Yum Cimil (十面鬼ユム・キミル, Jūmenki Yumu Kimiru, Decade 28 & 29): The leader of Gedon in the World of Amazon dimension and its representative in the organization's council. In the normal timeline, he was also a member of Dai-Shocker. He was finally destroyed when the Great Leader became Rock Great Leader.
  • Delzer Army
    • General Shadow (ジェネラルシャドウ, Jeneraru Shadou, Stronger 13-38): Representative of the Delzer Army in Shocker's council. Likes to play with his Poker cards and challenge strong opponents. Eventually, he was finally slain at the hands of Kikaider, Kikaider 01, Zubat, and Inazuman, the other heroes of justice.
  • Gorgom
    • High Priest Darom (大神官ダロム, Daishinkan Daromu, Black 1-49) The leader of Gorgom's High Priests and the Gorgom member chosen to represent the group in the Shocker meetings. He actually has little interest in the alliance, and despises Shocker's interest in ruling over humanity, wishing to just eliminate the entire species. However, he's eventually convinced to continue with the alliance. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages both Kamen Riders Black and Black RX in combat, only to be beaten back before he quickly escapes. He was finally destroyed when the Great Leader became Rock Great Leader.
    • Shadow Moon (シャドームーン, Shadō Mūn, Black 35-51): Nobuhiko Akizuki, the dark opposite of Kamen Rider Black and one of the Century Kings as well as being a high ranking member of Gorgom[1]. Although, he is, technically, Gorgom's leader as well as being present in a meeting with the other organizations, he plays no active role in those meeting as he leaves the discussions with his subordinate, Darom. Alongside Doras, he puts down Kamen Rider OOO and Kamen Rider New Den-O when they attempt to resist their own execution. However, when the timeline is partially restored, he was finally defeated in battle by Kamen Rider Decade.
  • Crisis Empire
    • General Jark (ジャーク将軍, Jāku Shōgun, Black RX 1-46): The military leader of the Crisis Empire and its' representative in the conversations with Shocker and the other villain groups. Like Darom, he has little interest in ruling over humanity and actually wishes to clean the planet, but he's convinced to continue collaborating with them. He was finally destroyed when the Great Leader became Rock Great Leader.
  • Gurongi
    • N·Gamio·Zeda (ン・ガミオ・ゼダ Decade 3): The wolf-like leader of the Gurongi in the normal timeline of the World of Kuuga dimension. In Let's Go Kamen Riders, he's the representative of the Gurongi in the Shocker alliance council and leads them to fight against Kamen Rider Kuuga when the timeline is partially restored, only to be defeated in a fight against the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Lords
    • El of the Water (水のエル, Mizu no Eru, Agito 32-35 & 41-43): A whale Lord with the power of water and the ability of human speech. He participates in Shocker's meeting with the various villains but, for some reason, he isn't seen during their later offensive.
  • Undead
    • Kerberos (ケルベロス, Keruberosu, Blade 45 & 46): The artificial Ace Undead who somehow has control over the other Undead in the altered timeline from Let's go Kamen Riders. He's also the representative of the Undead in the Shocker alliance council and leads them to fight against Kamen Rider Blade when the timeline is partially restored, only to be defeated.
  • Imagin
    • Albinoleo Imagin (アルビノレオイマジン, Arubinoreo Imajin, Den-O 43-46): Representative of the Imagin alongside Shocker in the Let's Go Kamen Riders' altered timeline. During the final offensive between the Kamen Riders and the organization itself, he was finally defeated by Kamen Rider New Den-O himself.
  • Museum
    • Terror Dopant (テラー・ドーパント, Terā Dōpanto, W 2-46): The monster form of Ryubei Sonozaki, leader of the Museum and the Sonozaki Family patriarch in the normal timeline as well as acting as the representative of the Sonozakis' interests with the Shocker alliance. Although he participates in the meeting as well as some Dopants are shown fighting alongside Shocker later on, neither the Terror Dopant himself nor any of the Sonozaki affiliated Dopants are shown personally supporting the organization's final offensive.

Allied Kaijin[]

Various monsters from other organizations which aligned themselves with Shocker in Let's Go Kamen Riders' altered timeline.

  • Jin Dogma
    • KomaThunder (コマサンダー, Komasanda, Super-1 37): A top monster from Jin Dogma. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider Super-1 in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
  • Institute of Super Science
    • Cyborg Soldier Level 2 (改造兵士レベル2, Saibōgu Sorujā Reberu Tsū, Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue): An outdated but still powerful cyborg who is a soldier of the ISS. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider Shin in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
  • Neonoid
    • Doras (ドラス, Dorasu, ZO): A grotesque Kamen Rider-like form which serves as a proxy body for the Neonoid. Alongside Shadow Moon, it defeats Kamen Rider OOO and Kamen Rider New Den-O when they attempt to resist execution. However, when the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, Doras was easily defeated by Kamen Rider ZO's ZO Punch.
  • Fog Children
    • Garai (ガライ J): The eldest child of the Fog Mother's children. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider J in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
  • Gurongi
  • All Gurongi had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Kuuga under the command of N·Gamio·Zeda when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Lords
    • Pantheras Luteus (パンテラス・ルテウス, Panterasu Ruteusu, Agito 1): A jaguar Lord.
    • Cetos Orcinus (ケトス・オルキヌス, Ketosu Orukinusu, Agito 31-33): An orca Lord.
  • Both Lords had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Agito when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Mirror Monsters
    • GuldStorm (ガルドストーム, Garudosutōmu, Ryuki 35, 39 & 40, 43 & 44, 48)
    • Metalgelas (メタルゲラス, Metarugerasu, Ryuki 15-50): A rhinoceros themed Mirror Monster that was suppose to be the Contract Monster of Kamen Rider Gai. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, it briefly engages Kamen Rider Black in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating it.
    • Volcancer (ボルキャンサー, Borukyansā, Ryuki 5 & 6)
    • Deadlemur (デッドリマー, Deddorimā, Ryuki 13 & 14)
  • All Mirror Monsters, with the exception of Metalgelas, had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Ryuki when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Orphnoch
    • Lobster Orphnoch (ロブスターオルフェノク, Robusutā Orufenoku, 555 11-50)
    • Elephant Orphnoch (エレファントオルフェノク, Erefanto Orufenoku, 555 2): An elephant Orphnoch.
    • Stagbeetle Orphnoch (スタッグビートルオルフェノク, Sutaggu Bītoru Orufenoku, 555 33-35): A Stagbeetle Orphnoch.
    • Octopus Orphnoch (オクトパスオルフェノク, Okutopasu Orufenoku, 555 36): An octopus Orphnoch. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider J in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
  • All Orphnochs, with the exception of the Octopus Orphnoch, had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Faiz when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Undead
    • Eagle Undead (イーグルアンデッド, Īguru Andeddo, Blade 22 & 23): The eagle Jack of Spades Undead.
    • Serpent Undead (サーペントアンデッド, Sāpento Andeddo, Blade 29 & 30): The snake Queen of Diamonds Undead. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, she briefly engages Kamen Rider Black RX in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating her.
    • Tiger Undead (タイガーアンデッド, Taigā Andeddo, Blade 35-42): The tiger Queen of Clubs Undead. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, she briefly engages Kamen Rider Amazon in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating her.
    • Giraffa Undead (ギラファアンデッド, Girafa Andeddo, Blade 41-47): A category King Undead. In Let's Go Kamen Riders' altered timeline, like the other Undead, he follows Kerberus orders', and accompanies him to the meeting with Shocker.
  • All Undead, with the exception of both the Serpent Undead and the Tiger Undead, had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Blade under the command of the Kerberos Undead when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Makamou
    • Douji & Hime of Bakegani (童子と姫のバケガニ, Dōji to Hime no Bakegani, Hibiki 5 & 6): A pair of monstrous looking humanoid creatures that act as the adoptive parents of a Bakegani with the both of them having crab claws in place of their respective right hands. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, the both of them had briefly engaged Kamen Rider Hibiki in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating them.
  • Worm
    • Scorpio Worm (スコルピオワーム, Sukorupio Wāmu, Kabuto 20-46): Also known as Kamen Rider Sasword. When the altered timeline starts disappearing, he fights against Kamen Rider Kabuto only to be easily defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider. Later on, during the Kamen Riders' final showdown against the Rock Great Leader, he seemingly leaves Shocker and appears alongside the other Kamen Riders as Kamen Rider Sasword in order to help his fellow Kamen Riders in their final battle against the Great Leader himself.
    • Sectio Worm (セクティオワーム, Sekutio Wāmu, Kabuto 13)
    • Cammarus Worm (キャマラスワーム, Kyamarasu Wāmu, Kabuto 33 & 34): When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, she briefly engages Kamen Rider Stronger in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating her.
    • Subst Worm (サブストワーム, Sabusuto Wāmu, Kabuto 39 & 40): A crayfish Worm.
  • All Worms, with the exception of the Cammarus Worm, had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Kabuto when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Imagin
    • Owl Imagin (オウルイマジン, Ōru Imajin, Den-O 13 & 14): An Owl Imagin. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider Shin in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
    • Scorpion Imagin (スコーピオンイマジン, Sukōpion Imajin, Den-O 23 & 24): A Scorpion Imagin. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider ZO in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
    • Oct Imagin (オクトイマジン, Okuto Imajin, Den-O 41 & 42): An Octopus Imagin. During Kamen Rider OOO's and Kamen Rider New Den-O's failed execution, he was finally defeated by Kamen Rider New Den-O himself.
    • Mantis Imagin (マンティスイマジン, Mantisu Imajin, EPISODE BLUE: The Dispatched Imagin is NEW-Tral): During the final offensive between the Kamen Riders and the organization itself, she was finally defeated by Kamen Rider New Den-O himself.
  • Fangire
    • Lion Fangire (ライオンファンガイア, Raion Fangaia, Kiva 11-31): A lion Fangire.
    • Crab Fangire (クラブファンガイア, Kurabu Fangaia, Kiva 27 & 28): A crab Fangire.
  • Both Fangires had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Kiva when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • A.R. World Monsters
    • Paradoxa Undead (パラドキサアンデッド, Paradokisa Andeddo, Decade 8 & 9): A category King Undead from the World of Blade dimension. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he fights alongside Tiger Orphnoch against Kamen Rider Decade but he is easily defeated.
    • Tiger Orphnoch (タイガーオルフェノク, Taigā Orufenoku, Decade 10 & 11): A special Orphnoch who has the ability to revive and evolve others of his species from the World of Faiz dimension. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he fights alongside the Paradox Undead against Kamen Rider Decade but he is easily defeated.
    • Shvarian (シュバリアン, Shubarian, Decade 26 & 27): The Crisis Empire commander who led the attack against the World of Black RX dimension in the original timeline. He accompanies General Jark to the Shocker meeting before he is subsequently and easily defeated by Kamen Rider V3 during the organization's final offensive.
  • Dopants
    • Utopia Dopant (ユートピア・ドーパント, Yūtopia Dōpanto, W 37-48): A member of Foundation X in the normal timeline.
    • T-Rex Dopant (ティーレックス・ドーパント, Tīrekkusu Dōpanto, W 1 & 2)
    • Triceratops Dopant (トライセラトップス・ドーパント, Toraiseratoppusu Dōpanto, W 21 & 22): The triceratops Dopant.
    • Beast Dopant (ビースト・ドーパント, Bīsuto Dōpanto, W 31 & 32): A monstrous-like Dopant. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, he briefly engages Kamen Rider V3 in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating him.
    • Hopper Dopant (ホッパー・ドーパント, Hoppā Dōpanto, W 37 & 38): A grasshopper Dopant. When the timeline is partially restored and the Riders return, she briefly engages Skyrider in combat, only to be easily beaten back with said Kamen Rider finally defeating her.
  • All Dopants, with the exception of both the Beast Dopant and the Hopper Dopant, had attempted to fight against Kamen Rider Double when the timeline was partially restored but they were eventually defeated by the aforementioned Kamen Rider.

Membership (Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3)[]

The original Shocker organization is revealed to still be operating in secret many years after their supposed destruction. Continuing a project created by the deceased Dr. Dee, thanks to a Roidmude, who uses Dr. Dee's remains to copy his memories and mind, Shocker finalizes the History Modifying Machine. Shocker works alongside several Roidmudes and makes an alliance with the Kibaoni Army CorpsIcon-crosswiki. Eventually, they use the completed History Modifying Machine to recreate the world in 2015, changing history to one where Rider 1 and 2 are defeated briefly after the Great Leader's first loss, allowing Shocker to achieve world domination.


  • Great Leader of Shocker: Shocker's original leader and the grand master of the entire organization. Many years after the original Shocker's destruction, the Great Leader would assume his mantle of being the Great Leader of Shocker once more as any and all of the aforementioned organization's surviving remnants would put together a plan where they would utilize the History Modifying Machine in order to achieve their dreams of world domination. First appearing as a belt that was worn by Roidmude 089, a Spider Type Roidmude who had become a member of Shocker and had taken on the form of Dr Dee, a deceased scientist who had served both Shocker and Gel-Shocker before his untimely demise, it was revealed in the movie itself that he had implanted his essence into the History Modifying Machine. During the final battle against Kamen Rider Drive and his fellow Kamen Riders, he had transformed the machine itself into the Rider Robo. In the end, he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider Drive with some unexpected help from the Sentai team, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger.
  • General Black (ブラック将軍, Burakku Shōgun, Kamen Rider 80-98): The commander of Gel-Shocker who has the ability to turn himself into the hybrid leech/chameleon monster known as Hilchameleon, he was previously destroyed by both Kamen Rider 1 and Kamen Rider 2. Many years later, after his defeat at the hands of the Double Riders, he was resurrected back to life and served as a high-ranking member of the original Shocker along with participating in their latest scheme which involved utilizing a prototype of the History Modifying Machine in order to fulfill Shocker's nefarious goals for world domination. During the final battle between the three way alliance of Shocker, the Roidmudes and the Kibaoni Army Corps against the Ninningers, Kamen Rider Drive and Kamen Rider Mach, he alongside Kame Bazooka had fought against Kamen Rider Mach. After Kame Bazooka had been destroyed in the aforementioned fight, he had made a hasty retreat while vowing that Shocker will reign surpreme. Once Shocker's plans of altering history in order to achieve their insidious dreams of world domination had been put into action, he had continued his service as a member of Shocker with himself now serving as the aforementioned organization's main commander. He had played a role in luring Kamen Rider Zeronos into a trap that is set by the Great Leader himself but during the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Dead Heat Mach's Full Throttle.

Shocker Kaijin[]

  • Garagaranda (ガラガランダ Kamen Rider 53-62, 64-67 & 69-79): The rattlesnake monster form of Jigoku Taishi, he was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1 but was resurrected back to life in order for him to serve Shocker in the present day. However, during the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider 2's Rider Kick.
  • Zanjioh (ザンジオー, Zanjiō, Kamen Rider VS Shocker): A salamander monster who was previously destroyed by both Kamen Rider 1 and Kamen Rider 2, he was resurrected back to life in order for him to serve Shocker in the present day. By 2015, in the alternate timeline itself, Zanjioh had eventually acquired the ability to give himself a human disguise as he is carrying out his duties as a Shocker officer. However, during a sudden sneak attack by Kamen Rider 3, he was destroyed by the machine guns of the aforementioned Kamen Rider's TriCyclone.
  • Siomaneking (シオマネキング, Shiomanekingu, Kamen Rider 72 & 73): A fiddler crab monster who was previously destroyed by both Kamen Rider 1 and Kamen Rider 2, he was resurrected back to life in order for him to serve Shocker in the present day. During the final battle, he had acted as one of the four Kaijins who would successfully murder Kamen Rider Mach before he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO's Tatoba Kick.
  • Beaded Lizard Man (毒トカゲ男, Dokutokage Otoko, Kamen Rider 58): A frilled lizard monster who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1, he was resurrected back to life in order for him to serve Shocker in the present day. During the final battle, he had acted as one of the four Kaijins who would successfully murder Kamen Rider Mach before he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider Faiz's Crimson Smash.
  • Gillizames (ギリザメス, Girizamesu, Kamen Rider 67): A sawshark monster who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1, he was resurrected back to life in order for him to serve Shocker in the present day. However, during the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider 1's Rider Kick.
  • Cheetahkatatsumuri (チーターカタツムリ, Chītā Katatsumuri, lit. "Cheetah Snail"): A hybrid snail/cheetah monster who is the monster form of the alternate timeline's version of Genpachiro Otta, he would serve as one of Shocker's lieutenants. During the final battle, he was responsible for causing the death of Kamen Rider Mach before he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider 1's, 2's and 3's Triple Rider Kick.

Shocker Riders[]

Having remodeled the racer Kyoichiro Kuroi into Kamen Rider 3, once Shocker has him change the course of history by defeating the Double Riders, they see that the subsequent Riders that emerged would be defeated and brainwashed into Shocker Riders. Only a few Riders were able to remain independent such as Black, Faiz, Zeronos and Mach. Drive, originally loyal to Shocker, was convinced by Kohtaro Minami, Kiriko Shijima, and Jun Honganji to oppose the organization. The BOARD Riders, Garren, Leangle, Chalice, and Blade, later decided to join the resistance after betraying the rebel Riders. All the other Riders are freed from their brainwashing by Riders 1 and 2 when they are revived.

Kamen Rider 3 Kyoichiro Kuroi
Kamen Rider V3 Shiro Kazami
Riderman Joji Yuki
Kamen Rider X Keisuke Jin
Kamen Rider Amazon Daisuke Yamamoto
Kamen Rider Stronger Shigeru Jo
Skyrider Hiroshi Tsukuba
Kamen Rider Super-1 Kazuya Oki
Kamen Rider ZX Ryo Murasame
Kamen Rider Shin Shin Kazamatsuri
Kamen Rider ZO Masaru Aso
Kamen Rider J Koji Segawa
Kamen Rider Kuuga Yusuke Godai
Kamen Rider Agito Shoichi Tsugami
Kamen Rider Ryuki Shinji Kido
Kamen Rider Blade Kazuma Kenzaki
Kamen Rider Garren Sakuya Tachibana
Kamen Rider Chalice Hajime Aikawa
Kamen Rider Leangle Mutsuki Kamijo
Kamen Rider Hibiki Hitoshi Hidaka
Kamen Rider Kabuto Soji Tendo
Kamen Rider Den-O Momotaros
Kamen Rider Kiva Wataru Kurenai
Kamen Rider Decade Tsukasa Kadoya
Kamen Rider Double Philip & Shotaro Hidari
Kamen Rider OOO Eiji Hino
Kamen Rider Fourze Gentaro Kisaragi
Kamen Rider Wizard Haruto Soma
Kamen Rider Gaim Kouta Kazuraba
Kamen Rider Drive Shinnosuke Tomari

Allied Executives[]

  • Roidmude 089 (ロイミュード089, Roimyūdo Zero Hachi Kyū)/Shocker Buruburu ("Dr. Dee") (ショッカーブルブル(ディー博士), Shokkā Buruburu (Dī Hakase)): A Spider Type Roidmude who had become a member of Shocker, he was given the cells of Dr Dee, a scientist who had served as a member of both Shocker and Gel-Shocker before his untimely demise, so that he could serve as the late scientist's "Successor" which had, in turn, gave the Roidmude himself the ability to alter history into his own image. After Yokai Buruburu was killed by the Ninningers, Izayoi Kyuemon had given him the purified Sealing Shuriken that had been left behind by the aforementioned Yokai's defeat. Upon absorbing the given Sealing Shuriken in question, Roidmude 089 had evolved into Shocker Buruburu. During the final battle between the three way alliance of Shocker, the Roidmudes and the Kibaoni Army Corps against the Ninningers, Kamen Rider Drive and Kamen Rider Mach, he was eventually destroyed by both Kamen Rider Drive's Type Formula's Trailer Impact and Kamen Rider Dead Heat Mach's Rider Shooting with his previously absorbed Sealing Shuriken being subsequently collected by the Ninningers themselves.
  • General Shadow of the Delzer Army (ジェネラルシャドウ, Jeneraru Shadō, Stronger 13-38): The founder and leader of the Delzer Army. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Stronger's Stronger Den Kick.
  • High Priest Darom of Gorgom (大神官ダロム, Daishinkan Daromu, Black 1-49): The leader of Gorgom's High Priests and acting as the aforementioned organization's representative in Shocker's alliance with the organization itself. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Super-1's Spark Kick.
  • General Jark of the Crisis Empire (ジャーク将軍, Jāku Shōgun, Black RX 1-46): The military leader of the Crisis Empire and acting as the aforementioned organization's representative in Shocker's alliance with the organization itself. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Black RX's Revolcane.
  • N·Gamio·Zeda of the Gurongi (ン・ガミオ・ゼダ Decade 3): The wolf-like leader of the Gurongi in the normal timeline of the World of Kuuga dimension. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Blade's Lightning Blast.
  • Super GingaOh of Foundation X (超銀河王, Chō Ginga Ō, lit. "Super Galaxy King", Movie War Mega Max): The monster form of Lem Kannagi, he acts as the representative of Foundation X in Shocker's alliance with the organization itself. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider 3's Rider Punch.
  • Sagittarius Nova of the Horoscopes Zodiarts (サジタリウス・ノヴァ, Sajitariusu Nova, Fourze 47 & 48): The enhanced monster form of Mitsuaki Gamou who is also the leader of the Zodiarts. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Zeronos' Zero Form's Full Charge.
  • Phoenix Phantom (フェニックス, Fenikkusu, Wizard 1-23): The phoenix-like member of the Phantoms, he acts as the aforementioned group's representative in Shocker's alliance with the group itself. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider Wizard's Flame Style's Kick Strike.
  • Demushu of the Femushinmu Over Lord Inves (デェムシュ, Dēmushu, Gaim 21-29, 31 & 32): A member of the Femushinmu Planet's Over Lord Inves, he acts as his species' representative in Shocker's alliance with his race. During the final battle, he had acted as one of the four Kaijins who would successfully murder Kamen Rider Mach before he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider Gaim's Orange Arms' Burai Kick.

Allied Monsters[]

  • Destron Inhumanoids
    • Kame Bazooka (カメバズーカ, Kame Bazūka, V3 1 & 2): A turtle monster of Destron. Many years after his unwilling suicide which was caused by the Double Riders themselves, he was resurrected back to life in order to serve as a member of Shocker along with participating in their latest scheme which involved utilizing a prototype of the History Modifying Machine in order to fulfill Shocker's nefarious goals for world domination. During the final battle between the three way alliance of Shocker, the Roidmudes and the Kibaoni Army Corps against the Ninningers, Kamen Rider Drive and Kamen Rider Mach, he alongside Hilchameleon had fought against Kamen Rider Mach before he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider Mach himself. However, once Shocker's plans of altering history in order to achieve their insidious dreams of world domination had been put into action, he would be resurrected back to life once again in order for him to continue his service as a member of Shocker. Only this time, it was due to himself never meeting his original fate in the alternate timeline itself. Not only that, by 2015, in the alternate timeline itself, Kame Bazooka had eventually acquired the ability to give himself a human disguise as he is carrying out his duties as a Shocker officer. Unfortunately for him, in the end, he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider Black's Rider Kick during a fight against the aforementioned Kamen Rider.
  • Strange Demon Robots
    • Shvarian (シュバリアン, Shubarian, Decade 26 & 27): A robot who served as one of the Crisis Empire's most powerful soldiers in the normal timeline of the World of Black RX dimension. He would be resurrected back to life as a result of himself never meeting his original fate in the alternate timeline itself as both himself and the rest of the Crisis Empire had became part of Shocker's alliance with other evil organizations. Furthermore, by 2015, in the alternate timeline itself, Shvarian had eventually acquired the ability to give himself a human disguise as he is carrying out his duties as a Shocker officer. Eventually, during the final battle, he had acted as one of the four Kaijins who would successfully murder Kamen Rider Mach before he was subsequently destroyed by Kamen Rider Decade's Dimension Kick.
  • Cyborg Majin
  • Orphnoch
    • Lobster Orphnoch (ロブスターオルフェノク, Robusutā Orufenoku, 555 11-50): A lobster Orphnoch. During the final battle, she was destroyed by Kamen Rider Faiz's Crimson Smash.
  • Dopants
    • Weather Dopant (ウェザー・ドーパント, Wezā Dōpanto, W 27-36): The monster form of Shinkuro Isaka, the head physician of the Isaka Medical Clinic as well as a frequent on and off ally of the Museum. During the final battle, he was destroyed by Kamen Rider V3's V3 Kick.
  • Roidmudes
    • Roidmude 057 (ロイミュード057, Roimyūdo Zero Go Nana): A Cobra Type Roidmude who worked as a subordinate of Roidmude 089. After Yokai Buruburu had been defeated by the Ninningers, Izayoi Kyuemon proceeds to use his mallet to enlarge both him and Roidmude 016 with himself holding Kamen Rider Drive hostage during the subseuqent battle between the two giant Roidmudes themselves and Shurikenjin. In the end, he was destroyed alongside Roidmude 016 by Shurikenjin UFO.
    • Roidmude 016 (ロイミュード016, Roimyūdo Zero Ichi Roku): A Bat Type Roidmude who worked as a subordinate of Roidmude 089. After Yokai Buruburu had been defeated by the Ninningers, Izayoi Kyuemon proceeds to use his mallet to enlarge both him and Roidmude 057. In the end, he was destroyed alongside Roidmude 057 by Shurikenjin UFO.
    • Roidmude 076 (ロイミュード076, Roimyūdo Zero Nana Roku): A Bat Type Roidmude who worked as a subordinate of Roidmude 089. During the final battle between the three way alliance of Shocker, the Roidmudes and the Kibaoni Army Corps against the Ninningers, Kamen Rider Drive and Kamen Rider Mach, he was eventually destroyed by AkaNinger himself.
  • YokaiIcon-crosswiki BuruburuIcon-crosswiki (妖怪ブルブル, Yōkai Buruburu, lit. "to shake"): The product of an alliance that was made between Shocker, the Roidmudes and the Kibaoni Army Corps, he was created by Izayoi Kyuemon when the aforementioned evil villain had infected a Spider Viral Core that had been provided to him by the Roidmudes themselves with a corrupted Sealing Shuriken. Though it proved to be a formidable foe against Kamen Rider Drive and the Ninningers, he was eventually destroyed by the Ninningers themselves albeit his purified Sealing Shuriken was subsequently collected by Izayoi Kyuemon and given to Roidmude 089 for the aforementioned Roidmude's use.
  • Combatmen
    • Shocker Combatmen (ショッカー戦闘員, Shokkā Sentōin, Kamen Rider 1-80): Shocker's signature foot soldiers. Originally, they had continued to exist in a small number as a result of the organization itself being reduced to a few surviving remnants that continue to operate in secret. However, once Shocker's plans of altering history in order to achieve their insidious dreams of world domination had been put into action, their numbers had significantly increased into a seemingly endless amount which spans the entirety of the globe itself.
    • Destron Combatmen (デストロン戦闘員, Desutoron Sentōin, V3): Destron's signature foot soldiers which are incorporated as part of Shocker's foot soldier force in the alternate timeline itself.
    • Combat-Roids (コンバットロイド, Konbattoroido, Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!): The Badan Empire's signature foot soldiers which are incorporated as part of Shocker's foot soldier force in the alternate timeline itself.
    • Chaps (チャップ, Chappu, Black RX): The Crisis Empire's signature foot soldiers which are incorporated as part of Shocker's foot soldier force in the alternate timeline itself.
    • HitokarageIcon-crosswiki (ヒトカラゲ Shuriken Sentai Ninninger): The Kibaoni Army Corps' signature foot soldiers. When both the Ninningers and the Kibaoni Army Corps themselves were brought to the World of Kamen Rider, the Hitokarage had supported the three-way alliance between the Roidmudes, the Kibaoni Army Corps and Shocker. Even though Izayoi Kyuemon had returned to his original world once his part of the aforementioned alliance had been finished, he had left a troop of Hitokarage behind with said foot soldiers supporting Roidmude 089's plans to help Shocker achieve world domination via using a prototype variant of the History Modifying Machine.

Membership (D-Video Special: Kamen Rider 4)[]


  • Great Leader of Shocker: The infamous leader of the organization itself, he was thought to be destroyed by Kamen Rider Drive and the Ninningers alongside the Rider Robo and the History Modifying Machine during the final battle itself. However, both he and the machine itself had managed to survive the Rider Robo's destruction. Not only that, to make matters worse, it turns out that the History Modifying Machine did not just house the Great Leader's essence but it was also synchronized with Takumi Inui's feelings of grief towards the friends that he had lost in his yearlong conflict against Smart Brain which not only made Takumi himself unknowingly serve as the source of Shocker's time loops but it had also turned the Great Leader's physical appearance into that of Takumi Inui as well as also giving the Great Leader the ability to transform into Kamen Rider Faiz via the Signal Legend Faiz Bike along with himself being able to use the Faiz Axel Watch as an activation switch for Shocker's time loops. Thankfully, in the final confrontation between the Kamen Riders against the Great Leader himself, the real Takumi had managed to land a powerful shot that had successfully destroyed the Faiz Axel Watch during another activation process which had, in turn, finally defeated the Great Leader himself along with putting an end to Shocker's nefarious scheme for good albeit at the cost of Takumi himself sacrificing his existence due to the now permanently destroyed History Modifying Machine no longer keeping him alive.
  • Hilchameleon (ヒルカメレオン, Hirukamereon, Kamen Rider 80-98): The hybrid leech/chameleon monster form of General Black, he was the main commander of Shocker in the alternate timeline itself before he was eventually killed by Kamen Rider Dead Heat Mach during the final battle. Unfortunately, surviving remnants of Shocker had managed to recover still functioning components of the History Modifying Machine and had activated the machine itself which would trap the world itself in a time loop that is under the aforementioned organization's control that had, in turn, resurrected him back to life as well as giving him the ability to bring himself back to life over and over again as long as the History Modifying Machine is still operational. Thankfully, in the final time loop before the machine itself was permanently destroyed by the Kamen Riders, he was destroyed for the final time by Kamen Rider Faiz's Sparkle Cut.

Shocker Kaijin[]

  • Cheetahkatatsumuri (チーターカタツムリ, Chītā Katatsumuri, lit. "Cheetah Snail"): A hybrid snail/cheetah monster, he was originally the monster form of an alternate timeline version of Genpachiro Otta who was a member of Shocker in said alternate timeline as well as being the one who had killed Kamen Rider Mach during the final battle before he himself was then killed by Kamen Riders 1, 2 and 3. Although Genpachiro himself was resurrected back to life and was restored back to his normal self once the timeline itself had been mostly restored, surviving remnants of Shocker had managed to recover still functioning components of the History Modifying Machine and had activated the machine itself which would, in turn, trap the world itself in a time loop that is under the aforementioned organization's control. As a result, Cheetahkatatsumuri would be resurrected as a completely seperate being as well as being given the ability to bring himself back to life over and over again as long as the History Modifying Machine is still operational. Thankfully, in the final time loop before the machine itself was permanently destroyed by the Kamen Riders, he was destroyed for the final time by Kamen Rider Dead Heat Mach's Full Throttle.
  • Arimammoth (アリマンモス, Arimanmosu): A hybrid ant/mammoth monster, he would first appear in one of Shocker's time loops that had been unleashed by the recovered History Modifying Machine as part of their contingency plan to regain the power that they had lost as a result of their recent defeat in Super Hero Taisen GP. Not only that, he also has the ability to bring himself back to life over and over again whenever he had been defeated in battle as long as the History Modifying Machine is still operational. Thankfully, in the final time loop before the machine itself was permanently destroyed by the Kamen Riders, he was destroyed for the final time by Kamen Rider Zeronos' Altair Form's Full Charge.

Air Force[]

  • Shocker Air Force (ショッカー空軍, Shokkā Kūgun): Shocker's first ever air squadron which consists of Shocker Combatmen that act as pilots of planes which comprises the aforementioned squadron as well as the squadron itself being led by Kamen Rider 4. Eventually, during the final time loop before the machine itself was permanently destroyed by the Kamen Riders, the entire squadron was destroyed by both the Booster Tridoron and the ZeroLiner.

Kamen Riders[]

Recovering the History Modifying Machine after history is restored, Shocker creates the robotic Kamen Rider 4. Later on, after Kamen Rider 4 had been deployed into combat along with Shocker continuing to imprison the world itself in a time loop that was under the aforementioned organization's control, he would be supported by four more Kamen Riders that had been recreated by Shocker itself. Eventually, during the final time loop before the machine itself was permanently destroyed by the Kamen Riders, Kamen Rider 4 was eventually destroyed by a supercharged version of Kamen Rider Drive Type Formula's Formuladrop while the four supporting Kamen Riders themselves were eventually destroyed for the final time by both Kamen Rider Zeronos and Kamen Rider Mach with both Kamen Rider Baron and Kamen Rider Sasword being destroyed by Kamen Rider Zeronos' Zero Form's Buster Nova Full Charge as well as both Kamen Rider Dark Kiva and Kamen Rider Ouja being destroyed by Kamen Rider Dead Heat Mach's Hit Macher Full Throttle.

Kamen Rider 4 Unnamed cyborg
Kamen Rider Baron Unknown
Kamen Rider Ouja Unknown
Kamen Rider Sasword Unknown
Kamen Rider Dark Kiva Unknown

Kamen Rider Ghost: Special Event[]

Shadow Moon Nobuhiko Akizuki
Shocker Rider No.3 Shocker Rider No.3
Kamen Rider Ouja Takeshi Asakura
Kamen Rider Ryuga Mirror Image Shinji
Kamen Rider Kaixa Masato Kusaka
Kamen Rider Orga Yuji Kiba
Kamen Rider Kabuki Kabuki
Kamen Rider Nega Den‑O Negataros
Kamen Rider Eternal Katsumi Daido
Kamen Rider Marika Yoko Minato
Kamen Rider Dark Drive Paradox

Membership (Kamen Rider 1)[]

Shocker still exists internationally and aims to rebuild its power base in Japan 45 years following Takeshi Hongo's first remodelling surgery, with the original Kamen Rider still fighting them across the world. Their plot is to revive their fallen executive, Jigoku Taishi, an ambition troubled by the emergence of a new organization, Nova Shocker, established and led by a former Shocker member, the cyborg Urga.

  • Jigoku Taishi (地獄大使 53-62, 64-67 & 69-79): An executive member of Shocker who was originally the commander of the aforementioned organization's Southeast Asian branch, he has the ability to transform into Garagaranda, a rattlesnake monster who can burrow underground as well as having a whip in place of one of his arms that he could use as a weapon. Not only that, he was also previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1 with his original demise motivating the Great Leader himself to disband the organization itself in order to replace it with its' supposedly powerful successor, Gel-Shocker. Many years later, while he was in the afterlife, his spirit had met a mysterious hooded figure who had told him about the Eyecons and gave him the Alexander Gamma Eyecon so that he could use it as part of his plan to restore the organization itself to its' full glory as well as helping Shocker to finally achieve their unwavering goal of world domination at long last. Furthermore, as a side effect of the resurrection process that he had undergone in order to successfully bring himself back to life, Jigoku Taishi's ability to transform into Garagaranda has been modified so that he would be able to retain his signature outer armor whenever he had transformed into his monster form. Unfortunately, while he and his allies had succeeded in extracting the Alexander Eyecon from the body of a young girl that they had chosen as said Eyecon's host, the Alexander Eyecon was taken by Nova Shocker's leader, Urga, so that he could use it as part of his nefarious schemes. Due to the dire circumstances that surrounds the current situation in question, he was forced to team up with Kamen Rider Ghost, Kamen Rider Specter and his arch nemesis, Kamen Rider 1, in order to finally defeat Nova Shocker. Eventually, after all of Nova Shocker has been destroyed, he had subsequently collected the Alexander Eyecon which had been left behind as a result of Urga's death. Fortunately, due to himself witnessing the power of the Alexander Eyecon consuming the leader of Nova Shocker himself when it was utilized by him, Jigoku Taishi decided that the Eyecon itself was not worth using before he then proceeded to destroy the Eyecon in question. However, even after the final battle is finally over, the aforementioned executive is still eager to challenge his arch nemesis for a fight albeit he is now fatally wounded as a result of Urga Alexander's assault as well as Takeshi Hongo choosing to walk away and telling him that he deserves a nice, long rest. Thus, to his dismay, Jigoku Taishi could do nothing except watch his arch nemesis riding away from the scene in question as his life finally expires due to the sustained damage that his body had received from the aforementioned final battle.
  • Beaded Lizard Man (毒トカゲ男, Dokutokage Otoko, 58): A frilled lizard monster who was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Many years later, after his original demise, he was resurrected back to life at some point prior to 2016 in order for him to serve as one of the aforementioned organization's members once more. Not only that, some time later after he was resurrected back to life, in the year 2013, the spirit of Jigoku Taishi himself had came to him while he was in a dark and creepy forest who then told him about his eventual resurrection which would take place 3 years later as well as ordering him to capture a young girl named Mayu Tachibana who would be sacrificed to Jigoku Taishi himself once he had been resurrected. As a result, he had spearheaded the mission of kidnapping Mayu Tachibana so that she could be sacrificed to Jigoku Taishi once he had been resurrected back to life in the year 2016 as part of the aforementioned organization's plan to restore itself to its' full glory and help Shocker finally achieve their unwavering goal of world domination at long last. Unfortunately, for him, during a fight that had eventually ensued between Shocker, Nova Shocker and the Kamen Riders, he was eventually destroyed by the leader of Nova Shocker himself, Urga.
  • Siomaneking (シオマネキング, Shiomanekingu, 72 & 73): A fiddler crab monster who was previously destroyed by both Kamen Rider 1 and Kamen Rider 2. Many years later, after his demise at the hands of the Double Riders, he was resurrected back to life at some point prior to 2016 in order for him to serve as one of the aforementioned organization's members once more. Confronting three of the five Zyuohgers, he intends to kidnap them in order to convert them into Shocker's cyborgs before he was then confronted by Kamen Rider Ghost himself who had been pursuing him. The combined power of the four superheroes in question was too much for the aforementioned monster and thus, he was defeated by them. However, acting on Ginis' request, Naria had force-fed him a Continue medal which had resurrected him and caused him to grow into gigantic proportions. Fortunately, he was then defeated in battle by ZyuohWild 6*2*3. Some time later, he was resurrected back to life, once again, so that he could continue his service as a member of Shocker and thus, he had participated in Shocker's plans of kidnapping Mayu Tachibana as part of the aforementioned organization's goals in restoring itself to its' full glory. In the end, while he and a platoon of troops that he was leading was carrying out another attempt to kidnap the young girl in question, he was eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider 1.
  • Ganikoumoru (ガニコウモル, Ganikōmoru, 78-80): A hybrid crab/bat monster who was a member of Geldam as well as having participated in the formation of Shocker's successor organization, Gel-Shocker, he was previously destroyed by Kamen Rider 1. Many years later, after his original demise, he was resurrected back to life at some point prior to 2016 in order for him to serve the original Shocker as one of its' members. Eventually, he had taken part in a nefarious scheme to resurrect one of the organization's previously defeated higher-ups, Jigoku Taishi, back to life in order to restore the organization to its' full glory and help Shocker finally achieve their unwavering goal of world domination at long last. However, he had then decided to defect to Nova Shocker whom he had deemed as a much stronger team than Shocker and it was thanks to his betrayal that Nova Shocker had interfered with Shocker's plans of utilizing the Alexander Eyecon. In the end, during the ensuing three-way battle between Shocker, Nova Shocker and the Kamen Riders, he was, once again, destroyed by his arch nemesis, Kamen Rider 1.
  • Yamaarashi-Roid (ヤマアラシロイド, Yamaarashi-roido, Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!): A porcupine monster who was a member of the Underground Empire Badan, he was destroyed many years ago by Kamen Rider 1 while he was participating in a nefarious scheme that was being carried out by members of Badan themselves. Many years later, after his demise, he was resurrected by members of Shocker in order for him to serve the organization itself as one of its' members in the present day. Unfortunately, when he was carrying out an evil plan that involves collecting as many humans as he can in order to prepare Jigoku Taishi's resurrection, he was confronted by Zyuoh Eagle and Kamen Rider Ghost before he was then destroyed by both superheroes in question.
  • Zanjioh (ザンジオー, Zanjiō, Kamen Rider VS Shocker): A salamander monster who was previously destroyed by both Kamen Rider 1 and Kamen Rider 2. Many years later, after his demise at the hands of the Double Riders, he was resurrected back to life at some point prior to 2016 in order for him to serve as one of the aforementioned organization's members once more. Eventually, during a fight against one of his arch enemies, Kamen Rider 1, which had taken place at some foreign country, he was killed by the aforementioned Kamen Rider off-screen along with the troops that he was leading during the battle in question.
  • Shocker Combatmen (ショッカー戦闘員, Shokkā Sentōin, 1-80): For as late as 2016, Shocker Combatmen are still acting as the aforementioned organization's foot soldiers as they continue to participate in countless battles against Shocker's arch nemesis, Kamen Rider 1, around the world. Eventually, when the new organization, Nova Shocker, had emerged, approximately more than half of the organization's remaining combatmen had defected to Nova Shocker as its' new members.

Membership (Chou Super Hero Taisen)[]

As claimed by the Shocker Leader III himself, their real world counterparts were originally defeated by the Kamen Riders and the Super Sentai teams throughout the years but they had managed to preserve their essences in the Game World beforehand with said essences being used by the creator of a video game called Chou Super Hero Taisen as the enemies of its' bonus stage, Chou Shocker Taisen, as part of the aforementioned creator's plan to merge both the Game World and the real world with each other due to himself being unable to find anything in the real world interesting.

  • Shocker Leader III (ショッカー首領三世, Shokkā Shuryō Sansei): The "Boss" of Chou Shocker Taisen, he claims to be Shocker's current leader who was once defeated by the Kamen Riders but he had managed to preserve his essence in the Game World beforehand. His true form is the Oogumo Great Leader (大蜘蛛大首領, Ōgumo Daishuryō, lit. Giant Spider Great Leader), a spider-themed monster who retains the use of his twin dual swords. Due to himself somehow managing to form an alliance with the Space Shogunate Jark Matter, he had utilized a red colored variant of a Big Moraimars which can transform into a variant of a Moraimars Robo called a Big Moraimars Robo during the final battle itself. In the end, both he and his Big Moraimars Robo had been destroyed by both Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Maximum Gamer Level 99 and the Kyurangers.
  • Garagaranda (ガラガランダ Kamen Rider 53-62, 64-67 & 69-79): The rattlesnake monster form of Jigoku Taishi, an artificial iteration of the real Garagaranda had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, he along with several past adversaries of the Kamen Riders had confronted the Zyuohgers but he was defeated by Zyuoh Eagle before he as well as his supporting comrades had been rendered helpless by Zyuoh The World as well as being subsequently destroyed by the 5 Zyuohgers themselves.
  • Shocker Combatmen (ショッカー戦闘員, Shokkā Sentōin, Kamen Rider 1-80): Shocker's signature foot soldiers, a pack of them had appeared as part of the army itself before the aforementioned army was ultimately wiped out by a combined force of Kamen Riders and Sentai Rangers.
  • Space Shocker
    • Space Ika Devil (スペースイカデビル, Supēsu Ikadebiru, Super Hero Taisen Z): A reincarnation of Ika Devil who is the squid monster form of Dr Shinigami, an artificial iteration of the real Space Ika Devil had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, he along with several past adversaries of the Kamen Riders had confronted the Zyuohgers but he was defeated by Zyuoh Lion before he as well as his supporting comrades had been rendered helpless by Zyuoh The World as well as being subsequently destroyed by the 5 Zyuohgers themselves.
  • Over Lord Inves
    • Redyue (レデュエ Gaim 24-29, 31-36 & 38-41): A member of the Femushinmu Planet's Over Lord Inves, an artificial iteration of the real Redyue had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, she along with several past adversaries of the Kamen Riders had confronted the Zyuohgers but she was defeated by Zyuoh Tiger before she as well as her supporting comrades had been rendered helpless by Zyuoh The World as well as being subsequently destroyed by the 5 Zyuohgers themselves.
  • Roidmudes
    • Paradox Roidmude (パラドックスロイミュード, Paradokkusu Roimyūdo, Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Future): The super evolved form of Roidmude 108 who is a member of the Roidmudes, an artificial iteration of the real Paradox Roidmude had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, he along with several past adversaries of the Kamen Riders had confronted the Zyuohgers but he was defeated by Zyuoh Elephant before he as well as his supporting comrades had been rendered helpless by Zyuoh The World as well as being subsequently destroyed by the 5 Zyuohgers themselves.
  • Amazonz
    • Bat Amazon (コウモリアマゾン, Kōmori Amazon, Amazons Season 1; 1 & 2, 12 & 13): A bat-themed variant of a species of monsters called Amazonz, an artificial iteration of a real Bat Amazon had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, it along with several past adversaries of the Kamen Riders had confronted the Zyuohgers but it was defeated by Zyuoh Shark before it as well as its' supporting comrades had been rendered helpless by Zyuoh The World as well as being subsequently destroyed by the 5 Zyuohgers themselves.
  • Black Cross ArmyIcon-crosswiki
  • VaglassIcon-crosswiki
    • BuglarsIcon-crosswiki (バグラー, Bagurā, Go-Busters): The Vaglass' signature foot soldiers, a pack of them had appeared as part of the army itself before the aforementioned army was ultimately wiped out by a combined force of Kamen Riders and Sentai Rangers.
  • Neo Deboth ArmyIcon-crosswiki
  • Evil Army Shadow LineIcon-crosswiki
  • Kibaoni Army CorpsIcon-crosswiki
    • Gengetsu KibaoniIcon-crosswiki (牙鬼幻月, Kibaoni Gengetsu, lit. "Fanged Oni Paraselene", Ninninger): The leader of the Kibaoni Army Corps, an artificial iteration of the real Gengetsu Kibaoni had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, both he and Zet Shin were destroyed by both Kamen Rider Snipe Hunter Gamer Level 5 and a team that consists of five Kamen Riders who are in their final forms.
  • DeathgaliensIcon-crosswiki
    • Shin GinisIcon-crosswiki (シン・ジニス, Shin Jinisu, Zyuohger 41-48): The enhanced form of Ginis who is also the leader of the Deathgaliens, an artificial iteration of the real Ginis in his Shin form had appeared as a member of the Shocker army itself. During the final battle, both he and Raimein were destroyed by both Kamen Rider Para-DX Fighter Gamer Level 50 and a team that consists of five Sentai Red rangers who are in their super forms.
    • MoebasIcon-crosswiki (メーバ, Mēba, Zyuohger): The Deathgaliens' signature foot soldiers, a pack of them had appeared as part of the army itself before the aforementioned army was ultimately wiped out by a combined force of Kamen Riders and Sentai Rangers.

Membership (Kamen Sentai Gorider)[]

A mysterious monster named Totema had acted as the "Unbeatable boss" of a "Video game that cannot be cleared" which had been developed by Kuroto Dan himself some time in the past before his untimely demise. Totema has the ability to create an army of monsters that consists of several iterations of previously defeated adversaries of the Kamen Riders who are either members of Shocker or members of organizations that are in someway related to Shocker in order to support him in his fights against any and all of his opponents. All comprising members of the army itself have the ability to resurrect themselves back to life over and over again regardless of how many times they had been defeated by the Kamen Riders that Kuroto himself had gathered as part of his nefarious scheme to resurrect himself back to life.

However, once the Game World had been destroyed by Kazuma Kenzaki's powers as a Joker Undead, the army itself was assembled by Totema one last time under the leadership of both Kamen Rider Genm Zombie Gamer and the monster in question before the aforementioned army was subsequently wiped out for the final time by both Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Maximum Gamer Level 99 and the second Kamen Sentai Gorider.

  • Kuroto Dan/Kamen Rider Genm - Leader
  • Totema - Creator and Second-in-command
  • Shocker Greeed (ショッカーグリード, Shokkā Gurīdo, Let's Go Kamen Riders): An eagle-themed Greeed who was created by Shocker through the unification process of a Core Medal called the Shocker Medal and a Cell Medal that had been dropped by a Greeed named Ankh when both Ankh himself and Kamen Rider OOO had time travelled to the past.
  • Shocker Combatmen (ショッカー戦闘員, Shokkā Sentōin, Kamen Rider 1-80): Shocker's signature foot soldiers which normally come in large groups as they support their superiors in their nefarious schemes.
  • Hilchameleon (ヒルカメレオン, Hirukamereon, Kamen Rider 80-98): The hybrid leech/chameleon monster form of General Black who was the main commander of Shocker's successor organization, Gel-Shocker.
  • Experimental Wolf Man (実験用狼男, Jikken-yō Ōkami Otoko, Kamen Rider 39): An experimental wolf monster who was created by a manmade virus called the Wolf Virus with said virus being created by the organization itself as part of one of Shocker's nefarious schemes many years ago.
  • Destron
    • Kani Laser (カニレーザー, Kani Rēzā, V3 13-30): The crab monster form of Doctor G who can shoot laser beams from his head.
  • Underground Empire Badan
  • Foundation X
  • Space Shocker
    • Space Ika Devil (スペースイカデビル, Supēsu Ikadebiru, Super Hero Taisen Z): A squid monster who is one of Space Shocker's high commanders as well as being the reincarnation of Ika Devil who was the squid monster form of Dr. Shinigami, one of the original Shocker's generals.
    • Space Man Spider (スペース蜘蛛男, Supēsu Kumo Otoko, Super Hero Taisen Z): A spider monster who is one of Space Shocker's high commanders as well as being the reincarnation of Man Spider, one of the original Shocker's kaijins.
  • Nova Shocker
    • Urga (ウルガ, Uruga, Kamen Rider 1): A hyena monster who was originally a member of Shocker before he had quit the organization itself in order to form a splinter organization called Nova Shocker with himself as said splinter organization's leader.
    • Buffal (バッファル, Buffaru, Kamen Rider 1): A condor monster who was originally a member of Shocker before he had quit the organization itself in order to become a member of Nova Shocker, a splinter organization that was formed and led by fellow former Shocker member, Urga.

Gallery (Original Series)[]

Gallery (Let's Go Kamen Riders)[]

Gallery (Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3)[]