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Icon-ryukiThis article is about a race of monsters in Kamen Rider Ryuki.

The Mirror Monsters (ミラーモンスター, Mirā Monsutā) are the inhabitants of the Mirror World. They were created by Shiro Kanzaki using from the drawings that he and his sister, Yui Kanzaki, made in their childhood. As these creatures have no true life of their own, they prey on humans and feed on their life force to survive. The only human they do not attack is Yui herself, as they are obedient to Kanzaki. Rogue Mirror Monsters who attack Yui are destroyed either by Kamen Rider Odin or a loyal Mirror Monster who serves Kanzaki. Mirror Monsters can also be contracted by a humans with an Card Deck in order for them to become one of the thirteen Kamen Riders, protecting the user as long as they are allowed to feed on the other Mirror Monsters the Rider defeats.

Mirror Monsters[]

Once a Mirror Monster is confined, it forms a Contract with the Rider who captured it. However, the Contract Monsters can turn on their human partners if their Vent Deck is destroyed or should they decide to quit being Riders and thus starve the monster of the energy it would receive from absorbing the energies of other Monsters. Contract Monsters do have a sense of loyalty to their human partners (examples include Darkwing, Blancwing, Deswilder, and Magnugiga) but at the same time some will get angry at their Rider when forced to do something they choose not to do (Dragreder and Gigazelle are prime examples mainly due to the attitudes of their Riders). Then, there are those who completely show utter hatred for their Rider. In Ouja's case, after acquiring Metalgelas and Evildiver; his monsters constantly attack him. However, his unstable mentality and wild personality is more than enough to tame all three of his "pets." Beforehand, Metalgelas and Evildiver loyally served Gai and Raia respectively.

  • Dragreder (ドラグレッダー, Doragureddā, Japanese Dragon): Contract Monster under Ryuki, later gained enough power to evolve into Dragranzer (ドラグランザー, Doraguranzā). Survived its master in the TV series.
  • Darkwing (ダークウイング, Dāku'uingu, Bat): Knight's Contract Monster, later gained enough power to evolve into Darkraider (ダークレイダー, Dākureidā).
  • Volcancer (ボルキャンサー, Borukyansā, Crab): Scissors' Contract Monster, it turned on its master and devoured Scissors when his Vent Buckle was destroyed. Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick with Darkwing absorbing the monster after Dragreder was told not to.
  • Magnugiga (マグナギガ, Magunagiga, Buffalo/Minotaur): A giant Ox-like robot (with a humanoid appearance similar to a minotaur) that is Kamen Rider Zolda's Contract Monster. This monster was destroyed by Ouja's Doomsday in the series.
  • Evildiver (エビルダイバー, Ebirudaibā, Stingray): A flying mechanical Stingray monster that was originally Kamen Rider Raia's Contract Monster. It becomes a Contract Monster under Ouja when it attempted to avenge its master in vain.
  • Metalgelas (メタルゲラス, Metarugerasu, Rhinoceros): An armored humanoid Rhinoceros monster that was originally Kamen Rider Gai's Contract Monster. It becomes a Contract Monster under Ouja when it attempted to avenge its master in vain.
  • Venosnaker (ベノスネーカー, Benosunēkā, Cobra): A giant mechanical Cobra monster that is Kamen Rider Ouja's Contract Monster.
    • Genocider (ジェノサイダー, Jenosaidā, Chimera): A chimeric Mirror Monster made up of Venosnaker, Metalgelas, and Evildiver. This monster was destroyed in Episode Final by Ryuga's version of the Dragon Rider Kick.
  • Destwilder (デストワイルダー, Desutowairudā, Tiger): Tiger's Contract Monster. Survived its master and later destroyed by Ryuki Survive's Dragon Firestorm
  • Gigazelle (ギガゼール, Gigazēru, Gazelle): Originally rogue Mirror Monsters, they became Imperer's Contracts.
  • Goldphoenix (ゴルドフェニックス, Gorudofenikkusu, Phoenix): Odin's Contract Monster.
  • Biogreeza (バイオグリーザ, Baiogurīza, Chameleon): Verde's Contract Monster.
  • Blancwing (ブランウイング, Buran'uingu, Swan): Femme's Contract Monster.
  • Dragblacker (ドラグブラッカー, Doraguburakkā, Japanese Dragon): Ryuga's Contract Monster, a dark version of Dragreder. Was destroyed alongside its master.

  • Psyco-Rogue (サイコローグ, Saikorōgu, Cricket): Alternative Zero's Contract Monster. Survived its master upon being controlled by Yui, it was weakened by Ryuki's Dragclaw Fire to be destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan.

  • Abyssodon (アビソドン, Abisodon, Shark): A mechanical shark Mirror Monster made up of Abysshammer and Abysslasher. Destroyed by Decade and Ryuki Dragreder.
    • Abysshammer (アビスハンマー, Abisuhanmā, Hammerhead Shark): One of Abyss' Contract Monsters.
    • Abysslasher (アビスラッシャー, Abisurasshā, Saw Shark): One of Abyss' Contract Monsters.

Wild Monsters are the Mirror Monsters that are not contracted to Kamen Riders.

Gulds are Kanzaki's bird-like Mirror Monsters, serving him in maintaining the Rider War by eliminating those who refuse to fight or interfere in his affairs.

  • GuldThunder (ガルドサンダー, Garudosandā): A Phoenix-like monster that murdered Yuichi under Kanzaki's orders. Used by Kanzaki to attack Raia. Destroyed by Raia's Hide Venom. The monster was origanally supposed to be Yuichi's Contract Monster for Raia.
  • GuldStorm (ガルドストーム, Garudosutōmu): A Turkey-like monster with a tomahawk weapon. Destroyed by Tiger's Crystal Break. Another was used by Kanzaki to save Yui from Psyco-Rogue before being used to target Kagawa's family to blackmail him into giving up the Alternative Zero Deck, but the monster was quickly driven away by Dragranzer.
  • GuldMirage (ガルドミラージュ, Garudomirāju): A Peacock-like monster. Destroyed by Ryuki Survive's Meteorbullet.

Mirror Monsters modeled after dragonflies appear in large numbers during the final days of the Rider War.

  • Sheerghosts (シアゴースト, Shiagōsuto): A larval stage able to shoot silk from its mouth to capture prey or attach to surfaces and raise itself into the air.
  • Raydragoons (レイドラグーン, Reidoragūn): The mature form of the Sheerghosts after they transform, granting them the ability to fly using the wings in their head.
  • Hydragoons (ハイドラグーン, Haidoragūn): A further evolved form of the Raydragoons.

A race of Spider-like Mirror Monsters. Though one type appeared in the show, many more human-types appeared in the 13 Riders special. The spiders also aid other Spiders when needed during battles.

  • Dispider (ディスパイダー, Disupaidā): The first of the Mirror Monsters Shinji encountered, a giant gold and white Spider-like monster that targeted women like Ida Megumi. Though destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan, Dispider wasn't absorbed by Darkwing and was reformed into a centauriform version of itself named Dispider Reborn (ディスパイダー・リ・ボーン, Disupaidā Ri Bōn), now attacking men as well. It was finally destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick and absorbed by Drageder. In 13 Riders, Dispider was the Mirror Man's final defense, devouring Gai before being destroyed by Knight Survive's Shippu Dan.
  • Mispider (ミスパイダー, Misupaidā): A purseweb spider monster that dragged Shinji into the Mirror World to eat until the first Kamen Rider Ryuki inferred. Despite receiving aid from Respider, Mispider was destroyed by the previous Ryuki's Dragclaw Fire. Another appeared, attempting to eat a young girl, but was killed by the Riders during the fight.
  • Respider (レスパイダー, Resupaidā): A Jorō Spider monster that came to Mispider's aid in fighting the previous Ryuki before he gave his Vent to Shinji. Respider was destroyed by Ryuki's Dragsaber. Another appeared to aid another Mispider and a third Solospider, both were killed by the Riders during each fight.
  • Solospider (ソロスパイダー, Sorosupaidā): A green-armored Tetragnatha praedonia monster that fought Ryuki and Scissors until it was destroyed by Ryuki Survive's Meteorbullet. A second appeared to fight the Riders when they got near to the Mirror Man.

Humanoid gazelle-like Mirror Monsters that usually attack in groups, sneaky and blindingly fast with the ability to jump distances. Despite being rogue mirror monsters, they usually travel with Kamen Rider Imperer because of his contract to Gigazelle.

  • Gigazelle (ギガゼール, Gigazēru): The soldier Zelles. The first one appeared in episode 3 to attack a girl and was destroyed by Ryuki's Dragclaw Fire, another appeared and was destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick in the next episode. A third quickly appeared and was destroyed by Zolda's Gigalauncher without trouble. By episode 39, as a prelude to Imperer's arrival, a dozen Gigazelle attacked until they were all wiped out by Ryuki Survive's Dragon Firestorm. A Gigazelle appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special before being destroyed by Ouja's Veno Crash.
  • Megazelle (メガゼール, Megazēru): A Zelle that devoured a school teacher before Ren could stop it. Destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan and absorbed by Darkwing.
  • Negazelle (ネガゼール, Negazēru): Interfered in the fight between Ouja & Knight Survive. Killed by Knight Survive's Shippu Dan. Negazelle appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special, among those destroyed by Zolda's End of World.
  • Omegazelle (オメガゼール, Omegazēru): Wielded a staff. Targeted Shinji and Ren while they were unable to transform in episodes 24 & 25; later destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick. Another appeared in episode 39 leading a pack of Gigazelles, and was destroyed by Ryuki Survive's Dragon Firestorm.
  • Magazelle (マガゼール, Magazēru): Brown-gold Zelle types. The first one encountered in episode 39 and destroyed by Tiger's Crystal Break. Another appeared in 44 was destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick.
  • Begazelle (ベガゼール, Begazēru) is an unused Mirror Monster that only appeared in Tamotsu Shinohara's artbook ICON.
  • Igazelle (イガゼール, Īgazēru): an unused Mirror Monster that only appeared in Tamotsu Shinohara's artbook ICON.

Zebra-like Mirror Monsters that are able to stretch their bodies by separating into vertically-stacked segments held together by an invisible force, using the blades on their forearms to slice and dice their prey.

  • Zebraskull Iron (ゼブラスカル・アイアン, Zeburasukaru Aian): A white-headed Mirror Monster that Zolda battled before it escaped him, Zebraskull Iron ran loose until it fought Ryuki and was killed by his Dragon Rider Kick.
  • Zebraskull Bronze (ゼブラスカル・ブロンズ, Zeburasukaru Buronzu): A black-headed servant to Zebraskull Iron, Bronze supported Iron until it was destroyed by Zolda's Gigalauncher.

Wild boar-like Mirror Monsters, they use their bodies as weapons in charge attacks.

  • Wildboarder (ワイルドボーダー, Wairudobōdā): First appearing when it rammed the Shimada's kidnapper into the mirror to devour, Wildboarder sets Shinji up as the crook, with Knight attempting to kill the monster when Zolda interfered. When the monster later tries to eat Yukari, Ryuki and Knight fight it until Zolda takes adventage to take them all out, with Wildboarder killed during the onslaught of Zolda's End of World.
  • Shieldboarder (シールドボーダー, Shīrudobōdā): Able to use its chest armor as a shield. Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick.

Longhorn beetle-like Mirror Monsters armed with boomerang sabers.

  • Zenobiter (ゼノバイター, Zenobaitā): A blue-colored male, he feasted on people in a train car on the Fukutoshin Line. Though he keep Ryuki from getting to his weapons, the monster is tricked as he is then destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick. A second Zenobiter appeared in episode 38, only to be destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan. A Zenobiter appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special, destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan.
  • Terabiter (テラバイター, Terabaitā): A red-colored female, she pursued Ejima, but was held at bay by the Seal Card he had on his person. Once he lost the card, Terabiter almost devoured him when Shinji and Ren came to his aid in time. Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick and Knight's Hishou Zan, absorbed by Darkwing. Terabiter appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Battle Video special, among those destroyed in Zolda's End of World.

Squid-type Mirror Monsters:

  • Bakraken (バクラーケン, Bakurāken): Attacked the surviving member of the computer club. Destroyed by Gai's Heavy Pressure.
  • Wiskraken (ウィスクラーケン, Wisukurāken): Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick. A second Wiskraken appeared in episode 38, only to be destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan.

Humanoid Shark Mirror Monsters that are able to use water based attacks. In Kamen Rider Decade, both of these shark Mirror Monsters are contracted to Kamen Rider Abyss.

  • Abysshammer (アビスハンマー, Abisuhanmā): A hammerhead shark monster that targeted a client of Kitaoka. Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick and Zolda's Gigalauncher. Abysshammer appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special, among those destroyed in Zolda's End of World.
  • Abysslasher (アビスラッシャー, Abisurasshā): A shark monster that targeted a child, Takuya. Destroyed by Knight Survive's Shippu Dan. Abysslasher appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special, destroyed by Ouja's Veno Crash.

Humanoid bee Mirror Monsters that usually attack in groups. A trio of Buzzstingers first appear to target Mika, the only survivor of their attack on an ocean liner after being saved by Asakura to be used by him in order to feed his monsters. The trio were able to counter any Final Vent attack used against them until they were all killed by the simultaneous use of Ouja's Veno Crash, Knight's Hishou Zan and Zolda's Gigalauncher. Their essence was soon devoured by Venosnaker, Metalgelas, and Evildiver. A pair of Buzzstingers appeared in episode 37 to target Eri after she came out of her coma.

  • Buzzstinger Hornet (バズスティンガー・ホーネット, Bazusutingā Hōnetto): A red-armored hornet monster that used stinger-themed daggers.
  • Buzzstinger Wasp (バズスティンガー・ワスプ, Bazusutingā Wasupu): A blue-armored digger wasp monster that used a rapier.
  • Buzzstinger Bee (バズスティンガー・ビー, Bazusutingā Bī): A yellow-armored honeybee monster that used a bow and arrow.
  • Buzzstinger Broom (バズスティンガー・ブルーム, Bazusutingā Burūmu): A gold-armored carpenter bee monster. Destroyed by Knight Survive's Shippu Dan.
  • Buzzstinger Frost (バズスティンガー・フロスト, Bazusutingā Furosuto): A silver-armored scoliidae monster. Destroyed by Ryuki Survive's Dragon Firestorm.

These are unique Mirror Monsters that don't belong to a subgroup.

  • Deadlemur (デッドリマー, Deddorimā): A lemur monster that roamed around the elevators of Le Crock, starting the Non-Stop Elevator urban legend. Destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan and absorbed by Drageder. Deadlemur appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special, among those destroyed in Zolda's End of World.
  • Gelnewt (ゲルニュート, Gerunyūto): A newt monster that wielded a shuriken as its weapon, possessed great agility, and could fire a rope of a sticky substance. Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick. Gelnewt appeared in Shinji's dream during the Hyper Video special, among those destroyed in Zolda's End of World. In the Decade/Den-O crossover, Gelnewts curiously appeared as a trio of speaking footsoldiers.
  • Sonorabuma (ソノラブーマ, Sonorabūma): A cicada monster that abducted Reiko and Mamika. Was kicked by Ryuki into the mirror & killed by Zolda's Gigalauncher and Knight's Hishou Zan. A second Sonorabuma appeared in episode 38, only to be destroyed by Knight's Hishou Zan.
  • Brobajell (ブロバジェル, Burobajeru): A jellyfish monster that used the electrodes on its forearms to kill its prey. Destroyed by Ryuki's Dragon Rider Kick.
  • Fake Kamen Rider Agito (偽仮面ライダーアギト, Nise Kamen Raidā Agito): Labeled as the ruler of the "Miracle World", he was a mirror version of Kamen Rider Agito in Burning Form. He gathered the Mirror Monsters in a plan to destroy the Kamen Riders, which confused Ryuki to see the monsters actually use teamwork. But once Agito arrived, Ryuki found out his Dragon Rider Kick had no effect on the fake Agito. Though it took Ryuki and Agito's Double Rider Kick to kill him, Imit-Agito was actually a dream and nothing more.

Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight[]

Main article: Mirror Monsters (Dragon Knight)

In Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight, the Mirror Monsters are the servants of Xaviax who creates them through unknown means. The Gelnewts, the Sheerghosts and Raydragoons were adapted as his foot soldiers.

A.R. Worlds[]

World of Ryuki[]

The Mirror Monsters also reside in the Mirror World in the A.R. World of Ryuki. They often come into contact with the Kamen Riders of this reality. [Battle Trial: Ryuki World] [Super Trick of the Real Criminal]

  • GuldThunder (ガルドサンダー, Garudosandā): A red Fenghuang monster in a Phoenix-shaped helmet. It is shown briefly fighting Kamen Rider Ryuki alongside Omegazelle and Zebraskull Bronze.
  • Zebraskull Bronze (ゼブラスカル・ブロンズ, Zeburasukaru Buronzu): A black-headed zebra monster. It is shown briefly fighting Kamen Rider Ryuki alongside GuldThunder and Omegazelle.
  • Megazelle (メガゼール, Megazēru): A blue and yellow gazelle monster that often appears when Kamen Rider Imperer summons it.
  • Negazelle (ネガゼール, Negazēru): A gazelle/cape buffalo monster that often appears when Kamen Rider Imperer summons it.
  • Omegazelle (オメガゼール, Omegazēru): A gazelle/water buffalo monster that often appear when Kamen Rider Imperer summons it. One is briefly seen fighting Kamen Rider Ryuki alongside GuldThunder and Zebraskull Bronze.
  • Magazelle (マガゼール, Magazēru): A bighorn sheep/gazelle monster that often appears when Kamen Rider Imperer summons it.

The Contract Monsters are specific Mirror Monsters that are contracted to the Riders in this world.

  • Dragreder (ドラグレッダー, Doragureddā): A red mechanical Japanese dragon Contract Monster under Kamen Rider Ryuki
  • Darkwing (ダークウイング, Dākuuingu): A giant mechanical vampire bat-like Contract Monster under Kamen Rider Knight.
  • Volcancer (ボルキャンサー, Borukyansā): A mechanical humanoid crab-like Contract Monster under Kamen Rider Scissors.
  • Destwilder (デストワイルダー, Desutowairudā): An armored humanoid white tiger monster that is Kamen Rider Tiger's Contract Monster.
  • Gigazelle (ギガゼール, Gigazēru): A humanoid gazelle monster that is Kamen Rider Impaler's Contract Monster. It is often supported by the other Zelles.
  • Abysshammer (アビスハンマー, Abisuhanmā): A hammerhead shark monster with machine guns and missile launchers that is one of Kamen Rider Abyss' two Contract Monsters. Kamen Rider Abyss' Final Vent enables Abysshammer and Abysslasher to combine into a giant shark called Abyssodon (アビソドン, Abisodon) which is when it is destroyed by Decade and Ryuki Dragreder.
  • Abysslasher (アビスラッシャー, Abisurasshā): A shark monster with two saw-like swords and water-spewing abilities that is one of Kamen Rider Abyss' two Contract Monsters. Kamen Rider Abyss' Final Vent enables Abysshammer and Abysslasher to combine into a giant shark called Abyssodon which is when it is destroyed by Decade and Ryuki Dragreder.

World of Negatives[]

Aside from Mirror Monsters in the World of Ryuki, the Raydragoons (レイドラグーン, Reidoragūn) are Dragonfly Mirror Monsters that live in the World of Negatives as Otoya's minions, taking the guise of normal humans. They are destroyed by Diend. [The Nega-World's Dark Riders] [The Walking All-Rider Album]

Later history[]


As one of the races of the Nine Worlds, the Mirror Monsters are part of the Dai-Shocker alliance, a coalition of all villain organizations fought by the Kamen Riders, who have ambitions to conquer the multiverse.

The Mirror Monsters Sheerghost, Raydragoons, and Psyco-Rogue, were part of the Dai-Shocker army that was fought and wiped out by a gathering of 25 Kamen Riders in the World of Decade after Dai-Shocker started their invasion of the worlds. [Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker]

The Mirror Monster Solospider was a member of the Dai-Shocker remnant, Super Shocker, that appeared in the World of the Rider War. [Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010]

Shocker Greeed[]

The Mirror Monsters were among the various evil organizations and monster races which were allied with Shocker in an alternate timeline where they conquered the world thanks to the Shocker Greeed. GuldStorm, Metalgelas, Volcancer, and Deadlemur were among Shocker's army of monsters. When all the Kamen Riders came back in 2011, Ryuki returned and defeated the Mirror Monsters allied with Shocker. [OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders]

Shocker-Zangyack Alliance[]

Mirror Monsters Brobajell and GuldMirage were part of the revived Dai-Shocker assembled by Decade to wipe out the Super Sentai, ensuring the survival of the Kamen Riders. After Dai-Shocker's alliance with Dai-Zangyack was revealed, both organizations were wiped out by a gathering of Kamen Riders and Super Sentai. [Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen]

Space Shocker[]

Two revived Mirror Monsters, Buzzstinger Wasp and Sonorabuma, were members of Space Shocker, an evil amalgamation organization similar to Dai-Shocker, which aimed to conquer the universe. It was actually a front for the revival of the Space Crime Syndicate Madou. [Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z]

World within the Magic Stone[]

The souls of defeated Mirror Monsters, among the other monster races fought by the Kamen Riders, surfaced in the world within the Magic Stone which was ruled by the evil wizard Amadum with Deadlemur, GuldThunder, a pair of Sheerghosts, three Buzzstingers (Hornet, Wasp and Bee) and a swarm of Hydragoons being part of said army of monsters. Amadum's army of monsters were fought and destroyed by the 15 Heisei Riders when they were summoned to this world. [The Kamen Rider Rings] [Neverending Story]


Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider Ryuki
The 13 Kamen Riders
Main Riders (TV Series): Shinji Kido - Ren Akiyama - Kamen Rider Zolda: (Shuichi Kitaoka - Goro Yura) - Takeshi Asakura - Kamen Rider Odin
Deceased Riders (TV Series): Masashi Sudo - Miyuki Tezuka - Jun Shibaura - Satoru Tojo - Mitsuru Sano
Movie/Special Exclusive: Koichi Sakakibara - Itsuro Takamizawa - Miho Kirishima - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Kamen Rider Abyss
Stageshow Exclusive: Kamen Rider Papillon - Kamen Rider Cerberus - Zebraskull Lady
The Alternatives
Hajime Nakamura - Hideyuki Kagawa
Transformation Devices
Card Decks - V Buckle - Advent Cards
Dragvisor - Darkvisor - Scissorsvisor - Magnuvisor - Evilvisor - Metalvisor - Venovisor - Destvisor - Gazellevisor - Biovisor - Blancvisor - Blackdragvisor - Goldvisor - Slashvisor - Abyssvisor
Sword Vents
Ridesaber - Dragsaber - Winglancer - Venosaber - Wingslasher - Goldsabers - Dragsaber (Ryuga) - Abysssaber - Slashdagger
Strike Vents
Dragclaw - Scissorspinch - Gigahorn - Metalhorn - Destclaws - Dragclaw (Ryuga) - Abyssclaw
Guard Vents
Dragshield - Wingwall - Shelldefense - Gigaarmor Wingshield - Dragshield (Ryuga) - Goldshield
Shoot Vents
Gigacannon - Gigalauncher
Swing Vents
Spin Vents
Hold Vents
Rideshooter - Dragranzer (Bike Mode) - Darkraider (Bike Mode) - Psycoroader
Kanzaki family
Yui Kanzaki - Shiro Kanzaki - Sanako Kanzaki
ORE Journal
Daisuke Okubo - Reiko Momoi - Nanako Shimada - Megumi Asano
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters: Dragreder - Darkwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Evildiver - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Genocider - Destwilder - Gigazelle (Contract Monster) - Goldphoenix - Biogreeza - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Psyco-Rogue
Wild Mirror Monsters: Spiders (Dispider - Mispider - Respider - Solospider) - Zelles (Gigazelle - Megazelle - Magazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Begazelle - Igazelle) - Zebraskulls (Iron - Bronze) - Boarders (Wildboarder - Shieldboarder) - Biters (Zenobiter - Terabiter) - Krakens (Bakraken - Wiskraken) - Gulds (GuldThunder - GuldStorm - GuldMirage) - Abyss (Abysshammer - Abysslasher - Abyssodon) - Buzzstingers (Hornet - Bee - Wasp - Frost - Broom) - Sheerghosts (Sheerghost - Raydragoon - Hydragoon) - Deadlemur - Gelnewt - Sonorabuma - Brobajell - Fake Kamen Rider Agito

All items (49)
