Death sadly comes for us all at some point in the real world. This category is to honor those who have contributed to the development and storytelling of this franchise and have passed on. This is so we can ensure that their hard work in tokusatsu is remembered by fans worldwide, so that future generations of fans can say..."Thank You".
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- Sayaka Kanda
- Scott Page-Pagter
- Sei Ashina
- Seiji Abe
- Seizo Fukumoto
- Seizo Kato
- Shigeru Araki
- Shinji Nakae
- Shion Nakamaru
- Shotaro Ishinomori
- Shozo Iizuka
- Shozo Uehara
- Shun Yashiro
- Shunsuke Kikuchi
- Sumie Sasaki
- Susumu Yoshikawa
- Tadao Futami
- Taiki Matsuno
- Takao Nagaishi
- Takashi Fujiki
- Takehisa Yamaguchi
- Takeshi Kuwabara
- Takeshi Watabe
- Tatsuhiko Takada
- Tatsuyuki Jinnai
- Terue Nunami
- Tetsu Masuda
- Tetsuya Asado
- Tetsuya Kaji
- Tohru Hirayama
- Toku Nishio
- Tomoyuki Dan
- Tsuyoshi Takishita