Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-krThis article is about a type of episode in the Kamen Rider Series.

While many Riders do a special holiday-themed one-shot, others incorporate the holidays as the beginning of the series end-game storyline.

The only series to not have such an episode are Kamen Rider X, Stronger, Decade, & both seasons of Amazons as their runs were cut short and didn't reach the New Year (for the case of Decade & Amazons, the series were planned to be way shorter than average).

List of Episodes[]

Showa Riders[]

Phase 1[]

Phase 2[]

Phase 3[]

Heisei Riders[]

Phase 1[]

Phase 2[]

Reiwa Riders[]

See also[]


  1. This episode was supposed to air January 8, 1989, the day following Emperor Hirohito's death and the start of Heisei Era, but was postponed to January 15, 1989, as it was a national week of mourning

All items (34)
